A. No non-residential driveway shall be located within ten (10) feet of an existing adjacent residential property nor within five (5) feet of any other property line, unless otherwise regulated in this chapter. No residential driveway shall be located closer than two (2) feet from a property line.

B. No driveway shall be permitted to serve any use other than the permitted use on the lot upon which the driveway is located.

C. No building shall be oriented toward a parking lot. All buildings shall be located to allow for adequate fire and emergency access.

D. The minimum setbacks for buildings from driveways and parking areas within the site shall be five feet (5'). This does not apply for one and two family dwellings.

E. A parking lot shall be located to the rear of a building and/or the interior of the site where its visual impact to adjacent properties and the public right of way can be minimized. Parking lots shall be prohibited in any required side yard setback area or front yard area.

F. The total number of off-street parking spaces and loading spaces required for all uses or combination of uses shall be provided as specified in this section. Any building or site containing more than one use shall meet the combined parking space and loading requirements for all uses, based on the area utilized for each separate use. The parking space schedule and loading space schedule in this section represents general parking and loading requirements acceptable to the City. Since a specific use may generate parking usage and/or loading/unloading activities that deviates from the requirements enumerated in this section, documentation and testimony shall be presented to the Board as to the anticipated parking usage and loading activities. The parking requirements for any use not specifically indicated shall be determined by the Board based on evidence presented at the time of the application and based on requirements for similar type uses.

G. Driveways for one-car garages shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide. Driveways for two-car garages shall be a maximum of twenty feet (20') wide.

H. Curb cuts for teen foot (10') wide driveways shall be a maximum of fourteen feet (14') wide. Curb cuts for twenty foot (20') wide driveways shall be a maximum of twenty six feet (26') wide.

I. All driveways and parking areas shall be constructed of a durable and dustless surface material except that driveways for one and two family residential dwellings may be decorative stone- not road / quarry stone.

J. In all zone districts, except the Central Business District (CBD) and the North Avenue Historic District (NAND) Zones, there shall be provided, at the time that any building or structure is erected, enlarged, increased in capacity or has a change of use, parking spaces in accordance with the requirements of the following schedule:


K. For uses not specifically described herein, parking requirements shall be determined by the approving authority during a public hearing. These requirements are considered minimum standards, and parking may be provided in excess of these requirements, but in no case shall the provided parking for non-residential uses exceed these minimum requirements by more than ten (10) percent. This restriction shall not apply to single- and two-family dwelling units.

L. All permitted and required accessory off street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use to which the spaces are accessory, or upon an adjacent lot in common ownership.

M. All loading areas shall be located on the same lot as the use being served. No loading area shall be located in a front yard. There shall be no loading in a yard abutting, or in a public right of way. No loading space shall be located within forty (40) feet of an intersection of any two public right of ways. The off-street loading space shall be located on the property so as to permit any vehicle to be parked in the loading space with no portion of the vehicle extending into the public street.

N. No commercial parking garage or area for twenty-five (25) or more vehicles shall have an entrance or exit for vehicles within 1,000 feet along the same side of a street upon which is located a school, public playground, house of worship, hospital, public library or institution for dependents or children, except where such property is in another block or on another street on which the zone line does not abut. Such access shall not be closer to the intersections of any two (2) streets than fifty (50) feet. No access drive or driveway shall be located in any residential district to provide access to uses other than those permitted in such residential zone. No driveway shall serve any use other than the permitted use on the lot upon which the driveway is located.

O. In all districts, for every building, or part thereof, which is to be utilized for a childcare facility there shall be provided one off-street loading area (pick-up/drop-off) which shall have a minimum dimension of ten feet (10') by twenty-five feet (25').

P. In all zone districts and for all uses except single-and two-family dwellings, parking lots or individual spaces shall be prohibited within front yard areas. The front yard parking permitted accessory to one and two family dwellings is only those spaces directly in front of usable garages in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards. No other front yard parking is permitted.

Q. Parking spaces are to be a minimum of nine feet (9') by eighteen feet (18').


The interior area of all parking lots shall be landscaped to provide visual relief from the undesirable and monotonous appearance of extensive parking areas, and to provide shading that will reduce solar heat gain to both the surface of the parking lot and vehicles parked thereon. Such landscaped areas shall be provided in protected planting islands or peninsulas within the perimeter of the parking lot and shall be placed so as not to obstruct the vision of motorists. The area and types of plantings shall be provided based on the number of parking spaces in the lot, as follows:

A. For parking lots with ten (10) spaces or less, no such interior landscaping shall be required if the Board determines there is adequate landscaping directly surrounding the perimeter of the parking lot. If the Board finds that such landscaping is inadequate, then the requirements of Section B(2) below shall apply.

B. For parking lots with eleven (11) or more spaces, a minimum of five percent (5%) of the interior area of the parking lot shall be provided with planting islands containing a minimum of one deciduous tree planted for every five (5) parking spaces abutting such island. Planting islands in parking lots shall also conform to the following requirements:

1. The minimum width of planting islands shall be five (5) feet on the side of parking spaces ten (10) feet between parking bays. If sidewalks are incorporated through either the long sides of the landscape islands between parking bays or through the landscape islands on the sides of parking spaces, their width shall be added to these requirements.

