The RB, Residential/Agricultural District is designed to preserve the character of existing residential and agricultural areas of the Township. The District includes considerable undeveloped land, and valuable natural resources and features such as flood plains, Class I, Class II and Class III Steep Slopes, woodland, prime agricultural soils, limestone geology, the Delaware Canal and watersheds tributary to the Delaware River. In order to maintain the character of these resources, the RB District provides meaningful area and bulk regulations, environmental protection requirements, and opportunities to arrange lots under an Open Space Option in accordance with Article 20.


A.building may be erected, altered or used, and land may be used or occupied, subject to the provisions of Article 14, 15 and 19, for any one (1) of the following Principal or Conditional Uses and no other (except as provided in Section 501 C.10.):

A. Permitted Principal Uses

1. Single-family detached dwellings.

2. Two-family dwellings and conversions into two-family dwellings, in accordance with Section 503 Bic. and Section 1903.

3. Agricultural use, subject to Article 19.

4. Municipal Use.

5.Forestry/Timber Harvesting'

B. Permitted Accessory Uses

1. Accessory uses on the same lot and customarily incidental to the principal residential and agricultural uses permitted in Section 501 A., subject to the provisions of Article 18 and 19.

2. The sale of farm products, subject to the provisions of Article 19.

3. The keeping of not more than two (2) horses, or two (2) ponies or combination thereof, for recreational purposes on lots of a least five (5) acres in size, subject to the provisions of Article 19, Section 1902, provided that no more than one (1) additional horse, or one (1) additional pony may be kept for each additional acre in excess of five (5) acres.

4. Parking in accordance with Article 16.

5. Signs in accordance with Article 17.

6. Accessory Dwellings2

7. No-Impact Home-Based Business [sic]

C. Conditional Uses (Refer to Article 19 for Special Provisions governing Conditional Uses and Article 21 for Standards and Criteria)

1. Single-family detached dwellings utilizing the Open Space Option, subject to Section 504.

2. Open Space for recreational and conservation purposes, subject to Article 20.

3. Golf course, private recreational facility.

4. Cultural, religious or charitable use.

5. School; library; commercial school.

6. Group Home.

7. Day Care Center.

8. Emergency services.

9. Bed and Breakfast Inn.

10. Multiple single-family detached dwellings as part of an agricultural use.

11. Single-family detached dwellings utilizing the Open Space Option, subject to Section 504.

12. Riding Academy, subject to Section 1901.DD.


The maximum height of dwellings and other structures erected, enlarged, altered or used shall be thirty-five (35) feet, except as provided in Article 18.


Except as specified in Article 19 relative to setbacks from the Delaware Canal, the following shall apply:

A. Agricultural Uses involving livestock:

1. Minimum Lot Area - ten (10) acres

2. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 400 feet

3. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 200 feet

4. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage - 25%

5. Maximum Building Coverage - 20%

6. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 100 feet

7. Minimum Width of Each Individual Side Yard - 75 feet

B. Residential Uses Single-family detached dwellings and two-family dwellings; and Agricultural Uses not involving livestock:

1. Principal Dwelling

a. Minimum Lot Area - three (3) acres, provided, however,

1) The keeping of horses or ponies for recreational purposes shall require a minimum lot area of five (5) acres. (Refer to Section 401.B.3. and Article 19, Section 1902.)

2) In the case of a two-family dwelling or conversion into a two-family dwelling, the lot area for each dwelling unit shall he a minimum of three (3) acres.


4) In the case of a lot which is covenanted under Act 319, in order to prevent a breach of the covenant, the lot may be created in two (2) stages. The first stage shall include a subdivision of two (2) acres in the first year and the balance in the second year to create a conforming lot. The lots so created shall be merged into a single lot at the completion of the two (2) stage subdivision.

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line 250 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 50 feet

d. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage - 25%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 10%

f. Minimum Depth of Front Yard - 80 feet

g. Minimum Depth of Rear Yard - 60 feet

h. Minimum Width of Each Individual Side Yard - 50 feet

2. Accessory Dwellings

a. Minimum Lot Area - 7 acres.

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 225 feet.

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 100 feet.

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage -20%.

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 15%.

f. Minimum Depth of Front Yard - 80 feet.

g. Minimum Depth of Rear Yard - 60 feet.

h. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 50 feet.

i. Clustering - The Principal Dwelling and all Accessory Dwellings shall be clustered within twenty percent-(20%) of the entire tract.

j. Other Requirements - a maximum of two (2) Accessory Dwellings may be erected provided the lot is a minimum of 50 acres in area.

k. Nothing contained in this section shall permit an Accessory Dwelling to be constructed on a lot which has been restricted from the construction of additional dwellings by deed, subdivision plan, operation or law or otherwise.

l. When an owner of a lot wishes to erect an Accessory Dwelling, the owner shall enter into a Unilateral Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants in a form acceptable to the Township agreeing not to subdivide the Accessory Dwelling or subject it to a plan of condominium.

C. Conditional Uses

1. The area and bulk regulations for single-family dwellings under the Open Space Option shall be as set forth in Section 504.R.

2. Cultural, Religious and Charitable Uses; Group Home

a. Minimum Lot Area - 5 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 300 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 250 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage - 40%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 15%

f. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 125 feet.

g. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 75 feet

3.Cemetery, School, Library, Commercial School

a. Minimum Lot Area - 10 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 500 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 350 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage - 35%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 15%

f. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 150 feet

g. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 125 feet

4.Golf Course, Private Recreational Facility

a. Minimum Lot Area - 20 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 500 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 400 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage - 40%

e. Maximum Building Coverage 20%

f. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 250 feet

g. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 200 feet

5. Day Care Center, Emergency Services, Bed and Breakfast Inn

a. Minimum Lot Area - 3 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 225 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 100 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage - 40%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 15%

f. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 85 feet

g. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 75 feet

6. Multiple single-family detached dwellings as part of an agricultural use

a. Minimum Lot Area - 100 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 225 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 100 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface. Coverage - 20%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 15%

f. Minimum Depth of Front Yard - 80 feet

g. Minimum Depth of Rear Yard - 60 feet

h. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 50 feet

i. Clustering - All dwellings shall be clustered within twenty percent (20%) of the entire tract

j. Other requirement - More than two (2) single-family detached dwelling units may be erected provided there remains a minimum of thirty-three and one-third (33-1/3) acres of land per each dwelling as part of the undivided tract.

7. Single-family detached dwellings utilizing the Open Space Option.

a. Refer to Section 504.

8. Riding Academy

a. Minimum Lot Area - 10 acres

b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 400 feet

c. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 200 feet

d. Maximum Total Impervious Surface Coverage - 25%

e. Maximum Building Coverage - 20%

f. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 150 feet

g. Minimum Width of Each Side Yard - 125 feet