§ 244-60. ROS Recreation . Open Space Zone.

[Added 8-12-2008 by Ord. No. 31-08]

A. Intent. The intent of the ROS Recreation - Open Space Zone is to provide for and preserve in their present condition certain parcels in the Township of Jackson which are already dedicated and/or used for public or quasi-public and private open space recreational purposes.

B. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Recreational and preservation parks, playgrounds and related facilities.

(2) Public or private campgrounds, recreational buildings, clubs, activities of a quasi-public, social, fraternal or recreational character, such as swim or tennis clubs, or fraternal organizations.

(3) Government essential services and associated accessory structures and uses as may be required, and approved by the Planning Board where appropriate.

C. Permitted accessory uses as follows:

(1) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197.

(2) Bicycle parking.

(3) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(4) Other customary accessory uses, buildings and structures, which are clearly incidental to the principal use(s) and building(s).

D. Permitted signs.

(1) One identification ground sign per street frontage shall be permitted subject to the following size, height, and setback requirements.

(a) Maximum area: 20 square feet.

(b) Maximum height: six feet.

(c) Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet.

(d) Minimum side yard setback: 20 feet.

E. Conditional uses shall be as follows: (Reserved)

F. Area, yard and building requirements for the ROS Zoning District are as follows:

§ 244-61. AR Agricultural Retention Zone.

[Added 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 35-10]

A. Intent and purpose. The governing body of the Township of Jackson, recognizing the value in the retention and preservation of agricultural farmlands, provides for and encourages the continued preservation, conservation, and protection of existing farmlands in continuance of that goal. The Agricultural Retention Zone identifies those lands which are therefore affected and are therefore subject to the following.

B. Permitted uses.

(1) All farm and agricultural uses, including agricultural nurseries, stables, dairies, greenhouses, cranberry bogs, and aquaculture farms.

(2) Single-family homes, subject to the R-5 standards.

(3) Farms for the purposes of breeding and training horses.

(4) Farms for the purposes of raising livestock.

(5) Farms for the purposes of the production of produce, flowers or livestock feed.

(6) Farms for the purposes of the production of trees and shrubs.

(7) Lands preserved for the purposes of farming.

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Farmers' market, subject to the provisions of § 244-119.

D. Area, yard and building requirements for the AR Zoning District are as follows:

(1) The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall be 35 feet, provided that:

(a) The maximum height may be increased by one foot for each 10 feet of increased distance from all required setbacks to a maximum of 50 feet.