22-5.11 Regulations Controlling the B-3 Highway Commercial Zone District.
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a. Purpose. The B-3 Highway Commercial Zone District allows for retail and service uses oriented to automobile circulation from New Jersey State Highway 36. Conversion of existing single family dwellings within this zone to commercial uses should be permitted only when access arrangements and off-street parking comply with the standards for commercial development. Only one (1) of the above regulated uses shall be allowed per block face. | |||||||
b. Permitted Uses and Structures. | |||||||
1. All uses permitted in the B-1 Zone District, Subsection 22-5.9b, 1,2,3,4(a) to (o), 5 and 6. | |||||||
3. Eating and drinking places except for drive-ins. (SIC 58) | |||||||
Entertainment provided by dancers employed by the owner or tenant shall be allowed in such establishments. | |||||||
4. Community residences for the developmentally disabled and shelters for victims of domestic violence. | |||||||
c. Required Accessory Uses and Structures. | |||||||
1. Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.3a. | |||||||
2. Buffers pursuant to subsection 22-8.5e. | |||||||
3. Off-street loading subject to subsection 22-9.4. | |||||||
d. Permitted Accessory Uses. | |||||||
1. Ground, wall, window and exempt signs subject to the provisions of subsection 22-7.24. | |||||||
2. Customary accessory uses and structures provided such uses are incidental to the principal use. | |||||||
e. Conditional Uses. Permitted subject to the provisions of Section 22-6: | |||||||
1. Public utilities. | |||||||
2. Reserved. | |||||||
3. Motor vehicle service stations and repair garages. | |||||||
f. Standards and regulations shall be in accordance with Schedules referred to in Section 22-5, subsection 22-5.1a and part of this Chapter. (Ord. #1045, §5.11; Ord. #1063, §VI; Ord. #1105, §2; Ord. No. 1156, § 1; Ord. No. 1241) | |||||||
22-5.12 Regulations Controlling the LI Light Indus-trial Zone District.
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a. Purpose. The LI Light Industrial Zone District has been established to allow for the development of light industrial, manufacturing, and fabrication operation which will contribute to the diversity and health of the community's economy. This has been and continues to be a location for such uses. | |||||||
b. Permitted Uses. | |||||||
1. Contractor's shops and storage yards (SIC 152 and 154). | |||||||
2. Fuel dealers (SIC 598). | |||||||
3. Scientific or research laboratories. | |||||||
4. Wholesale business. | |||||||
5. Printing, publishing or bookbinding (SIC 27). | |||||||
6. Light manufacturing, fabrication and assembly uses. | |||||||
7. Limousine, taxi or car livery service. | |||||||
8. Mini-warehouses or storage facilities (SIC 4225). | |||||||
9. Municipal parks, playgrounds, and other governmental facilities as are deemed necessary and appropriate by the Borough Council of Keansburg. | |||||||
10. Essential services. | |||||||
c. Required Accessory Uses. | |||||||
1. Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.3a. | |||||||
2. Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 22-9.4. | |||||||
3. Buffers subject to subsection 22-8.5e. | |||||||
d. Permitted Accessory Uses. | |||||||
1. Ground, wall, window, and exempt signs subject to subsection 22-7.24. | |||||||
2. Customary uses and structures provided such uses are incidental to the principal use and subject to the provisions of Section 22-7. (Ord. #1045, §5.12) | |||||||
22-5.13 Regulations Controlling the Conservation Recreation Overlay District.
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a. Purpose. The CR Conservation Recreation Overlay District has been established to promote the conservation of valuable natural resources and prevent environmental degradation. Moreover, it is intended to coordinate with State procedures and policies shaping land development which have been enacted through the Waterfront Development Act and the Coastal Area, Facilities Review Act to control the destructive development of beaches, dunes, and tidal wetlands. The CR Overlay District regulates the use of these land forms to ensure that they continue to secure the public safety from flood and other natural disasters and meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens in accordance with the purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2 (a), (b), (g), and (j)]. | |||||||
The boundary of the CR Zone District shall be interpreted to include all areas of the Borough along the bayfront which extend from the mean high water line landward to a line one hundred twenty-five (125') feet landward of the top of the dune construction alignment line defined by and shown on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Drawings entitled "Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay Beach Erosion and Hurricane Project dated February 15, 1966 drawings CC-RS-501 through CC-RS-527." The CR Zone District shall include all wetlands regulated under the Wetlands Act of 1970 and as delineated on official maps as listed at N.J.A.C. 7:7-2.2. | |||||||
b. Permitted Uses. | |||||||
1. Passive or low intensity recreational uses such as swimming, fishing, or boating which do not impact adversely on beaches, dunes, and wetlands. | |||||||
2. Municipal or County parks and open space. | |||||||
3. Docks, piers, moorings, marinas, boat launches and related water dependant recreation or transportation facilities for which required Waterfront Development Permits and Coastal Area Facility Review Act Permits have been issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. | |||||||
4. Accessways to the waters edge provided such routes are limited and do not impair the integrity of beaches, dunes or wetlands. | |||||||
5. Structures deemed necessary by the local, State, or Federal governments for shore protection and flood prevention. | |||||||
c. Permitted Accessory Uses. | |||||||
1. Customary accessory uses and structures provided such uses are incidental to the principal use. | |||||||
2. Exempt signs. (Ord. #1045, §5.13) | |||||||