§ 244-62. LM Commercial Office/Light Industrial Zone.

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Bank and financial institution.

(2) Convention or conference center.

(3) Exhibition hall.

(4) Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds; excluding, however, public schools, parks, playgrounds or other public recreational uses or areas.

(5) Nurseries and greenhouses.

(6) Indoor commercial health/recreational facility.

(7) Contractor's office, showroom, garage, warehouse and shop; provided, however, that all materials and equipment are stored within a completely enclosed building.

(8) Light manufacturing, as defined in § 244-6.

(9) Mailing, reproduction, commercial art and photography and stenographic services.

(10) Medical or dental laboratory.

(11) An office building with 5,000 square feet or more of gross floor area may utilize a portion of the first floor, not to exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the office building, for types of retail trade which are ancillary to the office use and/or service office workers. Such retail use must be located on the first floor of the office building and shall not be permitted in a separate building on the site. The types of retail uses permitted include:

(a) Restaurants and luncheonettes, but not including drive-in restaurants or restaurants which depend largely on takeout service for off-premises consumption.

(b) Delicatessens, bakeries and confectionery stores, but not including self-service food markets (supermarkets) or meat and poultry markets.

(c) Personal service establishments, such as barbershops, beauty shops, tailoring and dressmaking shops and dry-cleaning shops, but not including self-service laundries, dancing and music schools, day nurseries or radio, television or appliance repair shops.

(d) Drugstores, stationery supplies, tobacco and periodical stores and specialty shops, but not including department stores, junior department stores, hardware stores, plumbing supply shops or appliance stores.

(e) Other retail uses which are normally and/or continually utilized by offices and office workers during normal working hours and do not primarily service the non-office worker and/or evening shopper.

(12) Offices for administrative, business, educational or executive services.

(13) Offices of an industrial medical or scientific research laboratory, provided that there are no inherent hazards associated with such research use, and further provided that no nuisance may occur from fire or explosion, toxic or corrosive fumes, gas, smoke, odors, obnoxious dust or vapor, offensive noise or vibrations, glare flashes or objectionable effluent and electrical interference which may adversely affect or impair the normal use and peaceful enjoyment of any property, structure or dwelling located in the same or any other zoning district. The likelihood of groundwater contamination or depletion, air pollution and the pollution of waste disposal shall be considered.

(14) Offices of a public utility not involving the retail sale of goods.

(15) Printing, lithography, publishing or photocopying establishment.

(16) Research and engineering activities involving technical investigation or study for product development and similar activities.

(17) Warehousing or storage of goods and products, provided that:

(a) No goods are sold retail from the premises;

(b) All items are stored within a completely enclosed building; and

(c) The warehousing or storage of hazardous chemicals shall be prohibited.

(18) Wholesaling or distributing establishments, except for used automobiles.

(19) Combinations of two or more of the above permitted uses in one principal building.

(20) Raising of horses and other livestock.

(21) Animal care facilities.

(22) Essential services.

(23) Mini warehousing and self-storage. [Added 12-23-2002 by Ord. No. 50-02]

(24) Mailing, reproduction, commercial art and photography and stenographic services. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(25) Medical or dental clinic or laboratory. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(26) Offices for members of a recognized profession, as defined in § 244-6. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(27) Office/research park, provided that same is located on a tract of land a minimum of 20 acres in area and is composed of uses and buildings permitted in this section. An area of less than 20 acres may be added to an office, research park, provided that said area is contiguous thereto and is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

B. Permitted accessory uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Bulk storage, subject to the provisions of § 244-152.

(2) One dwelling unit in conjunction with any permitted use in the LM Zone used exclusively for the housing of caretakers, guards or other custodial employees.

(3) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(4) Nurseries and greenhouses.

(5) Off-street loading, subject to the provisions of § 244-196.

(6) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197.

(7) Private garage space necessary to store or repair any vehicle associated with a permitted principal use on the premises.

(8) Restaurant, cafeteria or luncheonette for the exclusive use of employees, permitted only as an accessory use and within the same principal building as a permitted use.

(9) Satellite dish antenna, subject to the provisions of § 244-165.

(10) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(11) Other customary accessory uses, buildings or structures, which are clearly incidental to the principal use(s) and building(s).

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Automobile repair shop (motor vehicle repair garage) (§ 244-109).

(2) Automobile service station (gas station or motor vehicle service station) (§ 244-111).

(3) Hotel or motel (§ 244-124).

(4) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

D. Area, yard and building requirements for the LM Zone are as follows: [Amended 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

E. Other provisions and requirements.

(1) Each use located in the LM Zone shall provide truck loading and unloading facilities on the same lot and in other than the required front yard so as to permit the transfer of goo ds in other than a public street.

(2) No required off-street loading areas shall be located in any required front setback.

(3) Where the LM Zone abuts a residential zone, whether along a property lin e or across a street, there shall be provided a one-hundred-foot buffer screening strip as set forth in § 244-193.

(4) Each use permitted in the LM Zone shall be served by a public sewage disposal system or by a private disposal system which meets the approval of the state and Township Boards of Health and the Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority. Any private disposal system shall be so designed as will, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, enable the system to be efficiently connected to the prospective public disposal system, when constructed.

(5) All industrial activities or processes shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Incidental storage out of doors shall be shielded from any street or adjacent residential zone by fencing, landscaping or other appropriate measure.

(6) Industrial parks containing such permitted uses as set forth herein shall have a total area of not less than 20 acres. All streets within industrial parks shall be private, and there shall be adequate provisions for repair and maintenance so as to relieve the Township of Jackson from any responsibility for the upkeep of such streets.

