18-4.1 R-22, R-15 and R-10 Residential Zones Shall Be Subject to the Following Regulations :
a. Permitted Uses:
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1. One (1) family dwelling.
b. Permitted Accessory Uses:
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1. Private garages for the storage of not more than three (3) automobiles.
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2. Signs in accordance with Subsection 18-7.1a. of this Chapter.
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3. Swimming pools in side or rear yards only, as defined in this Chapter.
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4. Other customary accessory uses and buildings provided that such uses are incidental to the principal use and do not include any activity commonly conducted as a business. Any such accessory use shall be located on the same lot as the principal building.
c. Other Uses Permitted Upon Application to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit:
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1. Reserved.
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2. Public utility installations in accordance with Subsection 18-6.6d. of this Chapter and other general provisions of this Chapter.
d. Area, Yard, Building (Bulk) and Unit Requirements: As specified in Subsection 18-5.1 of this Chapter.
e. Other Provisions and Requirements:
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1. As specified in Section 18-6 of this Chapter.
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2. As specified in Section 18-7 of this Chapter.
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3. As specified in Section 18-8 of this Chapter.
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4. As specified in Section 18-9 of this Chapter. (Ord. #513; Ord. #0-97-16, S 1; Ord. #O-00-3, S 5)
18-4.2 RP Residential/Professional Zone Shall Be Subject to the Following Regulations :
a. Permitted Uses:
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1. Business and professional offices, and financial institutions.
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2. One (1) family dwellings.
b. Permitted Accessory Uses:
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1. Private garages for the storage of not more than three (3) automobiles.
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2. Signs in accordance with Subsection 18-7.1 of this Chapter.
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3. Swimming pools accessory to one-family dwellings and located in side or rear yards only, as defined in this Chapter.
c. Other Uses Permitted Upon Application to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit:
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1. Home professional offices occupied by the owner as legal residence, excluding a clinic, in accordance with Subsection 18-6.6e. of the Chapter and other general provisions of this Chapter.
d. Area, Yard, Building (Bulk) and Unit Requirements: As specified in Subsection 18-5.1 of this Chapter.
e. Other Provisions and Requirements:
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1. As specified in Section 18-6 of this Chapter.
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2. As specified in Section 18-7 of this Chapter.
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3. As specified in Section 18-8 of this Chapter.
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4. As specified in Section 18-9 of this Chapter.
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5. As specified in Section 18-13 of this Chapter. (Ord. #513; Ord. #O-00-3, S 5)
18-4.3 I Institutional Zone Shall Be Subject to the Following Regulations :
a. Permitted Uses:
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1. Buildings and structures necessary for the use and operation of institutions of learning on the elementary, secondary, or college level.
b. Permitted Accessory Uses:
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1. Other customary accessory uses and buildings provided that such uses are incidental to the principal use.
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2. Swimming pools accessory to one-family dwellings and located in side or rear yards only, as defined in this Chapter.
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3. Swimming pools accessory to primary and secondary schools and located in side or rear yards only, as defined in this chapter. Such swimming pools shall be placed no closer than one hundred (100') feet from the nearest lot line of an existing single-family dwelling or to a property zoned for a single-family dwelling.
c. Area, Yard, Building (Bulk) and Unit Requirements:
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1. As specified in Subsection 18-5.1 of this Chapter.
d. Other Provisions and Requirements:
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1. As specified in Section 18-6 of this Chapter.
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2. As specified in Section 18-7 of this Chapter.
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3. As specified in Section 18-8 of this Chapter.
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4. As specified in Section 18-9 of this Chapter.
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5. As specified in Section 18-13 of this Chapter. (Ord. #513; Ord. #O-00-3, S 5)
18-4.4 NC Neighborhood Commercial Zone.
NC Neighborhood Commercial Zone shall be subject to the following regulations:
a. Permitted Uses:
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1. Stores and shops where goods are sold such as department stores, general stores, furniture and home appliance stores, gift and variety stores, wearing apparel and accessory shops, drug and pharmaceutical stores, dry goods, hardware, sporting goods, jewelry and stationery stores and professional buildings as defined in Subsection 18-4.2 of this Chapter.
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2. Business and professional offices, banks and fiduciary institutions, public utility offices.
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3. Telephone exchanges, telegraph offices.
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4. Funeral homes.
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5. Barber and beauty shops, shoe repair, dry cleaning and tailor shops, and appliance repair shops.
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6. Retail shopping center consisting of a group of stores contained within a single building which shall be deemed as a single unit for the purpose of this Chapter.
b. Permitted Accessory Uses:
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1. Signs in accordance with Subsection 18-7.16 of this Chapter.
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2. Garage space for the storage of commercial vehicles used in conjunction with a permitted business.
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3. Swimming pools accessory to one-family dwellings and located in side or rear yards only, as defined in this Chapter.
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4. Swimming pools accessory to primary and secondary schools and located in side or rear yards only, as defined in this Chapter. Such swimming pools shall be placed no closer than one hundred (100') feet to the nearest lot line of an existing single-family dwelling or to a property zoned for a single-family dwelling.
c. Other Uses Permitted Upon Application to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit:
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1. Indoor eating and drinking establishments providing that when the same are in a strip shopping center or other type shopping center, that they be physically annexed to the shopping center or strip shopping center use.
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2. Buildings and structures necessary for the use and operation of an institution of learning on the elementary or secondary school level conditioned upon the following:
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(a) The site shall contain not less than three (3) contiguous acres; and
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(b) A maximum allowable FAR (Floor Area Ratio) of 0.35; and
| | |
(c) A maximum building coverage of fifteen (15%) percent.
d. Area, Yard, Building (Bulk) and Unit Requirements: As specified in Subsection 18-5.1
e. Other Provisions and Requirements:
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1. As specified in Section 18-6 of this Chapter.
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2. As specified in Section 18-7 of this Chapter.
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3. As specified in Section 18-8 of this Chapter.
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4. As specified in Section 18-9 of this Chapter.
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5. As specified in Section 18-13 of this Chapter.
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6. Primary and secondary schools in NC Zones shall be subject to the following additional provisions and requirements.
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(a) All sides of a proposed school site which directly abut a residential zone or a use permitted in a residential zone shall provide fencing and/or landscape plantings and/or berming designed to provide an effective screen in accordance with subsections 18-6.5d. and 18-7.3.
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(b) Permitted accessory uses shall be the same as permitted for schools in the Institution (I) Zone pursuant to subsection 18-4.3b. except that the use of outdoor amplification is not permitted when any portion of the site is abutting or within one hundred (100') feet of a residential zone or use permitted in a residential zone. Swimming pools shall be a permitted accessory use, but shall be subject to the setback requirements of subsection 18-4.4b,4.
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(c) Pick up and drop off locations shall be provided on-site where applicable.
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(d) Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:
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Elementary School: One (1) parking space per employee based on maximum number of employees on site at any one (1) time.
| | |
Secondary School: One (1) parking space per employee based on maximum number of employees on site at any one (1) time. Additional off-street parking shall be provided on-site equal to one (1) space per ten (10) students, based on maximum enrollment in the junior and senior classes. (Ord. #513; Ord. #O-00-3, S 5; Ord. #O-01-12, SS 1, 2; Ord. #O-09-10)
18-4.5 Highway Commercial Zone.
Highway Commercial Zone shall be subject to following regulations:
a. Permitted Uses.
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1. Office buildings for executive and/or administrative purposes.
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2. All uses permitted in the NC Neighborhood Commercial Zone, however, specifically excluding funeral homes.
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3. Indoor eating and drinking establishments providing that when the same are in a strip shopping center or other type shopping center, that they be physically annexed to the shopping center or strip shopping center use.
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4. Indoor movie theatres and auditoriums.
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5. Motels of not less than one hundred (100) sleeping units.
b. Permitted Accessory Uses.
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1. Private garage space for the storage of vehicles used in conjunction with a permitted use.
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2. Signs which relate to the activity being conducted on the premises and which are in accordance with subsection 18-7.1c. of this Chapter.
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3. No more than one (1) detached accessory building shall be permitted in this zone. Detached buildings shall be a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet, providing parking requirements for the entire use are not exceeded. Said site plan for detached building must be submitted and approved by the Planning Board prior to a building permit being issued.
c. Other Uses Permitted Upon Application to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit.
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1. Public utility installations in accordance with subsection 18-6.6c. of this Chapter.
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2. New automobile sales agencies, associated repair shops and new car lot, including incidental outdoor display of used cars taken in trade on new cars.
d. Area, Yard, Building (Bulk) and Unit Requirements. As specified in subsection 18-5.1 of this Chapter, excepting that where any Highway Commercial Zone abuts a Residential Zone, the setbacks for rear and side yards shall be seventy-five (75') feet
e. Other Provisions and Requirements.
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1. As specified in Section 18-6 of this Chapter.
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2. As specified in Section 18-7 of this Chapter.
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3. As specified in Section 18-8 of this Chapter.
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4. As specified in Section 18-9 of this Chapter.
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5. As specified in Section 18-13 of this Chapter.
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6. Ingress and egress to each use shall be subject to the following standards and conditions.
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(a) Points of ingress and egress shall be provided for each automobile-oriented use.
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(b) Ingress and egress driveways shall be not less than the minimum required by State or County regulations. These driveways shall be not less than twenty (20') feet or more than thirty (30') feet in width.
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(c) If points of ingress and egress are separated, a suitable planting (landscape) strip not less than five (5') feet in width shall be provided from the curbline to the paved surface area. (Ord. #513; Ord. #O-00-3; Ord. #O-01-12; Ord. #O-09-10)