Section 6.3.3 HB-2, HB-3 Housing Business Zones

A. Permitted Principal Uses.

1 General and professional offices

2 Banks, savings institutions, brokers, Insurance, real estate, investment offices

3. Places of worship, parish homes and schools

4. Single Family Homes and townhouses designed in structures with the character, scale, massing and design or large single family homes indigenous to the area. Apartment units shall be permitted on the upper floors in mixed use structures. In the HB-2 District, apartment uses which are part of an age-restricted housing development may be permitted on all floors, including the first floor of a structure, provided that the structure does not contain any frontage on a major roadway, such as Springfield Avenue, Snyder Avenue or Sherman Avenue, and is located on a local roadway, to the extent those streets, or portions thereof, are situated in the HB-2 District.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. 15-08.

5 Customer services provided such services, if performed on site, are performed indoors


A. AGE-RESTRICTED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT shall be defined as: A residential community for permanent residents in which the residential property and related open space are owned by a condominium association or other homeowner's association or entity. One hundred percent of the dwellings in an age-restricted housing development are occupied by at least one person age fifty-five (55) or over with the following exceptions:

1. One person under the age of 55 may reside in a dwelling unit if the presence of such person is essential to the physical care of an occupant that is age 55 or over.

2. A member of a couple under the age of 55 years may reside with his/her partner that is 55 years of age or over.

3. Emancipated children, residing with his/her parents, when at least one parent is age 55 or older

4. Persons under 19 years of age shall be permitted to temporarily reside in a dwelling unit for no more than ninety (90) days in any calendar year.

B. Retail sales shall be located only on the first floor and residential uses shall on ly be permitted on the upper floors.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, A.6, has been amended as per Ordinance No. 15-08.

7 Restaurants but not including drive-in/fast food restaurants

8 Funeral homes

9 Nursery schools and day care facilities

10 Semi-public uses such as swimming pools and recreational facilities.

11. Pharmacies and incidentals thereto

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added and the following subsection renumbered as per Ordinance No. 28-03.

12. Retail Sales and Services (unless otherwise permitted) in an existing structure as of the effective date of this ordinance are permitted uses and shall not be considered non-conforming.

B.Permitted Accessory Uses

1 Parking inside or outside of garages (except where prohibited by Section 6 3.3D 1)

2 Common recreational facilities and/or public open spaces, including walkways, courtyards, plazas, alleys and similar facilities

3 Storage sheds, trash containers and recycling areas

4 Private residential swimming pools and tennis courts

5 Retail sales where such sales are incidental to tire principal use and occupy no more than twenty (20) percent of the flow area of the building

C. Conditional Uses

1 Retail sales and services including auto service stations which perform incidental mechanical work, nurseries and floral shops including greenhouses

Public Utility uses.

3 Car Wash (HB-3 Zone only)

D.Prohibited Uses

1 Outside overnight parking of trucks, trailers or other business or commercial vehicles and outside storage of any vehicles, excluding deliver), and service vehicles utilized daily by tenant business or property owners

2 Drive-in/fast food restaurants.

3. Automotive and truck repair facilities

E. Height, Area and Bulk Requirements:

1. See Schedule of General Regulations.

2. Minimum building height for residential buildings shall be one and one half (1 1/2) stories; the minimum height for a mixed use building shall be two (2) stories and thirty (30) feet and such building shall have a roof with a minimum pitch of eight on twelve. The maximum building height for all buildings shall be three (3) stories, provided that the third (3rd) story is built into the roof of the building or structure to give the appearance of two and one-half (2 1/2) stories at the street level, and shall not exceed thirty-six (36) feet. A three (3) story building with a flat roof shall be prohibited.

3. Driveway access to rear yards in the HB-2 zone shall be set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line and two (2) feet from the building edge and in the HB-3 zone those setbacks shall be five (5) feet and three (3) feet respectively. Driveways may be located in the side yard setback. Driveway access is encouraged from Sherman Avenue in the HB-3 zone. Shared driveways are permitted in the HB-3 zone.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, E., has been amended as per Ordinance No. 10- 2010.

