18-7.1 Sign Regulations.

a. Permitted Signs in R-22, R-15 and R-10 Residential Zones; Institutional Zone; RP Residential Professional Zone:

1. Decorative non-illuminated signs showing name and/or address of house or family not larger than one (1) square foot in area.

2. Nonilluminated temporary signs advertising the prospective sale or rental of the premises upon which it is maintained, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, provided that it shall be removed within seven (7) days after consummation of lease or sale transaction. Any such signs shall be placed at least six (6') feet from the curb; and, if there is no curb, then six (6') feet from the end of the pavement.

2A. There may be a maximum of two (2) temporary signs advertising an open house in connection with the sale of any residential dwelling.

The following restrictions shall apply to such open house signs:

(a) Only one (1) sign may be placed on the lot or building being sold; and one (1) directional sign may be placed off site, but shall not be placed on private property owned by another person without that other owners written permission.

(b) The open house sign shall not be larger than eighteen (18") inches by twenty-four (24") inches, and the top of each such sign shall not be higher than forty-two (42") inches above the ground. If the open house is being conducted by a realtor, both signs shall contain the name, business office address, and telephone number of such realtor.

(c) The open house may be for either the public or for realtors only.

(d) The open house sign shall be placed only on the day of the open house and shall be removed immediately, that day, upon the conclusion of the open house. Both signs shall contain the day of the week on which the open house is being conducted.

(e) No open house sign shall be illuminated.

(f) Violations and penalties.

(1) These regulations may be enforced by the Zoning Officer, Housing Inspector, or Police Department of the Borough of West Long Branch.

(2) Any person or the entity, including the selling realtor, for which such open house is being conducted who is in violation of these regulations shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1-5.

3. Non-illuminated temporary signs on new construction sites, not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in total area and provided they shall be removed within seven (7) days after completion of the construction work.

4. Official signs erected by the Borough of West Long Branch, Monmouth County, the State or Federal Government.

5. Signs identifying a permitted recreation area provided each is a non-flashing sign, and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area on any one (1) side and bearing only the name of the recreation area.

6. No more than one (1) sign shall be permitted for each use or activity permitted in this zone.

7. One (1) non-flashing sign identifying a school, church, public building, public and one (1) side and situated within the lot not closer than fifteen (15') feet from any street or property line.

8. No temporary signs are permitted in the zones referred to in 18-7.1a. above, unless they are specifically permitted and comply with the stated conditions for such permission. This means that contractor and tradesman signs for providing of services such as landscaping, painting, siding, construction, plumbing, heating, electrical or any other similar service are specifically prohibited, regardless of whether or not the property owner consents to the same.

The penalties for placement of non-permitted signs are as follows:

The fine for a first offense shall be thirty-five ($35.00) dollars. The fine for a second offense shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars. The fine for a third or subsequent offense shall be between one hundred ($100.00) dollars and the maximum permitted by Section 1-5.

b. Permitted Signs in NC Neighborhood/Commercial Zones.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. The sign shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the front wall area of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity and shall not project more than two (2') feet in front of the facade of the building.

2. One (1) free-standing sign is permitted, provided that such sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet on any one (1) side. Any sign shall not be located closer than twenty (20') feet to any street line or boundary of a residence zone. No free-standing sign shall have any part thereof at a height greater than twelve (12') feet above ground level, and the sign shall not obstruct vision in the area defined in Subsection 18-6.5c.

3. The above permitted business signs may be illuminated but shall not be of the flashing type, and shall in no way interfere with the safe functioning of any traffic control signal or directional device.

4. One (1) temporary sign pertaining to the lease or sale of the same lot or construction of the building on which it is placed. Such sign shall be non-flashing, shall be situated within the property lines of the premises to which it relates and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in total area and no sign shall be displayed for a period of more than six (6) months.

5. One (1) non-flashing sign identifying an administration office or a professional office as permitted on each lot in this zone, provided that each sign does not exceed eight (8) square feet in area on any one (1) side and further provided that such sign be located not less than ten (10') feet from any street or property line.

6. Special signs serving the public convenience, such as "Notary Public," "public telephone," et al, provided that each sign does not exceed one (1) square foot in area and only one (1) sign for each type is displayed.

