ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE A use or structure subordinate to the principal use of a building on the same lot and serving a purpose customarily incidental to the use of the principal building.
ADULT BOOKSTORE An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, and other materials which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis depicting, describing, or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 31. (1996/22) (2003/17)
ADULT CABARET A nightclub, bar, restaurant, tavern, dance hall, or similar commercial establishment which regularly features persons or entertainers who appear in the state of nudity, or live performances which are distinguished or characterized by nudity, sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 31. (1996/22) (2003/17)
ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER An enclosed building or any portion thereof used for presenting material (motion picture films, video cassettes, cable television, slides or any other visual media) distinguished by an emphasis on material depicting, describing or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 31. (1996/22) (2003/17)
ADULT PARAPHERNALIA STORE An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock devices, objects, tools, toys, which are distinguished or characterized by their association with sexual activity, including sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 31. (1996/22) (2003/17)
ADULT VIDEO STORE An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade for sale or rent motion picture films, video cassettes and similar audio/visual media which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis depicting, describing, or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL Ch. 272, Sec. 31. (1996/22) (2003/17)