Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit trailers hauling, loading or unloading merchandise in the course of their customary function. No trailer shall be used except as specified hereunder.

A. Trailers used for temporary residency by any occupant of a dwelling that is being reconstructed due to damage from fire, flood, other natural calamity or other cause shall be subject to the following provisions:

1. The trailer is placed only on the same lot which contains the dwelling that is being reconstructed.

2. An approved development permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer prior to the placement of such temporary trailer on the site. The Zoning Officer, under the advisement of the Construction Code Official and Chief of the Fire Department shall be responsible for determining the most practical location for such trailer.

3.The time period of occupancy of such trailer shall not exceed six (6) months, provided however, that the Zoning Officer may extend the time period of occupancy for an additional time period of occupancy for an additional time period of up to three (3) months due to exceptional circumstances that prevent the reconstruction and reoccupancy of the damaged building within the initial six (6) month time period. However, in no instance shall such trailer be occupied for a time period to exceed nine (9) months, unless extended by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

B. Trailers used for construction offices and for storage of materials and supplies on a job site may be used during the period of construction only. All material storage and construction office trailers must be removed if no site work or construction activity has occurred on-site for forty-five (45) days or more, or if construction activity has substantially slowed. Such trailers must be removed upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy of the new structure(s).

C. Trailers for temporary use including but not limited to storage trailers and modified mobile homes for office use and classroom space may be placed on a lot in a non-residential zone provided that:

1. "Temporary use" means use prior to final occupancy of a permanent structure;

2. The temporary use is in conjunction with a principal building and a permitted use being undertaken, or approved to be undertaken on the lot;

3. Trailers are not be located between a principal structure and the front street line and all required setbacks and yards specified for the respective zone are observed;

4. On a corner lot, trailers shall not be located between a principal building and any adjacent street line and shall observe all required setbacks and yards specified for the respective zone;

5. Site plan approval for a permanent principal structure on the same lot is obtained prior to placement of a trailer;

6. Use of a trailer permitted under this section does not commence prior to site plan approval and does not exceed one year from the date of such site plan approval unless extended by approving authority;

7.The time period of occupancy of such trailer shall not exceed six (6) months, provided however, that the Zoning Officer may extend the time period of occupancy for an additional time period of occupancy for an additional time period of up to three (3) months due to exceptional circumstances within the initial six (6) month time period. However, in no instance shall such trailer be occupied for a time period to exceed nine (9) months, unless extended by Planning Board


Vending machines and telephone booths shall be permitted in all zones if contained entirely within a building, and may be located outdoors in all non-residential zones. Outdoor vending machines and telephone booths shall require an approved development permit prior to installation or construction, subject to the following provisions:

A. A maximum of two (2) vending machines and/or two (2) telephone booths shall be permitted outdoors on any lot devoted to a commercial use. Such shall be attached to or placed immediately adjacent to the principal building and shall not be located closer to any lot line than the required setbacks. Additionally, no outdoor telephone booth shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or residential structure.

B. The location of such shall not be so situated as to cause a traffic or safety hazard, as determined by the Chief of Police.


A.wireless communication facility shall:

A. Be attached to or placed atop an existing structure or building, with a maximum height of ten (10) feet above the peak of the existing building;

B. Be located on the following prioritized locations:

1. On lands or structures owned by the City of Plainfield;

2. On lands or structures where there are existing wireless facilities, water tanks or other structures.

3.Other locations proven to be essential to provide required service to the community, provided that the location does not result in the facility being visually solitary or prominent when viewed from residential areas and the public right of way. .

C. Permit the location of telecommunications equipment in a detached building as an accessory use, provided the building complies with the following:

1. The building must be located at least twice its intended height from a property line. The maximum height for the accessory building shall be twelve (12) feet.

2. A six (6) foot high security fence shall surround the building, and adequate screening shall surround the building.

3. Vehicular access to the building shall not interfere with the parking or vehicular circulation on the site for the principal use.

4. All lighting must be building mounted, motion-sensitive, and focused downward to reduce glare on adjacent properties.

5.Building-mounted antennae may not project more than two (2) feet from the exterior wall of a building.

D. Demonstrate that they minimize visual impacts on the surrounding area and are buffered by vegetation, topographic features or structures to the maximum extent feasible.

§17:9-57. ACCESS TO USES

No driveway shall be permitted to serve any use other than the permitted use on the lot on which the driveway is located.