Article VII. Pinelands Area Requirements
§ 244-64. Applicability; conformance.

A. The provisions of this article shall apply only to the Pinelands Area portion of Jackson Township and shall be considered supplemental to the requirements of the balance of the chapter. Lands within the Pinelands Area of Jackson Township, as defined herein, shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter. Where a requirement or definition in this article conflicts with other provisions of this chapter, the provisions of this article shall supersede the conflicting provisions of this chapter.

B. No development in the Pinelands Area of Jackson Township shall be carried out except in conformance with the provisions of this article and the standards set forth elsewhere in this chapter. No person shall carry out any development within the Pinelands Area without obtaining development approval in accordance with the procedures set forth in this article.

§ 244-65. Definitions.

A. The following terms utilized in this article are used as defined in the New Jersey Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan, adopted by the New Jersey Pinelands Commission pursuant to Section 7 of the Pinelands Protection Act (N.J.S.A. 13:18A-1 et seq.): [Amended 12-30-1996 by Ord. No. 27-96]

Accessory structure or use

Agricultural commercial establishment

Agricultural employee housing

Agricultural or horticultural purpose or use

Agricultural products processing facilities

Agricultural service establishment

Animals, threatened or endangered



Certificate of appropriateness

Certificate of filing

Certificate of conformity

Commencement of construction


Comprehensive management plan

Contiguous lands



Development, major

Development, minor


Electric distribution lines

Electric transmission line



Executive Director

Federal Act

First-order stream

Fish and wildlife management


Floor area


Forestry management plan



Historic District

Historic resource


Immediate family

Impermeable surface

Institutional uses

Interested person




Leachate collector

Local communications facility

Mobile home

Navigable water

Off-site commercial advertising sign



Pinelands Area

Pinelands Protection Act

Pinelands resource-related use

Plants, threatened or endangered

Preservation area

Protection area

Recommended management practice

Preapplication conference

Public services

Record tree

Recreational facility, intensive

Recreational facility, low-intensive

Resource conservation plan

Resource extraction

Scenic corridors

Seasonal high water table


Structural alteration


Submerged lands

Utility distribution line


Wetlands and wetlands soils

B. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

ALTERNATE-DESIGN PILOT PROGRAM TREATMENT SYSTEM An individual or community on-site water treatment system that has the capability of providing a high level of treatment, including a significant reduction in the level of total nitrogen in the wastewater, limited to the following systems authorized for use for residential development by the pilot program established in N.J.A.C. 7:50-10, Part IV: [Added 9-22-2003 by Ord. No. 28-03]

(1) Ashco RFS III;

(2) FAST;

(3) Cromaglass;

(4) Bioclere; and

(5) Amphidrome.

APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Any application filed with any permitting agency for any approval, authorization or permit which is a prerequisite to initiating development in the Pinelands Area, except as provided in § 244-67.

APPROVAL AGENCY Any board, body or other authority within the Township with authority to approve or disapprove subdivisions, site plans, construction permits or other applications for development approval.

DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Any approval granted by the Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4, Part II, Part III or Part IV. [Amended 12-30-1996 by Ord. No. 27-96]

DEVELOPMENT, MAJOR Any division of land into five or more lots; any construction or expansion of any housing development of five or more dwelling units; any construction or expansion of any commercial or industrial use or structure on a site of more than three acres; or any grading, clearing or disturbance of an area in excess of 5,000 square feet.

DEVELOPMENT, MINOR All development other than major development.

DEVELOPMENT PERMIT A document signed by the Construction Code Official, which is required by this article as a condition precedent to the commencement of development within the Pinelands Area, Jackson, and which acknowledges that such development complies with the provisions of this article or variance therefrom duly authorized by a municipal agency and approved by the Pinelands Commission.

INTERIM RULES AND REGULATIONS The regulations adopted by the Pinelands Commission, pursuant to the Pinelands Protection Act, to govern the review of the applications from the adoption of the regulations until the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan took effect on January 14, 1981. These regulations were formerly codified as N.J.A.C. 7:1 G-1 et seq.

PINELANDS AREA, JACKSON TOWNSHIP That area of Jackson Township designated as part of the Pinelands Area by Section 10(a) of the New Jersey Pinelands Protection Act (N.J.S.A. 13:18A-1 et seq.).

PINELANDS DEVELOPMENT CREDITS A use right allocated to certain lands within the Township pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.43 that can be used to secure a residential density bonus on land within the Pinelands designated to receive such credits.

PINELANDS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The agency responsible from February 8, 1979, until June 28, 1979, for the review of an action on applications for development in the Pinelands Area which required approvals of other state agencies, except where the Pinelands Commission acted on applications during that time period.

PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT Development, including subdivision, by any Township or other governmental agency.