2. No more than eight (8) parking spaces shall be placed in one row of parking without an intervening landscape island.

3.Where the parking lot design will result in pedestrians cutting perpendicularly through landscape islands, sidewalks shall be installed at regular intervals across the islands.

4. The remainder of any such interior planting areas not containing trees shall be planted with low-growing evergreen shrubs.

5. Parking lot lighting may be sited within landscape islands, however, without hindering necessary lighting coverage.


Porches and decks shall be permitted on all residential lots as accessory structures. Adequate surveys, plans and details are to be submitted to the Zoning Officer, in accordance with Article I, in order for a determination to be made as to the proposed porch and/or deck zoning conformance. Porches and decks shall require an approved development permit prior to construction, and shall be subject to the following provisions:

A. Porches. For one and two family dwellings, porches shall not be located in the required side yard setback area but may be located in the required front or rear yard setback area, provided they do not extend more than eight feet into the required front yard setback area. Porches shall not be closer than seventeen feet (17') to the front property line and twenty-two feet (22) to the rear property line. The porch shall be considered a permitted encroachment into the required front or rear yard setback of the principal building. The required setbacks shall continue to be measured to the foundation of the principal structure.

B. Decks. For one and two family dwellings, decks shall not be located in the required front yard but may be located in the required side or rear yard, provided they do not extend more than fifteen feet into the rear yard setback area or closer than six feet to the side lot line. Decks are not permitted above the first story level of any structure.

C. Steps. Steps for porches and decks shall not be located closer than six feet from the property line.

D. Enclosures. Porches and decks shall not be heated or air conditioned and at least fifty percent (50%) of the exterior wall area shall be open and non-glazed.

E. For townhouses, apartments and nonresidential uses, decks and porches may not extend into any required yard setback area.

F. Upper story structures are not permitted over decks / porches if those decks / porches encroach into required yards. G. No use is permitted above a porch.


The following shall be permitted when located in a required yard and/or setback area:

A. Fire escapes, provided they do not project more than four (4) feet into a required yard and they are no closer than two (2) feet to a property line; fire escapes are not permitted in a front yard.

B. Weather protecting and energy efficiency enhancing front door enclosures that project no more than five feet into a required front setback area, and are no larger than forty (40) square feet in total area, provided the principal structure complies with the required front yard setback;

C. Ground story bay windows, provided they project no more than two (2) feet into the required yard;

D. Cornices, eaves, gutters, bay windows and chimneys, provided they do not project more than eighteen (18) inches from an exterior building wall into any required yard setback, and provided they remain at least two (2) feet from all yard lines;

E. Entrance platforms and steps leading to a basement or first floor, provided they do not project more than four (4) feet into a required side or rear yard setback.


Any use which is noxious, offensive or objectionable by reason of the emission of smoke, dust, gas, odor or other form of air pollution or by the reason of the deposit, discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes in any form, in a manner or amount so as to cause permanent damage to the sod and stream, or to affect adversely the surrounding area, or by reason of the creation of noise, vibration, electromagnetic or other disturbance, or by reason of illumination by artificial light or light reflection beyond the limits of the lot on, or from which, such light or light reflection emanates, or which involves any dangerous fire, explosive, radioactive or other hazard, or which causes injury, annoyance or disturbance to any of the surrounding properties or to their owners and occupants, and any other process or use which is unwholesome and noisome and may be dangerous or prejudicial to health, safety, or general welfare, is prohibited in all zones. Any use not expressly permitted in this ordinance is prohibited, rooming or boarding houses are not permitted uses in the City of Plainfield.


Swimming pools, tennis courts and racquetball courts shall be permitted on all lots used as single and two family dwellings in residential districts and on any tract developed for apartments or townhouses. Adequate surveys, plans and details are to be submitted to the Zoning Officer in order for a determination to be made as to the proposed fence zoning conformance. Swimming pools, tennis courts and racquetball courts are considered accessory structures, and shall require an approved development permit prior to construction, and shall be subject to the following provisions:

Location. Swimming pools, tennis courts or racquetball courts shall be permitted in a rear or side yard area.

Coverage. The surface area of a swimming pool, tennis court or racquetball court shall be considered impervious, unless such court consists primarily of grass or pervious surface, and shall be subject to the applicable bulk requirements set forth in this ordinance. Any area paved with concrete, asphalt, brick or other solid surface which functions as a walkway to or completely surrounds a swimming pool, tennis court or racquetball court shall also be considered impervious.

Setbacks. No part of the surface area of a swimming pool, tennis court or racquetball court, including structures attached thereto, or any pool filtering equipment whether or not such is attached, shall be closer than ten (10) feet to any side or rear lot line. Any impervious area which functions as a walkway to or which abuts completely surrounds a swimming pool, tennis court or racquetball court shall be setback a minimum of three (3) feet from any lot line.

