16.1 Objectives

The Corridor Development District is intended:

1. To control the design of commercial and residential development along the primary corridors for vehicular travel through North Andover (Route 114, Route 133, and Route 125) in such a manner that encourages sound site planning, appropriate land use, the preservation of aesthetic and visual character, and promote economic development and diversity in the community tax base for the Town;

2. To foster a greater opportunity for creative development by providing control and design guidelines which encourage a mix of uses compatible with existing and neighboring residential properties;

3. To accommodate a compatible mixture of uses that complement commercial and residential uses typically associated with transportation corridors and large traffic flows.

4. To serve as a transition area between commercial development and the neighboring residential properties by ensuring that the appearance and effects of buildings and uses are harmonious with the character of the area;

5. To allow considerable flexibility under a special permit in the development of tracts of land as recommended in the Town of North Andover Master Plan in accordance with the goals and objectives in the Master Plan;

6. To allow a developer to propose a site development use and plan unique to a particular location.

16.2 Corridor Development District 1(CDD1) - Permitted Uses

In the Corridor Development District 1, no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be reconstructed, erected, altered or used for any other purpose than the following:

1. Retail uses excluding auto sales and repair provided there is no outdoor sales or storage of materials and products.

2. Restaurants excluding drive-through facilities.

3. Personal service establishments.

4. Public building or use and Public Service Corporation.

5. Professional offices including, but not limited to banks, real estate offices, insurance offices, physician offices, dentists, attorneys, architects, engineers or accountants. No drive-through facilities are permitted with these uses.

6. Art Gallery

7. Cultural Center or Museum

8. Place of worship

9. Same-structure/On-site Mixed Use Developments

a. Residential uses shall not be located on the first floor of a structure or building.

b. Apartments and condominiums shall be allowed where such use is not more than fifty percent (50%) of the gross square feet for a two (2) story building and not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the gross square feet for a three (3) story building.

16.3 Corridor Development District 2 (CDD2) - Permitted Uses

In the Corridor Development District 2, no building or structure shall be reconstructed, erected, altered or used for any other purpose than the following:

1. Retail uses provided there is no outdoor sales or storage of materials and products. However, auto sales and repair are not allowed.

2. Restaurants excluding drive-through facilities.

3. Personal service establishments.

4. Indoor recreation, fitness, and health care facility.

5. Indoor place of amusement or assembly.

6. Public building or use and Public Service Corporation.

7. Professional offices including, but not limited to banks, real estate offices, insurance offices, physician offices, dentists, attorneys, architects, engineers or accountants. No drive-through facilities are permitted with these uses.

8. Art Gallery

9. Cultural Center or Museum.

10. Place of worship.

11. Same-structure/On-site Mixed Use Developments

a. Residential uses shall not be located on the first floor of a structure or building.

b. Apartments and condominiums shall be allowed where such use is not more than fifty percent (50%) of the gross square feet for a two (2) story building and seventy-five percent (75%) of the gross square feet for a three (3) story building.

12. Farming, Livestock, Animal Care:

a. Farming of field crops and row crops, truck gardens, orchards, plant nurseries, and greenhouses.

b. On any lot of at least three (3) acres, the keeping of a total of not more than three (3) of any kind or assortment of animals or birds in addition to the household pets of a family living on such lot, and for each additional acre of lot size, the keeping of one (1) additional animal or bird up to a maximum of five (5) animals; but not the keeping of any animals, birds, or pets of persons not resident on such lot.

c. On any lot of at least five (5) acres, the keeping of any number of animals or birds regardless of ownership and the operation of equestrian riding academies, stables, stud farms, dairy farms, and poultry batteries

d. The sale of products raised as a result of the above uses on the subject land.

13. Fence businesses, fence contractor's yard, sales of sheds, swings sets and like equipment and supplies, including outdoor sales and outdoor storage of material, equipment, and supplies."

16.4 Corridor Development District 3 (CDD3) - Permitted Uses

In the Corridor Development District 3, no building or structure shall be reconstructed, erected, altered or used for any other purpose than the following:

1. Retail uses provided there is no outdoor sales or storage of materials and products. However, auto sales and repair are not allowed.

2. Restaurants excluding drive-through facilities.

3. Personal service establishments.

4. Indoor recreation, fitness, and health care facility.

5. Indoor place of amusement or assembly.

6. Outdoor place of amusement or assembly.

7. Public building or use and Public Service Corporation.

8. Professional offices including, but not limited to banks, real estate offices, insurance offices, physician offices, dentists, attorneys, architects, engineers or accountants. One drive-through facility shall be permitted every 500 linear feet of street or highway as measured along centerline.

9. Medical Center.

10. Research and Development Facility not to exceed 25,000 square feet.

11. Printing and Reproduction.

12. Warehousing and Wholesaling.

13. Motel and Hotel.

14. Art Gallery.

15. Cultural Center or Museum.

16. Place of worship.

17. Day Care Center.

18. Same-structure/On-site Mixed Use Developments:

a. Residential uses shall not be located on the first floor of a structure or building.

b. Apartments and condominiums shall be allowed where such use is not more than fifty percent (50%) of the gross square feet for a two (2) story building and seventy-five percent (75%) of the gross square feet for a three (3) story building.

16.5 Uses Subject to a Special Permit

The following uses may be allowed in the Corridor Development Districts by granting of a Special Permit pursuant to Section 8.3 and 10.3 of the Bylaw:

1. No building or structure in excess of 3,000 gross square feet of building area shall be constructed, reconstructed, erected or altered in the Corridor Development District without the granting of the Special Permit. The granting of the Special Permit shall be pursuant to Section 8.3 and 10.3 of the bylaw and subject to the following conditions:"

a. Submission of a traffic impact and mitigation plan by a professional traffic engineer/consultant.

b. For those parcels abutting residential zoned properties, sufficient evidence must be provided to demonstrate that no reasonable alternatives to the site layout, site design, and parking configuration exist.

c. A determination by the Planning Board that the proposed development will not create adverse traffic and safety impacts and neighborhood streets and uses are harmonious with the character of the area.

d. A determination by the Planning Board that the proposed development provides sufficient screening and buffering for those parcels abutting residential zoned properties.

2. For outdoor storage, display, and sales of materials, products and goods in connection with retail uses and provided:

a. Permissible area of land devoted to the specially permitted outdoor use may not exceed twenty percent (20%) within CDD1 and thirty percent (30%) within CDD2 of the indoor principal use devoted to retail sales;

b. The products, materials or goods displayed, stored or sold outdoors, by special permit, must not be visible from any residential use;

c. The goods, materials, and products permissible for outdoor storage, display and sales hereunder, shall explicitly exclude automobiles, motorcycles, or other wheeled vehicles and include only goods, materials, and products, which are customarily stored, displayed, or sold outdoors without the necessity for cover from the weather. Fertilizers and other toxic, hazardous chemicals are also excluded herein;

d. The amount of area designated for outdoor storage shall be included in the dimensional requirements for maximum lot coverage;

e. The entire outdoor storage area shall be enclosed by a wall of solid opaque material such as masonry or solid wood fencing which, in the opinion of the Planning Board, will not derogate from the surrounding area;

f. Sufficient landscaping shall be provided around the perimeter of the storage area at the discretion of the Planning Board; and,

g. Only living plants can be higher than the surrounding vertical structural screening.

3. Banks with a Drive-Through Facility within the CDD-2 District on a parcel or parcels collectively comprising at least five (5) acres or more of land.

**Webmasters Note: The previous section has been amended as per an update approved at a town meeting held 11/17/10.

16.6 Design Standards

1. Any other performance standards of the town shall also apply to uses conducted under this Section 16.6 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaws;

2. Architecture should demonstrate the cohesive planning of the development and present a clearly identifiable design feature throughout. Applicants are encouraged to use traditional New England architectural elements in the design. It is not intended that buildings be totally uniform in appearance or that designers and developers be restricted in their creativity. Rather, cohesion and identity can be demonstrated in similar building scale or mass; consistent use of facade materials; similar ground level detailing, color or signage; consistency in functional systems such as roadway or pedestrian way surfaces, signage, or landscaping; the framing of outdoor open space and linkages, or a clear conveyance in the importance of various buildings and features on the site;

3. Buildings adjacent to usable open space should generally be oriented to that space, with access to the building opening onto the open space;

4. All new utilities shall be placed underground;

5. Landscaped space and pedestrian connectivity shall be designed and located to provide sufficient and safe access throughout the development and/or abutting residential neighborhoods. An alternative to a sidewalk, such as an asphalt path or trail, which better serves the purpose of connecting commercial businesses to each other and the community, may also be used;

6. Commercial uses shall be designed and operated, and hours of operation limited where appropriate, so that neighboring residents are not exposed to offensive noise, especially from traffic or late-night activity. No amplified music shall be audible to neighboring residents;

7. Vehicular access to and from public roads is intended to be consolidated. Vehicular access to lands from a public roadway shall generally be limited to one (1) access point, particularly when frontage along said roadway is two hundred (200) feet or less;

8. Driveway consolidation should be undertaken so as to reduce traffic conflicts on feeder or collector streets:

a. Provision for Interior roadways and common curb cuts:

i. To allow for the least disruption in flow on the primary corridors, and the opportunity for orderly growth within the zoning districts bordering this state roadway, the town considers the reduction of entrances and exits on the highway of major concern. For that reason, all site plans shall show reasonable plans for interior roadways linking neighboring parcels presently developed or which could be developed as future site development to a common access point.

ii. The Planning Board may approve provisions for interior roadways utilizing joint access and/or egress, recognizing that the final design and permitting of access to the primary corridors is to be accomplished only through the access permit process of the Massachusetts Highway Department. The Planning Board shall have the authority to authorize the following density bonuses for abutting owners who develop interior roadways or feeder streets utilizing a common drive and curb cuts thereby eliminating per parcel access/egress point on the highway:

1. an additional five (5%) percent in the amount of lot coverage allowed by the requirements of the bylaw for an existing or proposed use; and,

2. an increase of one dwelling unit per acre for an existing or proposed residential use.

iii. Applicants should notify the Massachusetts Highway Department as soon as possible of their intent to utilize the provisions of this bylaw in order to facilitate an orderly and cooperative permitting process between the Planning Board and the state highway department;

9. The design should preserve and enhance natural features such as topography, waterways, vegetation, and drainage ways;

10. The design should minimize impervious surfaces and incorporate other design features to minimize storm water runoff; and

11. Mixed Use Developments should maximize pedestrian transit-oriented development. Specifically they should use "traffic-calming" techniques liberally; provide networks for pedestrians as good as the networks for motorists; provide pedestrians and bicycles with shortcuts al alternatives to travel along high-volume streets, and emphasize safe and direct pedestrian connections to transit stops and other commercial and/or employment nodes; provide long-term, covered, bicycle parking areas; provide well-lit, transit shelters; incorporate transit-oriented design features; and establish Travel Demand Management programs at employment centers.