Article VIII: Zoning Requirements

§102-84 A-1 and A-2 Agricultural Residential Districts ; A -3 Village Residential District.

A. Purpose. The purpose of the A-1 and A-2 Districts is to encourage the orderly development of open lands and the continuation of farms and, in light thereof, to require future development to protect views, wooded areas, mature isolated trees, tree lines and environmentally sensitive areas. The A-3 District is to accommodate those areas with established patterns of smaller lot sizes. Cluster development is permitted in the A-1 District in an effort to maintain properly coordinated open spaces, floodplains, wooded tracts, reduced street distances and the perpetuation of farming activity. Rural residential development is permitted in all residential districts except A-4 and AG Districts.

B. Principal permitted uses on land and in buildings. The following shall be permitted as principal uses:

(1) Agricultural uses are permitted in all three districts, however, facilities for the keeping, training, raising, breeding and shipping of farm animals are permitted in the A-1 District only.

(2) Detached single-family dwellings and farms.

(3) Township recreational uses, including fishing and other outdoor sports, swimming pools, playgrounds, parks and ball fields.

(4) Churches, libraries, private and public nonprofit day schools of elementary or high school grades and accredited by the New Jersey State Department of Education and public utilities are permitted only as a conditional use after application to, review by and approval of the approving authority. See § 102-11.

(5) Building or land used exclusively by federal, state, county or Township government for public purposes.

(6) Public or private golf courses open for play only during daylight hours.

(7) Cluster development in accordance with § 102-91 herein, in the A-1 Zone only. [Amended 5-25-2005]

(8) Wireless telecommunications towers and antennas; subject to § 102-46.5. [Added 8-16-2006]

(9) Affordable housing units subject to § 102-46.6. [Added 12-10-2008]

C. Accessory uses. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses (subject to §§ 102-48 and 102-87): [Amended 5-25-2005]

(1) Private residential swimming pools and recreation courts; subject to §§ 102-101 and 102-108.

(2) Barns, toolsheds, greenhouses, detached garages, pool cabanas, outdoor barbeque structures, as well as customary accessory buildings to a single-family dwelling and farms, including housing facilities used seasonally for farm workers actually working on the farm on which they are housed, provided that they are occupied only on a seasonal basis and meet all state and local rules and regulations [subject to § 102-84C(6)].

(3) Off-street parking and private garages.

(4) Travel trailers, camper trailers, boats and boat trailers and solar energy panels mounted at ground level, to be located or parked in rear and side yards only and which shall be screened from view from public streets and neighboring properties by screening planting, fencing or a combination thereof such as to provide the proper shielding after two growing seasons. Location and screening requirements do not apply to solar energy panels mounted flush or nearly flush with building sides or roofs.

(5) Golf courses; subject to § 102-93.

(6) Accessory buildings shall be in accordance with the following schedule in the A-1, A-2 and A-3 Zones except that farm buildings and permitted accessory farm labor housing for full-time employees of a farm shall be exempted from this maximum building, floor area, volume, height and story requirement. [Amended 8-11-2004; 8-14-2013]

Schedule of Maximum Limitations: Accessory Structures


1. Total floor area and total building volume includes all basement areas but excludes cellars.

2. Total floor area includes all areas in a half story where the floor-to-ceiling height exceeds 4.5 feet.

(7) Fences and walls; subject to §§ 102-57 and 102-73.

(8) Temporary construction trailers; subject to § 102-80.

(9) Nursery schools affiliated with churches, operated on church premises and operated on a nonprofit basis.

(10) Recreation Courts, private residential.

(11) Farm labor housing attached to or part of a barn or other farm building. Farms equipped with horse training and/or horse breeding facilities and other operating farms that are continuously engaged in training and/or breeding horses, raising livestock and/or raising crops may provide living quarters and associated bathroom and kitchen facilities in a structure attached to or part of a barn or other farm building and specifically designed and designated for the purpose and which meets New Jersey State Housing Code (N.J.A.C. 5:28-1.2 et seq.) standards. The number of farm labor housing units (in addition to the principal residence) permitted on a farm under these provisions shall not exceed one unit per 15 acres or one unit per eight horse stalls, whichever results in the smaller number for a total not in excess of three units per farm. Each unit shall have a maximum gross floor area of 1,200 square feet per unit. Occupant(s) living in the quarters must be full-time employee(s) involved in the primary operation of the farm on which the accessory structure sits. All other residents must be immediate family members of the full-time employee(s). A farm must have an area of at least 15 contiguous acres to be eligible. Certification of eligibility that the occupants for the living quarters are full-time employees involved in the primary operation of the farm shall be submitted by the property owner annually to the Township Planner. Smoke detector inspections pursuant to § 29-7C(7) and submission of the health standard certifications pursuant to § 93-4 of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck shall occur for each change in tenancy. Such living quarters require a construction permit, and a certificate of occupancy. Any units provided under this provision shall cease to be used as a residence within six months of the date that occupancy ceases or that the property no longer qualifies for such housing under the requirements herein. An accessory dwelling unit which has received a certificate of occupancy and was occupied as of the effective date of this section may be enlarged or reconstructed without an appeal to the approving authority even though the accessory dwelling unit may now be nonconforming as to the number of units per farm permitted, provided that the accessory dwelling unit conforms with all bulk requirements of the A-1 Zone. [Amended 8-11-2004]

(12) Farm labor housing accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwelling units to serve as living quarters are permitted on active horse training or breeding and other active operating farms, provided that one occupant(s) is a full-time employee(s) of the farm on which the accessory structure sits, that all other residents must be immediate family members of the full-time employee, that each unit shall have a maximum gross floor area of 1,200 square feet, and that the units are located and comply with the following requirements: [Amended 8-11-2004]

(a) The setbacks shall be twice the setbacks required for farm accessory buildings, except that said units shall not be located in any front yard area. These dwelling units shall use the same driveway as the existing uses on the property.

(b) The number of farm labor housing units (in addition to the principal residence) permitted on a farm under these provisions shall not exceed one unit per 15 acres or one unit per eight active horse stalls, whichever results in the smaller number, for a total not in excess of three units per farm.

(c) Certification of eligibility that occupancy of a unit is by full-time employees involved in the primary operation of the farm shall be submitted annually by the property owner to the Township Planner. Smoke detector inspections pursuant to § 29-7C(7) and submission of the health standard certifications pursuant to § 93-4 of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck shall occur for each change in tenancy.

(d) A farm must have an area of at least 15 contiguous acres to be eligible.

(e) Any units provided under this provision shall cease to be used as a residence within six months of the date that occupancy ceases or that the property no longer qualifies for such housing under the requirements herein.

(f) A construction permit and certificate of occupancy are required for these units.

(g) Grandfathering of nonconforming accessory dwelling units in the A-1 Zone. An accessory dwelling unit which has received a certificate of occupancy and was occupied as of the effective date of this section may be enlarged or reconstructed without an appeal to the approving authority even though the accessory dwelling unit may now be nonconforming as to the number of units per farm permitted, provided that the accessory dwelling unit conforms with all bulk requirements in § 102-84C(12)(a).

(13) Farm stands, temporary seasonal; subject to § 102-92.

(14) Wind energy systems in the A-1 Agricultural Residential District only, subject to § 102-82.1. [Added 8-10-2011]

(15) Antennas, subject to § 102-49.

(16) Riding/training stables, Types 1 and 2, in A-1 Zone only; subject to §§ 102-102, 102-103 and 102-104.

(17) Horse tracks in the A-1 Zone with major site plan approval.

(18) The keeping of farm animals on a lot which is the subject of a farmland assessment shall be permitted as an accessory use with a principal farm use. [Added 5-14-1997]

(19) Home office, meaning a room within a single-family dwelling where office activity is carried on for gain by a resident in a dwelling unit, shall be a permitted accessory use in a single-family dwelling, provided: [Added 5-25-2005]

(a) The business use is limited solely to office use;

(b) The use is operated by or employs in the residence only a resident or residents who are permanent full-time residents of the dwelling unit and no other persons;

(c) No nonresident employees, customers, or business invitees or guests shall visit the dwelling unit for business purposes;

(d) The use shall be located in only one room of the dwelling unit, which shall not be served by an entrance separate from the household;

(e) Interior storage of materials shall only consist of office supplies;

(f) There shall be no change to the exterior of buildings or structures because of the use, and no outside appearance of a business use, including but not limited to parking, storage, signs or lights;

(g) The use operates no equipment or process that creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical or electronic interference, including interference with telephone, radio or television reception, detectable by neighboring residents;

(h) The use does not require any increased or enhanced water supply;

(i) The quantity and type of solid waste disposal is the same as other residential uses in the zone district;

(j) The capacity and quality of effluent is typical of normal residential use and creates no potential or actual detriment to the individual subsurface disposal system or its components;

(k) Delivery trucks shall be limited to U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, Federal Express and other delivery services providing regular service to residential uses in the zone district; and

(l) All vehicular traffic to and from the home office use shall be limited in volume, type and frequency to what is normally associated with other residential uses in the zone district.

D. Building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height or 2 1/2 stories, except for churches, schools, government buildings and barns, which shall not exceed 55 feet. See § 102-61.

E. Area and yard requirements. [Amended 5-25-2005]

(1) Public and private schools shall meet the following minimum requirements: lot area, 20 acres: lot width, 1,000 feet; lot depth, 1,000 feet: each side yard, 250 feet; front yard setback, 200 feet; rear yard setback, 100 feet. Maximum building coverage shall not exceed 10%.

(2) Churches shall have a minimum lot area of five acres meeting the following minimum requirements: lot frontage and width, 300 feet; lot depth, 300 feet; each side yard, 75 feet; front yard setback, 100 feet; rear yard setback, 100 feet. Maximum building coverage shall not exceed 10%.

(3) Detached single-family dwellings shall meet the minimum requirements as shown on the schedule of limitations.

(4) Except as noted elsewhere herein, agricultural uses and farms shall meet the following minimum requirements: lot area, five acres; lot frontage and width, 300 feet; lot depth, 300 feet; each side yard, 100 feet; front yard setback, 75 feet; rear yard setback, 75 feet. Total building coverage shall not exceed 10%.

(5) For swimming pools and private residential recreation Courts, see §§ 102-101 and 102-108.

F. Minimum off-street parking.

(1) There shall be three spaces per dwelling unit.

(2) There shall be one space for each three permanent seats in a church.

(3) Public buildings and government buildings shall provide one space for every 600 square feet of gross floor area.

(4) Golf courses shall provide sufficient spaces and maneuvering area to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways, fire lanes and aisles.

(5) Any use having access only from a collector or arterial street as shown on the adopted Master Plan or Official Map shall provide a paved turnaround area on the site.

(6) Public and private schools shall provide 1.2 spaces per employee and, in all cases, sufficient additional parking space for school bus loading and unloading and parking for public events normally held on premises and student parking.

(7) No commercial motor vehicle, truck tractor, omnibus or school bus as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 and the various amendments thereto nor registered constructor vehicles or solid waste vehicles as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:3-20 and the various amendments thereto, over 1/2 ton registered weight or a trailer bearing commercial license plates, shall be parked out of doors any time, except those vehicles actually engaged in deliveries, construction or similar activity that is in progress at the site in question, in which case the vehicle may be parked on a temporary basis. School buses may be parked on school grounds as allowed by these development regulations or in the duly established municipal parking lot. This section shall not apply to registered farm vehicles as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:3-24, 39:3-25 and 39:3-26 and the various amendments thereto.

(8) All parking lots providing eight or more parking spaces shall be lighted if used commercially after dark.

(9) Horse tracks shall provide and maintain in good condition and free of grass and weeds an improved, gravel-surfaced parking area adequate for the maximum number of vehicles normally using the facility.

G. Minimum off-street loading and unloading. All nonresidential uses shall show properly dimensioned loading spaces on the site plan as appropriate for the proposed use and separate from off-street parking areas.

H. Signs.

(1) Street number designations, postal boxes, on-site directional and parking signs and signs posting property as "private property," "no hunting" or similar purposes are permitted, but shall not exceed two square feet in area per side per sign.

(2) All uses other than single-family dwellings may be permitted one externally lighted sign, with an area of not more than 12 square feet on each of two sides. Said sign shall be located no closer than 10 feet from the existing curbed or paved roadway and if freestanding, shall be no higher than eight feet. If attached to the building, the sign shall not exceed the building height to which it is attached. Notwithstanding the above, any valid preexisting nonconforming sign legally erected prior to the adoption of this chapter shall be permitted for as long as the business for which the sign is used continues. [Amended 11-10-1999]

(3) A temporary real estate sign advertising the sale or lease of a property or structure is permitted with the following restrictions: [Amended 11-10-1999]

(a) There shall be no more than one sign per property, except that corner lots shall be entitled to two signs per each such lot.

(b) Signs shall located not closer than 10 feet from the nearest curbed or paved area; such signs shall not be lighted.

(c) Signs must be located on the property advertised.

(d) Directional signs advertising for open houses may be permitted on the day before the open house and must be removed the same day after the termination of the open house. The number, size and location of such signs are to be determined by the Zoning Officer or Code Enforcement Officer in the exercise of his or her reasonable judgment. In any event, no more than five signs shall be permitted for any one open house event.

(4) All signs shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in § 102-106, Signs.

(5) For seasonal decorations, see § 102-106C.

(6) For golf courses, see § 102-93.

I. Recyclable material storage. A condition of approval of all subdivisions shall be that all dwelling units constructed on said subdivision shall provide a storage area of at least 12 square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four-week accumulation of mandated recyclable materials (including but not limited to newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bimetal cans). The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage, basement or kitchen. This requirement shall be stated on the subdivision plat.

§ 102-85 A-4 Mixed Housing District.

A. Purposes and requirements. The purpose of this section is to provide a variety of housing opportunities in that portion of the Township designated to accommodate the Township's low/moderate-income housing consistent with the adopted land use and housing elements of the Colts Neck Township Master Plan. It is specifically required that any development in this zone and under the zoning provision of this section will require the developer to abide by and meet the requirements of the terms and conditions of an Order of the Honorable Eugene Serpentelli, entered December 1, 1986, as may be amended from time to time, concerning affordable housing requirements in the Township of Colts Neck. It is intended that the design alternatives be used to maximize design flexibility, provide a mixture of housing types, meet the minimum dwelling units sizes as set forth by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency or other applicable state agency requirements and produce the Township's regional fair share of lower-income housing. Environmentally critical areas shall be avoided by improvements if alternative solutions found to be reasonable and practical are available. Buffer areas along tract lines shall be provided, especially adjacent to farms. Where the standards in the A-4 District differ from other provisions of this chapter, the A-4 standards shall apply. See § 102-98.

B. Principal permitted uses on land and in buildings. The following shall be permitted as principal uses:

(1) Small lot single-family homes, detached single-family condominium homes, two-family homes, quadplexes, patio homes, atrium houses, townhouses, garden apartments and other forms of owner-occupied and/or renter-occupied housing, provided that said units comply with the State Housing Code and other applicable local and state codes and ordinances.

(2) Agricultural uses and farms.

(3) Buildings or land used by the Township for public purposes.

(4) Except for lands covered by Subsection B(3) above, all developments in the A-4 District must provide lower-income housing in accordance with § 102-97.

(5) Affordable housing units subject to § 102-46.6. [Added 12-10-2008]

C. Accessory uses. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses:

(1) Maintenance facilities and private recreational facilities, such as pools, tennis Courts, basketball Courts and/or clubhouses. These facilities shall be located on common property in multifamily and mixed housing developments and shall be owned and operated by a homeowners' association, established in accordance with § 102-95, with membership and/or use open only to residents of the development and their quests. The outdoor recreation facilities are for use only during daylight hours and shall not be lighted. Such facilities require major site plan approval.

(2) Mailboxes, lampposts, flagpoles, driveways, sidewalks, fences and walls and similar structures are permitted on common property and on individually subdivided lots without site plan approval, provided that they meet all applicable ordinance requirements. See also § 102-87.

(3) On farms, barns, tool sheds, greenhouses and customary accessory buildings to farms, including living quarters for farm help in accordance with § 102-84C(11) and (12) herein and housing facilities used seasonally for farm workers actually working on the farm on which they are housed, provided that they are occupied only on a seasonal basis and meet all state and local rules and regulations.

(4) Off-street parking areas and private garages if attached to the associated principal structures.

(5) Travel trailers, camper trailers, boats and boat trailers may be parked only in specially designated parking areas as part of a planned development. They shall not be permitted to be parked on individual residential lots because of the small lot size intended. This specially designated parking area shall be graded and, as a minimum, covered with compacted stone as required for parking areas and covered with stone dust. Blacktop surfacing in accordance with the off-street parking requirements may be installed but is not required. Nonpaved areas must be kept grass and weed free and in good repair.

(6) Attached patios and decks to principal structures or detached patios and decks with a minimum side and rear setback of five feet and with a maximum area of 300 square feet. Decks shall have a maximum height of five feet. See also § 102-48.

(7) Fences and walls; see §§ 102-57 and 102-73 for requirements.

(8) Temporary construction trailers; see § 102-80 for requirements.

D. Conditional uses. The following shall be permitted as conditional uses:

(1) Public utilities.

(a) Because the density will be higher than can be sustained by on-lot wells and septic systems, other methods of water and sewer service will be required and shall have New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and local health authority approval and any other required local, county and/or state approvals prior to preliminary subdivision or site plan approval and the issuance of any construction permit to start construction.

(b) Public utilities necessary for the direct service of the utility to the consumers such as transformers, transmission lines, piping, treatment plant, and pumping stations, but excluding warehouses, repair and maintenance garages, offices, storage yards and similar commercial and industrial oriented facilities, are permitted.

(2) Antennas, per requirements in § 102-49.

E. Area, yard, bulk and design requirements.

(1) A mix of unit types shall be required.

(2) Density and number of units.

(a) The maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a tract shall be based on 6.5 units per gross acre of land, except for senior citizens housing as covered below and except, further, that the total number of units in the development shall be no more than necessary to result in the completion of the Township's obligation to provide its fair share of the region's lower-income housing need considering the development at hand, as well as all others that provided lower-income units that have preceded the development at hand.

(b) The erection of senior citizens housing, for persons aged 62 years and over, in the A-4 District is permitted, provided that the development incorporates the income limits required in § 102-97 and incorporates the housing type, number of units, site design and unit distribution according to applicable state/federal program guidelines and provided that the required deed restrictions are applied to the project as required in § 102-97, with the addition of the age limitations of its occupants. No senior citizen project shall exceed a density of 10 units per gross acre. A senior citizen project shall have a maximum of three stories as seen from any side and a maximum height of 40 feet.

(3) In each multifamily development, a landscaped buffer area at least 25 feet wide along perimeter streets shall be incorporated in the perimeter setback area set forth in E(4) below. Common open space, landscaping and conservation easements and wetlands and wetland buffers may be utilized as buffer areas if they meet the landscaping and screening requirements of § 102-90. A minimum buffer area of 10 feet shall be provided between adjacent lower-income and market unit areas internal to the tract. The buffers shall be designed and planted to meet the objectives of § 102-90 as may be modified under the waiver provisions of § 102-85H(5).

(4) Bulk and design requirements. The design and density of the housing units within that portion of the tract devoted to each dwelling unit type shall be as follows. While lot size and dimensions are given, subdivided lots are not required. Condominiums or other nonsubdivided occupancy may be permitted in lieu of subdivided lots, but the unit area and setbacks intended for each unit and the location of each unit shall be identified on the plat to assure compliance with the following minimum provisions:


1If located on individual subdivided lots:

Patios, atriums and townhouses: minimum at 15 feet by 90 feet = 1,350 square feet per unit

Duplexes: minimum at 50 feet by 100 feet = 5,000 square feet per duplex

Quadplexes: minimum at 50 feet by 100 feet = 5,000 square feet per quadplex

2For senior citizen units, 0.5 space per unit for apartments and 1.0 space per unit for other unit types, except detached single-family dwellings shall be two spaces per unit. All spaces shall be unassigned.

3Patios, atriums, townhouses and duplexes at 9.0 units per acre, quadplex units at 11.0 units per acre.

4Common property and open space shall be operated and maintained by a homeowners' association as set forth in § 102-95.

5For senior citizen units, the maximum building height shall be 40 feet, with a maximum of three stories.

6Accessory buildings and structures are not permitted in the front yard, except as noted in § 102-87. Minimum distances between adjacent principal structures shall be 15 feet.

7No accessory uses are permitted, except as noted in §§ 102-85C and 102-87.

8In multifamily/condominium-type developments, measured to the street right-of-way line for dedicated streets or the curb for private streets or parking areas. See requirements of § 102-83C.

9Where the two spaces per unit are provided by garages and/or private driveways, an additional 1.0 space per unit of public parking shall be provided, either in off-street parking lots or for single-unit buildings, on streets; however, this additional one space per unit for single-unit buildings may be provided by a driveway which is at least 36 feet in length and 18 feet in width. Parking spaces on streets or parking lots shall be unassigned, except for handicapped parking spaces.

10Total of two side yards per dwelling shall be 15 feet minimum. Distance between adjacent buildings shall be 15 feet minimum.

11Parking areas may have zero setbacks from internal lot lines.

F. Signs.

(1) Street number designation, postal boxes, on-site directional and parking signs and signs posting property as "private property," "no hunting" or similar purposes are permitted but shall not exceed two square feet in area per sign per side.

(2) A temporary real estate sign advertising the sale or lease of a property or structure is permitted with the following restrictions: [Amended 11-10-1999]

(a) There shall be no more than one sign per property, except that corner lots shall be entitled to two signs per each such lot.

