§ 102-72 Sidewalks.

Sidewalks shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. The concrete shall have a compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch after 28 days. Where required, sidewalks shall not be less than four inches in thickness, except at driveways they shall not be less than six inches in thickness. A performed bituminous expansion joint filler 1/2 inch thick shall be installed every 20 feet. The finish shall be a float finish, with the edges finished with a suitable finishing tool.

§ 102-73 Sight triangles, fences and walls.

[Amended 12-29-1999]

Fences and walls hereafter erected, altered or reconstructed in any zone shall require a permit and shall be subject to the following restrictions:

A. All supporting members of a fence shall be located on the inside of a fence and, if erected along or adjacent to a property line, the supporting members of the fence shall face the principal portion of the tract of land of the property upon which the fence is erected.

B. Fences surrounding residential and commercial uses may be painted, but in no more than one color, harmonious with the surrounding area. Fences surrounding agricultural uses may be painted, but in no more than two colors, harmonious with the surrounding area. Multicolored fences are prohibited in all zoning districts.

C. Fences shall be erected in such a manner so as to permit the flow of natural drainage and shall not cause surface water to be blocked or dammed to create ponding.

D. Height permitted in residential zones. Fences in residential zones may be erected, altered or reconstructed to a height not to exceed six feet above natural ground level, except that no fence may be higher than four feet above natural ground level in any front yard area or between a front property line and the established principal building setback, whichever distance is greater, except as provided in §§ 102-57, 102-73, 102-84, 102-86, 102-89, 102-99, 102-101 and 102-119.

E. Height permitted in business zones. Fences in a business zone may be erected to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level in any yard.

F. Height permitted in industrial zones. Fences in an industrial zone may be erected to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level in any yard, except that open wire fences may be erected to a height not to exceed eight feet above ground level in a side or rear yard.

G. Placement. All fences must be erected entirely within the property lines and are further subject to the sight triangle provisions herein, except that an open metal or wire fence shall be permitted in a sight triangle such that adequate visibility is maintained within the sight triangle. In any district on a corner lot, sight triangle easements are required in addition to the right-of-way width in which no grading, planting, soil or structure shall be erected or maintained more than 2 1/2 feet in height above the street center line. The required sight triangle easement area and dimensions are defined on Plate No. 4 attached. Such easement dedication shall be shown on the plat and labeled as follows: "Sight triangle easement to which the indicated area is hereby made subject to is that provided for in Chapter 102, Development Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck."

H. No fence shall be erected in a public right-of-way.

I. Commercial farm regulations. [Amended 8-11-2004]

(1) On commercial farms only, open wire fences may be erected to a height not to exceed 10 feet in height when located more than 15 feet from a street line. Any other type of fence may be erected to a height not to exceed five feet when located within 25 feet of any street line and six feet when located more than 25 feet from a street line.

(2) No zoning permit shall be required to be obtained prior to the construction, alteration or erection of any fence within a commercial farm which is to be located more than 25 feet from any street line.

J. Barbed wire fences, Barbed wire fences shall not be permitted except on farms and in an industrial zone. When used in an industrial zone, barbed wire may only be used when needed for security purposes and must be mounted on the top of a fence having a minimum height of six feet above ground level.

K. Electrically charged fences. Electrically charged fences may only be used on farms. All electrically charged fences shall be posted with signs designed to warn persons of their presence and nature.

L. Maintenance. All fences shall be maintained in a safe, sound and upright condition.

M. Hazardous fences. No fence shall be erected which are embedded with or made of pieces of glass, sharpened metal or sharp or otherwise hazardous material, nor shall any fence be erected which is intended to wound or injure persons or animals, except as provided in Subsection J above.

N. Retaining wall. Nothing in this section shall be applied as to restrict the construction of a retaining wall necessary to retain earth at the level at which it existed at the time of the passage of this chapter.

O. Any fence constructed in a front yard setback must be constructed of materials or in such a manner as to permit visibility of the front yard area through the fence. Solid-style fencing materials, such as stockade-type fencing, are not permitted in any front yard set-back.

P. In the AG, A-5 and A-1 Zones one set of entrance piers/gates may be constructed along each side of a driveway in accordance with the following standards: [Added 2-25-2004]

(1) Maximum length per pier: 5% of the lot frontage.

