§ 244-58. CR-1 Commercial Recreation Zone 1.

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Bank and financial institution.

(2) Bar/cocktail lounge/nightclub.

(3) Clothing/dry goods store.

(4) Convenience store.

(5) Delicatessen.

(6) Gift shop.

(7) Ice cream store.

(8) Indoor commercial health/recreational facility.

(9) Luncheonette.

(10) Museum.

(11) Restaurant, with or without a liquor license; however, drive-in restaurants and fast-food restaurants shall not be permitted.

(12) Municipal parks, playgrounds and other such municipal buildings and uses as are deemed appropriate and necessary by the Township Committee.

(13) Federal, state, county and other public buildings and grounds; excluding, however, public schools, parks, playgrounds or other public recreational uses or areas.

(14) Stadiums.

(15) Amusements.

(16) Theater (indoor or open-air only); however, drive-in theaters shall not be permitted.

(17) Combinations of two or more of the above permitted uses in more than one principal building.[Amended 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 33-10]

(18) Other uses similar to those listed above.

(19) Raising of horses and other livestock.

(20) Essential services.

(21) Zoological park.

(22) Art gallery. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(23) Convention or conference center. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(24) Exhibition hall. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(25) Music conservatory. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(26) Hotels with a minimum of 30 guest rooms.[Added 7-11-2005 by Ord. No. 29-05]

B. Permitted accessory uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(2) Off-street loading, subject to the provisions of § 244-196.

(3) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197.

(4) Satellite dish antennas, subject to the provisions of § 244-165.

(5) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(6) Swimming pools, subject to the provisions of § 244-216A, except that no additional parking spaces shall be required if the pool is not open to the public. [Added 7-11-2005 by Ord. No. 29-05]

(7) Other customary accessory uses, buildings and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal use(s) and building(s).

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Automobile repair shop (motor vehicle repair garage) (§ 244-109).

(2) Automobile service station (gas station or motor vehicle service station) (§ 244-111).

(3) Commercial recreational activities (§ 244-116).

(4) Drive-in restaurants (§ 244-118).

(5) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

D. Area, yard and building requirements for the RC Recreational Commercial Zone are as follows: [Amended 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(1) Requirements.

(2) The maximum height for all buildings and structures shall be 35 feet, provided: [Amended 4-22-2002 by Ord. No. 24-02]

(a) The maximum height may be increased by one foot for each 10 feet of increased distance from the required setback from any public street to a maximum of 125 feet; and

(b) For amusements only, the maximum height in Subsection D(2) above may be exceeded upon a certification by a licensed and qualified individual(s) that the structure meets all current safety standards.

(3) All principal buildings in the RC Zone shall be connected to an approved and operating public water supply system and sanitary sewer system prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. [Added 7-11-2005 by Ord. No. 29-05]

§ 244-59. CR-2 Commercial Recreation Zone 2.

[Added 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 34-10]

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Public or private golf courses. All existing golf courses are subject to the restrictions and conditions of the resolutions of approval.

(2) Public or private campgrounds.

(3) Horse farms and trails.

(4) Passive recreational parks and facilities.

B. Permitted accessory uses, buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(2) Off-street loading, subject to the provisions of § 244-196.

(3) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197.

(4) Satellite dish antennas, subject to the provisions of § 244-165.

(5) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(6) Swimming pools, subject to the provisions of § 244-216A, except that no additional parking spaces shall be required if the pool is not open to the public.

(7) Other customary accessory uses, buildings and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal use(s) and buildings.

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

D. Area, yard and building requirements for the CR-2 Commercial Recreation Zone 2 are as follows:

(1) Requirements.