§ 261. Fees for permit applications for gasoline service stations and public garages.

[Effective 12-8-1998; 8-25-2014]

A. Each application to the Town Board for a permit for the use or operation of a gasoline service station and battery and tire service station shall be accompanied by a fee of $800. An applicant for a permit to install additional gasoline storage tanks in an existing gasoline filling station shall pay an application fee of $200 at the time of filing such application.

B. Each application for a variance from the provisions of the Gasoline Service Station District (GSS) of Article XXXIII of the Building Zone Ordinance shall be accompanied by a fee of $450.

C. Each application to the Town Board for a special exception for a public garage or similar uses as stated in § 196N of Article XVI of the Building Zone Ordinance, § 209 of Article XVII of the Building Zone Ordinance and § 220 of Article XVIII of the Building Zone Ordinance shall be accompanied by a fee of $700.

§ 262. Area map to be included with certain applications.

[Effective 5-29-1982]

Every application to the Town Board for an amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance or of the Building Zone Map or for a special exception or other use permit and every application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a special exception shall be accompanied by an area map prepared by a professional engineer or surveyor licensed by the State of New York showing by courses and distances the property which is the subject of the application and all of the properties within 200 feet of any line of the property which is the subject of the application and showing, to scale, all structures within the area indicating the use of each, and showing the zoning of all the areas depicted. The number of copies of the area map required for each application shall be at the discretion of either Board, through rules promulgated by either Board from time to time.

§ 263. Fees for site plan approvals.

[Effective 4-5-1982]

Site plan approvals under § 305 of this ordinance shall require payment of the following fees:

A. An application fee based upon acreage at $500 for the first acre and $150 for each additional acre or portion thereof.

B. An application for a revised site plan shall require a fee of $500 per revision. [Effective 4-10-1993]

C. Churches and nonprofit charitable institutions shall be exempt from this section.

§ 264. Disclosure of interested officials.

[Effective 10-3-1968]

A. Every applicant for a variance, change of zoning, approval of a plat, exemption from a plat or official map, or any other license or permit granted in the exercise of discretion under the provisions of this ordinance, shall certify, in the manner hereinafter provided, the name and address of each state or local officer or employee in the county interested in the favorable exercise of such discretion.

B. As used in this section, the terms "state or local officer or employee" shall also include the members of the boards and commissioners of local public authorities or other public corporations within the county, but shall not include volunteer firemen or civil defense volunteers.

C. A person is "interested" in such application when he or his spouse or a person by consanguinity related to either of them within the third degree:

(1) Is the applicant;

(2) Is an officer, director or employee of the applicant;

(3) Legally or beneficially owns or controls the stock of a corporation or is a member of the partnership venture or association which makes the application; or

(4) Has an agreement with such an applicant, expressed or implied, whereby his compensation for services is to be dependent or contingent upon the favorable exercise of such discretion.

D. An applicant shall certify whether or not any of the foregoing provisions are applicable by making a verified statement, under oath (unless such statement is affirmed by an attorney under the provisions of Article 21 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules) on a form for such purpose provided by either the Town Clerk on behalf of the Town Board or by the Clerk of the Board of Zoning Appeals, depending upon which Board has jurisdiction over the application.

E. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on any regularly organized stock market as defined in Rule 4533 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules.

§ 265. Fees for extension of time.

[Effective 4-5-1982; 8-25-1998]

Applications for extensions of time under § 271 of this ordinance shall require application fees as provided in § 257B of this article.

§ 266. Rezoning of parcels to CA or CA-S Residence District.

[Effective 2-6-1977; 8-25-2014]

A. Every application for the rezoning of a parcel to CA or CA-S Residence District heretofore or hereafter granted by the Town Board in pursuance of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a requirement that all necessary building permits shall be obtained and the physical erection and construction of the principal building or structure related to the rezoning, so granted, shall be commenced within 18 months of the date of the grant. Subject to Subsections B and C below, in the event that said erection or construction has not been so commenced, any CA or CA-S zoning designation shall expire, whereby the premises shall return to the zoning district and status which had existed immediately prior to the said grant.

B. Notwithstanding Subsection A above, such expiration shall be subject to extensions of time granted by the Town Board for good cause shown, provided the request for the extension is submitted to the Town Clerk and the Building Inspector prior to expiration. The fee for such an extension of time shall be $350.

C. Upon an application to the Town Board based upon the original papers, the Town Board may reinstate any grant which has expired as a result of the operation of the foregoing provisions, in the interest of justice, if it shall find that there has been no substantial change in material circumstances since the time of its prior approval such as would justify a denial of the application. If the Town Board shall reinstate an expired grant, it may then impose such reasonable conditions thereon as it may find appropriate. If the Town Board deems it necessary for the rendering of any determination hereunder, the Town Board may require that a public hearing be held to consider same. The fee for an application hereunder shall be $350, which shall be increased by an additional $350 if a hearing is required. In the event that the Town Board shall grant reinstatement, then there shall also be due the separate and additional fee of $700.