(2) Minimum setback and maximum height to the top of the pier, light or decorative element from natural ground level:

(a) Portions of the entrance pier/gate that are five feet or less in height shall maintain a minimum one-foot setback from the front property line.

(b) Portions of the entrance pier/gate that are six feet in height shall maintain a minimum eighteen-foot setback from the street edge of pavement or curbline.

(c) Portions of the entrance pier/gate that are seven feet in height shall maintain a minimum thirty-foot setback from the street edge of pavement or curbline. No portion of the entrance pier or gate shall exceed seven feet in height.

Note: In between the five-foot and six-foot height limitation and in between the six-foot and seven-foot height limitation, the entrance pier height can be increased as long as the pier height does not exceed a projection line formed by connecting the two points. For instance, a maximum height of 6.5 feet would be allowed for the portion of the entrance pier that is 24 feet off the edge of pavement.

(d) Minimum separation between each pier in a set: 13 feet.

(3) When a property contains more than one driveway, additional sets of entrance piers are allowed for each driveway; however, no more than two sets of piers are allowed on each street. The length of the pier shall be the distance between the outer edges of the pier measured along the right-of-way line at right angles for straight streets and radial for curved streets.

Q. In the A-2 and A-3 Zones, one set of entrance piers/gates may be constructed along each side of a driveway in accordance with the following standards: [Added 2-25-2004]

(1) Maximum length per pier: 5% of the property frontage.

(2) Maximum height to top of pier, light or decorative element from natural ground level: five feet

(3) Minimum setback from front property line: one foot.

(4) Minimum separation between each pier in a set: 13 feet.

(5) When a property contains more than one driveway, additional sets of entrance piers are allowed for each driveway; however, no more than two sets of piers are allowed on each street. The length of the pier shall be the distance between the outer edges of the pier measured along the right-of-way line at right angles for straight streets and radial for curbed streets.

§ 102-74 Signs.

All signs, except temporary real estate signs, require Planning Board approval unless specifically stated otherwise herein. Modification or relocation of existing signs require reapproval.

§ 102-75 Soil erosion and sediment control.

A. Any land disturbance of 5,000 square feet or more of the surface area of land for the accommodation of construction for which the Standard Building Code of the State of New Jersey would require a construction permit shall obtain site plan approval, except for cases covered by "site plan, exempt" in Article III.

B. All major site plans and major subdivisions shall incorporate soil erosion and sediment control programs phased according to the scheduled progress of the development including anticipated starting and completion dates. The purpose is to control soil erosion and sediment damages and related environmental damage by requiring adequate provisions for surface water retention and drainage and for the protection of exposed soil surface in order to promote the safety, public health, convenience and general welfare of the community. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent soil erosion products from entering any open or closed drainage systems, paved streets or greenways, conservation or landscaped areas, adjacent properties, lands dedicated to the Township, streams, ponds, lakes, floodplains, wetlands or similar areas.

(1) Regulation. No major site plan or major subdivision shall be granted preliminary approval until the soil erosion and sediment control plan has been approved and incorporated in the preliminary plats. This information shall also be incorporated in the final plat.

(2) Data required.

(a) The applicant shall submit a soil erosion and sediment control plan which shall clearly establish the means for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation for each site or portion of a site when developed in stages.

(b) The soil erosion and sediment control plan shall be reviewed as to completeness and effectiveness by the Township Engineer and approved by the approving authority. The applicant may consult with the County Soil Conservation District in the development of the plan and the selection of appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. The applicant shall bear the final responsibility for the installation, construction, maintenance and cost of all required soil erosion and sediment control measures required.

(c) The applicant shall submit to the approving authority a soil erosion and sediment control plan for each major subdivision and site plan. The plan shall contain:

[1] The location and description of existing natural and man-made features on and surrounding the site, including general topography and soil characteristics.

[2] The location and description of proposed change to the site, including contours and spot elevations, showing existing and post-construction conditions.

[3] Measures for soil erosion and sediment control which shall be equivalent to or exceed Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, adopted by the New Jersey State Soil Conservation Committee June 14, 1972, and by the Freehold Soil Conservation District January 31, 1973, as amended. Such standards shall be on file at the office of the Planning Board Administrative Officer.

[4] A schedule of the sequence of installation of planned erosion and sediment control measures as related to the progress of the project, including anticipated starting and completion dates.

[5] All proposed revisions of data required shall be submitted for approval.

[6] A description of means for maintenance of erosion and sediment control facilities during and after construction.

(3) Review and approval. Erosion and sediment control plans shall be reviewed by the Municipal Engineer and the approving authority and approved as part of subdivision or site plan approvals when in conformance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control and this chapter. The Board may seek the assistance of the County Soil Conservation District in the review of such plans.

(4) General design principles. Control measures shall apply to all aspects of the proposed land disturbance and shall be in operation during all stages of the disturbance activity. The following principles shall apply to the soil erosion and sediment control plan:

(a) Stripping of vegetation, grading or other soil disturbance shall be done in a manner which will minimize soil erosion;

(b) Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected;

(c) The extent of the disturbed area and the duration of its exposure shall be kept within practical limits;

(d) Either temporary seeding, mulching or other suitable stabilization measures shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during construction or other land disturbances;

(e) Drainage provisions shall accommodate increased runoff resulting from modified soil and surface conditions during and after development or land disturbance;

(f) Water runoff shall be minimized and retained on site wherever possible to facilitate groundwater recharge;

(g) Sediment shall be retained on site; and

(h) Diversions, sediment basins and similar required structures shall be installed prior to or in proper sequence with any on-site grading or land disturbance, and plans and schedules for their ultimate disposition shall be provided.

(5) Maintenance. All necessary erosion and sediment control measures installed under this section shall be adequately maintained until the maintenance guaranty is released.

(6) Exemptions. The following activities are specifically exempt from the soil erosion and sediment control provisions:

(a) Land disturbance associated with the construction of a single-family dwelling unit and agricultural buildings, unless such unit is a part of a proposed subdivision or site plan.

(b) Land disturbance of 5,000 square feet or less of the surface area of land for the accommodation of construction for which the Standard Building Code of the State of New Jersey would require a construction permit.

(c) Permeability tests and/or soil borings or similar activities.

§ 102-76 Soil removal and redistribution.

The excavation and grading for completion of a development shall be done in accordance with the approved plat which contains grading and soil erosion and sediment control provisions. Excavation of soil, other than that required for the construction of approved structures and supporting facilities, such as, but not limited to, streets, driveways and parking areas, shall be prohibited unless approved on a subdivision or site plan or a soil removal permit has been obtained. Regrading of property so as to redistribute such soil (fill) and/or topsoil throughout the site from areas excavated for such approved structures and supporting facilities shall be permitted but shall be done in the following manner to minimize or eliminate the erosion of soil or degrading of the soil for horticultural purposes. Any application proposing any land or soil disturbance shall include on the plan the following: the means to control or prevent erosion, provide for sedimentation basin(s) for soil that does erode due to water and control drainage, dust and mud on the premises, as well as on abutting lands; the preservation of soil fertility and the resulting ability of the area affected to support plant and tree growth by providing a minimum of four inches of topsoil; maintenance of necessary lateral support and grades of abutting lands, structures and other improvements; prevention of pits and declivities which are hazardous or which provide insect breeding locations; the physical limitations and characteristics of the soil shall not be altered to prevent the use to which the land may lawfully be put; and such other factors as may reasonably bear upon or relate to the public health, safety and general welfare. See §§ 102-38D(17)(a)[5], 102-39D(3)(a)[3] and 102-60.

§ 102-77 Streets.

A. Major and minor developments shall be served by paved public streets with an all-weather base and pavement with an adequate crown. All proposed streets being proposed in the area included in the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan shall be designed to conform to that Plan. The arrangement of streets not shown on the Master Plan or Official Map shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension of existing streets. Streets shall be so oriented as to permit, consistent with the reasonable utilization of land, the building construction thereon to maximize solar gain. An applicant may request a waiver from the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment from the requirement of improving the abutting public road to the required municipal standards. The Board may require, as a condition of said waiver, that the applicant pay an amount determined by the Board as equivalent to the cost of said road improvements to the dedicated Road Construction and Reconstruction Fund, which is hereby established. The funds shall be held in the Fund for a period not exceeding eight years and may be used by the Township within that period for road improvement work having a reasonable nexus to the applicant's property. The applicant may apply to the Township Committee for the release of any unused funds, excluding interest earned, after eight years. [Amended 8-13-1997]

B. Secondary collector streets shall be so designated as to discourage through traffic; local streets ending in culs-de-sac shall be used where practicable.