The following design standards shall be adopted for all townhouse developments:

1. Each interior townhouse unit shall be at least 26 feet wide;

2. Each end unit townhouse until shall be at least 30 feet wide;

3. No more than six (6) townhouses shall be attached in a series;

4. No more than two (2) contiguous townhouse dwelling units shall be located on the same setback line;

5. Variations in front setbacks between contiguous townhouse dwelling units, except as provided in subsection d above, shall not be less than five (5) feet;

6. There shall be a variety of design and architectural elements and exterior building facades, including brick, stone or stucco, for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable overall effect of the townhouse development and to avoid uniformity;

7. Adequate facilities shall be provided for the handling of garbage and other refuse by providing and maintaining an enclosed and screened area or separate buildings within which all garbage and refuse containers shall be stored; and

8. No townhouse unit shall exceed 36 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories.

The following open space requirements for all townhouse developments shall be adopted:

1. Any townhouse development containing greater than twelve (12) units shall include within the proposed development a minimum twenty percent (20%) of the tract area for passive and/or active recreation area.

2. The Planning Board shall review and approve the location and type of any proposed passive or active recreational improvements.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsections pertaining to Design Standards and Open Space Requirements have been added as per Ordinance No. 11-07.

Section 6.3.4 DB-12, DH-18, DH- 24 Zones

A.Permitted Principal Uses

1 Townhouses with setback side attached garages, to" townhouses with collective parking lots. courts or garages, multifamily structures including apartments and vertical duplexes.

2 Parks and open space.

3 Municipal buildings and other governmental uses

4 In the DH-18 Zone on a lot adjacent to DD and OL zoned land, those uses permitted on the lower levels of structures in the DD Zone shall be permitted oil the first floor.

B. Permitted Accessory Uses

1 Attached garages, shared parking lots, common detached garages.

2 Common swimming pools and tennis courts

3 Structures incidental to swimming pools and tennis courts.

4 Common maintenance sheds

C. Conditional Uses

1 Home offices excluding medical, dental and real estate uses

2 Day care and leisure facilities

3 Architectural height extensions

4 Public utility uses

D.Height, Area and Bulk Requirements

1 See Schedule of General Regulations

2 Setbacks other than set forth in the Schedule of General Regulations

a From common open parking area - ten (10) feet.

b For units with attached garages such garages shall be setback behind the front exterior wall of the principal building a minimum of ten (10) feet

3 A mix of building heights shall be provided to break the roof lines and to create architectural interest and variety at corners and points of visual interest.

4. Chimneys, cupolas, and other corner architectural elements shall be encouraged provided such shall not exceed the permitted height for the district by more than fifteen (1 5) percent

E. Densities:

1 DH-12 maximum density of twelve (12) dwelling units per acre

2. DH-18: maximum density of eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre. (Maybe increased to twenty-four (24) dwelling units per acre by transfer from the DD zone to accept the units so transferred.)

b. May be increased to thirty-six (36) dwelling units per acre provided said housing shall be limited to age-restricted housing and the project incorporates all of the following design standards:

1. All dwelling units must be serviced by an elevator to all levels; with full handicapped access.

2. The project must satisfy the Township's obligation toward COAH.

3. All units shall be deed restricted for occupancy by households with at least one (1) person fifty-five (55) years of age or older.

4. New buildings are encouraged to incorporate "green" development standards designed in accordance with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, E.2., has been amended as per Ordinance No. 14-08.

3. DH-24. maximum density of twenty-four (24) dwelling units per acre (May be increased to thirty (30) dwelling units per acre by transfer from the DD zone to accept the units so transferred )

F. Inclusionary Housing Component:

No less than twenty (20) percent of the housing units required in each district shall be affordable housing units in accordance with Part 18 of this Ordinance. At the request of the Developer, the Planning Board may permit the Developer to replace up to fifty (50) percent of the required number of low and moderate income units with market rate units if the Developer agrees to pay into the Housing Fund an amount equal to twenty-five thousand ($25,00) dollars times the number of units so waived. Such payment shall be made in full prior to the issuance of any building permit

G.All development shall comply with the provisions of Part 19 of this Ordinance.

