Section 6.3.1 R-20, R-15, R- 15A and R-10 Residential Zoning

A.Permitted Principal Uses

1 Single family detached dwellings

2. Municipal buildings, parks, playgrounds and other governmental uses

B.Permitted Accessory Uses.

1. Detached Private garage

2. Single Family detached dwellings

3. Private residential swimming pool

4. Storage sheds providing the total area of the sheds does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet

5. Playhouses providing the total area of the playhouses does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet.

6 Private greenhouses not operated for profit providing the total area of the greenhouses does not exceed four hundred (400) square feet.

7 Animal shelters for domestic pets providing the total area of the shelters does not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet

8 Dish Antenna - provided it is uncovered and

a. Conforms to rear and side yard setback requirements,

b. Is not erected in a front yard or between the street line and a line drawn through the from facade of the principal building extended to the side lines,

c Has reflectors no larger than eight (8) feet in diameter, and

d Does not exceed nine (9) feet in height at the highest point of the structure in any position


C. Conditional Uses

1. Public utilities uses

2. Planned Development may be approved in the R-20 Zoning District at the request of the Developer and at the discretion of the Planning Board in order to carry out the objectives of the Master Plan with the standards set forth in Section 7.1.5.C

3. Planned Development may be approved in the R-1 5 Zoning District at the request of the Developer and at the discretion of the Planning Board in order to carry out the objectives of the Master Plan and Compliance Plan and in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 1 5 H

D. Height, Area, and Bulk Requirements

See Schedule of General Regulations

Section 6.3.2 DD: Downtown Development Zone

A. Permitted Principal Uses:

1. Retail Sales:

a. Architectural Supply Stores

b. Art Dealers, Artists' Supply and Material Stores

c. Auto Supply Stores

d. Autograph, Stamp and Coin Stores

e. Bakeries

f. Binocular and Telescope Stores

g. Cake & Confectionary Decorating Supply Store

h. Candy, Nut, and Confectionary Stores

i. Cigar Stores and Stands

j. Computer and Computer Software Stores

k. Cosmetics Stores

l. Dairy Products Stores

m. Drapery and Upholstery Stores

n. Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores

o. Family Clothing and Furnishings Stores

p. Florists & Artificial Flower Stores

q. Fruit and Vegetable Stores

r. Furniture and Home Furnishing Stores

s. Furriers and Fur Shops

t. Grocery Stores

u. Hardware Stores

v. Home Improvement Sales & Service Store

w. Household Appliance Stores

x. Jewelry, Clock & Watch Store

y. Liquor Stores

z. Meat Markets and Freezer Provisioners

aa. Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

bb. Motion Picture Theaters excluding Drive-In

cc. News Dealers and Newsstands

dd. Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Stores

ee. Pet and Pet Supply Stores

ff. Photographic Sales & Supply Store

gg. Pool & Hot Tub Sales, Supplies & Service

hh. Religious Goods

ii. Restaurants

jj. Telephone Stores

kk. Trophy Shops

ll. Video Tape, DVD and Music Sales and Rentals

2. Walk-In Customer Services limited to the following:

a. Banks and Financial Institutions

b. Barber Shops

c. Beauty Shops

d. Laundries, Cleaners, Tailors

e. Locksmiths

f. Office Supplies, Printing, Photocopying and Duplicating

g. Retail customer services such as Insurance Sales

h. Television, Appliance and Computer Repairs

i. Jewelry, Clock, and Watch Repairs

j. Shoe Repair

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsections, A.1. and A.2, have been amended as per Ordinance No. 29-03.

3 The following uses on upper floors only.

a Dance Studios and Schools

b Educational Services

c Fraternal Organizations

d Residential Units

4 Mixed Use Structures combining retail or services on the ground floor. with housing (apartments and vertical duplexes) on the upper floors

5 Luncheonettes and outdoor cafes

6 Public open spaces, including parks and The Village Square as shown on the Urban Design Plan

7 Municipal Buildings, playgrounds and other governmental uses

8 Theaters

9 General and professional offices, brokers, real estate and investment offices. and dental laboratories and similar facilities

B.Permitted Accessory Uses

1 Parking

2 Common recreational facilities and/or public open spaces, including walkways, courtyards, plazas, alleys, gazebos, and similar facilities

