(g) Vertical clearance. Provide minimum vertical clearance of one hundred fourteen (114") inches (2895 mm) at accessible passenger loading zones and along at least one vehicle access route to such areas from site entrance(s) and exit(s). At parking spaces complying with ADAAG requirements, provide a minimum vertical clearance of ninety-eight (98") inches (2490 mm) at the parking space and along at least one (1) vehicle access route to such spaces from site entrance(s) and exit(s).

(h) Passenger loading zones. Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle at least sixty (60") inches (1525 mm) wide and twenty (20') feet (240") inches (6100 mm) long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space (see ADAAG Figure 10). If there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull-up space, then a curb ramp complying with the ADAAG shall be provided. Vehicle standing spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions. Passenger loading zones required to be accessible by the ADA shall comply with requirements of the ADAAG.


The access aisle shall be a minimum of 60 inches (1525 mm) wide for cars or a minimum of 96 inches (2440 mm) wide for vans. The accessible route connected to the access aisle at the front of the parking spaces shall be a minimum of 36 inches (915 mm).


An access aisle is required at a passenger loading zone which is 240 inches (6100 mm) minimum, measured parallel to the vehicle pull-up area, and 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum, measured perpendicular to the vehicle area. This aisle must be clear of obstructions and at the same level as the vehicle area.

b. Off-Street Loading and Unloading.

1. For every building, structure or part thereof having over five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross building area erected and occupied for commerce, dry cleaning, places of public assembly, industry and other similar uses involved in the receipt and distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate space for standing, loading and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys. Every building, structure or addition thereto having a use which complies with the above definition shall be provided with at least one (1) truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than twelve (12') feet in width, thirty-five (35') feet in length, and fourteen (14') feet in height, in the rear of the building only. One (1) additional truck space of these dimensions shall be provided for every additional twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or fraction thereof, of gross area in the building.

2. Access to a truck standing, loading and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience, and that will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.

3. Loading space as required under this section shall be provided as area in addition to off-street parking space and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.

4. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all-weather pavement which shall be adequately drained and adequately screened and buffered, all subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer.

5. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be located in side or rear yards only. (Ord. #513; Ord. No. O-07-17 § 1; Ord. No. O-08-7, S XI)

18-7.5 Swimming Pools in Institutional and Neighborhood Commercial Zones.

Neighborhood Commercial Zone and to any swimming pools located on a property used for Institutional or Neighborhood Commercial purposes:

a. No swimming pool may be used between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on each day of the week. No pool will be used before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday.

b. It is unlawful for any person to make, continue, or cause to be made or continue, at any private swimming pool, any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which exceeds the limitations of the Borough's Noise Ordinance,* or any other State law or regulation, including the New Jersey Administrative Code.

c. Any lights which are used to illuminate any private swimming pool shall be arranged and shaded so as to reflect light away from adjoining premises.

d. Persons using any private swimming pool must wear a bathing suit or other suitable garment in order to protect his or her person from indecent exposure.

e. There shall be a landscaped buffer of twenty-five (25') feet. All applicable provisions of the Borough ordinances regarding buffers shall control. Additionally, a berm of at least three (3') feet in height, with dense landscaping, such as evergreens, shall be constructed adjacent to any residential zone or any buffered area. (Ord. #O-00-3, S 6)