Section 7.14. Electrical Distribution System

A. General requirements

Every park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment, and appurtenances which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the electric power provider's specifications. regulating such systems.

B. Power distribution lines

Main power lines shall be located under-ground. All conductors and cables shall be buried at least 36 inches below the ground surface and insulated and specially designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one foot radial distance from -water, sewer, gas, or communication lines.

C. Individual electrical connections

1. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and over current protective equipment. The. minimum service-,per outlet shall be 120/240 volts AC, 100 amperes.

2. The mobile home shall be connected to the outlet receptacle by an approved type of flexible cable with connectors and a male attachment plug.

3. Where the calculated load of the mobile home is more than 60 amperes, either a second outlet receptacle shall be installed or electrical service shall be provided by means of permanently installed conductors.

D. Required grounding

All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor run with branch circuit conductors or other approved method of grounded metallic wining. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment.

Section 7.15. Fire Protection

A. As a prerequisite to conditional use approval in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4A and 20 of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Supervisors shall be satisfied upon the recommendation of the local fire prevention authority that appropriate provisions for fire protection shall be incorporated into the design and development of any mobile home park.

B. Portable hand-operated fire extinguishers of a type and size suitable for use on oil, chemical, and electrical fires and approved by the local fire prevention authority shall be kept in each service building under park control. Two portable fire extinguishers shall. be placed in each mobile home in the park, located inside the mobile home in a fixed location preferably near a door but not in dose proximity to cooking facilities. Each mobile home also shall be equipped with a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide sensor. It shall be the responsibility of the mobile home park operator to enforce these requirements.

C. The mobile home park manager shall consult annually with the local fire prevention authority as to proper fire prevention practices, accessibility of streets, testing of fire hydrant pressure if applicable, location and operation of equipment, community education programs, and the like.

Section 7.16. Solid Waste Collection and Disposal

A. The storage, collection and disposal of solid waste in any mobile home park shall be so managed as to create no health hazard, rodent harborage, insect, breeding area, accident or fire- hazard, or air pollution.

B. ALL mobile home - parks shall be provided with solid waste collection stations at convenient but inconspicuous locations, each serving not more than 15 mobile homes, and consisting of self-dosing containers, with separate containers for garbage, trash, and recyclable materials, placed on a concrete, slab and accessible for truck pick-up, and completely screened from view by solid fencing.

Section 7.17. Miscellaneous Structural Requirements

A. Additions and alterations

No permanent addition shall be built onto or become a part of any mobile home, and no plumbing or electrical alteration or repair shall be made, unless in accordance with all applicable state, county, and/or township laws, Ordinances, and regulations.

B. Mobile home pad

A.concrete pad with dimensions sufficient to support the intended unit shall be provided for all mobile homes. Such pad shall be properly graded, placed, and compacted so as to be durable and adequate for the support of the- maximum anticipated loads during all seasons.

C. Anchoring

Every mobile home placed within a mobile home park shall be anchored to the mobile home pad where it is located prior to the unit being occupied or used in any other way, or prior to the expiration of seven days, whichever occurs first. The anchoring system shall be constructed as an integral component of the mobile home pad and shall be .designed to resist a minimum wind velocity of 90 miles per hour and to prevent tilting of the unit.

D. Skirts

Each mobile home placed within a mobile home park shall, prior to occupancy or other use, have a skirt installed which is designed to complement the appearance of the mobile home and is coordinated with other units throughout the park.

E. Hitch

If a hitch or towbar is attached to a mobile home for transport purposes, it shall be removed and remain removed from the mobile home when it is placed on its mobile home pad.

Section 7.18. Permits, Licenses and Inspections

A. Permits required

It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, extend, or operate a mobile home park within the Township unless and until he obtains:

1. A valid permit issued by the Bucks County Health Department, in the name of the operator, for a specified construction, alteration, or extension proposed,

2. A permit issued by the Township Zoning Officer in the name of the operator, which shall not be issued until a copy of the Health Department permit has been furnished, all permits for water supply and sewage systems shall have been obtained, and all other requirements contained herein have been complied with, and final approval of the application has been granted by the Board of Supervisors; and

3. A building permit issued by the Township for the placement of any mobile home on a mobile home lot, including the relocation of an existing mobile home from one lot to another within a mobile home park.

B. Annual licenses

In addition to the initial permits, the operator of a mobile home park shall apply to the Bucks County Health Department and to the Township Zoning Officer on or before the first day. of December of each -year for. an annual license to continue operation of the mobile home park. The Zoning Officer shall issue the annual license upon satisfactory proof that the park -continues to meet the standards of this Ordinance, including continued maintenance of appropriate financial security. The license so issued shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance.

C. Fees

1. Fees for the initial application, preliminary and final approvals, and the annual license shall be prescribed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

2. The fee for the annual license shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer with the application for the annual license.

3. The amount and submission of the fee required for a building permit shall be in accordance with the fee schedule for such permits established by the Township.

D. Inspections

1. Upon notification to the licensee, operator, or other person in charge of a mobile home park, a representative of the Township may inspect a mobile home park at any reasonable time to determine compliance with this Ordinance.

2. Upon receipt of the application for annual license and before issuing such annual license, the Zoning Officer or other designated representative of the Township shall make an inspection of the mobile home park to determine compliance with this Ordinance. The Zoning. Officer or other representative shall thereafter notify the licensee of any instances of non-compliance with the Ordinance and shall. not issue the -annual license until the licensee has corrected all such violations.

E. Register of occupants

The park operator shall maintain a register containing the number of occupied mobile home pacts and the names of all park occupants. Such register shall be available to any authorized person inspecting the park.

F. Removal of mobile homes

No mobile home shall be removed from the Township without first obtaining a removal permit from the Township Tax Collector as required by Act No. 54 of 1969 of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Such permit shall be issued upon payment of a fee which shall be set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and real estate taxes assessed against the home and unpaid at the time the permit is requested.

G. Transfer or change in terms of permit

No mobile home park permit issued under this Ordinance shall be transferable to a different location. No person holding a permit under this Ordinance shall extend or reduce the area of any mobile home park, add any new facility or structure, or eliminate any existing facility or structure unless appropriate conditional use approval has been obtained, and/or the Zoning Officer shall have ascertained, after investigation as in the case of an original application for a permit, that such proposed change is in accordance with all requirements of this Ordinance, and shall have signified that fact by his written approval.

Section 7.19. Maintenance

A. Maintenance of facilities

The operator and owner of a mobile home park shall be responsible for maintaining all common facilities including, but not limited to roads, parking areas, sidewalks or pathways, lighting, signage, recreational and open space areas and facilities, water supply and sewage disposal systems and service buildings, in a condition of proper repair and maintenance. If, upon inspection by the Zoning Officer or other representative, it is determined that the mobile home park is not in compliance with this standard of maintenance, the licensee shall be considered to be in violation of this Ordinance and the Zoning Officer shall notify the operator or licensee of the particulars of any such violation.

B. Failure to maintain

The operator and licensee shall thereafter have 30 days in which to correct any such violations, except that if the violation is determined by the Zoning Officer or other representative to constitute a hazard to the health or safety of the residents of the mobile home park, he shall order that the violation be corrected forthwith. Upon written request of the operator and licensee and at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Zoning Officer, extended time for correction of violations may be granted.

C. Maintenance guarantee

1. The licensee of a mobile home park shall, prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy pursuant to final approval of an application, provide the Township financial security for maintenance of the mobile home park in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance, and in an amount to be determined by the Board of Supervisors.

2. In the event of non-compliance with an order pursuant to Section 7.19(B), whether a 30-day order or an order to correct violations forthwith, the Township may forfeit the financial security and use the proceeds thereof to effect correction of the violations.

Section 7.20. Revocation or Suspension of License

Upon repeated violations by the same permittee, his night to the issuance of a permit, or to continued operation under a permit, may be suspended for a fixed term or permanently revoked, after notice and hearing, subject to the right of appeal to the Bucks County Common Pleas Court.

**Webmasters Note: The previous Article has been added as per Ord. No. 95-175.