Section 9.5.6 Improvement and Utility Plans, Preliminary

The improvement and utility plans shall contain the following data

A.All existing improvement and utilities

B.Street rights-of-way and proposed street rights-of-way

1 Name (if available)

2 Location

3 Width

4. Notation on widening where an offer of dedication is being made

C.Other rights-of-way and easements.

1 Identification and description

2 Location and width. with dimensions necessary for description

3 Restrictions of use, if any

D.Proposed lot layouts

1 Number identification by a lot and block system as assigned by the Township Engineer

2 Lot lines with accurate dimensions

3 Building setback lines with dimensions

4 Boundary lines with accurate dimensions

E.Drainage system requirements

1 Complete drainage system plan for the entire subdivision

2 Boundaries of storm water run-off watersheds for each drainage structure. and their area in acres

3 All proposed surface drainage structures (e.g. ditches. channels, detention/retention basins)

4. All appropriate details and dimensions necessary to explain clearly the proposed construction including type of construction, material. size. pitch and invert elevations

5 Final design computations

F.Sanitary waste disposal system design

G.Water supply and distribution

1 Location of source on property and the size of the supply main

2 Location and size of all distribution mains

3 Location of fire hydrants

4 Location of all control valves

H.All off-tract and all off-site improvements to be constructed as part of the subdivision

I.A contour grading plan for all areas showing both existing and proposed grade at two foot intervals and smaller intervals, if necessary, with special engineering details for slope stabilization

J.Locations of all trees and natural features to be removed or preserved

K.Location of improvements including. but not limited to, the following

1. Curbs and gutters

2 Sidewalks

3 Driveway openings

L.Profile drawing standards

1 Drawings shall be made on standard profile paper \kith the following scales

a Horizontal scale one inch equals fifty feet

b Vertical scale one inch equals five feet

2 All profiles shall show, the existing natural grades, the typical cross section of existing or proposed roadways, the center lines of intersecting roadways and a system to survey stations

3 The centerline profile of all proposed roadways with dimensioning on vertical curves, and notation as to gradient elevations at fifty-foot stations and at all high and low points, shall be shown

4 The invert profile and location of all drainage structures in street rights-of-way and in drainage easements shall be shown

M. Detailed grade plans of each intersection showing elevations at ten-foot horizontal intervals at the following.

1. Centerlines for one hundred (1 00) feet either side of the centerline at intersections

2 Edge of traveled way of through street and intersecting street

3. Gutters of both the through street and intersecting street

N.Other data and construction details as may be required by the township Engineer or the Planning Board

Section 9.5.7 Final Plat Data Requirements

A.Final Plat must be drawn in accordance with provisions of the "Map Filing Law" P.L 1960, c. 141 and N.J.S.A. 40 55D-50a

B. The Final Plat shall contain all data hereinbefore noted for the Preliminary Plat. Sections 9 5 3 and 9 5 4 and the improvement Utility Plans Section 9 5 6 and shall contain the additional data as hereinafter set forth

1 The limits of the Final Plat sections if the subdivision is developed in more than one section

2 Proposed grading plan indicated by contours of two-foot intervals or other intervals as may be required by the slope and nature of the final grading for the entire subdivision

3 Description of electric. telephone, water, gas. C A T V , and other utility systems

a Location of all service routes

b Location of all special facilities including, but not limited to, connection points, pedestals and transformers

4 Location of improvements not included in preliminary data including. but not limited to

a Official names of streets

b Street signs

c Street lighting

d Street trees delineating sizes, spacing and species

5 All drainage easements, encroachment sight lines at intersections, and new and additional right-of-way easements

6 An estimate of quantities of materials for each construction item composing the following groups

a Improvements dedicated to the Township of Berkeley Heights

b Improvements owned and installed by public utilities.

c Other site improvements exclusive of dwellings

d Improvements required off-tract

e Copies of all applications and supporting data for permits issued by other agencies and copies of the permits.

C.Final Plat Map and appropriate details shall reflect all conditions of Preliminary Approval and shall also include the date of approval resolution

D.Notations on Final Plat Map

1 Date of final approval resolution

2 Statement of Final Resolution approving the subdivision

3 Statement of conditions of Final Subdivision Approval