4. Additional standards incorporated by reference in 1, 2, 3 or as the Township Engineer may deem applicable to a particular design and construction detail.

C. If a referenced standard allows for more than one option, the option listed in this Ordinance shall govern the design and construction of the public water system. All standards referenced are to be the latest revision thereof. Interpretation of this Ordinance and standards as well as the choice of available option in the referenced standards shall be done by the Township Engineer.

D. Should dispute arise concerning the interpretation of the above standards as they relate to each other or to the minimum standards specified in this Ordinance, an initial determination shall be made by the Township Engineer. Any party aggrieved by this decision may appeal to the Solebury Township Board of Supervisors. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant.

E. The water storage system shall be an elevated gravity water storage system. Where high ground is available, the gravity water storage system shall be constructed at ground level on the high ground. If high ground is not available, the gravity water storage system shall be elevated in a manner acceptable to the Township Engineer and the Board of Supervisors.

F. The minimum water storage capacity of a tank in the public water system shall be 500,000 gallons or, sufficient to provide fire flow in accordance with the following table plus all other anticipated flow for I day; whichever is greater:

G. The water storage tank shall be set at an elevation which will provide a minimum of 20 pounds per square inch gage residual pressure throughout the water distribution system during periods of design flow rate.

H. The water storage system shall have a-fire hydrant installed at its base. The water storage system and the fire hydrant at its base shall have a paved access road leading to them and a paved turnaround area to make the water and fire hydrant accessible to fire trucks serving Solebury Township.

I. The general requirements for the water distribution system are that it shall:

1. be a looped system

2. be designed based upon fire flows determined from the Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow as amended and made a part of this Ordinance except that:

a. minimum fire flow rates in areas zoned R-1, R-2, or P shall be 500 gallons per minute.

b. minimum fire flow rates in all areas of Solebury Township zoned other than R-1, R-2, or P shall be 1,000 gallons per minute.

3.provide a residual pressure of 20 psig at all points in the distribution system during periods of design flow rate.

4.be constructed of Ductile Iron Pipe Cement Lined manufactured and installed in accordance with AWWA standards. Cement lining shall be double thickness.

5.be constructed of Ductile Iron Pipe Cement Lined having a diameter able to pass the design flow rate and maintain 20 psig residual pressures during periods of design flow rate except that:

a. water mains in or along Paunacussing Road, Carversville Road, Sawmill Road, Greenhill Road, Mechanicsville Road, Paxson Road, Upper York Road, Lower York Road, Stoney Hill Road, Windy Bush Road, Aquatong Road, Sugan Road, Kitchen's Lane, Phillips

Mill Road, River Road and Meeting House Road shall be a minimum diameter of 12 inches.

b. fire hydrant branches shall be 6 inches in diameter.

c. All other water mains shall be a minimum diameter of 8 inches.

6. be constructed using either mechanical joints or push-on joints conforming to AWWA C111.

7. be constructed using either gray iron or ductile iron fittings conforming to AWWA C110.

8. be constructed using gate valves conforming to AWWA C500.

9. be constructed using fire hydrants conforming to AWWA C502.

10. have gate valves installed along the water mains at such intervals and locations that no more than 800 lineal feet of water main shall have to be closed down in case of repairs to or breaks in the water main.

11. have fire hydrants installed:

a. at the base of each water storage reservoir.

b. at each high point and each low point along the water mains.

c. within 400 feet of all structures in all areas zoned other than R1, R-2 or P.

d. within 600 feet of all structures in areas zoned R-1, R-2 or P.

12. be mechanically anchored or installed with thrust blocks at locations approved by, or designated by, the Township Engineer.

13. be constructed with a minimum ground cover of 42 inches around the water main.

14. be installed and pressure tested in accordance with AWWA C600.

15. be flushed, disinfected and tested for bacteriologic quality in accordance with AWWA C601.

J. Water distribution system mains shall not begin or terminate under paved areas, within tax parcels, or in cul-de-sacs. It is intended that the water distribution system will ultimately be a looped system; therefore:

1. water distribution system mains within a land development area shall be extended to the outer limits of the land development property for connection to existing mains or possible future mains.

2. water distribution system mains shall be constructed along all existing roads abutting a land development for the full length of the existing roadway frontage.

K. Each user unit shall have its own water service line. Each water service line shall:

1. be connected to the water distribution system main with a corporation stop.