Fencing. The entire swimming pool, tennis court or racquetball court shall be fenced. Said fence shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height for swimming pools and shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in height to a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height for tennis courts and racquetball courts and shall be of such design that it securely controls access to such area. Where such is located on a corner lot and the fence on the side facing the street is non-solid, that portion of the fence shall be adequately screened with evergreen shrubs not less than four (4) feet in height.

Swimming Pool Drainage. No swimming pool shall drain into a public sanitary sewer or be located in such a manner that water from the pool or filtering equipment drains onto another property.


The following regulations shall apply to residential development:

A. Dwelling unit size. Minimum dwelling unit floor areas based on dwelling unit type shall be as follows:

1. Apartments

2. Single Family Dwelling Units

B. Elevation. No dwelling unit shall be located below grade, whether fully or partially.

C. Number of dwelling units per building. For all townhouse developments, any building shall contain a maximum of six (6) dwelling units. A minimum of four (4) townhouse units must face a public street.

D. Single- and two-family development standards. The following look-a-like provisions/elevation standards shall be used to prepare and review any sub-division for a new single- and/or two-family residential development. The purpose of this section is to encourage construction in character with the existing residential neighborhood and to encourage construction that is diverse and aesthetically pleasing.

1.No dwelling unit shall hereafter be constructed in any residential zone which shall be like or substantially like any neighboring dwelling as hereinafter defined, in more than two of the following six respects:

a. height of the main roof ridge above the elevation of the first floor;

b. length of the main roof ridge;

c. width between outside walls at the ends of the dwelling under the main roof perpendicular to the length thereof;

d. relative location with respect to each other of garage, if attached, porch, if any, and the remainder of the dwelling in the front elevation;

e. relative location of windows in the front elevation;

f. the materials used in the front elevation.

For sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other in any dimension in which the difference between them is not more than six (6) feet.

For sub-paragraph (e) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other in any dimension in which the difference between them is not more than three (3) feet.

For sub-paragraph (f) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other if the difference between materials used is not more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the facade area.

Dwellings between which the only difference in relative location of elements is end-to- end or side-to- side reversal of elements shall be deemed to be like each other in relative location of such elements.

2. For the purposes of this section, a neighboring dwelling, as stated above is defined as any principal dwelling on any lot which is located as follows in relation to the subject lot:

a. Any lot which is within one-hundred (100) feet, or three (3) lots, whichever is greater, and along the same side of the street as the subject lot, without regard to intervening street lines.

b. Any lot, which is directly across said street from the subject lot or from a lot referenced in the above paragraph.

3. The main entrance into all single-family detached residential dwellings and the first floor of all two-family dwellings shall be located within the front elevation of all residential structures. Side yard main entrances are prohibited. Main entrances of structures on corner lots may be from either elevation facing the street. No utility meters or other utilitarian improvements that detract from the appearance of the front elevation shall be located on the front elevation of a residential structure.


It is the purpose of this section to allow satellite dishes and antennae in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, but only in locations that will not detract from neighborhood or community appearance or value and provided they are structures accessory to a principal use. Satellite dishes and antennae shall be permitted in any district and require an approved development permit prior to construction. Satellite dishes and antennae are subject to the following regulations:

A. Satellite dishes and antennae may be located on roofs, but cannot exceed the height limitations in any zone. Satellite dishes in residential zones shall be no larger than three (3) feet in diameter, and satellite dishes in non-residential zones shall be no larger than six (6) feet in diameter.

B. All satellite dishes and antennae must comply with FCC regulations, and installers or property owners must provide such proof to the Zoning Officer.

C. Satellite dishes and antennae shall not be located in a front yard nor be visible from the public right of way. They can be located in side and rear yards in compliance with applicable principal building setback requirements. The yard setback refers to the outside dimension of the structure, not the central location.

D. All satellite dishes and antennae shall be wire mesh and/or painted in earth tone colors in order to reduce their visibility. All satellite dishes and antennae shall be located and screened by fencing or landscaping sufficient to screen then from view to the maximum extent possible that would not impair reception.

E. No more than one (1) satellite dish/antenna shall be installed on a lot in the residential zones, and no more than two (2) shall be installed on lots in non-residential zones.


A. No person shall operate a sexually oriented business within 1,000 feet of any existing sexually oriented business, or any church, synagogue, temple or other place of public worship, or any elementary or secondary school or any school bus stop, or any municipal or county playground or place of public resort and recreation, or any hospital or any child care center, or within 1,000 feet of any area zoned for residential use. This subsection shall not apply to a sexually oriented business already lawfully operating on the effective date of this act where another sexually oriented business, an elementary or secondary school or school bus stop, or any municipal or county playground or place of public resort and recreation, or any hospital or any child care center, is subsequently established within 1,000 feet, or a residential district or residential lot is subsequently established within 1,000 feet.

B. Buffer Zone. Every sexually oriented business shall be surrounded by a perimeter buffer of at least 50 feet in width with plantings, fence, or other physical divider along the outside of the perimeter sufficient to impede the view of the interior of the premises in which the business is located. The municipality may, by ordinance, require the perimeter buffer to meet additional requirements or standards. This subsection shall not apply to a sexually oriented business already lawfully operating on the effective date of this act.