Section 6.3.5 OR OR-A, and OR-B : Office and Research Zones

**Webmasters Note: The previous title has been amended as per Ordinance No. 8-07.

A.Permitted Principal Uses

1 Office buildings for executive, engineering or administrative purposes

2 Scientific, engineering or research laboratories devoted to research, design or experimentation and processing and fabricating incidental thereto providing no materials or finished products shall be manufactured, processed or fabricated on said premises for sale, except such as are incidental to said laboratory research, design or experimentation conducted on said premises.

3 Municipal buildings, parks, playgrounds and other governmental uses

4 Places of worship including parish homes and religious school buildings

5 Schools or other educational institutions including playgrounds and accessory buildings.

6. In the OR-B Zone (but not the OR and OR-A Zones), the following shall also be Permitted Principal Uses:

a. Hotels. Hotels in the OR-B Zone shall not be subject to the Conditional Use Standards set forth in Section 7.1.5.C.4.

b. Fitness Centers.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, A.6, has been added as per Ordinance No. 8-07.

B.Permitted Accessory Uses

1 Signs.

2 Storage buildings appropriately screened from public view

3 Food service facilities for on premises consumption only, recreation, educational and training facilities, barber and beauty services, sundry shops (not to exceed a maximum of seven hundred fifty (750) square feet in area), banks, post office services, health facilities, travel agents, and similar convenience shops, provided such services or facilities are neither available to nor advertised to the general public and are restricted to use by tenant employees , trainees and authorized visitors to the main office or laboratory facilities and are restricted to the site. This restriction shall not apply to such uses located within Hotels or Fitness Centers. Such facilities and uses located within Hotels or Fitness Centers shall be considered part of the permitted Hotel or Fitness Center uses and may be provided to the general public as well as members and guest of the subject facilities.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. 8-07.

4. A Dish Antenna provided it

a. Conforms to the rear and side yard setback requirements,

Is not in the front yard or between the street line and a line drawn at the front facade of the principal building extended to the side lines of the property,

c Has reflectors no larger than sixteen (1 6) feet in diameter, and

d Does not exceed twenty (20) feet in height at the highest point of the structure in any position

5 In addition to those permitted uses set forth above, and provided that the applicant receives any and all necessary state and federal governmental approvals, heliports shall be permitted anywhere in the OR-A Zone at a location chosen by the applicant in its sole discretion (including without ]initiation, on any building, parking deck or other structure) subject to site plan review and the following conditions only

a no refueling, repair, or maintenance activities shall be permitted,

b there shall be a minimum setback of one hundred fifty (150) feet from Plainfield Avenue,

c any ground heliport, including the landing pad, shall be reasonably screened and buffered (with either natural vegetation or a structure, at the option of the applicant) from Plainfield Avenue, provided. however, such screening or buffering shall not be required if not acceptable to any State or federal governmental agency having jurisdiction over heliports Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such screening or buffering shall be required for heliports located on any building. parking deck or other structure.

6. Parking decks in the OR-B Zone accessory to a Permitted Principal Use on the same lot.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 8-07.

7. Swimming pools in the OR-B Zone and Structures used in conjunction therewith. Swimming pools and such Structures, whether deemed Accessory Uses or Permitted Principal Uses, shall be exempt from the regulations set forth in Section 3.1.1.B.4 and Section 3.1.7 of the Township Zoning Ordinance, the Swimming Pool Ordinance referenced therein, or any other Township swimming pool regulations.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 8-07.

C. Conditional Uses

1 Public utility uses

2 Parking decks

3. Comprehensive Medical Care Facilities.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 16-02.

D.Height, Area and Bulk Requirements

1. See Schedule of General Regulations

E.Maximum Development in the OR-A Zone.

The gross floor area of development in this zone shall not exceed 800,000 square feet of commercially rentable office and/or research space or space normally associated with office and/or research use

**Webmasters Note: Subsection F. has been deleted as per Ordinance No. 8-07.