Section 6.4.1 Uses Prohibited to All Zones

The following uses and activities are specifically prohibited in all zones

A. Sales or rentals of new or used motor vehicles or trailers

B. Coin-operated dispensers, Including mechanical and automatic machines in which a product is returned, except when located in a principal building in other than a residential zone

C. Retail laundries, cleaning or dyeing establishments employing more than four persons and all non-retail establishments

D. The storage of crude oil or any volatile products or ail), highly flammable liquids or gas above ground in tanks having a capacity of more than fifty-five gallons

E. Drive-in Restaurants, road stands or refreshment stands

F. Reserved

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection 6.4.1 F has been amended as per Ord. No. 10- 12.

G. Reserved

H. Without any way limiting the specific prohibitions, restrictions or limitations contained anywhere else in this Ordinance, in all zones of the Township any uses not specifically permitted in Article 6.3 herein are prohibited

Section 6.4.2 Uses Prohibited in Certain Zones

A. Display or storage of goods in the DD, HB-2 and HB-3 Zones.

In the DD, HB-2 and HB-3 Zones there shall not be displayed, stored, maintained, allowed, permitted or suffered any goods, materials, equipment, vehicles or products of any character or description for sale, lease, display, storage or any other purpose unless the same shall be inside the business structures where the activity is carried on except as set forth below:

1. Outside displays on "sale days".

a. The Township Committee may proclaim by resolution certain days, commonly known as "sales days, limited to three (3) consecutive days twice within one (1) year. "Sales days" shall allow sales of merchandise within the DD, HB-2 and HB-3 Business Zones on the sidewalk or the exterior of any building within these zones by permit.

b. Permits shall be issued by the Town" Committee of Berkeley Heights upon request, in writing, by individual or groups of businesses agreeing to hold such sales at the same time.

c. Displays shall not obstruct, in any manner, pedestrian traffic on public sidewalks into a lane narrower than four (4) feet wide.

d. Displays shall be permitted on "Sales days" on private parking lots in the DD, HB-2, HB-3 Business Zones, provided that no display or activity shall block pedestrian or vehicular traffic and access for emergency vehicles.

e. The Township Committee may, by resolution, permit the use of Township property or portions of the public right-of-way by groups or associations of local merchants engaging in a special community, sale or display event on a single day

2. Sale of natural Christmas Trees, wreaths, sprays and similar Christmas or other seasonal decorations out of doors.

a. The Township Clerk may issue a special temporary permit to allow the sale of natural Christmas trees, wreaths, sprays, and similar Christmas or other seasonal decorations out of doors in the DD, HB-2 and HB-3 Zones. Such permit may include authorization to utilize a temporary shed, trailer, or like structure during the period of sale to provide shelter for those conducting the sale.

b. Application for such special permit shall be made in writing and must include the applicant's name, address and telephone number, the consent of the owner of the property upon which the sale will be conducted if not the applicant, a description of the items to be sold, a complete description of the shelter to be used and a plan showing its location on the property. The shelter shall be subject to the required setbacks for accessory buildings in the Zone, is which the sale is to be conducted.

c. Each application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of $25.00 for administrative costs. Prior to the issuance of an approved permit, the applicant shall post with the Township Clerk a deposit of $250.00 as security for the faithful performance of all of the conditions of the such permit. The Township shall be entitled to use all or any part of such deposit to correct any condition caused by the failure of the applicant to comply with the conditions of the permit. The deposit or any remaining portion shall be returned to the applicant upon certification by the Township Zoning Officer that said applicant has complied with all of the conditions of his permit and the area used for the sale has been cleaned and restored to the condition it was in prior to the commencement of the sale. In the event that the site has not been cleaned and restored in accordance with sub-paragraph i below, and the Township Zoning Officer has not granted an extension of such time period because of weather conditions, or if the site is not cleaned and restored within any such extended time period, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Township and the Township may clean up and restore the site and the costs thereof, without credit for any forfeited deposit shall be certified by the Township Committee to the Tax Collector and shall become a municipal tax lien upon the property until paid.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. 4-02.

d. The maximum allowable period of sale shall be 35 days prior to January 1 of each year.

e. There shall be no trees, wreaths, sprays or other seasonal decorations for sale of any other materials used in connection with such sale, including signage or fencing, placed in any Township right-of-way of upon any property which is not set forth is the permit.

f. In the event portable generators are to be used for supplying electric power, or any other mechanical equipment is used to connection with the sale, it shall comply with the provisions of the Township Noise Ordinances (Code of the Township of Berkeley Heights Chapter 59).

g. Temporary fencing shall be used to enclose and secure the area of the sale

h. Sales may be conducted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

i. The site shall be cleaned and restored to its condition prior to the commencement of the sale not more than five days after the last sale date but in no event later than January 3 of the next calendar year.

j. Each sale location may have one sign facing each adjacent public right-of-way. The sign may not exceed eight square feet in area and shall not be illuminated when the location is not open for sales.

k. The Township Committee may impose such other restrictions, limitations and conditions as it deems advisable to protein the public hearth, safety and welfare.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection, A., has been amended as per Ordinance No. 20- 00.

l. In the event that an applicant whose security deposit for any prior year was forfeited for failure to timely clean and restore a site for which he (or any firm, corporation, or other business entity with which he was associated) received a permit applies to the Township Clerk for a permit under this section, or any application is made for a permit for a sale subject to this section on property for which a permit was issued for any prior year and a forfeiture of deposit made under such prior permit, the Township Clerk shall not issue a permit but shall refer the matter to the governing body which shall have the authority to deny the permit, grant the permit or grant the permit with additional conditions and/or an increased security deposit of $1,000.00. In making any determination on the permit the governing body may consider the records relating to any prior forfeiture and may, but shall not be required to hold a formal hearing on the application.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 4-02.

m. Any person violating any provision of this Section 6.4.2 shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 1-8, General Penalties of the Code of the Township of Berkeley Heights. Any penalty imposed under Section 1-8 shall be in addition to the other remedies provided herein. In the event of any violation of this Section 6.4-2 the permit a holder and the owner of the property on which such violation occurs shall both be liable for such violation and shall both be subject to punishment for such violation.

**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. 4-02.

B. Automobile Laundries in all zones except the HB-3 Zone

Section 6.4.3 Uses Prohibited in All Zones, Nuisance Factors

A.There is prohibited everywhere in the Township all uses characterized by one (1) or more "nuisance factors" as such uses which

1 Disseminate smoke, fumes, gas, dust, odor or any atmospheric pollutant beyond the boundaries of the lot occupied by such use

2. Discharge of any waste material whatsoever into any watercourse except in accordance with existing state and local requirements.

3 Disseminate glare or vibration beyond the immediate site on which such use is conducted

4. Create physical hazard by reason of fire, explosion, radiation or similar cause to property in the same or adjacent zones

5 Create noise which is in violation of the Noise Ordinance of the Township

6. Require open storage unless screened from public view or in an enclosure or building

B. partial list of such prohibited uses are as follows

1 Acetylene gas manufacture for commercial purposes

2 Acid or chemical manufacture, except drugs and pharmaceuticals and the intermediates therefore.

3 Ammonia, chloride or bleaching powder manufacture

4. Asphalt manufacture or refining

5 Automobile graveyards

6 Billboards

7 Blast furnace for steel-making

8 Boiler shops, structural steel fabricating shops, steel car shops, locomotive shops and railway repair shops, metalworking shops operating powered hammers or chisels.

9 Brick, concrete products, terra cotta or the manufacture

10 Carbon, lampblack. stove blacking. graphite, or stove polish manufacture

11 Celluloid or other cellulose products manufacture

12 Cement or cement block manufacture

13. Coal-tar products manufacture

14 Coke ovens.

15 Commercial Establishments having more than a total of two (2) devices such as billiard tables, pool tables or pin ball machines or other electromechanical or electronic gaming devices

16 Crematory

17 Creosote treatment or manufacture

18 Disinfectant, insecticide or poison manufacture

19 Distillation of coal. wood or bones

20 Dry cleaning except dry cleaning with a noninflammable cleaning liquid approved by the Board of Fire Under-writers

21 Dyeing - industrial

22 Fat rendering

23 Fertilizer manufacture or potash refining

24 Fish smoking or curing

25 Forge shop.

26 Gas storage in bulk. for resale

27 Glue, size or gelatin manufacturing or processes involving recovery from fish or animal offal

28 Incineration, reduction or dumping of offal. refuse or garbage, except where operated by the municipality

29. Junk yards

30. Mausoleum, vault, or crypt

31 Open-air commercial amusements except by special permit of the Township Committee

32 Paint, oil, varnish, turpentine, shellac, or enamel manufacture

33. Penal institutions

34 Perfume and extract manufacture

35 Petroleum refining and the manufacture of petrochemical products

36 Printing ink manufacture

37 Public dance hall

38 Radio, microwave or TV transmitting or receiving towers exceeding fifty (50) feet

39 Raw or green salted hides or skins, their storage coloring. curling. dressing or tanning

40 Rubber, caoutchouc or gutta-percha manufacture. from crude or scrap material

41 Sandpaper and emery cloth manufacture.

42 Sewage disposal plant, except where operated by the municipality

43 Slaughterhouses

44 Soap, soda or washing compound manufacture

45 Starch, glucose or dextrine manufacture.

46 Stockyards

47 Stone crushing

48 Storage of petroleum products in bulk above ground, and provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the storage of lubricating and vegetable oils and greases in metal tanks. drums, and other suitable containers of not more than fifty-five (55) gallons individual capacity

49 Sulfurous, sulfuric, mine, or hydrochloric acid manufacture

50. Tallow, grease, lard or candle manufacture or refining

51 Tar distillation or the manufacture of dyes.

52 Tobacco processing

53 Trailers occupied for living or dwelling purposes

54 Use involving shipping of cargo or products of such weight that vibration causes annoyance to neighboring property

55 Vinegar. pickle sauerkraut or sausage manufacture in bulk

56 Wool pulling or scouring

57 Yeast manufacture