§ 244-131. Truck terminals.

Truck terminals may be permitted as a conditional use in the zoning district specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. The required minimum lot area shall be three acres.

B. Principal building and accessory building requirements and other lot bulk requirements for the particular zone within which the site is located shall apply.

C. The required minimum unoccupied open space shall be 35%.

D. No trucks shall be parked, stored or otherwise maneuvered within the front yard setback area.

E. A heavily landscaped buffer area, a minimum of 25 feet in width, shall be provided along all rear and side property lines, where the parking, storing or maneuvering of trucks shall be prohibited.

F. Trucks, including tractor or trailer units, parked or stored on the lot shall be arranged in an orderly manner in allocated spaces, as shown on an approved site plan.

G. Trailer units shall be parked or stored only on paved surfaces, and concrete surfaces shall be required under trailer support devices (e.g., crank-down wheels or pads).

H. All repair and service operations shall take place within completely enclosed buildings in compliance with setback requirements for the zone.

I. At least 10% of the area devoted to truck parking and storage shall be landscaped. The landscaping should be located in protected areas along walkways, center islands and at the ends of bays.

§ 244-132. Veterinary clinics, hospitals or animal care facilities.

Veterinary clinics, hospitals or animal care facilities may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:

A. No building or area used for kennels, pens or runs shall be located closer than:

(1) One hundred feet to the front property line;

(2) Fifty feet from the rear and side property lines; and

(3) One hundred fifty feet to any off-site dwelling.

B. Sufficient space shall be provided indoors for all animals kept at the facility, and no animals may be kept out of doors between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

C. Detailed plans and proposals for sanitary sewage and solid waste disposal shall be submitted to the Planning Board.

D. Provisions shall be made for noise control which, as a minimum, shall include:

(1) Soundproofing of all enclosed structures.

(2) Noise baffles or dense screening and landscaping of all outside pens, kennels, cages and runs.

(3) Secondary buffer plantings between pens, kennels, cages and runs and any exterior property line buffer strip when required by the Planning Board.

E. All such facilities shall be licensed by and/or meet all applicable standards of federal, state or county regulatory agencies.

F. In residential zones, the veterinary clinic, hospital or animal care facility shall be accessory to a permitted detached single-family dwelling.

§ 244-133. Professional offices.

[Added 12-23-2002 by Ord. No. 50-02] Professional offices may be permitted as conditional uses in all non-Pinelands residential zoning districts subject to the following conditions:

A. The property must have frontage along one of the following county rights-of-way:

(1) County Route 528.

(2) County Route 526.

(3) County Route 547.

(4) County Route 527.

(5) County Route 537.

(6) County Route 571.

B. The bulk regulations as specified in the NC Zoning District shall apply with the following exceptions:

(1) Minimum lot size: 30,000 feet.

(2) The building or parking setback from any property line common to a lot which is residentially zoned shall be increased by a thirty-five-foot buffer area containing plantings, fencing and land forms sufficient to visually screen the nonresidential use.