§ 244-52. MHP Mobile Home Park Zone.

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Mobile homes occupied for dwelling purposes.

(2) Essential services.

B. Permitted accessory uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Recreation, and cultural facilities for the sole use of the residents of the mobile home park and their guests, including but not limited to the following:

(a) Clubhouse.

(b) Lake.

(c) Picnic grounds.

(d) Horseshoe pits.

(e) Shuffleboard courts.

(2) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(3) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of §§ 244-197 and 244-198. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

(4) Satellite dish antennas, subject to the provisions of § 244-165.

(5) Sheds (garden, storage or tool).

(6) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(7) Other customary accessory uses, buildings and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building, including facilities for maintenance and administration, streets and off-street parking facilities.

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

D. Area, yard and building minimum requirements for MHP Zoning District. [Amended 5-24-1993 by Ord. No. 24-93; 7-23-2001 by Ord. No. 25-01]

(1) No building, structure or land shall be used or erected, altered, enlarged or maintained except for a mobile home park within the area which is in accordance with a site development plan approved by the municipal agency. Such site development plan shall meet at least the following minimum requirements:

(2) Required space between mobile home units.

(a) No mobile home unit shall be closer than 25 feet at any point to an adjoining unit on either side and shall have a combined total of 50 feet on both sides. In the case of replacement mobile home units installed between May 24, 1993, and the effective date of this act, said units shall comply with the standards and regulations governing at the time of installation.

(b) Notwithstanding the requirements for minimum distances between units and setbacks from internal streets cited above, an existing mobile home unit within the mobile home park may be replaced consistent with the following: [Added 5-6-2002 by Ord. No. 23-02]

[1] When replacing a single-wide mobile home with a single-wide mobile home, or when replacing a double-wide mobile home with a double-wide mobile home, the side yard setback shall be 25 feet between units or the existing setback, whichever is less. If a single-wide unit is being replaced and the removed unit was less than 14 feet wide and the new unit is 14 feet wide, the replacement home will be permitted even if the setback distance is less than 25 feet; provided, however, in no case will the setback distance be less than 10 feet.

[2] When dealing with a replacement home, a park owner or tenant resident shall be allowed to replace a single-wide mobile home with a double-wide mobile home as long as they comply with the twenty-five-foot side yard setback; provided, however that a double-wide mobile home will be allowed to be installed on the lot even if the twenty-five-foot side yard set back requirement cannot be achieved as long as the applicant for the building permit submits a notarized consent form from the occupants of both mobile homes on either side of the replacement mobile home which indicates that these occupants have no objection to the placement of the double-wide mobile home on the lot; and further provided that a minimum setback distance of 10 feet can be achieved.

[3] Decks with a setback distance of less than 25 feet will be permitted if the applicant for the building permit submits a notarized consent form from the occupant of the mobile home which adjoins the area where the deck will be located; provided, however, that all decks will maintain a minimum setback distance of 10 feet.

E. Density.

(1) The maximum permitted gross residential density in an MHP District shall be eight dwelling units/acre.

(2) The maximum permitted net residential density in an MHP District shall be 12 dwelling units/acre.

F. Guaranties. Performance and maintenance guaranties shall comply with the requirements established in Article V of this chapter.

G. Homeowners' association.

(1) A homeowners' association, organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Act of the State of New Jersey, shall be established for the purposes of owning and assuming ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the common open space and common property designed within a mobile home park, pursuant to state statutes.

(2) The homeowners' association of a mobile home park shall be responsible for the following:

(a) Snowplowing;

(b) Snow removal;

(c) Solid waste storage, collection, disposal and recycling; and

(d) The replacement, repair and maintenance of all private utilities, streetlighting, internal roadway improvements, access drive and parking lot improvements, curbs, sidewalks, landscaping, common open space and recreation facilities and equipment.

H. Lighting. Interior development roads, parking areas, dwelling entranceways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same, but in no case shall such lighting be less than is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal footcandle throughout such areas from dusk to dawn. Lights shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of the buildings and shall be so arranged as to reflect away from all adjoining properties.

I. Open space and recreation. A minimum of 25% of the tract area shall be provided as open space and recreation areas in an MHP District in accordance with the provisions established in §§ 244-500 and 244-199.

J. Ordinance compliance. Mobile home parks shall comply with the requirements set forth in Chapter 280, Mobile Home Parks, of the Jackson Township Code.

K. Parking.

(1) Two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be provided.

(2) Off-street parking for other purposes shall be in accordance with § 244-197.

L. Sidewalks and aprons. Sidewalks and aprons shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of §§ 244-203 and 244-204 and shall be designed and constructed as part of an integrated sidewalk system within a PRC. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

M. Solid waste.

(1) Solid waste storage shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 244-208.

(2) The preliminary and final site development plans of an MHP shall illustrate the method of refuse collection and shall note the locations of refuse areas in addition to the size, height and type of screening for same.

(3) Solid waste storage, collection and disposal shall be the responsibility of the homeowners' association.

(4) Separate collection bins, located in accordance with the requirements of § 244-208, shall be provided for the collection of recyclable materials.

N. Streets (internal).

(1) All streets within a PRC, whether public or private, shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of §§ 244-210, 244-211 and 244-212. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

(2) No street or driveway located within a mobile home park shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate so as to be confused with the names of any other existing public or private street located with the Township of Jackson. All names shall be subject to the approval of the municipal agency.

O. Utilities.

(1) No private individual wells or individual sewage disposal systems shall be permitted, and each building shall be serviced with said utilities by a central supply or disposal system which is approved by the Jackson Township Board of Health, Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority and other controlling agencies. No building permit shall be issued unless and until plans for such facilities have been submitted to the proper authorities for approval and adequate provisions are made to ensure that such necessary facilities shall be installed.

(2) All utility lines leading to and within the site of a mobile home park shall be installed underground.