C. No sexually oriented business shall display more than two exterior signs, consisting of one identification sign and one sign giving notice that the premises are off limits to minors. The identification sign shall be no more than 40-square feet in size.

§17:9-52. SIDEWALKS

All lots shall have private walkway access to a public sidewalk in the right of way.

§17:9-53. SIGNS

A. Objectives of this section are:

1. To protect the public health, safety and welfare by restricting signs which impair the public's ability to receive information, violate privacy, or which increase the probability of accidents by distracting attention or obstructing vision;

2. To encourage signs that promote a desirable visual environment through creative yet orderly design arrangements;

3. To encourage signs that aid orientation, identify activities, describe local history and character or serve other educational purposes;

4. To encourage the replacement of nonconforming signs by conforming signs through the strict enforcement of the procedures and requirements of this article.

B. Permits are required for all signs.

1. An application shall be made to the Zoning Officer for the issuance of a development permit by any person wishing to erect, alter, modify, or expand any sign, except exempt signs as described in this article.

2. A construction permit and any other permits that may be required for the erection or modification of a sign may only be issued subsequent to the issuance of a development permit by the Zoning Officer.

3.If the Zoning Officer determines that the proposed sign does not conform to the requirements contained herein, the Officer shall instruct the applicant that Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment approval of an application for development is required, and the Officer shall further advise the applicant which Board has jurisdiction.

C. On properties involved in an application for site plan review, all signs shall be approved by the Board as part of the site plan application prior to the issuance of permits for signs.

D. For the purposes of this section, the size of any sign shall be computed by determining the total area of any sign board, sign face or sign background at its largest horizontal and vertical dimensions, including framing, trim or molding. Where there is no framing, the sign area shall be deemed to be the area of the smallest rectangular figure that can encompass all of the figures and their supporting logos or elements, if any. For double-faced signs, only one (1) display face shall be measured in computing the total sign area where the sign faces are parallel, or where the interior angles formed by the faces are forty-five (45) degrees or less. Maximum permitted size does not include the supporting structure, as long as the supporting structure is not designed to convey a message. The supporting structure shall not in itself convey any type of message.

E. Illuminated signs may be floodlighted, spotlighted or back lighted from the rear with a diffused light source, unless such illumination is specifically prohibited elsewhere in this ordinance. All illumination shall be subject to the following.

1. All lighting sources shall be completely shielded from the view of vehicular traffic.

2. Such illumination shall not project light above the highest elevation of the front wall of the building for wall-mounted signs or more than five feet above ground level for freestanding signs.

3.Back lighted signs shall not have a white or light-colored background or signboard.

4. Where a sign is located on a lot adjacent to a lot used primarily for residential purposes, such shall not be illuminated in a manner that permits any light to shine or cause a nuisance to the adjacent residential use.

5. No illuminated sign located on a lot adjacent to or across the street from any residential district and visible from such residential district shall be illuminated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the use to which the sign pertains is open for business during those hours.

6. No sign shall contain blinking, flashing, flickering, tracer or sequential lighting. All signs shall remain stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times.

7. All wiring for permanent illuminated signs shall be installed and maintained so that it is not within public view. The running of wiring or conduit along the exterior wall of a building to access a sign is specifically prohibited unless in the judgment of the Construction Official there is no practical way to run the conduit so that it is not within public view.

8.No illuminated sign shall be of such a color or located in such a manner as to be confused with, or to diminish or detract in any way from, the effectiveness of any traffic signal or similar official safety or warning device.

F. The content or advertising which may be displayed on signs shall be limited to the identification and location of the premises, identification of its owners or occupants and information concerning the activities conducted on the premises or the goods and services offered in connection therewith, unless specified otherwise herein.

1. Signs shall be constructed of durable materials, maintained in good condition and not allowed to become dilapidated. All signs, together with all supports, braces, anchors and other parts, shall be kept in continual repair, including cleaning, painting, replacing of defective parts and otherwise maintaining a presentable condition. Lack of proper maintenance shall be considered abandonment, and the sign shall be repaired, painted, cleaned or otherwise returned to a presentable condition or removed within 10 days upon notification by the Zoning Officer or Construction Code Official.

2. Notwithstanding the restrictions found elsewhere in this article concerning sign face shape and area, sign appurtenances shall be permitted only when designed as an integral part of the sign, constructed of similar materials, and graphically compatible in color, shape, position, and scale with the permitted sign face. Sign appurtenances cannot increase the proposed sign area by greater than fifteen (15%) percent. Sign appurtenances cannot extend above or below the sign face by a distance greater than twenty-five (25%) percent of the sign face height. Sign appurtenances cannot project outward beyond the face of the proposed sign.

3. The sign setback shall be measured from the property line to the nearest part of the sign, including any base, frame or decorative elements.

4. Sign height shall be measured between average grade immediately below the sign and the highest point of the highest element of the sign. Wall signs shall not project above the top or beyond the ends of the wall surface upon which they are placed, nor shall wall signs be placed on a parapet or similar architectural device such that the sign would project above the elevation of the roof behind such parapet or other device.