(7) No use shall be conducted in such a way as to discharge any treated or untreated industrial waste, except as shall be approved by the Health Officer, Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority and any applicable state agency having jurisdiction in such matters.

§ 244-63. I Industrial Zone.

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Contractor's office, showroom, garage, warehouse and shop; provided, however, that all materials and equipment are stored within a completely enclosed building.

(2) Light manufacturing, as defined in § 244-6.

(3) Mailing, reproduction, commercial art and photography and stenographic services.

(4) Medical and dental laboratory.

(5) Printing, lithography, publishing or photocopying establishment.

(6) Warehousing or storage of goods and products, provided that:

(a) No goods are sold retail from the premises;

(b) All items are stored within a completely enclosed building; and

(c) The warehousing or storage of hazardous chemicals shall be prohibited.

(7) Research and engineering activities involving technical investigation or study for product development and similar activities.

(8) Wholesaling or distributing establishment, except for used automobiles.

(9) Contractor's or craftsman's shop or equipment storage area, including general repair shop, except automobile dismantling or cannibalizing.

(10) Fabrication of metal products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Baby carriages, bicycles and other vehicles.

(b) Metal wire or foil (tin, aluminum, gold, etc.).

(c) Metal furniture.

(d) Musical instruments.

(e) Sheet metal products.

(f) Toys.

(11) Fabrication of paper products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Bags.

(b) Bookbinding.

(c) Boxes and packaging materials.

(d) Office supplies.

(e) Toys.

(12) Fabrication of wood products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Boats.

(b) Boxes.

(c) Cabinets and woodworking.

(d) Furniture.

(e) Toys.

(13) Food and associated industries, such as bakeries, bottling of food and beverages, food and cereal mixing and milling, food processing, food sundry manufacturing, ice cream manufacturing and manufacturing of spirituous liquor.

(14) Manufacturing of light machinery, comprising any of the following:

(a) Small machines or small machine parts.

(b) Cash registers.

(c) Sewing machines.

(d) Typewriters, calculators and other office machines.

(15) Research and testing laboratories, such as aerodynamic, biological, chemical, dental, electronic, pharmaceutical and general.

(16) Wholesale building material supply yards, yards of contractors in the construction and building trades and similar operations requiring bulk storage of materials and equipment, such as building construction supplies and the equipment, vehicles and supplies of heavy equipment contractors.

(17) Other permissible industry comprising any of the following:

(a) Brush and broom manufacturing.

(b) Plastic products manufacturing.

(c) Electric light and power and other utility company installations.

(d) Electronic products manufacturing.

(e) Farm machinery sales and service.

(f) Glass and glass products manufacturing.

(g) Jewelry manufacturing, including gem polishing.

(h) Laundering and cleaning establishments.

(i) Leather goods manufacturing, except curing, tanning and finishing of hides.

(j) Motion-picture exchange.

(k) Photo finishing.

(l) Pottery and ceramic products manufacturing.

(m) Printing plants.

(n) Sporting goods manufacturing.

(o) Thread and yarn manufacturing.

(18) Raising of horses and other livestock.

(19) Offices of an industrial, medical or scientific research laboratory, provided that there are no inherent hazards associated with such research uses, and further provided that no nuisance may occur from fire or explosion, toxic or corrosive fumes, gas, smoke, odors, obnoxious dust or vapor, offensive noise vibrations, glare, flashes or objectionable effluent and electrical interference which may adversely affect or impair the normal use and peaceful enjoyment of any property, structure or dwelling located in the same or any other zoning district. The likelihood of groundwater pollution and the problem of waste disposal shall be considered.[Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

B. Permitted accessory uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) All accessory uses, buildings and structures permitted in the LM Commercial Office/Light Industrial Zone.

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Automobile repair shop (motor vehicle repair garage) (§ 244-109).

(2) Automobile service station (gas station or motor vehicle service station) (§ 244-111).

(3) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

(4) Recycling activity centers (§ 244-130).

(5) Truck terminals (§ 244-131).

(6) Adult entertainment uses, subject to § 244-177. [Added 12-23-2002 by Ord. No. 50-02]

D. Area, yard and building requirements for the I Zone are as follows:

E. Other provisions and requirements.

(1) Each use located in the I Zone shall provide truck loading and unloading facilities on the same lot and in other than the required front yard so as to permit the transfer of goods in other than a public street.

(2) No required off-street loading areas shall be located in any required front setback.

(3) Where the I Zone abuts a residential zone, whether along a property line or across a street, there shall be provided a one-hundred-foot buffer screening strip as set forth in § 244-193.

(4) Each use permitted in the I Zone shall be served by a public sewage disposal system or by a private disposal system which meets the approval of the State and Township Boards of Health and the Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority. Any private disposal system shall be so designed as will, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, enable the system to be efficiently connected to the prospective public disposal system when constructed.

(5) All industrial activities or processes shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Incidental storage out-of-doors shall be shielded from any street or adjacent residential zone by fencing, landscaping or other appropriate measure.

(6) Industrial parks containing such permitted uses as set forth herein shall have a total area of not less than 20 acres. All streets within industrial parks shall be private, and there shall be adequate provisions for repair and maintenance so as to relieve the Township of Jackson from any responsibility for the upkeep of such streets.

(7) No use shall be conducted in such a way as to discharge any treated or untreated industrial waste, except as shall be approved by the Health Officer, Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority and any applicable state agency having jurisdiction in such matters.