22-5.8 Regulations Controlling the RSC Senior Citizens Residential Zone District.

The RSC Senior Citizen Residential Zone District has been applied to locations where mid-rise multi-family buildings whose occupancy is restricted to senior citizens is the characteristic land use. These locations are easily accessible to community facilities, services, shopping, and public transportation routes.

a. Permitted Uses and Structures.

1. Senior citizen community housing at a density not to exceed sixty (60) units per acre.

2. Essential services.

b. Required Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Off-street parking subject to subsection 22-9.3a.

2. Buffers pursuant to subsection 22-8.5e.

c. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Customary accessory uses and structures subject to Section 22-7 provided such uses are incidental to the principal use and do not include any activity commonly conducted as a business. Any such accessory building or use shall be located on the same lot as the principal building.

2. Exempt signs subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.24.

3. Fences and walls subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.25.

d. Conditional Uses. Subject to the provisions of Section 22-6 of this Chapter:

1. Public utilities.

e. Standards and regulations shall be in accordance with the schedule referred to in Section 22-5, subsection 22-5.1 and a part of this Chapter. (Ord. #1045, §5.8; Ord. #1063, §VI)

22-5.9 Regulations Controlling the B-1 General Commercial Zone District.

a. Purpose. The B-1 General Commercial Zone District provides for locations where retail and service activity should be concentrated to serve the needs of Borough residents. The General Commercial Zone District are established commercial locations that may also contain single family residences. Conversion of single family dwellings to commercial uses should be permitted only when such conversions comply with standards for commercial development, particularly off-street parking.

b. Permitted Uses and Structures.

1. Professional office.

2. Business office.

3. Financial institutions.

4. Retail trade limited to the following:

(a) Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores (SIC 5231).

(b) Hardware stores (SIC 5251).

(c) Variety stores (SIC 5331).

(d) General merchandise stores (SIC 53)

(e) Food store (SIC 54).

(f) Apparel and accessory stores (SIC 56).

(g) Home furniture furnishings and equipment stores (SIC 57).

(h) Drug stores (SIC 5912).

(i) Liquor stores (SIC 5921).

(j) Miscellaneous shopping goods stores (SIC 594).

(k) Florists (SIC 5992).

(l) News dealers and newsstands (SIC 5994).

(m) Tobacco stores (SIC 5993).

(n) Optical goods stores (SIC 5995).

(o) Miscellaneous retail stores (SIC 5999).

(p) Eating and drinking places except for drive-ins (SIC 58).

Entertainment provided by dancers employed by the owner/tenant/or patrons of such retail trade shall not be allowed as either a permitted or accessory use in such establishments. (Ord. #2015-1562; Ord. #2015-1572)

5. Personal services limited to the following:

(a) Dry cleaners and laundry services (SIC 7212 and 7216).

(b) Photography studios (SIC 7221).

(c) Beauty shops (SIC 7231).

(d) Barber shops (SIC 7241).

(e) Shoe repair shops (SIC 7251).

(f) Tax return preparation services (SIC 7291).

(g) Printing services.

(h) Radio and television repair shops (SIC 7215).

(i) Electrical repair shops (SIC 7629).

(j) Watch, clock, and jewelry repair shops (SIC 7629).

(k) Reupholsterers and furniture repair shops (SIC 7641).

(l) Travel agencies (SIC 4724).

(m) Coin-operated laundries (SIC 7215).

(n) Photocopying and duplicating (SIC 7334).

(o) Video tape rental (SIC 7841).

6. Detached single family dwellings meeting the requirements of the R-5 Zone District, except for single family homes located within Block 184, Lots 1 (formerly 1&2) and 3.

7. Federal, State, County or municipal buildings and facilities as deemed appropriate by the Borough Council.

8. Essential services.

9. Auctions subject to the provisions of Chapter 4-10 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Keansburg.

10. Community residences for the developmentally disabled and shelters for victims of domestic violence.

c. Required Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.3a.

2. Buffers pursuant to subsection 22-8.5e.

3. Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.4.

d. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Ground, wall, window and exempt signs subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.24.

2. Fences and walls subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.25.

3. Customary accessory uses and structures incidental to a permitted use subject to the provisions of Section 22-7.

e. Conditional Uses. Permitted subject to the provisions of Section 22-6:

1. Public utilities.

2. Reserved.

3. Places of worship.

4. Motor vehicle service stations and repair garages.

5. Day schools, nursery schools, and other educational uses.

f. Standards and regulations shall be in accordance with the Schedule referred to in Section 22-5, subsection 22-5.1, and a part of this Chapter. (Ord. #1045, §5.9; Ord. #1105, §1; Ord. #1118, §1; Ord. #1241; Ord. #1543; Ord. #2015-1562; Ord. #2015-1572)

22-5.10 Regulations Controlling the B-2 Mixed Use Commercial-Residential Zone District.

a. Purpose. The B-2 Mixed Use Commercial-Residential Zone District is intended to encourage revitalization and economic development of a commercial area oriented to the Raritan Bayfront. Major redevelopment is supported through a conditional use provision that allows mixed use commercial-residential development. Older commercial recreation uses which are presently a characteristic land use within this zone district are maintained as permitted uses.

b. Permitted Uses and Structures.

1. Any use permitted in the B-1 General Commercial Zone, except for single family homes located within Block 184, Lots 1 (formerly 1&2) and 3.

2. Amusement parks.

3. Amusement arcades.

4. Marinas.

5. Water transportation.

6. Detached single family dwellings meeting the requirements of the R-5 Zone District, except for single family homes located within Block 184, Lots 1 (formerly 1&2) and 3.

7. Essential services.

8. Community residence for the developmentally disabled and shelters for victims of domestic violence.

c. Required Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.3a.

2. Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.4.

d. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures.

1. Ground, wall, window and exempt signs subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.24.

2. Fences and walls subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.25.

3. Customary accessory uses and structures incidental to a permitted use subject to the provisions of Section 22-7.

e. Conditional Uses. Permitted subject to the provisions of Section 22-6:

1. Mixed use development.

2. Public utilities.

3. Reserved.

4. Motor vehicles service stations and repair garages.

f. Standards and regulations shall be in accordance with Schedule referred to in Section 22-5, subsection 22-5.1 and a part of this Chapter. (Ord. #1045, §5.10; Ord. #1241; Ord. #1543)