B. Grading

Grading on a site underlain by carbonate geology must be kept to a minimum.

i. Existing drainage patterns must be maintained.

ii. No significant alterations may be made to the runoff pattern.

iii. French drains are prohibited near existing surface drainage channels.

iv. Surface drainage channels shall not be materially affected by grading for and construction of roadways, driveways, structures, detention basins or other development improvements.

C. Location of Structures, Drainage Channels and French Drains

The applicant shall perform test borings (or an alternate testing procedure, such as resistivity testing or ground penetrating radar, which is approved by the Township) of the site in areas where structures are proposed. The test borings shall be layed out in a grid on 50 foot centers under the proposed structures - a minimum of two test borings shall be required under any structures which are less than 2,500 square feet in area. All boring holes shall be closed with concrete at the conclusion of the test procedures.

In the event that the preliminary plan does not indicate building locations, a minimum of two borings shall be provided within the buildable area of each proposed lot. In the event that the building is not built in the location in which the test borings were taken, new test borings must be performed in the location in which the building is to be located before the issuance of a building permit. The test borings or approved alternate procedures shall be made to determine the depth to bedrock and suitability of bedrock to support structures.

Test borings shall be conducted in accordance with American Society for Testing Materials D 1586, standard method for "penetration test and split barrel sampling of soils". Where intact rock and consolidated material is encountered, samples shall be secured in accordance with ASTM D 2113 for "diamond core drilling for site investigation." The location and depth of each test boring shall be satisfactory to the engineer providing the report required below. Test boring results shall be recorded on boring logs to include all information required in ASTM D 1586. Boring samples shall be obtained and bottled in accordance with ASTM D 1586. Samples shall be delivered to the Township Municipal Building. An interpretation of test borings shall be provided by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Pennsylvania and shall include a report of findings and recommendations with regard to building and site development construction requirements.

No structures of any kind, roads or driveways shall be constructed within one hundred (100) feet of:

(1) sinkholes

(2) closed depressions

(3) lineaments

(4) fracture traces

(5) caverns

(6) ghost lakes

(7) disappearing streams

(8) surface or subsurface pinnacles

(9) fissures

(10) faults

All drainage on the site shall be channeled away from them. French drains are prohibited within one hundred (100) feet of these features.

D. Location of Underground Transmission Lines and Pipelines

Auger borings (four (4) inch minimum) must be made along proposed underground conduit utility lines, wastewater lines; pipelines and stormwater and sanitary-sewer lines at an inter of 50 feet. These borings must be drilled to a minimum of 2 feet below the proposed pipe or conduit invert. Pipelines and conduit shall be laid out so that they do not intersect rock surface pinnacles, sinkholes, fissures, lineaments, faults, fracture traces or caverns.

A.dike of clay or other suitable material shall be constructed across the width of the trench at intervals of twenty (20) feet or less along all underground conduits, utility lines, wastewater lines, pipelines and stormwater and sanitary sewer lines.

E. Ghost Lakes (Closed Depressions)

Ghost lakes (closed depressions) may not be disturbed. They shall not be regraded, nor shall new construction or excavation be permitted within them.

Section 5.26 Standards for the Construction and Operation of Public Water systems

A. The intent of this Ordinance is to:

1. Promote the general health, welfare and safety of' the community.

2. Encourage the utilization of appropriate construction practices in order to provide water for fire protection and domestic consumption in the future.

3. Minimize danger to public health and safety by providing a public water system for fire protection and domestic consumption.

4. Reduce financial burdens imposed on the community, its governmental units, and its residents, by preventing the unwise design and construction of public water systems that will not provide sufficient water for fire protection and domestic consumption.

5. Specify minimum system sizes, flow rates, water storage capacity and construction materials that shall be used in the design and construction of a public water system.

6. Reduce the required parts inventory and increase the efficiency of maintenance by requiring that each type of appurtenance, or component, of the public water system be a standard design and model manufactured by one company.

B. This Ordinance, by reference, hereby incorporates the most recently published edition of the following standards pertaining to design, construction, ,,testing and maintenance of public water systems as part of this Ordinance:

1. Public Water Supply Manual, Bureau of Water Quality Management Publication No. 15 by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

2. Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) as modified.

3. American Water Works Association Standards and Manuals by the American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado, as follows: