13-13A Community Design Standards

The Purpose of the Community Design Standards is to establish safe functional development with a scale and character consistent with the State Plan smart growth policies, Sussex County Strategic Growth Plan, Goals and Objectives of the Master Plan and the rural features of the Township. The Standards provide a framework to ensure sound planning and site design that further the purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law, the Master Plan, while promoting the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare in Wantage Township.

Commercial and Industrial Design Standards: Refer to Ordinance Section 13-4A and 13-13.1 for additional standards.

1. Site Design-Spatial Requirements

a. The organization of buildings, streets, drives, parking areas, walks, service areas and other site components shall have a functional relationship and be compatible with existing site features and adjacent areas.

Alignment of buildings. The alignment of the major access of a building shall be related to the orientation of adjacent buildings and street.

Physical site elements such as accessory buildings, fences, walls, tree grates and other plantings shall relate from one parcel to another to provide overall visual continuity within the district.

Building Setbacks from the street shall form a continuous building wall. Varied setbacks may be introduced in an overall development plan approved by the Land Use Board after specific findings of the Board Exterior public spaces are required and shall be arranged to provide a defined sense of enclosure at a human scale

2. Architectural Requirements:

There shall be a consistent architectural theme. Site features shall relate to the general theme including signs, light poles and fixtures, benches, trash receptacles and other elements.

a. Materials, Texture and Color.

Materials for new construction shall be similar to the types of and textures of materials in the area. Renovations, restoration and maintenance work should match existing materials.

b. Architectural Elements and Features. Architectural features, including but not limited to, cornices, windows, doors and trim, prevailing in the immediate area are important. Details and architectural elements shall reinforce the established architectural theme and shall be included in drawings submitted for review by the Land Use Board.

c. Continuity of Architecture and Site Details.

The design continuity and Ornamental metal work, steps, walkways, planting beds and landscaping are especially critical to the character of the district.

d. Mechanical Equipment and Roof Projections.

Exterior mounted mechanical and electrical equipment, exposed to public view shall be architecturally screened. Roof mounted equipment and projections should be painted the same color as the roof.

e. Building Massing and Scale

1. A human scale shall be achieved at ground level and along street frontages and entryways through the use of windows, arcades, porches, doors, columns, canopies and architectural details such as cornices, window and door trim, transoms, etc.

Building facades shall be articulated with a base, a lower and upper facade and capped with a cornice; and/or a roof element. All visible facades of any proposed building must be treated with architectural materials, which shall consist of brick, finished masonry, stone, wood or combination thereof, based on commonly accepted architectural details, or other materials approved by the Land Use Board.

f. Roofs.

All buildings shall have pitched roofs, except where technical considerations require a flat roof or where a detailed cornice treatment reflecting an historical or cultural style is used. Roof shape (flat, hip, mansard or gable) and material shall be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building.

g. Individual commercial retail and office buildings shall be designed to reflect the pedestrian scale of a typical Main Street shopping area.

h. Each facade must be treated architecturally, not just the main entrance facade. The entire front, sides and rear of the building shall be coordinated in compatible colors and materials. Street facades, in the public view, shall receive the greatest architectural emphasis.

i. All buildings shall also be harmoniously related to the existing and proposed road network and other civic spaces. Pedestrian linkages to adjacent neighborhoods are required.

3. Parking/Circulation

Shade trees shall be provided along the streets and in parking areas. All trees in parking areas impacting vehicular traffic shall have all branches removed below 7 feet to assure good sight distance.

Interior parking lot islands should be designed so as to channel traffic in accordance with an approved circulation design.

Shared parking arrangements should be encouraged with adjacent commercial uses and existing parking areas of non-commercial uses.

Perimeter landscaping is required to buffer and enhance the appearance of the parking areas. Utilize concrete pavers to define pedestrian spaces and cross walks. This will provide a human scale, while enhancing safety.

4. Streetscape Criteria

Decorative lighting shall be installed along the streets consistent with Land use Board previous approvals to provide lighting for the pedestrians and to establish a vertical architectural element.

Sidewalks shall be maintained in good condition with depressed curbs for strollers and ease of walking. A 12 to 15 foot wide sidewalk should be maintained in front of retail stores and restaurants when appropriate. Properly designed outdoor dining/cafe areas would enhance the atmosphere of the streetscape. Residential areas shall have a 5-foot sidewalk.

A utility strip of concrete pavers as required by the Board shall be installed between the curb and the sidewalk at a width of 3 feet to define the district and to provide a safer walking surface. This will create an area for trees and utilities to be located to permit efficient maintenance.

Site furniture including benches, planters and trash receptacles will establish a character and human scale for the businesses and their patrons and shall be provided as directed by the Land Use Board.

Crosswalks should be emphasized to establish a safe walking environment.

Residential Design Standards:

The Design Standards apply to multi- family structures to ensure, that the development advances the purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law and the Goals and Objectives of the Master Plan.

1. Site Design-Spatial Requirements:

The organization of buildings, streets, driveways, parking areas and other site components shall have a functional relationship and be compatible with existing site features and adjacent areas.

Alignment of buildings.

The alignment of building access shall relate to the orientation the adjacent buildings, street and parking areas.

Site elements such as fences, walls, lighting, landscaping shall relate to the adjacent parcels to establish a visual continuity in the Township.

Recreation areas, public space and open space shall be designed to inter-relate with adjacent parcels and shall be arranged advance the Goals of the Master Plan.

2. Architectural Requirements:

The building architecture shall compliment the site features and elements.

a. Exterior materials and finishes shall consist of horizontal siding, brick, stone and other traditional materials.

b. Roofs shall have a pitch of not less than 7/12. Rooflines shall be broken by gables, dormers, architectural chimneys, etc.

c. Multi-family dwellings shall have a patio or balcony of at least 30 square feet per unit with visual screening for privacy.

d. Interior and exterior storage shall be provided for garbage, bicycles, barbecues, etc.

e. Housing units shall be arranged to assure safety and security for the residents and visitors.

f. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and located away from bedrooms.

3. Parking /Circulation and Landscaping:

Refer to the Commercial and Industrial Design Standards and the Residential Site Improvement Standards.

**Webmasters Note: The previous section has been added as per Ordinance No. 2006-09.