3 Garbage, trash, and recycling facilities providing they are screened to a height of six (6) feet with a capped brick wall on three sides and a metal or wood gate, have a roofed or trellised structure obstructing the view into the facility from above, and comply with the standards in Part 1 1

4 Signs

C. Conditional Uses1 Multi-level parking structures

2 Architectural height extensions.

3. Temporary construction trailers

4 Utilities or other public service facilities

D.Prohibited Uses

1 Outside storage of vehicles, construction equipment or materials

2 Vending machines on private property on the outside of any structure

E. Height, Area and Bulk Requirements:

1. See Schedule of General Regulations.

2. The minimum building height shall be thirty (30) feet for all buildings in excess of one story. One story buildings shall be allowed only if they have a pitched roof either hip or gable with a pitch greater than eight on twelve for the entire roof and further that all mechanical equipment is screened from adjacent buildings of greater height. The maximum building height for all buildings shall be three (3) stories, provided that the third (3rd) story is built into the roof of the building or structure to give the appearance of two and one-half (2 1/2) stories at the street level, and shall not exceed thirty-six (36) feet. A three (3) story building with a flat roof shall be prohibited.

3. The rear yard setback set forth in the Schedule of General Regulations shall be increased by forty (40) feet if the rear yard contains a single row of parking and by sixty-five (65) feet if the rear yard contains a double row of parking.

4. Side yards shall apply to building walls at each story and shall consider the existing and potential relationship to adjacent structures. Side yards may be used for pedestrian access from rear yard parking where permitted by the Planning Board.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, E., has been amended as per Ordinance No. 10- 2010.

F. Residential Regulations:

**Webmasters Note: Subsection F.1 has been deleted as per Ordinance No. 16-06.

2 Residential units shall be located above the first floor level of all buildings and shall be subject to the design standards set forth in Part 19 of this Ordinance.

3. Housing or offices can be used to occupy the required second floor above retail uses.

4 The Developer may request approval to provide all or a pail of the residential units required by development in the DD zone by adequately providing for the construction of such units as a part of a development project in the DH-18 or DH-24 Downtown Housing Districts The Developer must demonstrate that the units cannot be built as a component of mixed use on the site in the DD zone The number of units to be transferred shall be in proportion to the percentage of the site to be improved through rehabilitation and/or new construction In the event the Planning Board approves such a transfer the Developer shall not receive a building permit to commence development of the project in the DD zone until he has either obtained a Certificate of Occupancy for the affordable units transferred, has provided a bond, letter of credit or other adequate security satisfactory to the Township Attorney to ensure their construction or has received specific release from this condition by the Planning Board. which release may be made subject to other conditions by the Planning Board Such transferred units shall not alter the bulk, yard, height and design standards of the transfer site but may increase the unit density permitted in the receiving zone. If any or all allowed housing units are transferred and the Developer decides to occupy the second floor with office uses, the number of units to be transferred shall be reduced at the rate on one (1) unit per one thousand (1,000) feet of office space

G.Outdoor Cafe Regulations

1 All outdoor dining areas shall allow a minimum of six (6) feet clear passage between the seats and/or tables and the curb or edge of sidewalk.

2 There shall be no tables, chairs, or other obstructions placed in front of any driveway, parking lot entrance, alley, or other vehicular or pedestrian thoroughfare or passage way, or within twenty (20) feet of any fire exit from any building.

3 Tables and chairs shall only be placed adjacent to the building in which the dining business is housed and must be on the same lot or parcel of land upon which such business is located

4 The food served at outside dining tables must be the same food served by the particular dining business for consumption indoors.

5. There shall be no outdoor preparation of food.

6 All Board of Health regulations and requirements must be satisfied prior to the commencement of any outdoor dining

7. All tables and chairs must be placed and maintained in a safe and orderly manner so as to not present a hazard to pedestrian and vehicular traffic

8 Tables and chairs may be left out of doors over night but all other accessories must be placed inside the premises when the dining area is not open for use

9 Unless previously shown oil an approved site plan, no outdoor dining area shall be permitted until a proposed plan is submitted to, and approved by the Zoning Officer as being in compliance with this section and not negatively impacting any aspect of the approved site plan for the site.

10 Nothing herein shall operate to permit outdoor dining when such use of the property is prohibited by the owner of the property or other rule or regulation. Nothing herein shall operate to vary, alter, or amend any rule or regulation relating to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages