6.16 SEWER

6.16.1 Installation:

In the event that the Town sanitary sewer system is located within an existing public way within four hundred feet (400') measured along the existing public way or proposed roadway of the subdivision, the applicant shall be responsible for connecting all lots to the sewerage system. Connection to the system shall require an approval from the DPW, and any other required approvals, including, but not limited to, a permit for extension of the sewer system issued by the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control.

6.16.2 Sewer Options:

If the applicant is not required to connect to the Town sanitary sewer system, the applicant shall provide an alternative system for wastewater disposal. The following options are available:

a) install a communal sewage disposal system, the design and construction of which shall be subject to the approval of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the North Andover Board of Health and all other necessary review agencies; or

b) provide engineering data in accordance with Title 5.: "Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage" of the Massachusetts Environmental Code and with the Rules and Regulations for Sewage Disposal Installations as promulgated and amended from time to time by the Town of North Andover Board of Health (See Appendix V.), to prove to the satisfaction of the Board and the Board of Health the feasibility of providing private on-lot sewage disposal systems for each lot. Each on-lot system shall be located in the front yard, wherever practical, to facilitate future connections to the Town sewerage system.

c) grading for slope requirements for on-site sewage disposal systems shall be totally contained within the lot upon which such system is proposed. No slope easements onto any adjacent lot or property shall be permitted.


6.17.1 Installation:

All electrical and communications lines shall be installed underground. Communications lines shall include, but not be limited to, telephone and community antenna television cable.

6.17.2 Electric Lines:

The electrical power distribution shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Public Works of the Town of North Andover in effect at the time of application.


6.18.1 Location:

Street trees shall be planted by the applicant on all streets within the tract being subdivided. Trees shall be planted within the street right-of-way, between the sidewalks and the edge of the street pavement and shall be spaced at intervals of approximately fifty feet (50') on center, but no closer than thirty-five feet (35') on center.

6.18.2 Species:

The species of street trees selected shall be a minimum of four different species from the list of recommended street trees below:

Fraxinus Ornus

Flowering Ash

Fraxinus Americana

White Ash

Tilia Tomentosum

Silver Linden

Liquidambar Styraciflua

Sweet Gum

Plantanus Acerifolia

London Planetree

Acer Campestre

Norway Maple

Acer Saccharum

Sugar Maple

6.18.3 Requirements:

Tree size and planting shall conform to the requirements of Appendix VII, Tree Planting Specifications.

6.19 Guard Rails:

Guard rails shall be installed in all areas where fill slopes in excess of the required 3:1 have been approved. Appropriate slope treatment and erosion control measures shall be provided for all slopes in excess of 3:1 and rip-rap may be required on all slopes in excess of 2:1, unless otherwise specified by the Board.


Street signs shall be installed at all intersections in conformity with the specifications of the Department of Public Works. Until such time as each street is accepted by the Town as a public way, the sign posts at the intersection of each street with any other street, shall have affixed thereto a sign designating such street as a private way. Upon application for acceptance of the streets, the costs for advertising for hearing, for data collection in support of the street acceptance, for permanent signs and for any other costs related to the acceptance of the street shall be paid by the applicant.


Provisions shall be made for street lighting connections at locations determined by the Board.


No rule or regulation shall require, and no Planning Board shall impose, as a condition for the approval of a plan of a subdivision, that any of the land within said subdivision be dedicated to the public use, or conveyed or released to the Commonwealth or to the county, Town or Town in which the subdivision is located, for use as a public way, public park or playground, or for any other public purpose, without just compensation to the owner thereof.

Before approval of a plan by a Planning Board, said Board shall also in proper cases require the plan to show a park or parks suitably located for playground or recreation purposes or for providing light and air and not unreasonable in area in relation to the area of the land being subdivided and the prospective uses of such land, and if so determined said Board shall by appropriate endorsement on the plan, require that no building may be erected on such park or parks for a period of not more than three years without its approval.

6.23 Grading

The final grading shown on any approved Form C plan shall not be amended or changed without prior review and approval of the Board except as may be deemed minor by the Board's staff as defined in Section VI.F.7. below. In reviewing proposed amendments or changes, the Board shall consider the impact of such amendments or changes upon the subdivision as: a) changes in the direction of storm water; b) changes in velocities of runoff; c) impacts on abutting properties; d) impacts on street drainage systems; e) impacts on natural drainage channels, water courses or streams.

6.24 Slopes

Lot slope requirements in the residential zoning districts shall be as follows:

a. The slope of land at any point, stated as a percentage, shall be defined as the change in elevation over a horizontal distance measured perpendicular to the contours divided by the distance over which the change occurs multiplied by 100.

Slope = (Change in elevation/horizontal distance measured perpendicular to contours ) x 100

b. All natural slopes exceeding 25% over a horizontal distance of 10 feet as measured perpendicular to the contour are protected and shall remain in their natural state.

c. All cut-and-fill slopes within or contiguous to the street right-of-way shall be planted with suitable, well rooted, low growing plant materials or grass as determined by the Board, with advice from the Board's Designee. A wood chip or comparable mulch shall be used with ground cover plants to minimize erosion. Planting of sod may be required.