§ 244-126. Mini storage facility.

A.mini storage facility may be permitted as a conditional use in the zoning district specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. The site shall have frontage on and direct access to a major arterial or minor arterial.

B. Minimum requirements.

(1) Minimum area, yard and building requirements:

(2) Accessory building requirements shall be the same as those established for the particular zoning district within which the mini storage facility is located.

(3) The maximum permitted building coverage (combined coverage of all principal and accessory buildings) shall be 30%.

C. A landscaped buffer, a minimum of 25 feet in width shall be provided along the property li nes which abut a commercial use or zoning district.

D. A landscaped buffer, a minimum of 40 feet in width shall be provided along the rear and si de property lines which abut a residential use or zoning district.

E. A minimum of 30 feet shall be provided between all buildings, when more than one mini storage building is provided.

F. All access and on-site driveways and aisles shall be a minimum of 25 feet in width.

G. A dwelling unit, exclusively for the use and occupancy by the person or persons managing the mini storage facility, may be provided. If such a unit is provided, however, it shall be an accessory use. Such a unit shall also be located within one of the principal buildings.

H. No hazardous, toxic or radioactive substance or material shall be stored within any bu ilding or on the site.

I. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 244-197 for a business office and for a dwelling unit, if provided. Additional parking may be required at the discretion of the Planning Board.

§ 244-127. Natural production uses.

A. Natural production uses may be permitted as a conditional use, in the zoning district specified, for the excavation, mining and removal, for commercial use or other disposition of sand, gravel, stone or other natural mineral ore, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

(1) The owner of the premises making the application for such conditional use shall file, with said application, a map indicating the following:

(a) The exterior lines of the lands that will comprise the site of the mining or other activities hereunder.

(b) The lot and block numbers of all adjoining lands as shown on the Official Tax Map and identification of the owners thereof.

(c) The existence of a permanently established benchmark approved by the Township Engineer.

(d) Contour lines showing elevations of the proposed mining site at the time of the application.

(e) Proposed contour grades showing elevations from the intended excavation, mining and removal of any natural mineral deposits.

(f) The limits of the area to be mined or excavated.

(g) The location of all access roads and other roads adjoining the property.

(h) The location of all slopes created by mining or excavation.

(i) The location of any artificial lakes that may be created as the result of the mining or excavation activity.

(2) The application for a conditional use must specify the specific type of activity for which such permit is requested, such as:

(a) Removal, excavation or other commercial disposition of sand, gravel or stone.

(b) Excavation or removal for sale or other disposition of topsoil.

(c) The mining or excavation of materials such as mineral deposits or ores or other mineral substances other than sand, gravel, stone or topsoil.

(3) No conditional use shall be issued where the proposed area to be so mined or excavated exceeds:

(a) In the case of mining for mineral substances other than sand, gravel, stone or topsoil, an area of more than 400 acres.

(b) In the case of the excavation or removal of gravel, stone or sand, 50 acres, and such excavation as shown on the map of the proposed area shall not exceed a depth of 10 feet at any point below the surface of any adjoining property or road.

(c) Where the use is for the removal of topsoil, an area of 10 acres.

(4) No natural production use shall be allowed if such use is within:

(a) Fifty feet of a boundary line of an adjoining property.

(b) One hundred feet of an existing residential dwelling.

(c) Fifty feet of a public street or road.

(5) In the case of an application for the mining or removal of gravel, sand or stone, there must be an adequate access road to a public road.

(6) Buffer strips of trees or hedges and/or screen fencing may be required, if necessary to protect adjacent property from any detrimental effects which could be caused by such use.

(7) It is ascertained by the Board that the proposed use or uses of the proposed location will:

(a) Not adversely affect the value of adjacent properties.

(b) Not impair the convenience, health, safety and character of the areas adjacent to the proposed use.

(c) In no way be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the Township.

(d) Not adversely affect the coordinated and harmonious physical development of the Township.

B. Notwithstanding the above, this section shall not abrogate the need to obtain a soil removal permit or license pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 185, Excavations, Mining and Dredging, of the Code of the Township of Jackson.

§ 244-128. Public utilities.

Public utility uses, such as water towers, pumping stations, electric substations, radio towers, transmission lines and switching stations, which must be provided above ground, may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the reasons that the proposed installation must be provided above ground in a specific location and why it is necessary and convenient for the efficiency of the public utility system or for the satisfactory and convenient provision of service by the utility to the neighborhood or area in which the particular use is to be located.

B. The proposed use shall be located on a lot of not less than 20,000 square feet in area.

C. All of the building setback and coverage requirements of the particular zone within which the site is located shall be met, except that no front yard, rear yard or side yard setback of any structure shall be less than 125% of the height of the structure.

D. The design of any building in connection with such facility shall conform to the general character of the area and shall not adversely affect the safe and comfortable enjoyment of property rights of the zone in which it is located.

E. Adequate and attractive fences and other safety devices shall be provided.

F. Sufficient landscaping, including shrubs, trees and lawn shall be provided and maintained on a regular basis.

G. No service or storage yards shall be permitted in any zone.

§ 244-129. Quasi-public and private club recreation areas.

Quasi-public or private club buildings and recreation areas, including clubhouses, parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools and other such activities, may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the full particulars regarding the use, activities and buildings.

B. The required minimum lot area shall be one acre.

C. All of the building setback and height requirements of the particular zone within which the site is located shall be met.

D. The maximum permitted building coverage shall be 25%.

E. The required minimum unoccupied open space shall be 35%.

F. No parking area or recreation area shall be located closer than 50 feet to a rear or side property line.

G. Swimming pools shall be subject to provisions set forth in § 244-216A of this chapter.

H. For uses other than swimming pools, off-street parking requirements shall be determined by the Planning Board, except that the off-street parking requirements shall be not less than the requirements under § 244-197.

§ 244-130. Recycling activity centers.

Recycling activity centers may be permitted as a conditional use in the zoning district specified, provided that the lot, use and structure shall adhere to the following:

A. The intent and purpose of a recycling activity center is to provide for the concentration and centralization of recycling development activity.

B. Site criteria.

(1) The site of a recycling activity center shall be located east of Ocean County Route 547, south of the Central Railroad of New Jersey easement and northwest of the Manchester Township municipal boundary.

(2) The site shall front on a county road or other road classified as a major arterial.

(3) The minimum tract size shall be 30 acres.

C. Uses permitted as part of a recycling activity center.

(1) Office: general, professional and commercial.

(2) Laboratories: research and testing.

(3) Industrial, manufacturing and recycling activities subject to the performance standards set forth in § 244-160.

(4) Crushing of reclaimed asphalt and concrete products.

(5) Recycling stumps through grinding and the manufacturing of wood chips.

(6) Asphalt processing plant and/or asphalt plant utilizing reclaimed asphalt products.

(7) Warehouse and storage facilities.

(8) Trucking terminals.

(9) The use of heavy equipment used in the operation or outside storage of materials.

(10) Outside storage of materials.

(11) Off-street parking facilities.

(12) Signs.

(13) Other uses, buildings and structures customarily associated with a recycling activity center.

D. Prohibited uses. Those uses which are not specifically set forth in § 244-130C above shall be strictly prohibited as part of a recycling activity center.

E. Master development plan.

(1) An applicant for a recycling activity center shall submit a master development plan to the Planning Board for review and approval.

(2) The master development plan shall be accompanied by all required application forms and fees, as set forth in § 244-12.

(3) Details of the recycling activity center shall be shown on the master development plan as set forth in § 244-130E(1).

F. Construction of improvements. No land disturbance shall occur, nor shall any improvements, buildings or other structures be installed or constructed on the site, without a site plan approved by the Jackson Township Planning Board.

G. Development controls.

(1) The minimum required setback for all buildings and structures of a recycling activity cen ter shall be 100 feet from all property lines.

(2) A buffer, a minimum of 50 feet in width, shall be provided around the entire tract perimeter of a recycling activity center. Screening and plantings within said buffer shall be determined by the Planning Board. The buffer area shall remain unoccupied, except for on-site access roads or utilities. No storage of materials or disposal areas shall be permitted within the buffer area.

(3) Where a tract containing a recycling activity center abuts a residential zoning district or a residential use, a buffer a minimum of 100 feet in width shall be provided along the common property with said residential zone or use. Supplemental screening and landscaping shall be required, if deemed necessary by the Planning Board. The buffer area shall remain unoccupied, except for utilities. No storage of materials or disposal areas shall be permitted within the buffer area.