5. No wall sign may project more than nine (9) inches from the outer face of a wall and shall not extend over any public right of way, unless otherwise provided for in this article. Any desired wall sign which projects more than nine (9) inches from the outer wall face shall be considered a projecting sign and must conform to all applicable provisions for projecting signs set forth in this article. An awning shall not be construed in any way to be a wall sign.

6. If and when any sign is altered, except for purposes of minor and nonstructural maintenance and/or repairs, the sign shall thereafter conform to all requirements of this article.

7. Whenever any change of use, occupancy or vacancy occurs, all existing signs no longer relating to the current use and occupancy of the premises shall be immediately removed. In addition, any signs not conforming to any requirement of this section and removed in accordance to this requirement shall not be replaced unless it conforms to all requirements of this article.

8. Any lawfully nonconforming sign may be repaired or re-lettered containing the same specific message or letters. However, any change in the message or letters on the sign occasioned by a change of business, change of use, change of tenant, change of product or service offered, or for any other reason, must comply with the applicable provisions of this article.

G. Exempt signs. The following signs are permitted and are exempt from development permit requirements:

1. Non-illuminated real-estate signs for residential uses, provided they do not exceed ten (10) square feet in area and four (4) feet in height; No more than one such sign shall be erected on a property. Real estate signs for residential uses must pertain to the property on which it is located, and may not be placed within any sight triangle or public right of way. Such sign shall be removed immediately upon execution of a contract and/or closing for the lease or sale of the property.

2. Credit or charge card signs within window areas for commercial uses, or signs indicating membership in professional or trade organizations, provided such signs do not exceed one (1) square foot. Credit card signs may not be pole-mounted.

3. Signs not exceeding one (1) square foot attached to gasoline pumps, provided that their sole purpose is to communicate fuel prices;

4. Traffic, parking, directional, informational and street identification signs as approved by any City agency or any county, state or federal agency shall be permitted in any district or public right of way. Any other signs required by any provision of law shall be permitted in any district or public right of way.

5. Any political sign that is protected under the free speech provisions of the United States and New Jersey Constitutions shall be permitted in any Zoning District, provided that such is not located in a public right of way and is removed within two weeks after the date of the political event;

6. Temporary window advertising signs shall be prohibited in all districts, with the exception of permitted ground level retail and personal service business uses and eating and drinking establishments located in the CBD Central Business District, subject to the following conditions:

a. Such signs may be constructed of paper, cardboard or plastic, and any written, numerical, graphic or photographic material or information shall constitute such a sign.

b. Such signs shall be contained solely within the ground level window of the subject business.

c. Maximum total area of such signs shall not exceed 25% of the total area of ground level windows, excluding window portions of doors, fronting on a public street. For the purposes of this section, any window area covered with a permitted permanent window sign, pursuant to this article, shall be excluded from the calculation of the total area of all ground floor windows.

d. Information on such signs shall be limited to advertisements for special promotions, temporary sales and other such similar nonpermanent sales promotions.

e. Such signs shall be removed after a period of thirty (30) days and shall have the date of installation printed clearly in the lower right-hand corner of such, as viewed from the exterior.

f. Such signs shall be maintained in an orderly manner at all times.

g. This section shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to limit or prohibit any business from displaying merchandise in an interior window display area.

7.Signs for residential uses, based on the type of residential structure pursuant to the following provisions.

a. Single and two-family dwellings and three- and four-family apartments shall be permitted one residential nameplate sign indicating the name and/or address of the occupants. The maximum size of such sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area and shall not contain advertising of any kind. In addition, one informational sign indicating the private nature of a driveway, no trespassing or other such similar private property usage shall be permitted, provided the maximum size of such sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area.

b. Apartments, townhouses, and other multifamily residential uses shall be permitted the following:

(1) One wall mounted residential directory nameplate sign indicating the name and/or address of the occupants, provided it does not exceed five (5) square feet in area. Such sign must be located at the building's main entrance and may consist of either changeable lettering or individual nameplates.

(2) If the multifamily residential use cannot be accommodated by such directory sign, then individual exterior wall-mounted nameplate signs indicating the name and/or address of each dwelling unit shall be permitted. Said individual nameplate signs shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square inches in area and must be located at the main entrance of the respective dwelling unit. Nameplate signs may not be illuminated and shall not contain advertising of any kind.

(3) Two wall signs per building identifying the name or number of the same, provided the maximum size of such sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area per sign. Such sign may be indirectly illuminated and shall not be back lighted. Or internally illuminated.

(4) One non-illuminated wall sign indicating the location of the management office, provided the maximum size of such sign shall not exceed one square foot in area.

H. Permitted signs. The following signs require a development permit and shall be permitted, pursuant to the following provisions based on the type of use and/or zoning district such use is located in.

