16.7 Screening and Landscaping Requirements

1. Front Yard: The ten (10) feet nearest the street or front lot line must be landscaped and such landscaping shall not affect vehicular sight distance.

2. Side Yards: The five (5) feet nearest the side lot line must be landscaped. A waiver to the landscape requirements may be granted if one access driveway services the lot.

3. Rear Yards: The ten (10) feet nearest the rear lot lines must be landscaped.

4. Side and Rear Yards: Where a lot abuts a residential zoning district, the fifteen (15) feet nearest the side and rear lot lines must be landscaped. In addition, within ten (10) feet of the side and rear lot line, a buffer of at least eight (8) foot high trees or shrubs must be planted and maintained in a healthy condition by the owner of the property in perpetuity. A six (6) foot stockade fence must be erected along the side and rear property lines to physically separate the residential zone from the Corridor Development District areas. The Planning Board may specify the type and species of natural buffering required.

5. Building Foundation: A minimum three (3) foot wide landscaping strip must be installed along the entire length of each building foundation wall, except at points of entry/exit, lawfully required fire access points, loading/receiving bay areas, and any other structural amenities necessary and ordinary to the use of the building.

6. The Planning Board shall have final discretion in determining if sufficient landscape screening and buffering of varying depth and height has been provided.

7. All required screening, as described in items 1 through 6 above, shall be maintained in good condition at all times and in perpetuity.

16.8 Lighting and Signs

1. All outdoor lighting shall be designed so as not to adversely impact surrounding uses and residential properties, while also providing a sufficient level of illumination for access and security purposes. Such lighting shall not blink, flash, oscillate or be of unusually high intensity of brightness.

2. Parking areas shall be illuminated to provide appropriate visibility and security during hours of darkness.

3. Any outdoor lighting fixture newly installed or replaced shall be shielded so that it does not produce a strong, direct light beyond the property boundaries, and shall be directed toward the object or area to be illuminated. Light shall be directed away from residences. Where a lot abuts a residential zoning district, additional screening measures may be required at the discretion of the Planning Board.

4. Lighting of the site shall be adequate at ground level for the protection and safety of the public in regard to pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The glare from the installation of outdoor lights and illuminated signs shall be contained on the property and shall be shielded from abutting properties.

5. Landscape screening shall consist of planting, including evergreens, the plantings to be of such height, depth as needed to sufficiently screen from view abutting residential areas any unshielded light source, either inside or outside.

6. All signs shall conform to Section 6.6(D) Business and Industrial Districts.

16.9 Submission of a Special Permit Application and Plan

Procedures for submission of application and plan:

1. The applicant shall file eight (8) copies of Corridor Development District Plan, supporting materials, filing and outside engineering review escrow fees, and three (3) copies of the form titled "Corridor Development District Special Permit Application" to the Planning Board. The Town Planner shall certify that the plans and materials submitted have been time stamped by the Town Clerk's Office and meet the submittal requirements.

2. The Planning Board, within sixty-five (65) days from receipt of the plan by the Town Clerk, shall determine whether the proposed project is generally consistent with criteria of the paragraph 16.1 of this Section. The Planning Board will review the plans during a public hearing process and will receive comments from the public, other Town Departments, and the applicant.

3. The applicant must follow the procedures for obtaining a Special Permit as set forth in Section 10.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.

4. If applicable, the applicant must follow the procedures for Site Plan Review under Section 8.3, Site Plan Review.

16.10 Parking Requirements

The Planning Board, at its sole discretion, may waive required parking spaces if it determines that the permitted use may allow for less than the zoning mandated parking requirement. The Planning Board may consider one of the following in its determination:

1. The elimination of up to 25% of the required parking spaces to be constructed.

2. The elimination of up to 25% of the required parking spaces to be initially constructed, but require an adequate area for future spaces should they be required at a later date.

3. The elimination of up to 25% of the required parking spaces to be initially constructed, but require an adequate area for future spaces should they be required at a later date due to a change of use.

16.11 Change of Use Subsequent to Granting of Special Permit

Special Permits granted under any Corridor Development District shall be subject to a new public hearing for a new Special Permit if, in the opinion of the North Andover Zoning Enforcement Officer, a change of use occurs and the initial Special Permit was granted a parking waiver under Section 16.10 herein.

16.12 Use of Existing Structure on Existing Lot

1. Upon review, the Planning Board may waive some or all of the special permit requirements outlined herein if a proposed change of use from residential to the Corridor Development District permitted use, results in no substantial change to an existing structure and is located on the same dimensional lot that existed prior to creation of any Corridor Development District.

2. To encourage the continued use of existing industrial and commercial structures and provide additional flexibility to landowners within the CDD3, an applicant may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Special Permit to expand the gross floor area of the non-conforming industrial and commercial structure(s) by up to twenty-five (25%) as existed on the date of enactment of the CDD3. The expansion permitted by the this Special Permit shall not be considered objectionable or detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood due to the exterior appearance, emission of odor, gas, smoke, dust, noise, disturbance, or in any way objectionable to or detrimental to any residential use within the neighborhood. After such approval has been obtained from the ZBA, the applicant must obtain a Site Plan Special Permit as required under Section 16.

16.13 Dimension and Density Requirements

16.13.1 Corridor Development District 1

1. Minimum lot size: 43,560 sq. ft.

2. Minimum frontage: 150 feet.

3. Maximum lot coverage including buildings, driveways, and parking areas: 70%.

4. Maximum building coverage: 50%.

5. Maximum height, not to exceed three (3) stories above ground: 35 feet.

6. Minimum building and structures front setback: 10 feet.

7. Minimum building and structures rear setback: 20 feet.

8. Minimum building and structures side setback: 15.

9. Minimum building and structures where lot abuts residential zoning district: 20 feet.

10. Minimum distance between buildings: 10 feet.

11. Minimum usable open space requirements: 30% of minimum lot size.

12. Floor area ratio: 0.75:1.

16.13.2 Corridor Development District 2

1. Minimum lot size: 87,120 sq. ft.

2. Minimum frontage: 250 feet.

3. Maximum lot coverage including buildings, driveways, and parking areas: 70%.

4. Maximum building coverage: 40%.

5. Maximum height, not to exceed three (3) stories above ground: 35 feet.

6. Minimum building and structures front setback: 10 feet.

7. Minimum building and structures rear setback: 25 feet.

8. Minimum building and structures side setback: 15.

9. Minimum building and structures where lot abuts residential zoning district: 20 feet.

10. Minimum distance between buildings: 10 feet.

11. Minimum usable open space requirements: 30% of minimum lot size.

12. Floor area ratio: 0.75:1.

16.13.3 Corridor Development District 3

1. Minimum lot size: 108,900 sq. ft.

2. Minimum frontage: 250 feet.

3. Maximum lot coverage including buildings, driveways, and parking areas: 70%.

4. Maximum height, not to exceed forty-five (45) feet above grade.

5. Minimum building and structures front setback: 15 feet.

6. Minimum building and structures rear setback: 30 feet.

7. Minimum building and structures side setback: 20

8. Minimum building and structures where lot abuts residential zoning district: 35 feet.

9. Minimum distance between buildings: 10 feet.

10. Minimum usable open space requirements: 30% of minimum lot size.

11. Floor area ratio: 0.75:1.