§ 244-118. Drive-in restaurants.

Drive-in restaurants may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:

A. A buffer area, a minimum of 20 feet in width, shall be provided adjacent to all public street rig hts-of-way.

B. Side and rear buffer strips of 15 feet must be provided. Where the property abuts a residential use or district, these buffers must be increased to 30 feet. In addition to landscaped buffering, drive-in restaurants shall be screened from abutting properties by a decorative masonry or wooded fence of acceptable design six feet in height. No such wall or fence shall be located so as to obstruct safe traffic vision.

C. There shall be at least one major means of access and egress, divided by a median strip. Entrances and exists shall be located at least 80 feet from a street intersection.

D. Direct access from the roadway right-of-way line to the nearest turn or parking space on the lot on which the drive-in establishment is located shall be an unobstructed distance of at least 20 feet.

E. All signs shall conform to the requirements set forth in § 244-207.

F. All service, storage and trash areas shall be completely screened from public view. All outside trash receptacles shall be located within an enclosure constructed of decorative masonry material a minimum of four feet and a maximum of six feet in height and shall be provided with opaque gates of the same height.

G. The minimum distance between driveways and adjacent property lines shall be 20 feet, measured from the curb return to an extension of the side property line.

H. The minimum distance between driveways on the site shall be 65 feet, measured between the curb returns.

I. Drive-in window lanes shall be physically separated from the traffic circulation system on the site by means of concrete curbed and landscaped islands which allow for a minimum width of three feet for landscaping. The drive-in window aisle shall have a minimum width of 10 feet. The length of the drive-in lane shall be such as to permit the stacking of a minimum of five vehicles.

J. Sites shall be so designed as not to permit a conflict between pedestrian and vehicular drive-in traffic in either the stacking lane or drive-in exit.

K. On-site lighting shall conform to the requirements set forth in § 244-197.

L. All utilities leading to and within the site shall be installed underground.

M. A drive-in restaurant shall be connected to an approved and functioning public water supply system and sanitary sewer system prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy.

§ 244-119. Farmers' market.

Farmers' markets may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:

A. No area for outdoor sales or storage shall be located within the front yard area or closer to the rear and side property lines than the required rear yard and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings for the particular zone, as established by this chapter.

B. The retailing of farm products raised off-site and transported to the property in question for sale is permitted.

C. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 244-197.

D. The site shall not be located on a local street, as defined in § 244-6.

§ 244-120. Health care facilities.

Health care facilities may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the following:

A. A statement shall be submitted with the application setting forth the full particulars regarding the use, activities and building.

B. The lot upon which the use is proposed and the buildings shall conform to the following minimum standards and requirements:

C. A minimum of 16 patient beds shall be provided.

D. Basement areas in health care facilities shall not be included in calculating building height, nor shall these areas be utilized to house patients or for recreation areas.

E. All health care facilities shall be licensed by and/or meet all applicable standards of federal, state and county regulatory agencies.

§ 244-121. Home occupations.

Home occupations may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structure shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:

A. There shall be no employees other than the bona fide residents of the dwelling.

B. The portion of the dwelling utilized for the home occupation shall not exceed 50% of the gross first floor area of the dwelling.

C. The occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling or within an accessory building or buildings.

D. There is no external display of goods or any outdoor activity or advertising on the premises other than a nonilluminated identification sign not to exceed 150 square inches.

E. No noise shall be audible to adjacent property owners or interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their property.

F. The home occupation shall not adversely affect adjacent property owners or interfere with their quiet enjoyment of their properties.

G. No use shall require internal or external alterations to the dwelling unit.

H. No use shall involve construction features or the use of electrical or mechanical equipment that would change the fire rating of the structure.

I. No use shall be permitted which exceeds the maximum number of occupants for which the dwelling has been constructed, as determined by all applicable fire codes.

J. Resident employee parking shall not interfere with residential parking on the street where the home occupation is permitted.

K. No firearms may be used in any form in said business, including repair of nonfunctioning parts.

L. Not more than one home occupation shall be permitted per dwelling unit.

§ 244-122. Home professional offices.

Home professional offices may be permitted as a conditional use in those zoning districts specified, provided that the lot, use and structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:

A. Not more than one professional and one professional only, without associates or partners, may utilize the office, except that one additional professional may be permitted, provided that both professionals are members of the same immediate family, which includes parents, children and spouses only.

B. Not more than two persons may be employed as office personnel.

C. The portion of the dwelling devoted to professional office use shall not exceed 30% of the total gross floor area of the dwelling.

D. The professional office use shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling or within an accessory building or buildings.

E. There is no external display of goods or any outdoor activity or advertising on the premises other than a nonilluminated identification sign not to exceed 150 square inches.

F. No noise shall be audible to adjacent property owners or interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their property. The home professional office use shall not adversely affect adjacent property owners or interfere with their quiet enjoyment of their properties.

G. There shall be no outside storage of any kind related to the home professional office use.

H. No home professional office use shall require internal or external alterations to the dwelling unit.

I. No home professional office use shall involve construction features or the use of electrical or mechanical equipment that would change the fire rating of the structure.

J. Customer and employee parking shall not interfere with residential parking on the street where the home professional office use is permitted.

K. Not more than one home professional office use shall be permitted per dwelling unit.