ARTICLE VII: Mobile Home Parks
Section 7.01 Definitions

In addition to the applicable definitions contained. in Article II of this Ordinance, the following additional terms are used explicitly in the provisions of this Article. For purposes of this Article, they shall be defined as follows:

A. ANCHORING - The fastening of a, mobile home to its pad (or stand) in order to prevent upset or damage due to wind, erosion, flooding, or other natural forces.

B. HITCH - A device which is part of the frame or attaches to the frame of a mobile home and connects it to a vehicle for the purpose of transporting the unit.

C. MOBILE HOME PAD - A concrete pad, at least six inches in thickness with at least six tie-down rings, to which the mobile home shall be secured, and equal in length and width to the dimensions of the mobile home to be placed thereon.

D. MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT - A written permit issued by the Zoning Officer and subject to annual renewal, permitting the mobile home park to operate under this Ordinance and other pertinent Ordinances and regulations.

E. SKIRT - A panel specifically designed for the purpose of screening the under side of a mobile home by forming an extension of the vertical exterior walls of the mobile home and covering the entire distance between the bottom of the exterior walls and the ground elevation below."

Section 7.02. Application Procedure

A. Submission and Review Procedure

Where approved as a Conditional Use in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance, an application for development of a tract of land for mobile home park purposes shall be made and approved, or approved as modified, before any mobile home park permit for such use shall be issued. The requirements of Article IV of this Ordinance shall govern the submission, processing, and review of all applications for mobile home park development.

B. Content of Application

1. All applications for mobile home park development shall be considered land development applications. The requirements of Article IV of this Ordinance shall apply. Information submitted by Applicant during the course of consideration of conditional use approval may be used to satisfy the requirements of Article IV- where appropriate.

2. In addition to the requirements contained in Article V, an application for preliminary or final approval of a mobile home park shall indicate by, drawings, diagrams, maps, text, affidavit, or other legal instrument, the following:

a. The tract for which application is made is held in single and separate owner-ship.

b. The placement, location, and number of mobile home lots and mobile home pads, consistent with the terms of Section 7.03 of this Ordinance, on a layout map of the tract at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet.

c. The location and dimension of all driveways, pedestrian ways, sidewalks, and access roads with notation as to type of impervious cover.

d. The location, dimension, and arrangement of all areas to be devoted to lawns, buffer strips, screen planting, and common open space, including areas for recreation.

Section 7.03. Density, Dimensional, and General Layout Standards

A. Area and Density Regulations

1. Where approved as a conditional use in accordance with Article 4A of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance, the maximum gross density on any tract developed as a mobile home park shall not exceed four mobile homes per acre, calculated by multiplying the net tract acreage times four (4). For the purposes of this section, the net tract acreage shall be determined by excluding the following from the gross tract area in acres:

a. Any existing area that has been set side as a permanent right-of-way or easement for a public or private street, or for -above-ground or underground utilities;

b. Any existing area comprising permanent drainage or stormwater .management easements;

c. An area equivalent to 75% of any area which contains one or more of the following features:

i. Any area within the Flood Plain Conservation District as established in Article 14 of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance;

ii. Any area comprising wetlands under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources;

iii. Any area within the Steep Slope Conservation District as established in Article 15 of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance; and iv. any area containing seasonally high water table soils;

d. To the extent that any development rights have been removed or restricted by establishment of conservation easement(s), affected shall be excluded from the acreage used for calculation of the maximum gross density.

2. Each mobile home lot shall be clearly marked and shall contain a driveway with unobstructed access to a street.

3. Each mobile home shall be located on the lot so that there will be a minimum of 30 feet between mobile homes and so that no mobile home will be less than 50 feet -from any exterior boundary of the mobile home park, except where greater setbacks are required in accordance with subparagraph 7, below, and Section 1906.B of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance.

4. Permitted accessory structures shall be located so -that there will be a minimum of 30 feet between any accessory structure and any mobile home to which it is not accessory and so that no accessory structure will be less than 50 feet from any exterior boundary of the mobile home park, except where greater setbacks are required in accordance with subparagraph 7, below, and Section 1906.B of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance.

5. The minimum size of any mobile home lot shall be 6,000 square feet.

6. The minimum frontage for any mobile home lot shall be 60 feet.

7. The maximum impervious surface coverage permitted on any individual mobile home lot shall not exceed 40 percent, and across the entire tract shall not exceed 25 percent of net tract area, established per §7.03.A.l.

8. The minimum setback from the edge of cartway of any street within the mobile home park shall be 15 feet for any structure.

9. While complying with all other minimum area and density requirements herein, all principal and accessory structures shall be located at least five feet from any lot line within the mobile home park.

10. No mobile home, mobile home park service building, nor permitted accessory structure shall be located less than 150 feet from any public or private street right-of-way external to the mobile home park except where permitted as a condition of conditional use approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 1906.B of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance. In no cases hall any mobile home be located less than 50 feet from any public or private street right-of-way external to the mobile home park nor shall any part of any mobile home obstruct any roadway or walkway within a mobile home park.

B. Site layout.

1. Mobile homes placed on individual lots are encouraged to be placed off-center on the lots so as to provide a large usable open yard space -and outdoor living area in one section of the lot.

2. Groups or clusters of units, so placed as to create interior spaces and courtyards, shall be incorporated whenever feasible.

3.There shall be variety in the arrangement and orientation of mobile homes, with particular attention given to topography and existing trees. Site layout shall be designed to ensure that mobile home units are offset to avoid long, uninterrupted corridors between the units.

4. The applicant is strongly encouraged to design the mobile home park so that many units have their long axis east-west, offering southern exposure to their longest wall and roof areas. - When topographic conditions make a street layout for good solar orientation of units difficult or undesirable, lots should be laid out so that units can be oriented to the south to the greatest extent possible.

Section 7.04. Street System

With the exception of those standards specified in this Section, all standards pertaining to streets in Article V and VI of this Ordinance shall govern the design and construction of streets in a mobile home park. Designation of public rights-of-way is not required within a mobile home park.

A. Access and street frontage

Access to any mobile home lot shall be from a street interior to the mobile home park. Where mobile home lots are created having front-age on an existing street within the Township, the mobile home park street pattern shall provide reverse frontage access to an interior street within the mobile home park, and not to the existing street.

B. Street widths

Streets shall be constructed in conformance with the requirements of Article V of this Ordinance, except that all streets within a mobile home park shall be constructed to a minimum width of twenty (20) -feet. Curbs shall be discouraged except where necessary for purposes of stormwater management.

C. Illumination of streets and walkways

In addition to the requirements of §6.06 of this Ordinance, all mobilehome parks shall be furnished with lighting fixtures so spaced and so equipped with luminaries as will provide adequate levels of illumination throughout the park for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at night. Lighting fixtures selected shall employ downlighting so that no direct light shall leave the tract upon which the mobile home park is developed.

Section 7.05. Off-street- Parking Areas and 'Walks

A. The requirements for driveways contained in §5.10 of this Ordinance shall be applicable to all mobile home parks.

B. Off-street parking for at least two motor vehicles shall be provided on each mobile home lot. Each parking stall shall be at least 10 feet by 20 feet and shall have an all-weather paved surface acceptable to the Township, which shall be specified in the plan.

C. Additional parking spaces for vehicles of non-residents shall be provided at the rate of one space for every three mobile home lots. Such parking spaces shall be provided through off-street common parking 'areas, and shall be in locations that are sufficiently dispersed throughout the park to serve all mobile home units.

D. Parking is prohibited on internal roads. It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of the mobile home park to enforce this provision.

E. All mobile home parks shall provide safe, convenient, all-season pedestrian walkways of adequate width for their intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between the park streets and all community facilities for park residents.

1. Where pedestrian traffic is concentrated, each walk shall have a minimum width of 3-1/2 feet.

2. All mobile home lots shall be connected to common walks, and to streets or to driveways connecting to a paved street. Each such walk shall have a minimum width of two feet.

F. Applicant is strongly encouraged to utilize pervious paving material for all required parking areas and walkways, as appropriate, in order to reduce stormwater runoff generation.

Section 7.06. Stormwater Management

The provisions of §5.05, §5.06, §5.07, and §6.10 of this Ordinance shall be applicable to all mobile home park developments.

Section 7.07. Water Supply

All mobile home parks shall be served by a community water supply system meeting the provisions of §6.11 of this Ordinance, as applicable.

Section 7.08. Sewage Treatment and Disposal

All mobile home parks shall be served by a community sewage treatment and disposal system(s) utilizing land application of wastewater in accordance with the Solebury Township Sewage Facilities Plan and all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

Section 7.09. Utility Distribution System

All utilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the terms of §6.15 of this Ordinance.