C. Dedication; waiver.

(1) In all residential zones, all major developments bounding upon any freeway, primary arterial street, secondary collector street, that portion of the development abutting on said right-of-way to a depth of 75 feet therefrom and for the full length of the development shall be conveyed to the Township for public use to promote public safety and maintain open space and a rural atmosphere. The developer shall be required to landscape this area. No driveways shall be located in these areas unless specifically allowed herein or specifically noted on the approved development plats. The requirement that no driveways shall enter onto freeways, primary and secondary arterial or primary and secondary collector streets shall still apply, but may be waived for lots 30 acres or larger. Based on local site and neighborhood conditions, this seventy-five-foot dedication may be waived by the approving authority if the subject area is covered by a conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easement or a landscape easement; however, in such a case, the easement area cannot be counted as part of individual lot areas. In all cases, the setback from the existing street shall be a minimum of 125 feet. For other landscaping and buffer requirements in the AG Zone, see § 102-86F(3)(b)[1], Table A.

(2) This dedication provision may also be waived for the A-1 Agricultural Residential Zone corner entranceway lots and for small corner entranceway lots (i.e., less than 10 acres) in the Agricultural Zone (AG Zone) developed under the ten-acre averaging provision if the applicant provides landscaping equivalent to that which would be provided if it were conveyed to the Township and if said area is made subject to a conservation, open space, drainage and right-of-way easement or a landscape easement as determined by the approving authority, and the corner lots must meet frontage, depth, width and area requirements without utilizing the easement area, and the entranceway corner lots front setback from the existing street shall be a minimum of 125 feet, and driveways shall not enter directly onto freeways, primary arterial, secondary arterial or primary or secondary collector streets. The developer is required to landscape the seventy-five-foot strip, unless the approving authority agrees that the existing natural plant and tree growth is adequate or for other reasons unique to the site. Landscaping plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and shall provide for an all season-screen buffer area. Each such person shall affix his or her name, title, address and signature and seal to such plans. On existing lots having frontage on all types of collector and arterial streets, the lots shall provide on-site turnaround facilities so it is not necessary to back any vehicle onto other than a local street.

D. In all major and minor developments, the minimum street right-of-way shall be measured from the lot line and shall be in accordance with the following schedule:


1Shall be grass stabilized topsoil, minimum four inches thick.

2Areas adjacent to curb also serve as parking area.

3Or edge of pavement if no curbs are required.

4In developments having an access road that has no frontage lots, the developer may reduce the pavement width on this access road to 24 feet, in recognition that there will be no intersecting driveways and no demand for curbside parking. The intent is to reduce the cost of access roads in order to encourage developments in rural settings to locate the homes farther from the major road system. Where this design is used, the narrower road shall be a consistent width from its beginning up to the first residence, after which the applicable wider width shall be required throughout the development.

5Developments designed to meet the requirements of § 102-105.

E. No minor or major development showing reserve strips controlling access to streets or another area, either developed or undeveloped, shall be approved except where the control and disposal of land comprising such strips has been placed with the governing body under conditions approved by the approving authority.

F. In the event that a minor or major development adjoins or includes existing Township streets that do not conform to widths as shown on the Master Plan or Official Map or the street width requirements of this chapter, additional land along either or both sides of said street or road sufficient to conform to the right-of-way requirements shall be dedicated to the Township for the location, installation, repair and maintenance of streets, drainage facilities, sewage facilities, utilities and other facilities customarily located on street rights-of-way and shall be expressed on the plat as follows: "Street right-of-way dedication granted to the Township of Colts Neck or State of New Jersey or County of Monmouth, where applicable, permitting the Township or state or county, where applicable, to enter upon these lands for the purposes provided for and expressed in Chapter 102, Development Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck." This statement on an approved plat shall in no way reduce the developer's responsibility to provide, install, repair or maintain the facilities in the area dedicated by ordinance and/or shown on the plat and/or as provided for by any maintenance or performance guaranty. If the development is along one side only, 1/2 of the required extra width shall be dedicated. For a major development, that portion of the existing street or road adjoining or included within a development shall be improved, including excavation, grading, gravel base and surfacing in accordance with the street improvement standards of this chapter. [Amended 8-13-1997]

G. Longitudinal grades of arterial and collector streets shall not exceed 4%. Longitudinal grades on other streets shall not exceed 10%. No street shall have a longitudinal grade of less than 1/2 of 1%.

