§ 235. Applicability.

In a Marine Resort District, buildings and structures may be erected, altered or used and lots or premises may be used in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§ 236. Permitted uses.

A.building or structure may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for the following purposes, and no other:

A. Any use permitted by this ordinance in a Marine Recreation District.

B. Hotels, motels and boatels, including restaurants, as defined in § 231B hereof, accessory thereto.

§ 237. Restrictions on certain uses.

No building shall be erected, altered or used for a motel or boatel which has more than two stories or which is more than 35 feet in height, or unless such building is erected on a plot having not less than 15,000 square feet. All buildings, structures and uses, including motels and boatels, shall otherwise comply with § 234A and B of this ordinance.