b. Detention basins shall not be located closer than one hundred (100) feet from the rim Of sinkholes, closed depressions, ghost lakes or caverns nor one hundred (100) feet from disappearing streams; nor shall these basins be located closer than fifty feet from lineaments, fracture traces, fissures or faults; nor shall these basins be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from surface or subsurface pinnacles.

c. For the location of detention basins, the applicant shall determine the strike of the rock.

d. The applicant shall establish two trenches perpendicular to the strike of the bedrock. The trenches shall be ten (10) feet from the top of berm elevation of the facing sides of the proposed detention basin, and both ends of each trench should extend five (5) feet beyond the top of berm elevation of the proposed detention basin. The dimension of the proposed basin between the parallel trenches shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet measured from the top of berm elevation of one side to the top of berm elevation of the other side. Trenching shall be dug to a depth of two (2) feet below the intended floor of the basin. See Figure E.

e. The applicant shall notify the township engineer at least forty-eight hours before the trenching activity and the applicant shall not begin trenching until the township engineer- is there to observe the trenching.

f. Detention basins-shall not be located in an area where there are surface pinnacles, nor where subsurface pinnacles are encountered during trenching tests nor where they, are known to exist.

g. Outflow from a detention basin- shall not empty into or be-directed to any of the following carbonate features

h. Outflow from detention. basins shall be directed away from the geologic features mentioned in paragraph g.

i. Detention basins shall be designed so that they return to normal conditions within thirty-six (36) hours after the termination of the storm, unless the town engineer finds that downstream conditions warrant design criteria for stormwater release.

j. Seepage pits and retention basins are prohibited.