1.For R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-7, R-B, R-CA, R-HA, R-PW, R-NH, R-VWB, and CHD zones (all signs in historic districts and sites shall be governed by the Plainfield Design Guidelines for Historic Districts and Sites):

a. Residential developments:

(1) One (1) per road frontage;

(2) A maximum sign area of fifteen (15) square feet;

(3) A minimum setback from property line of ten (10) feet; maximum setback from property line of thirty (30) feet;

(4) A maximum height of five (5) feet;

(5)May be an indirectly illuminated sign.

b. Child care centers:

(1) Ground signs:

(a) A minimum 10' setback from all property lines;

(b) A twenty-five (25) square feet maximum area;

(c) A maximum height of six (6) feet;

(d) May be indirectly or internally illuminated;

(e)May incorporate changeable lettering to display announcements related to on-site activities.

(2) Wall signs:

(f)A maximum one (1) per building;

(g) A maximum sign area not to exceed twenty (20) square feet;

(h) May be indirectly illuminated;

c. Bed and breakfast guesthouses:

(1) One (1) indirectly illuminated sign permitted, no larger than two (2) square feet.

(2) Such sign may contain only the name and address of the facility, and must be at least five (5) feet from all property lines.

(3)Sign may be either ground or pole mounted, with the maximum height not to exceed five (5) feet;

d. Houses of worship and Schools:

(1)Ground signs:

(a) A minimum 10' setback from all property lines;

(b) A twenty-five (25) square feet maximum area;

(c) A maximum height of six (6) feet;

(d) May be indirectly illuminated;

(e)May incorporate changeable lettering to display announcements related to on-site activities.

(2)Wall signs:

(a) A maximum one (1) per building;

(b) A maximum sign area not to exceed twenty (20) square feet;

(c)May be indirectly illuminated;

e. Assisted living and nursing home facilities:

(1)Ground sign:

(a) A minimum ten (10) foot setback from all property lines;

(b) A twenty-five (25) square feet maximum area;

(c) A maximum height of six (6) feet;

(d) May be indirectly illuminated;

(2)Wall signs:

(a) A maximum of one (1) per building;

(b) Maximum sign area not to exceed twenty (20) square feet;

(c)May be indirectly illuminated.

f. Central Business District (CBD) and North Avenue Historic District (NAND) Zones (all signs in historic districts and sites shall be governed by the Plainfield Design Guidelines for Historic Districts and Sites):

(1)One (1) wall sign is permitted for each ground floor business use maintaining street frontage and is regulated as follows:

(a) The sign shall be located on the wall at the main public entrance or centered along the street frontage such use occupies.

(b) The mounting height of the sign shall not exceed the height of the ground floor, or fourteen (14) feet, whichever is less.

(c)The horizontal dimension of the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet, or seventy-five percent (75%) of the width of the building frontage occupied by the use, whichever is less.

(d) The vertical dimension of the sign shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) fee t.

(e) Maximum permitted sign area is twenty-four (24) square feet.

(f)The sign may be indirectly illuminated.

(2)One (1) projecting sign is permitted for each ground floor business use maintaining street frontage and is regulated as follows:

(a) The sign shall be attached to the wall along the frontage such use occupies.

(b) Such sign face and all signage must be oriented in a position that is perpendicular to the wall to which it is attached.

(c) No such sign shall have a thickness that exceeds four (4) inches.

(d) Maximum size of sign face shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area.

(e)Minimum height from ground level to lowermost portion of sign shall be eight (8) feet.

(f)Maximum height from ground level to uppermost portion of sign shall not exceed the height of the sill or bottom of any second story window or fifteen (15) feet, whichever is less. In the case of single-story buildings, said maximum height shall not exceed twelve (12) feet or the top of the wall, whichever is less.

(g) Maximum horizontal projection from the building wall, including any sign appurtenances, shall not exceed three and one-half (31/2) feet. Such sign may project over a public sidewalk only and shall not extend over any other portion of any other public right of way.

(h) Maximum horizontal dimension of sign shall not exceed four (4) feet.

(i) Maximum vertical dimension of signboard shall not exceed four (4) feet.

(j) Maximum height of letters, individual numbers or other characters or images on the signboard shall not exceed one foot.

(k)Maximum width of letters, individual numbers or other characters or images on the signboard shall not exceed one (1) foot.

g. Only retail and personal service business uses and eating and drinking establishments shall be permitted to display sandwich board signs and other types of portable signs, subject to the following conditions:

(1) Maximum size of such signboard shall not exceed five square feet in area. If such sign is two-sided, only one side of such shall be used for the purpose of calculating the permitted sign area.

(2) Maximum height and width of letters, numbers or other characters or images on the signboard shall not exceed eight (8) inches.

(3) Such signs shall be located within four (4) feet of an entrance to the business they advertise and shall not be placed so as to interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic on a street, sidewalk, walkway or public right of way. An unobstructed pathway of at least four (4) feet in width must be maintained on a sidewalk at all times.

(4) Such signs shall be constructed of wood, slate board and/or finished metal.

(5) Information contained on such signs shall be limited to advertisements for special promotions, sales and other such similar non-permanent sales promotions.

(6) Such signs shall be maintained in an orderly manner at all times.

(7) In a building with multiple business occupants who share a common entrance, no more than two (2) such signs shall be permitted, which may be shared among the applicable businesses entitled to a portable special promotion sign under the provisions of this section.

(8) Any business use that places or installs such sign, pursuant to this section, shall be required to conform to all other applicable provisions of this article, otherwise, such business shall be prohibited from displaying such sign.

(9)Such signs shall not be illuminated.

h. General Commercial (GC) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zones:

(1)One (1) wall sign is permitted for each ground floor business use maintaining street frontage and is regulated as follows:

(a) The sign shall be located on the wall at the main public entrance or centered along the street frontage such use occupies.

(b) The mounting height of the sign shall not exceed the height of the ground floor, or twelve (12) feet, whichever is less.

(c) The horizontal dimension of the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet, or seventy-five percent (75%) of the width of the building frontage occupied by the use, whichever is less.

(d) The vertical dimension of the sign shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) feet.

(e)Maximum permitted sign area is twenty-four (24) square feet.

(1)The sign may be internally lit, and may not be indirectly illuminated.

(2)One (1) freestanding sign is permitted only if the depth of the yard in which the sign is located is at least twenty (20) feet. Such freestanding sign shall be regulated as follows:

(a) No more than one (1) such sign shall be permitted on any lot.

(b) The sign shall be located in the front yard.

(c) The sign shall be located at least five (5) feet from any property line.

(d) The area of the sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet.

(e)The mounting height of the sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet.

(f)Neither the horizontal or vertical dimension of the sign shall exceed six (6) feet.

(g) The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet.

(h) The sign may be indirectly illuminated, or may be lit by an internal source.

i. Mixed Use (MU) Zone. Lawfully permitted non-residential uses located on the ground floor, or stand alone non-residential uses, shall be permitted one (1) wall sign for each ground floor business use maintaining street frontage and is regulated as follows:

(1) The sign shall be located on the wall at the main public entrance or centered along the street frontage such use occupies.

(2) The mounting height of the sign shall not exceed the height of the ground floor, or ten (10) feet, whichever is less.

(3) The horizontal dimension of the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet, or fifty percent (50%) of the width of the building frontage occupied by the use, whichever is less.

(4) The vertical dimension of the sign shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) feet.

(5) Maximum permitted sign area is twenty-four (24) square feet.

(6) The sign may be internally lit, and may not be indirectly illuminated.

j. Industrial (I) Zone:

(1) One (1) wall-mounted sign may be located on a building face, provided it does not exceed 5% of the building face area to which it will be affixed, or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is less. Wall-mounted signs for industrial uses may not be illuminated.

(2) One (1) ground sign may be installed, provided the area does not exceed sixteen (16) square feet, and the height does not exceed six (6) feet. Ground signs may be indirectly illuminated or may be illuminated by an internal source.

k. Professional Office (PO) Zone:

(1) In a single tenant structure, a professional office may provide one (1) internally illuminated wall mounted sign on a building face, provided it does not exceed 5% of the building face area to which it will be affixed, or twelve (12) square feet, whichever is less. For a multi-tenant structure, only one wall mounted sign shall be permitted, however the maximum size may be increased to a maximum of twenty (20) square feet, provided such wall sign does not exceed 5% of the building face to which it will be affixed.

(2) A maximum of one (1) freestanding or one (1) ground sign is permitted per property and is regulated as follows:

(a) The sign must be located five (5) feet from all property lines.

(b) The sign must be located in a front yard.

(c) The maximum permitted sign area shall be ten (10) square feet.

(d) The horizontal or vertical dimension of the sign face shall not exceed six (6) feet and may be indirectly or internally illuminated.

(e)The maximum permitted height for freestanding signs shall be eight (8) feet and the maximum permitted height for ground signs shall be four (4) feet.

l. Additional signage in non-residential zoning districts:

(1)Ground floor business uses in non-residential zones may display signs on awnings, provided that the following standards are met:

(a) Awning signs shall only be permitted on first-story awnings.

(b) The dimensions of the awning shall be in conformance with applicable regulations set forth in Article XII of this ordinance.

(c) The sign shall only be located on a portion of the awning that is both parallel to the vertical orientation of the building wall to which it is attached and is parallel to the building line of the building wall to which it is attached. This portion is more commonly know as the "valance".

(d) The horizontal dimension of the sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet, or sixty percent (60%) of the length of the awning occupied by the use, whichever is less.

(e)The maximum vertical dimension of the sign face shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches.

(f)A maximum of two (2) awning signs shall be permitted per awning.

(g) The maximum height of letters, individual numbers or other characters or images on the signboard shall not exceed one (1) foot.

(h) Maximum width of letters, individual numbers or other characters or images on the signboard shall not exceed one (1) foot.

(i)The awning shall be limited to total of two (2) colors including sign lettering.

(2)Only retail or personal service business uses located below the third story of a building shall be permitted to display a window sign. Such sign may be painted on the inside of a window or may be visible from a public street or an approved parking area, provided that the following standards are complied with.

(a)No window sign shall be permitted in a window above the second-story of a building.

(b) Maximum area of any and all such sign shall not exceed 10% of the total window area, not to exceed four (4) square feet in area per business use.

(c) One (1) sign per business per window shall be permitted, up to a maximum of two (2) signs per business on any wall.

(d) The sign shall be limited to the name and/or type of business and the street number.

