1. Clearing and Grubbing:

The entire area of each proposed street right-of-way shall be cleared of all stumps, brush, roots, boulders and like material and all trees not intended for preservation. Existing trees within the area of the right-of-way may be selected for preservation for aesthetic or other values by the Planning Board or its Designee provided that they shall be over four (4) inches in caliper and shall be located at least five (5) feet from the edge of the finished roadway pavement. No trees shall be removed until said selection is made. Such trees to be preserved shall be protected from bruises and other abuses continuously throughout the construction of the subdivision in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Board or its Designee.

2. Excavation and Subgrade Preparation:

All topsoil, organic and other unsuitable soils shall be removed for the full length and width of the proposed roadway pavements and from under the sidewalk location when sidewalks are required, regardless of whether or not the finished grade is above existing grade.

All other material shall be removed for the full length and width of the proposed roadways to the proposed roadway subgrade elevations as shown on the profile plan; provided, however, that if the soil is soft and spongy or contains undesirable material such as clay, peat, sand pockets, tree stumps, or any other material detrimental to the subgrade, a deeper excavation below the subgrade shall be made as required by the Planning Board Subdivision Inspector or his Designee.

3. Utilities:

Subsurface utilities shall be constructed after the roadway area has been graded to subgrade elevations, but before final subgrade compaction and final fine grading. Connections for sewer, drain, water, gas, telephone and electric services, where municipal services are available, shall be constructed for each lot (whether or not there is a building there) from the main service line in the way to five (5) feet beyond the exterior line of the way, except that the Planning Board may waive such requirement in whole or in part in the case of a lot to be used for a park, playground or for any other purpose for which, in the opinion of the Planning Board, such connections shall not be required.

4. Grading:

All roadway subgrades shall be fine graded and compacted in conformance with the finished grades shown on the profiles of the Definitive Plan or other design. Roadway cross slopes shall conform to the slopes and superelevations shown on the Definitive Plan profiles.

5. Gravel Sub base:

After the roadway subgrade has been fine graded to an elevation twenty-one (21) inches below the finished grade and approved, twelve (12) inches of gravel sub base material shall be spread and rolled with a roller of sufficient weight to compact to ninety five (95) percent Proctor density. Gravel shall be in conformity with the current MIFID Standard Specifications and shall consist of hard, durable stone and coarse sand practically free from loam and clay, uniformly graded and containing no stone having a dimension greater than three (3) inches. The gravel shall be spread in two six-inch (6") layers, each thoroughly compacted to 95% Proctor density and true to line and grade.

The gravel shall conform to the following gradation requirements:

If the site contains in-situ gravel material that conforms to the current MIFID Standard Specifications and the above gradation, it may be used as a base material.

6. Crushed Stone Subbase:

A 4 inch sub base course of dense graded crushed stone shall be placed and compacted on the completed gravel subbase course. Dense graded crushed stone material and construction shall conform to the requirements of the current MIFID Standard Specifications, Section 402.


The pavement shall be Class I, Type I-1 bituminous concrete conforming to the current MHD Standard Specifications. The pavement shall consist of a 4 inch base course and a 1 1/2 inch top course.

The base course shall be base course material placed in one course or two 2 inch binder course material courses placed in a continuous operation to produce the required 4 inch thickness before any vehicular traffic or construction equipment is permitted on the new pavement.

The top course shall be top course material placed in one course. The top course shall not be placed until all building and other construction within the site has been completed, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board.

The base course shall be tack coated with RS-1 asphalt emulsion at the rate of 0.05 gallons per square yard immediately before placement of top course material.

8.Guard Rails and Posts:

Guard rails shall be galvanized steel beam Type SS with H section steel posts in conformance with current MHD Standard Specifications. A wood guard rail with wood posts may be approved by the Board provided the rail and post lumber is approved pressure treated wood and the rail and post dimensions, and steel backing, is in conformance with the current AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Manual requirements.


Curbing shall be vertical granite curb Type VB and sloped granite edging Type SB conforming to MHD Standard Specifications Section M9.04.1 and M9.04.2, respectively. Granite curb inlets shall conform to Section M9.04.5


1. Preparation:

The sidewalk sub grade shall be graded and compacted to the proposed lines, grades, and cross slopes. Any soft, yielding or other undesirable materials found in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with gravel and recompacted. An 8 inch thick gravel sub base course shall be placed on the approved sub grade and compacted to 95% Proctor density.

2. Sidewalk Pavement:

Concrete sidewalk pavement shall be 3000 lb. strength cement concrete, four (4) inches in thickness, reinforced with No. 10, 6 inch by 6 inch mesh and broom finished. An expansion joint (3/4 inch open) shall be provided at least every twenty (20) feet; dividing joints shall be scored into the sidewalk every four (4) feet. Concrete sidewalk shall be constructed within edge forms. Forms shall be removed after completion of walk construction.

Bituminous concrete sidewalks shall be two 1 1/4 inch thick courses of Class I, Type I-1 dense mix material conforming to MHD Standard Specification Section M3.11.00.

All sidewalks shall be constructed in conformance with MHD Standard Specification Section 701.


Wherever pedestrian pathways or bicycle paths are provided for in the Definitive Subdivision Plan, construction shall be as required by the Board.

All edges of cement concrete pathways shall be formed with wood which shall be securely anchored and left in place; this provision shall not apply to bituminous concrete paths/pathways. Wood shall be treated lumber.


Topsoil shall be placed to a minimum depth, after compaction, of four inches on all roadside slopes and uncovered areas. Topsoil shall be natural material obtained from, or off, the site and shall conform to MHD Standard Specification Section M1.07.0.


Street name signs shall be installed at all street intersections in conformance with DPW requirements.