H. Street intersections located in the area included in the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan shall be located and designed to conform to that Plan. In all other areas of the Township, intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible and in no case shall be less than 60. No more than two streets shall meet or intersect at any one point, and the center lines of both intersecting streets shall pass through a common point. Measuring from this common point, two intersections shall be spaced a sufficient distance to permit a minimum of two lots between the two street rights-of-way if reasonably possible. Any development abutting an existing street shall be permitted only one new street connecting with the existing street, except where large frontages are present, in which case streets shall not intersect with the same side of the existing street at intervals of less than 800 feet. The block corners at intersections shall be rounded at the curbline with a curve having a nominal radius of not less than 25 feet. In specific cases, based on local conditions, a larger radius may be required by the approving authority. [Amended 8-13-1997]

I. For both major and minor developments, sight triangle easements shall be required at all intersections, in addition to the right-of-way width outlined above and in accordance with requirements and dimensions covered in § 102-73, Sight triangles, fences and walls (see illustrations in Plate No. 4 attached). Such easement dedication shall be expressed on the plat as follows: "Sight triangle easement to which the indicated area is hereby subject are the conditions as provided for in Chapter 102, Development Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck."

J. Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 150 feet shall be prohibited within a development and, if possible, to adjacent streets.

K. A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets. When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any one point by more than 10they shall be connected by a curve with a radius conforming to standard engineering practice.

L. All changes in grade where the algebraic difference in grade is 1% or greater shall be connected by vertical curves of sufficient radius to provide a smooth transition and proper sight difference. Sight distance shall be at least 350 feet for local streets, 500 feet for a collector street and 800 feet for an arterial street.

M. Dead-end streets.

(1) It is desired that the street configuration be of a loop type or P type such that the end of the street is curved around and connected back onto the stem of the street. When the size or shape of the tract being subdivided is such that the layout of the loop cannot provide conforming lots within the central portion of the loop or P or, if for topographic, soil characteristics or other reasons acceptable to the approving authority, a loop or P-type street layout is not practical, then dead-end streets ending in a cul-de-sac shall be allowed. In a cluster development, a greenway area shall be provided in the center of the loop or P.

(2) When culs-de-sac are provided, they shall be of the bulb type with a center landscape median as shown on Plate No. 5 attached. A thirty-nine-foot curb radius shall be provided on the main portion of the central median bulb and a twenty-foot radius shall be provided at its tip. The center median shall be landscaped.

(3) If a dead-end street is of a temporary nature, provisions shall be made for removal of the cul-de-sac and reversion of the excess right-of-way to the adjoining properties when the street is extended.

N. No street shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate in spelling or phonetic sound as to be confused with the names of existing streets. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name. Street names shall be assigned on preliminary major subdivision plats and names shall be approved by the approving agency.

O. Streets shall be constructed in accordance with the following schedule and specifications:

(1) Primary arterial, secondary arterial and primary collector roads.

(2) Secondary collector, local and rural roads.

*NOTE: Defines cross-sectional slope of pavement surface toward curb or pavement edge.

(3) The various pavement courses shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications (see also § 102-60):

(a) Subbase.

[1] Subbase material shall consist of either natural soil which may be found at the subgrade elevation or soil obtained from the site or local sources and placed up to the subgrade elevation, which, in any event, shall possess good vertical drainage characteristics, shall be free of large masses of clay and shall be capable of being suitably compacted and stabilized prior to placement of the lower base course.