(e) The sign(s) may be internally illuminated.

(3)Additional wall-mounted signs:

(a) Ground floor business uses having a side or rear facade fronting on a parking lot shall be permitted to have one additional sign on the facade of the building facing the parking lot, provided that such sign meets all of the standards of this article. In no instance shall such additional sign exceed twelve (12) square feet in area. This provision shall not apply in situations where a parking lot is located between a building and a public street.

(b) Ground floor business uses located on corner lots, therefore having a second facade fronting on a public street, shall be permitted to have one additional sign on the facade of the building facing the side street, provided that such sign meets all of the standards of this article.

(4)Driveway entrance/exit signs and directional signs

(a) One (1) entrance/exit sign may be located at each point of access from a public street. Said sign may not exceed three (3) square feet in area, three (3) feet in height, and must be set back at least five (5) feet from any property line. Such entrance/exit sign may be either indirectly or internally illuminated. No entrance/exit sign may be located within a sight triangle. Such entrance/exit sign may only contain a message which directs the flow of traffic, and should be designed to blend harmoniously with other on-site signage. Such signs must conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards.

(b) Directional signs are to be located on-site when deemed necessary to ensure pedestrian and traffic safety. Such signs may not exceed two (2) square feet, three (3) feet in height, and may not be located within a required setback area. Such signs may be indirectly illuminated, and must conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards.

m. Additional signs for buildings containing more than one (1) non-residential tenant. One (1) wallmounted directory sign for each ground floor entrance to a building shall be permitted, whether such entrance fronts on a street or parking lot, the maximum size of which shall not exceed five (5) square feet in area. Such sign may identify all building occupant names and their addresses, however, any individual business shall not occupy greater than one square foot in area of such sign. A wall-mounted directory sign may not be illuminated.

I. Permitted temporary signs. The following temporary signs require a development permit and are subject to the following regulations:

1. Banners, pennants and bunting may be used for special promotional events, holidays and grand openings. Such banners, pennants and bunting may not be displayed more than two (2) times per calendar year, and may be in place for no more than two (2) months at a time. Banners, pennants and bunting may constitute an aggregate area not to exceed fifteen (15) square feet, must be attached flush to a wall, and may not be illuminated in any fashion.

2. Project signs may be permitted for new major residential and non-residential site pursuant to final approval from the approving authority. No more than one (1) project sign shall be permitted on any lot identifying builders, contractors, architects, engineers or others associated with the construction of any building situated on any such lot. Such signs shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from all property lines, and shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area or twelve (12) feet in height.

3. Freestanding or wall mounted real-estate signs of up to twenty (20) square feet for non-residential uses may be erected in non-residential zones for a period of ninety (90) days. A window sign of up to twelve (12) square feet may be used for the same purposes. Freestanding signs must be setback from all property lines at least ten (10) feet.

4. Contractor signs are permitted in all zone districts. Maximum sign area of fifteen (15) square feet; minimum setback of ten (10) feet from all property lines; may not be illuminated; may be permitted for the duration of the exterior improvement activity, and must be removed within two (2) weeks of completion of improvement.

J. Prohibited signs. The following signs shall be prohibited within the City of Plainfield, unless otherwise specified within this ordinance:

1. Signs utilizing inert ionized gas sign lighting, commonly called neon, when the neon tube is visible, including window surrounds and similar inert gas illumination with or without a distinct message;

2. Signs in the public right of way unrelated to the public health, safety and welfare;

3. Signs which project more than nine (9) inches from a wall surface;

4. Any sign for advertising purposes that mimics or is substantially similar to a public purpose sign;

5. Signs with lights or illuminations which flash, move, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity, vary in color, or use intermittent electrical pulsation;

6. Signs within designated sight triangles, and signs which directly obstruct driver's lines-of-sight;

7. Non-public banners that stretch across a public right of way between telephone poles, trees or other structure;

8. Roof signs;

9.Reader board signs;

10. Any sign that, in the opinion of the Zoning Officer, presents an immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare;

11. Signs with visible moving, revolving or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement;

12. Signs that advertise or identify a use which has ceased operation;

13. Any illegal non-conforming sign, as defined herein;

14. The continuous parking or storage of a motor vehicle or other mobile unit displaying an advertising message.

15. Any flag not specifically identifying a local, state or federal government agency;

16. Signs containing obscene, pornographic or lewd messages;

17. Signs that obstruct a fire escape, door, window or other required access way;

18. Signs that are not accessory to a principal use on a property;

19. Signs for a commercial purpose painted on a wall;

20. Signs attached to or associated with a gas station canopy structure, and;

21. Any sign not expressly permitted by this ordinance is prohibited.

K. Enforcement. The Zoning Officer shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of all sign regulations. The Zoning Officer may initiate enforcement procedures if any of the regulations contained herein are in violation. The Zoning Officer may call upon the Chief of Police and any duly authorized agents to assist in the enforcement of this title. If in the opinion of the Zoning Officer a particular sign presents an immediate danger to the public health, safety and welfare, appropriate action may be initiated to cause said sign to be immediately removed.