Section 6.3.6 LI. Light Industrial Zone

A.Permitted Principal Uses:

1 Light industry

a The manufacture of light machinery, comprising any of the following small machine parts, such as for cash registers, sewing machines, typewriters, calculators and other office machines,

b The fabrication of light metal products comprising any, of the following baby carriages, bicycles, metal furniture, musical instruments, sheet metal products, and toys,

c The fabrication of paper products comprising any of the following bags, books, bookbinding, boxes and packaging materials, and office supplies,

d The fabrication of wood products comprising of the following boats, boxes, cabinets and woodworking, Furniture, toys,

e The retail processing of food;

f The manufacturing of electronic products, jewelry, sporting goods, and

g Distribution centers, warehouses and storehouses

h. Sports Complex and sports/fitness equipment sales

i. Comprehensive Wellness Center including but not limited to Spa & Beauty services, Chiropractic care, Yoga, Physical/Sports therapy., etc.

j. Professional Offices

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsections, h. through j., have been added as per Ordinance No. 18-04.

2. All uses permitted in OR Zone

B. Permitted Accessory Uses1. Signs

2 Storage buildings appropriately screened from public view

3 A Dish Antenna provided it

a. Conforms to the rear and side yard setback requirements,

b Is not in the front yard or between the street line and a line drawn at the front facade of the principal building extended to the sidelines of the property,

c. Has reflectors no larger than sixteen (1 6) feet in diameter, and

d Does not exceed twenty (20) feet in height at the highest point of the structure in any position


C. Conditional Uses

1 Public utility uses

2. Parking of School Buses and Commercial Vehicles

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 25-05.

D. Height, Area, and Bulk Requirements

1 See Schedule of General Regulations

Section 6.3.7 OL Open Land Zone

A. Permitted Principal Uses

1 Public parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, golf courses, and other recreational areas whether developed or undeveloped

2 Public buildings and public and private schools and grounds

3 Municipal buildings, parks, playgrounds and other governmental uses

4 Public and private reservations and conservation areas

B. Permitted Accessory Uses1. A Dish Antenna provided it

a Conforms to the rear and side yard setback requirements,

b. Is not in the front yard or between the street line and a line drawn at the front facade of the principal building extended to the sidelines of the property,

c. Has reflectors no larger than sixteen (16) feet in diameter, and

d Does not exceed twenty (20) feet in height at the highest point of the structure in any position


C. Conditional Uses.

1. Towers and/or antennae for wireless communications including cellular telephones, pagers, beepers, personal communication services and the like and related equipment and structures

D.Height, Area, and Bulk Requirements

1 See Schedule of General Regulations

Section 6.3.8 AH-1, AH-2, AH- 3, AH-4, AH-4, AH-5, AH-6, AH-7 Affordable Housing Zones

A. Permitted Principal Uses.

1 Housing in accordance with the following densities

a AH-1 11 units per gross acre,

b AH-2 259 units in the zone,

c AH-3 13 units per gross acre,

d AH-4 13 units per gross acre,

e AH-5 27 Senior Citizen units per gross acre,

f AH-6 5 units per gross acre,

g AH-7 5 25 units per gross acre

2 Municipal buildings, parks, playgrounds and other governmental uses

B. Permitted Accessory Uses

1 Detached private garage

2 Private residential outdoor tennis courts

3 Private residential swimming pools

4. Storage sheds.

5 Gatehouse or caretakers building which may include a dwelling unit

C. Conditional Uses1 Public Utilities

Height, Area and Bulk Requirements

1 See Schedule of General Regulations

E.Minimum/Maximum Floor Area Per Unit

1 For senior citizen units no studio or efficiency apartment shall have less than four hundred fifty (450) square feet of living space all one bedroom apartments must have a minimum of five hundred (500) square feet of living space for each additional bedroom the minimum area shall be increased by one hundred fifty (1 50) square feet For non-senior citizen units studio or efficiency apartments shall not be less than five hunched (500) square feet, one bedroom units shall not be less than six hundred fifty (650) square feet, and for each bedroom thereafter the net area shall be increased by one hundred fifty (1 50) square feet

2 Except for the AH-1 Zone where the maximum square footage of living space may equal two thousand six hundred (2,600), no unit constructed in these zones shall have more than one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet of living space

F. Parking Requirements

1 All Senior Citizen units shall have a minimum of 0 75 parking spaces per unit

2 All non-senior Citizen units shall have a minimum of 2 parking spaces per unit

G. Affordable Housing Criteria: The following specific criteria for the inclusion of affordable housing units shall be applied in each zone as follows

1. Zone AH-1 shall require construction of a minimum of twenty-one (21) percent low and moderate income units all of which shall be rental units

2 Zone AH-2 shall require the construction of thirty-two (32) low and moderate income units at least two of which shall be rental units provided that thirty-two (32) affordable Senior Citizen units are constructed in Zone AH-5 In the event such units are not constructed, Zone AH-2 shall require construction of a minimum of twenty (20) percent low and moderate income units.

