§ 244-123. Hospitals; philanthropic or eleemosynary uses.

Hospitals and philanthropic or eleemosynary uses may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. Minimum area, yard and building requirements:

B. The site shall have frontage on and direct access to a major arterial or minor arterial.

C. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 244-197.

D. The proposed use shall not be detrimental to the values of adjacent properties.

E. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the full particulars regarding the use, activities and buildings.

§ 244-124. Hotels and motels.

Hotels and motels may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. Minimum area and yard requirements:

(1) Lot area. The required minimum lot area shall be two acres or the minimum lot area required for the particular zone, whichever is greater; however, in no case shall the minimum lot area per unit of accommodation be less than 1,500 square feet.

(2) Lot width. The required minimum lot width shall be 200 feet or the minimum lot width required for the particular zone, whichever is greater.

(3) Lot frontage. The required minimum lot frontage shall be 200 feet or the minimum lot frontage required for the particular zone, whichever is greater.

(4) Lot depth. The required minimum lot depth shall be 200 feet or the minimum lot depth required for the particular zone, whichever is greater.

(5) Maximum building coverage (combined coverage of all principal and accessory buildings). The maximum building coverage shall be the same as permitted for the particular zone.

B. Principal building minimum requirements:

(1) Front yard, rear yard and side yard setbacks. The required minimum front yard, rear yard and side yard setbacks for the principal building shall be the same as required for the particular zone.

(2) Building height. The height of the principal building may exceed the maximum height requirement for the particular zoning district within which the site is located; provided, however, that the front, rear and side yard setback requirements set forth for the particular zone shall each be increased by four feet for each foot by which the height of the structure exceeds the maximum height permitted for the particular zone, and further provided that in no case shall any proposed structure exceed 50 feet in height.

C. Accessory building requirements:

(1) Setback requirements. No accessory building shall be located within the front yard setback of the principal building required for the particular zone. The required minimum rear yard and side yard setbacks for an accessory building shall be the same for the particular zone.

(2) Building height. The maximum height of an accessory building shall be the same as permitted for the particular zone.

D. Off-street loading facilities shall be provided pursuant to § 244-196.

E.Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 244-197.

F. A hotel/motel and all accessory buildings shall be connected to an approved and functioning public water supply system and sanitary sewer system prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy.

G. The required minimum number of units of accommodation shall be 20 units.

H. Permanent, on-site superintendent's living quarters shall be provided within the principal building as the hotel/motel use. The superintendent's living unit, however, shall not be counted toward the required minimum number of units of accommodation.

I. A minimum of 10 units of accommodation shall be required in any principal building.

J. No accessory building or structure shall be used as or contain, in whole or in part, a un it of accommodation.

K. A unit of accommodation may contain efficiency facilities; provided, however, that the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates the units containing said facilities shall be utilized pr imarily for transients.

L. Each unit of accommodation shall contain a bathroom.

M. A restaurant may be permitted; however. if a restaurant is provided, it shall be considered as an accessory use to the hotel/motel principal use and shall be located within a principal bu ilding.

N. Other accessory uses may be permitted on the same lot as the hotel/motel principal use and may include but shall not be limited to a swimming pool or other recreational facilities. These accessory uses provided shall not be for use by the general public but shall be used primarily by the guests of the hotel/motel. No additional on-site parking shall be required for swimming pools; however, swimming pools shall be subject to the requirements set forth in § 244-216A.

O. Landscaping, buffer areas and screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 244-193.

P. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the full particulars regarding the use, activities and buildings.

§ 244-125. Life care facility or development.

A.life care facility or development may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the full particulars regarding the use, activities and buildings.

B. The site shall have frontage on and direct access to a major arterial or minor arterial. C. Minimum requirements; height.

(1) Minimum area, yard and building requirements:

(2) Maximum principal building height: 35 feet, subject to the provisions set forth in § 244-156; provided, however, that the height of a structure, or portion thereof, may exceed the maximum as otherwise permitted, provided that the front, rear and side yard requirements set forth above shall each be increased by five feet for each foot by which the height of the structure, or part thereof, exceeds the permitted maximum height, and further provided that in no case shall any proposed structure, or part thereof, exceed three usable floors and 40 feet in height, as defined in § 244-6 of this chapter.

D. All support facilities, functions and services shall be intended for the use and benefit of the resident users of the facility and their guests.

E. Health care and support services, functions and facilities within a life care facility or development may include the following:

(1) Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities.

(2) Physical therapy facilities.

(3) Entertainment facilities.

(4) Libraries.

(5) Food preparation facilities.

(6) Dining facilities.

(7) Linen service facilities.

(8) Nursing service.

(9) Housekeeping service.

(10) Health care facilities and services, including nursing beds, security facilities, administrative offices, storage facilities, chapels, facilities for the temporary lodging of guests and limited service facilities.

F. Parking facilities for the residents, employees and visitors of the life care facility shall be provided based on a total of the following:

(1) One space per independent living unit.

(2) One space per six health care beds.

(3) One space per day-shift employee.

(4) One space per 10 independent living units for visitor parking.

G. The maximum permitted density shall be 12 dwelling units per acre. For the purposes of computing density, each independent living unit shall be considered one dwelling unit. Health care beds, either individually or collectively, shall not be considered dwelling units.

H. Any health care facility shall be licensed by and/or meet all applicable standards of federal, state or county regulatory agencies.