(b) Signs shall be located not closer than 10 feet from the nearest curbed or paved area. Such signs shall not be lighted.

(c) Signs must be located on the property advertised.

(d) Directional signs advertising for open houses may be permitted on the day before the open house and must be removed the same day after the termination of the open house. The number, size and location of such signs are to be determined by the Zoning Officer or Code Enforcement Officer in the exercise of his or her reasonable judgment. In any event, mo more than five signs shall be permitted for any one open house event.

(3) All signs shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in § 102-106, Signs.

(4) For seasonal decorations, see § 102-106C.

G. Certificate of occupancy. Any dwelling unit identified for lower-income housing shall not be occupied or reoccupied by a new tenant or owner until a new certificate of occupancy is issued to assure compliance with § 102-97.

H. Waivers for lower-income housing. The approving authority, when acting upon an application which includes provisions for lower-income housing in accordance with § 102-97 and the A-4 District, shall waive those portions of the following standards if they do not create health and safety concerns for either the Township or the future residents of a development.

(1) For streets internal to the development, curbs and gutters may be waived, except in locations where drainage control and/or erosion control are necessary. When curbs and/or gutters are required, they shall conform to § 102-53.

(2) Piped stormwater drainage systems may be waived with swales substituted, except in situations where swales are likely to increase erosion control problems. If used, swales shall have a bottom elevation that will allow any water under the roadway to seep out and drain away, have side slopes no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical, have a flat four-foot-wide bottom, be planted to stabilize the soil along the sides and bottom according to the soil types, have capacity for the computed runoff, be sloped to handle the rate of runoff while not eroding the soil and allow a design flow of at least 0.5 foot per second, but not more than two feet per second. Intersections shall be crowned to assure positive drainage into the swales. Where pipes are installed at road/driveway crossings or other required locations, the pipes shall be continuations of the swales and shall be of adequate size.

(3) Streetlighting and other lighting, if provided, shall be designed for locations best meeting overall public safety considerations considering intersections, public parking areas, walkways and the intensity of development. Where installed, lighting shall meet the requirements and/or objectives of § 102-117.

(4) Off-street parking designs may have waivers of some, but not all, landscaping requirements and may not be required to install curbing around all parking lots. Curbing will be required, however, where drainage control is needed and where erosion potential cannot adequately be addressed by alternate method.

(5) Shade tree planting and landscaping may be reduced, but not eliminated.

(6) Sidewalks shall be installed in locations determined by the approving authority to be in the interest of public safety and proper pedestrian circulation. Sidewalks need not follow all streets and in some instances may be better to follow open space corridors. The determination of whether sidewalks are needed and where they are best located shall be based on public safety, considering the intensity of development, the probable volume of pedestrian traffic, the adjoining street classification where sidewalks parallel streets, access to school bus stops, recreation areas and the general type of improvement intended. If required, sidewalks shall meet the requirements of § 102-72.

(7) Street paving widths may be reduced in accordance with the following standards which relate reduced pavement widths to removal or limiting of curb-street parking and adequate off-street parking.

(a) Dedicated public streets.

(b) Private access streets with no restricted public access to dwellings and parking.

I. Recyclable material storage. A condition of approval for all subdivisions shall be that all single-family dwelling units constructed on said subdivision shall provide a storage area of at least 12 square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four-week accumulation of mandated recyclable materials (including but not limited to newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bimetal cans). The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage, basement or kitchen, and all multifamily dwelling units shall provide a storage area of at least six square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four-week accumulation of mandated recyclable materials (including but not limited to newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bimetal cans). The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage or kitchen. This requirement shall be stated on the subdivision or site plan plat.

J. Parking of commercial vehicles prohibited. No commercial motor vehicle, truck tractor, omnibus or school bus, as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 and the various amendments thereto, nor registered construction vehicles or solid waste vehicles, as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:3-20 and the various amendments thereto, over 1/2 ton registered weight or a trailer bearing commercial license plates shall be parked out of doors any time, except those vehicles actually engaged in deliveries, construction or similar activity that is in progress at the site in question, in which case the vehicles may be parked on a temporary basis. School buses may be parked on school grounds as allowed by these development regulations or in the duly established municipal parking lot. This subsection shall not apply to registered farm vehicles, as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:3-24, 39:3-25 and 39:3-26 and the various amendments thereto. [Added 6-30-2004]