3. Zones AH-3 and AH-4 shall require construction of a minimum of twenty (20) percent low and moderate income units

4 Zone AH-5 shall require construction of a minimum of thirty-two (32) Senior Citizen restricted low and moderate income rental units

5. Zone Al 1-6 shall require a contribution to the affordable housing fund of five thousand ninety-one ($5,091 00) dollars for each unit constructed

6 Zone AH-7 shall require a contribution to the affordable housing fund of four thousand seven hundred ($4700) dollars for each unit constructed

H. No lots developed in the AH Zone Districts shaft include more than 16 rental or apartment units unless such units shall be solely restricted to Senior Citizen Households in which case such lot shall not contain more than 32 rental units or apartments. This provision shall apply to multiple ownership by a single individual, firm, corporation, business. or other entity or by firms, businesses, corporations or other entities having unified or substantially similar ownership but shall not be interpreted to prevent the rental of single units by the individual owners thereof.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection 6.3.8H has been added as per Ordinance No. 53- 99.

Section 6.3.9 DMX Downtown Mixed Use Zone

A. Permitted Principle Uses

1. Townhouses with setback side attached garages; and

2. Townhouses with collective parking lots, courts or garages.

2 Offices for executive. engineering or administrative purposes in connection with any other permitted or conditional use permitted in the zone

3 Warehouses in connection with any other permitted or conditional use permitted in the zone

4 Scientific, engineering or laboratory facilities devoted to design or experimentation and processing and fabricating incidental thereto in connection with any other permitted use in the zone and only with regard to those products permitted to be manufactured in the zone, provided that no materials or finished products shall be manufactured, processed or fabricated on said premises for sale except as may be incidental to such laboratory use.

5 Parks and open space.

6 Municipal buildings and other governmental uses.

B. Permitted Accessory Uses:

1. Attached garages, shared parking lots, common attached garages

2. Common swimming pools and tennis courts.

3. Structures incidental to swimming pools and tennis courts

4. Common maintenance sheds.

C. Conditional Uses.

1 Manufacturing, including the preparation of products utilized in the manufacture of antacids, antiperspirants, and related products;

2. Assembly or packaging of products from previously prepared materials;

3 Pollution control equipment or facilities required to meet Federal, State or local environmental standards,

4 Public utility or public service facilities

D.Height. Area and Bulk Requirements

1 All residential uses shall conform to the Schedule of General Regulations applicable to the DH-24 Zone District.

2 All non-residential uses shall conform to the Schedule of General Regulations set forth for the DMX Zone District


1 The maximum density for residential use shall be twenty four (24) dwelling units per acre

The following design standards shall be adopted for all townhouse developments:

1. Each interior townhouse unit shall be at least 26 feet wide;

2. Each end unit townhouse until shall be at least 30 feet wide;

3. No more than six (6) townhouses shall he attached in a series;

4. No more than two (2) contiguous townhouse dwelling units shall be located on the same setback line;

5. Variations in front setbacks between contiguous townhouse dwelling units, except as provided in subsection d above, shall not be less than five (5) feet;

6. There shall he a variety of design and architectural elements and exterior building facades, including brick, stone or stucco, for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable overall effect of the townhouse development and to avoid uniformity;

7. Adequate facilities shall be provided for the handling of garbage and other refuse by providing and maintaining an enclosed and screened area or separate buildings within which all garbage and refuse containers shall be stored; and

8. No townhouse unit shall exceed 36 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories.

The following open space requirements for all townhouse developments shall be adopted:

1. Any townhouse development containing greater than twelve (12) units shall include within the proposed development a minimum twenty percent (20%) of the tract area for passive and/or active recreation area.

2. The Planning Board shall review and approve the location and type of any proposed passive or active recreational improvements.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsections pertaining to Design Standards and Open Space Requirements have been added as per Ordinance No. 12-07.