ARTICLE XXIII Private Trailers or House Cars
§ 238. Permit required.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, keep or maintain any trailer or house car on any land within the unincorporated area of the Town of Hempstead, except that the occupant of any single-family dwelling therein may allow, upon written consent of the owner, not more than one trailer or house car of a guest to be placed, kept or maintained thereon for a period of time not exceeding three months in any calendar year by securing a permit, as provided under § 239 hereof.

§ 239. Permit application; conditions; revocation.

A. Any person desiring a permit to place or maintain a single trailer or house car, as provided in § 238 hereof, shall file an application to obtain it with the Building Department within 48 hours after the trailer or house car is placed upon the ground of the single-family dwelling.

B. The form for this application is to be furnished by the Building Department and shall contain a sworn statement by the applicant that any toilet or toilets in such trailer or house car will be sealed or locked so that the toilet or toilets cannot be used during the period of time the trailer or house car is to remain on the property, and all wastewater from sinks and lavatories in the trailer or house car will be disposed of in a sewer or cesspool, and, in any event, not on the ground. No garbage or refuse shall be deposited upon the ground.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Building Zone Ordinance with respect to minimum yard requirements, in granting the permit the Building Inspector shall consider the rights of adjacent property owners so that there shall not be any unreasonable deprivation of light, air or a reasonable use of adjoining property.

D. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized, in the exercise of reasonable discretion, to revoke any permit issued hereunder if, after due investigation, he deems that the holder thereof has violated any provisions of this ordinance, in that the trailer or house car is being maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe manner or is being maintained as a nuisance. Written notice of said revocation shall be given, either by personal service upon the person to be notified or by depositing said notice in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to such person at the address which appears on the records of the Building Department.

§ 240. Exceptions.

This article shall not prohibit the use of trailers by municipalities and governmental agencies or the use by contractors of trailers in connection with construction work on job sites during the period of actual construction of private or municipal projects.

§ 241. Temporary use.

[Effective 8-29-1976]

A. Any provision of this article to the contrary notwithstanding, the temporary use or occupancy of a private trailer or house car shall be permitted under the following circumstances:

(1) The private trailer or house car shall be for the temporary use and occupancy of an individual or group of individuals whose single family residential dwelling has been so damaged by fire or by some act of God as to render the single-family residential dwelling uninhabitable.

(2) The private trailer or house car must be placed on the same plot as the single-family residential dwelling which is being rebuilt or on a contiguous parcel.

B. To obtain a permit for the above-mentioned use a verified application on a form furnished by the Department of Buildings shall be sworn to and filed by the applicant with the Department of Buildings, along with an application fee of $50. Said application shall contain assurances that the following requisites shall be satisfactorily complied with

(1) Sanitary drainage systems shall be connected to a sewer or cesspool in a manner approved by the Department of Buildings.

(2) No wastewater shall be discharged on the ground.

(3) The electrical system of the trailer or house car shall be connected to the available public utility lines. and the installation thereof shall be approved by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters.

(4) The water connections shall be made in a manner approved by the Department of Buildings.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Building Zone Ordinance with respect to minimum yard requirements, in granting the permit the Building Inspector shall consider the rights of adjacent property owners so that there shall not be any unreasonable deprivation of light or a reasonable use of adjoining property.

D. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized in the exercise of reasonable discretion to revoke any permit issued hereunder if, after due investigation, he deems that the holder thereof has violated any provision of this ordinance or if the trailer or house car is being used in an unsafe manner. Written notice of said revocation shall be given by personal service or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

E. The length of time a private trailer or house car shall be permitted to remain shall be six months, with one three-month extension. A further extension shall not be permitted, and it shall be mandatory that the private trailer or house car be removed at the end of the permitted period of time. If the private trailer or house car is not removed, there shall be a per diem civil penalty of $15 for each day that it remains beyond the permitted period of time. If the private trailer or house car remains for more than 10 days beyond the permitted period of time, the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings, or his representative, shall, after notifying the owner of said private trailer or house car by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, cause the private trailer or house car to be removed. The expense of removal and any resulting storage charges shall be paid by the owner of the private trailer or house car, and if said cost is not paid within 10 days, the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings may advertise for the public sale of the private trailer or house car in the official newspaper of the Town and sell the private trailer or house car to the highest bidder at a public sale. The moneys realized from the sale shall be applied to any outstanding civil penalties and shall reimburse the Town for any expense incurred in moving and storing the private trailer or house car. Any excess moneys shall be remitted to the original owner of the private trailer or house car.