Section 7.10. Open Space and Recreation Areas

A. Development -of any mobile home -park shall comply with the park and recreation requirements of §6.19 of this Ordinance. For the purposes of §6.19 individual mobile homes will be treated as single family detached dwellings. Any dedication of fee in lieu of recreational land shall be calculated per mobile home.

Section 7.11. Buffering, Screening, and Landscaping

A. A vegetative buffer conforming to the provisions of §1907 and §1908 of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance shall be installed along the entire perimeter of the mobile home park tract, broken only by vehicular and pedestrian accessways. Where Applicant -demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors that existing vegetation and/or topographic relief buffer views into a tract to be developed as a mobile home park, buffer requirements may be reduced as a condition of conditional use approval in accordance with Section 1906.B of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance.

B. All introduced plantings shall be maintained permanently and replaced within one year in the event of death of any plant material. Plantings shall not be placed closer than three feet from any property line.

C. All existing deciduous and evergreen trees above two inches diameter at a height 4.5 feet above mean ground level (2" dbh) and/or six feet in height shall be preserved in the buffer areas, except where clearance is required to insure sight distance.

D. No portions of tree masses or trees with 4-inch or greater dbh shall be cleared unless clearly necessary for effectuation of the proposed mobile home park development. Applicants shall make all - reasonable efforts to harmonize their plans with the preservation of existing trees.

E. In addition to plantings within the required vegetative screen, the design of a mobile home park shall comply with the following landscaping requirements:

1. Disturbed topsoil shall be stockpiled and replaced after construction.

2. Deciduous trees of varying species shall be planted within the mobile home park at the ratio of two per mobile home. In the event that a substantial portion of the tract is wooded and a substantial number of trees remain after development, the Board may modify this requirement.

3. Deciduous and/or ever-green shrubs of varying species shall also be planted within the mobile home park -at a ratio of at least four per mobile home.

4. Planting of landscape material shall be in accordance with a plan prepared by a registered landscape architect in conformance to §1908 of the Solebury Township Zoning Ordinance. Planting of landscape material shall. be completed within six months of approval of the final plan, and failure to carry out the landscaping plan within such time shall warrant denial of the issuance or renewal of the park's annual license, as required by this Article.

Section 7.12. Service Buildings and Facilities

A. Uses and activities

Where a service building is provided, it must contain a toilet and lavatory for each sex and storage areas for occupants of the park. In addition, the applicant -may provide laundry facilities, management office, repair shop, indoor recreational facilities and/or commercial uses to supply essential goods and services to park residents only. It is also recommended that the applicant provide sheltered waiting areas for transportation and a mail box area for residents.

B. Construction and maintenance

Construction of service buildings shall be in compliance with all applicable building codes, plumbing codes, etc., and shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and structurally safe condition.

Section 7.13. Fuel Supply and Storage

A. Liquified petroleum gas system

1. The design, installation, and -construction of containers and pertinent equipment for the storage and handling of liquified petroleum gasses shall conform to the Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature of December 27, 1951, P.L. 1793, as it may be amended, and to the regulations therefor promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or its successor.

2. Liquified petroleum gas systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings or other structures, when installed, shall be maintained in conformance with the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and shall include the following:

a. Systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be arranged so that the -discharge terminates at the safe location.

b. Systems shall have at least one accessible means for shutting off gas. Such means shall be located outside the mobile home and shall be maintained in effective operating condition.

c. ALL liquified petroleum gas piping outside of the mobile home shall be well supported and protected against mechanical injury. Undiluted liquified petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment or systems in mobile homes.

d. Vessels of at least 12 U.S. gallons and less than 60 U.S. gallons gross capacity shall be maintained in a vertical position and shall be securely, but not permanently, fastened to prevent accidental overturning;. No vessel shall be placed any closer to a mobile home exit than five feet and no closer to any window than three feet.

e. No liquified petroleum gas vessel shall be stored or located inside or beneath any storage cabinet, airport, mobile home, or any other structure.

f. All pipe connections shall be of a flare type.

B. Fuel oil supply systems

1. All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings, and other structures shall be installed and maintained in conformance with all applicable federal, state and local rules and regulations.

2. All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be securely, but not permanently, fastened in place.

3. All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings, and

other structures shall have shut-off valves located within five inches of storage tanks.

4. All fuel storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely -placed -and shall not be less than five feet from any mobile home exit, and not less than three feet from any window.

5. Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage.