§244-51. MF-AH-6 Multifamily Affordable Housing-6 Zone .

[Added 1-22-2008 by Ord. No. 04-08]

A. Intent. The intent of the MF-AH-6 Zone is to provide a suitable location(s) for the construction of housing exclusively for low- and moderate-income households consistent with the Township's duly adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan.

B. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Multifamily dwellings at a gross density not to exceed six dwelling units per acre.

C. Permitted accessory uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(2) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of this section and §§ 244-197 and 244-198.

(3) Pump houses, which are directly used for the maintenance and operation of utilities and/or a swimming pool serving a multifamily development.

(4) Satellite dish antennas, subject to the owner's or homeowners' association rules, as applicable.

(5) Sheds strictly for the storage of materials and equipment, which are directly used for the maintenance of the buildings and grounds of a multifamily development. Private residential sheds shall not be permitted.

(6) Community identification signs, or monument signs, may be placed on one or both sides of each entrance to the multifamily community. Directional signs shall be permitted, as well as temporary sales, leasing and community identification signs. Signs are subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(7) Swimming pools for residents of the multifamily development and their guests, subject to the provisions of § 244-216. Private residential swimming pools shall not be permitted.

(8) Recreational amenities (i.e., tot lots, courts, gazebos).

(9) Other customary accessory uses and buildings, which are clearly incidental to the principal use and buildings including clubhouses, community buildings, and management and leasing offices.

D. Area, yard and building minimum requirements for MF-AH-6 District are as follows:

E. Buffer areas.

(1) Each and every parcel of land included in an application for development under the provisions herein shall provide for a buffer along the front, rear and side perimeter boundary lines along the tract. Said buffer shall be measured from the perimeter boundary line of the tract or from the future right-of-way of any existing or proposed dedicated public street. The front, rear and side yard buffer shall be a minimum of 50 feet. In the case of a corner parcel fronting on two streets, the fifty-foot front yard buffer shall be measured along both street frontages.

(2) Buffer areas shall be developed in an aesthetic manner for the primary purpose of screening views and reducing noise perception beyond the lot. Buffer widths shall be measured horizontally and perpendicularly to lot and street lines. No structure, except as otherwise provided herein, activity, storage of materials, decks, patio or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in a buffer area. Drainage and utility structures shall be permitted in the buffer area. The location and design of buffers shall consider the use of the portion of the property being screened; the distance between the use and the adjoining property line; differences in elevation; the type of buffer, such as dense planting, existing woods, a wall or fence; buffer height; buffer width; and other combinations of man-made and natural features. The buffer shall be designed, planted, graded, landscaped and developed with the general guideline that the closer a use or activity is to a property line or the more intense the use, the more effective the buffer area must be in obscuring light and vision and reducing noise beyond the lot.

(3) The preservation of all natural wooded tracts shall be an integral part of all plans and may be calculated as part of the required buffer area, provided that the growth is of a density and the area has sufficient width to serve the purpose of a buffer, as determined by the Planning Board.

(4) All buffer areas shall be planted and maintained to provide screening and an aesthetically pleasing design. In general, the Planning Board may approve waivers to the standard landscaping requirements of this chapter, provided the plan presented is appropriate and adequate to meet the intent of providing suitable screening.

F. Building length. No principal building, when viewed from any elevation, shall be greater than 200 feet in length.

G. Distances.

(1) Distances between principal buildings. The minimum distances between principal buildings shall be as follows:

(a) Any building side wall to side wall shall have a minimum distance of 25 feet between the midpoint of said side walls and/or a minimum distance of 20 feet between the side wall corners.

(b) Any building side wall to front or rear building walls shall be a minimum distance of 35 feet between the midpoint of said walls and/or a minimum distance of 25 feet between the side wall building corner and front or rear wall building corner.

(c) Any front-to-rear, front-to-front or rear-to-rear building wall shall have a minimum distance of 45 feet between the midpoint of said walls and/or a minimum distance of 35 feet between the building wall corners.

(2) Distance between principal buildings and access driveways or internal roadway. No multifamily dwellings shall be located closer than 20 feet to the curbline of any access driveway or internal roadway, except for access aisles or driveways to garages and/or carports, where the minimum distance shall be 25 feet.

(3) Distance between principal buildings and parking areas. No principal building shall be located closer than 15 feet to the curbline of any parking area, except for access aisles or driveways to garages and/or carports, which are attached to principal buildings, where the minimum distance shall be 25 feet.

H. Garages and/or carports.

(1) Garage and/or carport parking spaces to be counted toward meeting off-street parking requirements shall comply with the provisions of §§ 244-197 and 244-198. In addition, the driveway to the garage and/or carport spaces is adjacent to and accessible from an access aisle or internal roadway.

(2) Garages and/or carports, when not attached to a principal building, shall not be located any closer than 30 feet to any principal building.

I. Maintenance of common areas. The condominium association, homeowner association or owner of a multifamily development shall be responsible for the following:

(1) Snowplowing/snow removal;

(2) The replacement, repair and maintenance of internal roadway improvements, access drive and parking lot improvements, curbs, sidewalks, landscaping, common oven space and recreation facilities and equipment; and

(3) Maintenance of stormwater collection system, drainage facilities, and drainage basins.

(4) Solid waste storage, collection, disposal, and recycling.

J. Improvements. Unless specified otherwise herein, all public and private improvements on the site of a multifamily development shall comply with the standards, criteria and requirements of this chapter.

K. Landscaping. Landscaping within a multifamily development in an MF-AH-6 District shall be provided to create an aesthetically pleasing design in accordance with the requirements of § 244-193. The Planning Board may approve waivers to standard landscaping requirements of this chapter, provided the plan presented is appropriate and adequate to meet the intent of providing an interesting and attractive landscape.

L. Laundry equipment. No outside area or equipment shall be provided for the hanging or outside airing of laundry in any manner.

M. Lighting. All interior development roads, parking areas, dwelling entranceways and pedestrian walks within a development in the MF-AH-6 District shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same, but in no case shall such lighting be less than is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal footcandle throughout such areas from dusk to dawn. Lights shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of the buildings and shall be so arranged as to reflect away from all adjoining properties.

N. Open space and recreation. Every tract of land developed in the MF-AH-6 District shall include common open space and active and passive recreation facilities in accordance with the following:

(1) Open space requirements. For the purposes of this section, the term "open space" is defined to mean any area of land (exclusive of buildings, streets, parking areas and utility rights-of-way or water) which is open to the sky and which is set aside for active or passive recreational use. Buf fers may be included as passive recreation.

(2) A minimum of 25% of the gross tract acreage shall be set aside for private use for active and pas sive open space and recreational purposes and for common open space.

(3) Lands used or deeded to public agencies for roads, streets or utilities, including utility easements, shall not be defined as common open space. However, bodies of water located wit hin the tract may be counted as common open space.

(4) Any lands set aside for open space shall be available for the residents of the community to use for active and passive recreational activities.

(5) There shall be a close visual and physical relationship between open space and dwelling units. Open space areas shall be an integral part of the development and shall be located to bes t suit the purpose(s) for which they are intended.

(6) Open space may be offered for dedication to the Township. Every parcel offered to and accepted by the Township shall be clearly indicated on the final plat by metes and bounds and conveyed by deed at the time that final plat approval is granted. Such acceptance is subject to any conditions the Township may impose. Said deeds shall contain restrictions stating to what use (s) such land(s) shall be restricted.

(7) Any lands offered to the Township shall be subject to approval by the governing body after review and recommendation by the municipal agency. The municipal agency shall be guided by the Master Plan the ability to assemble and relate such lands to an overall plan, the accessibility and potential utility of such lands and such existing features which may enhance or detract from the intended use of the lands. The municipal agency may request an opinion from other agencies or individuals as to the advisability of accepting any lands to be offered.

(8) Any lands offered to the Township for open space purposes shall contain appropriate covenant and deed restrictions approved by the municipal agency which ensure that:

(a) The open space area will not be further subdivided in the future.

(b) The use of the open space area will continue in perpetuity for the purpose(s) specified.

(c) Appropriate provisions are made for the maintenance of the open space areas.

O. Parking.

(1) Parking shall be provided in accordance with the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Sta ndards (N.J.A.C. 5:21).

(2) Parking along all internal streets, driveways and parking lot aisles within a multifamily development shall not be permitted, except where parking is otherwise approved by the Planning Board. "No Parking" signs shall be posted at regular intervals along such areas where parking is prohibited at the developer's expense.

P. Sidewalks and aprons. Unless otherwise required pursuant to the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21), sidewalks and aprons shall be provided, at a minimum on one side of the street, and shall be designed and constructed as part of an integrated sidewalk system within a multifamily development located to facilitate safe pedestrian circulation throughout th e community.

Q. Solid waste.

(1) Solid waste storage shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 244-208.

(2) The preliminary and final site development plans of a development shall illustrate the method of refuse collection and shall note the locations of refuse areas, in addition to the size, height and type of screening for same.

(3) Solid waste storage, collection and disposal shall be the responsibility of the condominium association, the homeowners' association, or the owner or as otherwise permitted in the Municipal Services Act (N.J.S.A. 40:67).

(4) Separate collection bins, located in accordance with the requirements of § 244-208, shall be provided for the collection of recyclable materials.

R. Streets, internal.

(1) All streets, driveways, parking aisles and parking was within a development in an MF-AH-6 District shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21)

(2) No street, driveway, parking aisle or parking area located within a development in an MF-AH-6 District shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate so as to be confused with the names of any other existing public or private street located within the Township of Jackson. All street names shall be subject to the approval of the municipal agency.

S. Utilities.

(1) All dwelling units in the project shall be served with public water, sanitary sewers and underground electric, telephone and cable television services.

(2) All dwelling units and clubhouse/community buildings shall be connected to an approved and functioning public water supply system and sanitary sewer system prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy.

(3) All utilizing lines leading to and within the site of a multifamily development shall be installed underground.

T. Affordable housing requirements. The developer of a development in the MF-AH-6 District shall provide proof of a developer's agreement with the Township of Jackson setting forth the terms, conditions, requirements, and obligations of the respective parties. If the units are to be rented, the owner and managing agent of a development shall at all times be required to maintain consistency with applicable New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) Regulations and monitoring requirements.