ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING shall mean a subordinate use or building, the purpose of which is incidental to that of a main use or building on the same lot.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER shall mean the Clerk of the municipality, unless a different municipal official or officials are designated by ordinance or statute.
ADT (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) shall mean the average number of cars per day that pass over a given point.
ADULT BOOK STORE shall mean an establishment devoted to sale, rental, or distribution of pornographic books, magazines, pamphlets, photographs, motion pictures, phonograph records and video and audio tapes devoted to the presentation and exploitation of illicit sex, lust, passion, depravity, violence, brutality, nudity, immorality, and other obscene subjects, etc., used in connection with the aforementioned purposes.
AGGRESSIVE SOILS shall mean soils which may be corrosive to cast iron and ductile iron pipe. These soils represent approximately five (5%) percent of the soils found within the United States and include dump areas, swamps, marshes, alkaline soils, cinder beds, polluted river bottoms, etc., which are considered to be potentially corrosive.
AISLE shall mean travelled way by which cars enter and depart parking spaces.