[2] Where the Township Engineer determines that the subbase conditions of proposed streets are wet, springy or of such a nature that surfacing would be inadvisable without first stabilizing the subbase, the stabilization of the subbase shall be made in the following manner. The street shall be excavated to a depth that shall be a minimum of six inches below the lower base course. Where required by the Township Engineer, a system of subsurface drains shall be constructed beneath the surface of the road and connected to a suitable drain. Subbase material consisting of soil aggregate Type I-1, I-2, I-3 or I-5, as specified in Section 901 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction/1989 and amendments and supplements thereto, or bank-run sand and gravel containing not more than 1/2% of eluvial clay shall be placed a minimum of six inches thick under the proposed lower base. After the subbase and lower base material has been properly placed and compacted, the street pavement as described heretofore shall be constructed thereon.

(b) Lower base course. Lower base course material shall consist of dense graded aggregate as specified in Section 901.08 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction/1989 and amendments and supplements thereto. The lower base course shall be constructed as specified in Section 301 of the above-cited Standard Specifications.

(c) Bituminous stabilized base course. Bituminous stabilized based course shall be prepared and constructed in accordance with Sections 903, 904 and 304 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction/1989 and amendments and supplements thereto. Bituminous stabilized base shall be stone mix conforming to Mix I-2 as designated in Table 903-1 of the above-cited standard specifications.

(d) Bituminous Concrete Surface Course - Bituminous concrete surface course shall be prepared and constructed in accordance with Sections 903, 904 & 404 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction - 1989, and amendments and supplements thereto. Bituminous Concrete Surface Course shall be FABC-1 Mix I-5 as designated in Table 903-1 of the above-cited standard specifications.

(4) Curbing; gutters; backfill.

(a) All streets shall be curbed unless specifically exempted herein or by the approving authority. See § 102-53 herein also. On all streets which are constructed with concrete curb or Belgian block curb, when the longitudinal grade is 3% or greater, a subsurface gutter drain shall be constructed and connected to a suitable drainage system.

(b) The subsurface gutter drain shall consist of a perforated corrugated polyethylene tube (CPE tube) drainage pipe located in a stone trench. The stone trench shall extend from the base of curb out a minimum of 18 inches into the street and shall be 24 inches in depth below the pavement lower base course. The CPE tube shall be a minimum of four inches in diameter, covered with a filter fabric drain guard approved by the Township Engineer and located four inches above the bottom of the stone trench.

(c) The stone backfill material shall be 3/8 inch broken stone which conforms with gradation of No. 8 course aggregate as specified in Table 901-1 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction/1989, and amendments and supplements thereto.

(5) On all streets which are constructed with concrete curb or Belgian block curb, when the longitudinal grade is 6% or greater, a two-foot-wide by eight-inch-deep concrete gutter shall be provided. The concrete gutter shall not be constructed separate but shall be constructed monistical with the curb. A one-inch pitch downward across the gutter toward the curb face shall be provided.

(6) For any street without curbs, each successive course of pavement or stone lying underneath the bituminous concrete surface course shall extend on additional six inches beyond the overlying course.

P. In all developments subject to Subsection C above or the cluster development provisions, the approving authority may require paved bikepaths within the seventy-five-foot-wide dedicated land strip along existing streets in accordance with the considerations and requirements covered in § 102-88, Bikeways.

Q. When the base course for major subdivision streets is installed, if the final surface is not immediately applied, bituminous pavement shall be used to build up areas around manholes and catch basins in streets with a uniform taper from the base course surface to the top edge of manholes and catch basins for a radius of a minimum of six feet around each manhole and catch basin.

R. On all lots, no grading, soil or structure, except mailboxes, higher than 2 1/2 feet above the street center line shall be located within the street right-of-way between the edge of the paved cartway and the street right-of-way line.

S. Where the design standards of this section conflict with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan and that Plan is applicable to the situation before the approving authority of the Township, the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan shall supersede the Township standards to the extent of such inconsistency. [Added 8-13-1997]

T. When underground drainage or utility installation is required or when curbing or pavement widening is required by subdivision or site development approvals within the right-of-way of existing streets, said construction shall be completed within 60 days from the date that construction commences within the existing right-of-way unless a longer time period is granted by the approving authority. All construction within existing street rights-of-way shall be totally completed before issuance of the first certificate of occupancy in residential developments or before the occupancy of any units in commercial or industrial sites. [Added 12-29-1999]