§ 102-78 Street signs.

Street signs shall be provided and shall be of the type, design and standard previously installed elsewhere in the Township. The location of the street signs shall be determined by the approving authority. All signs shall be installed free of visual obstruction. At all intersections, street signs shall be provided for both streets.

§ 102-79 Temporary civic activities.

Nothing in this chapter shall prevent local, temporary civic, Township Committee sponsored or approved activities, including associated signs to the extent that they do not constitute a safety hazard, such as fairs and carnivals, from being conducted in any zone provided that they are limited in duration to a maximum of 30 days.

§ 102-80 Trailers.

No trailer, truck trailer, storage trailer, auto trailer, trailer coach, travel trailer, mobile home, camper or similar vehicles or structures shall be used for dwelling purposes or as sleeping quarters for one or more persons or for the conduct of any business, profession, occupation or trade, except that such facilities may be used for temporary residency for the temporary replacement of a damaged dwelling unit and for temporary use as a construction, sales and/or security office located on a site during active construction, provided that a temporary permit for a specified interval has been issued for its use by the Zoning Officer. For the damaged dwelling cases, the permitted interval shall run until the certificate of occupancy for the replacement building is issued or one year, whichever is less. For a construction, sales and/or security office in a development, the interval shall run until the last building in the development has received a certificate of occupancy or three years, whichever is less. In both cases, the trailer shall be located on the lot or in the development in which the construction is taking place. This section shall not be construed so as to prohibit the parking or storage of auto trailers and campers on private premises in residential districts, but such storage shall be located to conform with the yard requirements for an accessory building and other applicable requirements of this chapter; see §§ 102-84C(4) and 102-86D(9). Mobile homes shall be permitted on farms as provided in this chapter. Truck trailers used in the active operation of a farm but not for long-term storage (i.e., two months or longer) shall be permitted.

§ 102-80.1 Tree removal.

[Added 10-29-2008]

(The following provisions shall apply to the initial construction of a development and not to individual landowners once a certificate of occupancy is issued.)

A. No application for site plan or subdivision approval may be submitted to the approving authority on any lands where site clearing or clear cutting of trees occurred within five years preceding the application.

B. No tree with a diameter equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be removed as part of a subdivision or site plan application without approval by the approving authority.

C. In subdivision applications, trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be saved within the minimum required principal building side and rear setback on each individual lot. This requirement does not include the enhanced side and rear setbacks associated with the ninety-foot rule (§ 102-87, Note 1). It is also encouraged, but not required, to save trees within the minimum required principal building front setback.

D. In site plan applications, trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be saved within the minimum required principal building side and rear setback. It is encouraged, but not required, to save trees within the minimum principal building front setback.

E. The approving authority may allow trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches to be removed in the principal building side and rear setbacks in site plan and subdivision applications where such removal is necessary for the installation of utilities (i.e., drainage, electrical lines, etc.).

F. Where tree removal is allowed in Subsection E above, the applicant shall mitigate each tree removed by planting two replacement trees of species determined by the approving authority of not less than three inches in caliber within the subdivision or site plan. Replacement trees required by this section shall be in addition to any other landscaping required by the Development Regulations.

G. Tree protection.

(1) Prior to any construction or land disturbance, all trees designated to be removed must be flagged and clearing areas delineated by protective snow fencing.

(2) Tree protection snow fencing or other protective barrier acceptable to the approving authority shall be placed at the drip line of all trees to be saved to protect their root zones.

(3) Tree protection snow fencing or other protective barrier shall remain in place until all construction activities are terminated.

(4) No soil stockpiling, storage of materials, equipment, or vehicles shall be permitted within the drip line of any tree to be saved.

§ 102-81 Undersized lots of record.

A. Any parcel of land which does not meet the minimum lot size and dimension requirements prescribed for a lot in the zone in which such lot is located and which is not under common ownership with adjacent lands and which parcel existed as a lot on December 23, 1976, and has lot frontage on an existing accepted public street may be used as a lot for any purpose permitted in the zone. For residential structures, the width of each side yard must equal or exceed 20% of the width of the lot and the rear yard must equal or exceed 20% of the width of the lot for the principal building or structure and 12 1/2% of the width of the lot for side and rear setback lines for accessory buildings and structures. [Amended 5-25-2005]

B. See § 102-64F also. In no case shall any main or accessory building or structure or part thereof be less than 15 feet from any property line, provided, further, that all other regulations prescribed for the zone by this chapter are complied with. See § 102-50, Area requirements; contiguous lots.

§ 102-82 Water mains, culverts, storm sewers and sanitary sewers.

All such installations shall be properly connected with an approved system and shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future developments.

§ 102-82.1 Wind energy systems.

[Added 8-10-2011]

A.small wind energy system listed as an accessory use in the Business Districts, Industrial Districts, AG Agricultural District, or any Agricultural/Residential District shall comply with the following requirements:

A. The use shall adhere to the standards of the particular zone district or to the following standards, whichever is more restrictive.

B. Minimum lot area: 30 acres.

C. Minimum front, side and rear setbacks: 150% of the wind energy system height.

D. Minimum separation from a dwelling unit on the same lot: 1.1% of the wind energy system height.

E. Maximum wind energy system height: 55 feet.

F. Maximum number of wind energy systems permitted on lot: one.

G. Lighting and advertising. No artificial lighting, unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration, signage or any forms of advertising except for reasonable identification of the manufacture shall be utilized or attached to the wind energy system.

H. The wind energy system shall not be climbable up to 15 above grade.

I. The wind energy system shall be equipped with manual (electronic or mechanical) and automatic overspeed controls to limit the blade rotation speed to within the design limits of a residential wind energy system.

J. On-site transmission and power lines between the wind energy system and other structures on-site shall be placed underground.

K. All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment shall be secured to prevent unauthorized access.

L. Audible sound from the wind energy system shall not exceed 55 decibels as measured at the site property line. Limited overages shall be permitted during short-term events such as utility outages and severe wind storms.

M. The owner of any property on which a wind energy system is located shall be required to completely remove the wind energy system which is not used to generate electricity for a continuing period of 12 months.

§ 102-83 Yards.

A. No open space provided around any principal building for the purposes of complying with the front, side, rear or other yard provisions of this chapter shall be considered as providing the yard provisions for another principal building.

B. Front yards shall be measured from the street line as defined in this chapter. On a through lot, the rear yard depth shall not be less than the required depth of the front yard in the district in which said lot or applicable portion of the lot is located. Corner lots shall have a front yard adjacent to each street.

C. In multifamily developments, the minimum yards shall be determined by distance measured away from each building, and each building shall have its own yard area shown on plats to show conformance with all setbacks and unit area requirements.

Part 4 Zoning and Design Requirements for Residential Districts