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3. Roadway Vacations | |||||||
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a. Roadway vacations of improved streets are recommended to accommodate the planned uses within the Redevelopment Area. Vacated roadway portions would be deeded to the adjacent property owners. The following vacations in connection with property redevelopment are recommended: | |||||||
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Booker Street between Route 27 and Fuller Street | |||||||
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Oak Place | |||||||
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Chester Avenue, High Street, Matilda Avenue West | |||||||
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Stothoff Street west of Pine Street | |||||||
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Alexander Avenue south of Myrtle Street | |||||||
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b. The following unimproved streets should be vacated to adjacent property owners to provide more developable property: | |||||||
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Unimproved Gurley Street | |||||||
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The portion of Camner Avenue that is currently unimproved Myrtle Street | |||||||
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4. Access Control | |||||||
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Rather than completely eliminate access to Route 27 at points in the eastern portion of the Redevelopment Area as once recommended, it is now recommended that South Dover Avenue become a one-way street at its Route 27 access point. This will require the implementation of one-way street signage at this location. As the Area redevelops, similar one-way treatment at Route 27 may become necessary. | |||||||
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Alternately, Kossuth Street is no longer recommended for one-way treatment due to the limited opportunities for local residents to conveniently access Route 27 via other alternatives. Additionally, [ionic Street is recommended to remain a one-way street at its Somerset Street terminus. | |||||||
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5. Sidewalk Installation | |||||||
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The Route 27/Renaissance 2000 Corridor Study also recommended the installation of sidewalks in locations where high volumes of pedestrians were observed walking on either dirt paths alongside roadways or in the roadways themselves. Locations for sidewalks include: | |||||||
The south side of Douglas Avenue | |||||||
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Both sides of Pine Street | |||||||
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Both sides of Franklin Boulevard to Frank Street | |||||||
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The north side of Route 27 from Churchill Street to Veronica Avenue | |||||||
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Sidewalks will be required along all public streets in the Redevelopment Area as the redevelopment process occurs. | |||||||
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6. Plan Impact on County Roadways and Drainage Facilities | |||||||
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a. Franklin Boulevard | |||||||
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Sidewalk construction is proposed along Franklin Boulevard, Additionally, it is anticipated that, due to the large lot requirement along this roadway, that the existing number of access points will be decreased, which should lead to better safety and circulation on this roadway. The existing stormwater system along Frank-tin Boulevard is not anticipated to be adversely impacted by redevelopment in the Area. | |||||||
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b. Hamilton Street | |||||||
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The southern side of Hamilton Street is planned for office use. If office uses are constructed in this area, it is anticipated that traffic movements and volumes into and out of the parcels will increase. Sidewalks will be required in this area. On the northern side of Hamilton Street in the Redevelopment Area, the entrance to the high school may be repositioned from Francis Street to the vacant area between Francis Street and Berry Street, should the Board of Education decide to move forward with its entrance modification and athletic fields plans. The existing stormwater system along Hamilton Street is not anticipated to be adversely impacted by redevelopment in the Area. | |||||||
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Based upon analyses of prior Renaissance 2000 plans for the area, continued support for those plans and Area opportunities and constraints in their entirety, a land use plan was created to take advantage of existing and potential physical and economic opportunities in the Area and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Plan. The proposed land uses in the Area are varied to take advantage of the different opportunities that are present in the Area, and are flexible enough to respond to market conditions at the time of site planning and development. The land uses are proposed for each development district, and standards for each district have been created. The permitted uses and design standards within the various districts and the design standards that apply to the entire Area are detailed in the following District Standards and General Design Standards sections. | |||||||
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Relationship Of Plan To The Township Land Development Regulations | |||||||
The Area shall be redeveloped in accordance with the standards detailed in this Redevelopment Plan. In order to implement the Redevelopment Plan consistent with the goals and objectives herein, the Plan supersedes the use, bulk and design standards provisions of the Township Development Ordinance. Other Township regulations affecting development that are in conflict are superseded by this Plan, however, existing standards and procedures pertaining to general development procedures and practices including site plan and subdivision standards and procedures, performance guarantees and fees, shall be complied with. In particular, standards for accessory uses associated with existing or infill one- and two-family residential uses, such as fences, walls, pools and home occupations should be taken from the Township Development Ordinance. | |||||||
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