2. have a curb shut-off valve and valve box.

3. have a cold water meter of the displacement type equipped with a direct reading registration system complying with AWWA C700 and AWWA C706.

4. have the cold water meter installed inside the house and the direct reading registration meter mounted on the outside of the house at a location approved by the Township Engineer, or his designated representative.

L. All gate valves in the public water systems shall:

1. be manufactured and installed in compliance with the content of this Ordinance and AWWA C500.

2. be of the Metropolitan' New York Pattern type as manufactured by United States Pipe and Foundry Company.

3. be of the double-disc, parallel-seat, side-wedge and non-rising stem design.4. open to the left, counterclockwise.

5. have cast iron discs accurately machined to receive bronze disc seat rings. The disc seat ring surfaces in contact with the iron disc and the dovetail projections shall be fully machined and the disc rings shall be rolled, or pressed into the machined grooves on the iron discs and when secured in place a rough and finish cut shall be taken over the disc seat ring bearing surfaces.

6. have valve wedges made of bronze for valves 8 inch and smaller in size.

7. have valve wedges of cast iron bronze mounted construction for valves 10 inch and larger in size.

8. have the housing for the valve stem thrust collar accurately machined and fully bronze lined.

9. be provided with 10" ring seals. The ring seal plate shall be fitted with at least two (2) 10" rings, the lower 10" ring shall serve as the pressure seal, the upper "0" ring as the dirt seal. The design of the valve and seal plate shall be such that the seal plate can be fitted with new 10" rings while the valve is under pressure in the fully open position. The "PI' rings shall be a high quality compounded material as recommended by the valve manufacturer for potable water supplies.

10. be installed with a valve box having the word "water" cast in raised metal on its cover.

11. be furnished with sworn foundry certification of inspection and conformance to this Ordinance.

M. All fire hydrants in the public water system shall:

1. be manufactured and installed in compliance with this Ordinance and AWWA C502.

2. be Series H, Rotary Head, Safety Construction Hydrant Model No. H205 as manufactured by the United States Pipe and Foundry Company.

3. be of the post type, be self-draining, and have a dry standpipe (or barrel). The internal valve shall open against and close with the pressure. The design shall be such that all internal operating parts can be removed through the standpipe and the standpipe and main valve rod extended without excavating.

4. have an internal valve diameter of 5-1/4 inches.

5. have an inlet size of 6 inches.

6. be equipped with 1-1/4 inch I.D. Pumper Nozzle with National Standard Thread.

7. be equipped with 2 - 2-1/2 inch I.D. Hose Nozzles with National Standard Thread.

8. open to the left, counterclockwise; the direction of opening shall be noted by an "arrow" and the word "open" cast in raised metal on the hydrant bonnet.

9. have National Standard Pentagonal Operating Nut and Cap Nuts, measuring 1-1/2 inch from the point to the flat.

10. have a hydrant 10" ring type seal plate so constructed that a moisture proof lubricant chamber is provided which encloses the opening threads, thereby automatically lubricating the threads and bearing surfaces each time the hydrant is operated. The seal plate assembly shall be fitted with at least three 10" rings. The two lower "0" rings shall serve as pressure seals; the third '10" ring as a combined dirt and moisture seal to prevent foreign matter from entering the lubricant chamber. No part of the threaded section of stem shall be in the water-way when hydrant is open. The '10" rings shall be a high quality compounded material as recommended by the hydrant manufacturer for such rings. The lubricant shall have a temperature rating minus 50 degrees F, to plus 250 degrees F.

11. have standpipe sections connected at the groundline by a two part safety flange that bears 3600 on a boss at the top of the lower barrel. The main valve rod sections shall be connected at the groundline by a flangible coupling. The standpipe and groundline safety construction shall be such that the hydrant nozzles can be rotated to any desired position without disassembling the top section of the hydrant standpipe, or removing flange bolts and nuts. Breakaway or cut down bolts, lugs, or keeper pieces will not be allowed.

12. have cast-on flanges on the lower barrel.

13. have travel stops designed and located such that the main valve rod cannot be placed in compression and deformed if any attempt is made to over open the hydrant valve.

14. have a drain valve that operates with the operation of the main valve and involves a momentary flushing of the drain ports each time the hydrant is opened. The drain ports shall be full closed when the hydrant more than 2-1/2 turns open and the drainage channel in the valve bronze valve seat ring shall connect to two or more threaded outlet drain ports. No springs may be employed in the hydrant valve or drain valve operating mechanism.

15. have a test pressure rating of 300 psig and a working pressure rating of 150 psig.

16. have the caps securely chained to the hydrant barrel.

17. be painted in accordance with the informational Appendix B, "Uniform Color Scheme for Fire Hydrants", of AWWA C502 except that all hydrants shall be classified and rated based upon a 20 psig residual pressure.

18. be furnished with a manufacturer's affidavit that the hydrant and all material used in its construction conforms to this Ordinance and that all tests required have been performed and all test requirements have been met.

19. be connected to the main with a hydrant tee; a 6 inch branch (D.I.P. C.L.) not exceeding 50 feet in length; and be controlled by an independent 6 inch gate valve.

20. be installed with the center of the nozzles 18 inches above the groundline and the vertical center of the barrel 24 inches in back of the curbline. Where curbs will not be installed, the hydrant shall be placed 36 inches in back of the pavement edge and protected by two bollards to be placed as directed by the Township.

N. All corporation stops in the public water system shall:

1. be the same size of the service line.

2. be Mueller Company Catalog No. H-15000.

3. shall have the Standard Corporation Stop Thread, commonly known to the trade as the Mueller Thread, meeting the requirements of AWWA C800.

O. All curb stops in the public water system shall:

1. be the same size as the service line.

2. be Mueller Company Catalog No. H-15164, Mark 11 Oriseal Valve with Drain.

3. open by turning to the left, counterclockwise.

4. be of the Minneapolis Pattern for use with the threaded base of a Minneapolis Pattern Base Curb Box.

5. be installed with the Minneapolis Pattern Base Curb Box complete with lid, plug, and stationary rod.

6. be installed on the water users property not more than 2 feet outside of the roadway right-of-way.

P. All cold water meters in the public water system shall:

1. be of the positive displacement oscillating piston type with magnetic drive and generator register conforming to AWWA C700.

2. To be equipped with a direct reading remote registration system conforming to AWWA C706.

3. be the Rockwell SR Meter model equipped with the Rockwell Generator Remote, a self-generating remote readout.

4. have a non-corrosive water works bronze outer case with a separate measuring chamber which can be easily removed from the case. All meters shall have cast on them, in raised characters, the size and direction of flow through the meter. Bronze bottoms shall be provided on 5/8", 3/4" and 1". 1-1/2" and 2" meters shall be the split case type with bronze lower and upper shell assemblies.

5. have all external bolts and washers of corrosion resistant material easily removable from the main case.

6. have a register of the straight reading type with a test dial. It shall read in U.S. gallons of volume and be capable of direct visual reading both at the meter. All reduction gearing and the generator shall be contained in a permanently hermetically sealed, tamper-proof enclosure made from a corrosion resistant material and shall be secured to the upper main case by means of a locking device located in the interior of the meter so the register cannot be removed externally. The meter register shall be provided with two terminal connections to allow transmission of the water meter reading to the remote totalizer. The register output pulse shall not be diminished or inhibited if it is submerged in water.

7. have the measuring chamber constructed of water works bronze. It shall not be cast as part of the main case. All piston assemblies shall be interchangeable in all measuring chamber assemblies of the same size. The chamber's division plate shall be stainless steel with a bonded rubber coating. The chamber's bottom plate shall be held in place without the use of fasteners.

8. have the motion of the piston transmitted to the sealed register through the use of a direct magnetic drive without any intermediate magnetic coupling.

9. be provided with a corrosion resistant strainer which is easily removable from the meter without the meter itself being disconnected from the pipeline.

10. have a register which is identical and completely interchangeable with all other registers of the same registration and meter size in the system.

11. conform to current AWWA test flow and accuracy standards.

12. operate up to a working pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, without leakage or damage to any parts. The accuracy shall not be affected when operating at this pressure due to possible distortion.

13. have a direct reading remote register which is compact, sturdy, tamper-proof, and conforms with AWWA C708. The sealing of the unit shall be accomplished by a plastic tab which will accommodate seal wire and a lead seal. The remote odometer shall be easily resettable to the desired reading. The word "water" shall appear on the face plate to denote the type of the remote counter. The remote counter shall be provided with two terminal connections to accept the two-conductor cable which mates with the meter register.

14. be furnished with an affidavit of compliance to this Ordinance and a certificate that it has been tested for and met the requirement for accuracy.