7. Two (2) business signs painted on the windows and/or doors of each business, bearing the name, street number, and/or type of business of the principal occupants, provided that there shall be no more than one (1) such sign on each window or door frame and the total area of such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet.

8. Business signs painted on the valance of an awning bearing only the name of the principal occupant and/or the street number of each business, but not exceeding a total of eight (8) square feet in area.

9. No temporary signs are permitted in the zones referred to in 18-7.1a. above, unless they are specifically permitted and comply with the stated conditions for such permission. This means that contractor and tradesman signs for providing of services such as landscaping, painting, siding, construction, plumbing, heating, electrical or any other similar service are specifically prohibited, regardless of whether or not the property owner consents to the same.

The penalties for placement of non-permitted signs are as follows:

The fine for a first offense shall be thirty-five ($35.00) dollars. The fine for a second offense shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars. The fine for a third or subsequent offense shall be between one hundred ($100.00) dollars and the maximum permitted by Section 1-5.

c. Permitted Signs in HC Highway Commercial Zone.

1. One (1) sign may be placed or inscribed upon each of two (2) facades of a building, showing only the name of the building of its occupants, provided that the sign shall not exceed an area equal to fifteen (15%) percent of the area of the facade upon which it is placed. The sign may be illuminated, but shall not be of the flashing or animated type, and shall not project more than twelve (12") inches in front of the facade nor extend above the top or beyond the end of the facade.

2. One (1) free-standing sign may be erected to identify permitted buildings, and in the case of office buildings, to list individual occupants, provided that the aggregate area of the sign's two (2) sides shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet. Such signs may be illuminated, but shall not be of the flashing or animated type, shall not be located within twenty (20') feet of a public street or parking area, driveway or within fifty (50') feet of the boundary of a residence zone, and shall in no way interfere with the safe functioning of any traffic control signal or directional device, provided further that said signs may be subject to further restriction by the Planning Board or Borough Engineer based upon the overall site plan of the application.

3. Free-standing signs necessary to control the movement of traffic on the premises may be erected. These signs shall provide traffic directions only, and shall not be used for any advertising purpose. They shall not exceed a height of six (6') feet, nor an area of four (4) square feet on each of two (2) sides.

4. Free-standing signs shall have a space of not less than four (4') feet between the lower edge of the sign and ground level. No free-standing sign shall have any part thereof at a height greater than twenty (20') feet above ground level, and the sign shall not obstruct vision in the area defined in Subsection 18-6.5c.

5. One (1) temporary sign pertaining to the lease or sale of the same lot or construction of the building on which it is placed. Such sign shall be nonflashing; shall be situated within the property lines of the premises to which it relates; and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in total area; and no sign shall be displayed for a period of more than six (6) months.

6. No temporary signs are permitted in the zones referred to in 18-7.1a. above, unless they are specifically permitted and comply with the stated conditions for such permission. This means that contractor and tradesman signs for providing of services such as landscaping, painting, siding, construction, plumbing, heating, electrical or any other similar service are specifically prohibited, regardless of whether or not the property owner consents to the same.

The penalties for placement of non-permitted signs are as follows:

The fine for a first offense shall be thirty-five ($35.00) dollars. The fine for a second offense shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars. The fine for a third or subsequent offense shall be between one hundred ($100.00) dollars and the maximum permitted by Section 1-5.

d. Permitted Signs in MF-1 and SH-1 Zones. Multi-family dwelling structures shall comply with the following sign requirements:

1. Multi-family dwelling developments may maintain:

(a) One (1) wall identification sign which may be illuminated but shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area.

(b) One (1) ground identification sign which may be illuminated but shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet in area on either side nor a height of twelve (12') feet. Any sign shall not be located closer than twenty (20') feet to any street line or boundary of a single-family residence zone. The sign shall not obstruct vision in the site triangular area formed by the curbline of the main entrance and a line joining thirty (30') feet distant along said street and entry point.

2. All multi-family developments shall provide one (1) street address sign in numerical and alphabetical format for the development clearly visible from the street not to exceed ten (10) square feet in area.

3. All multi-family structures shall provide numerical or alphabetical signs identifying each structure. The sign letter or numerals shall be a minimum of one (1) foot but not greater than two (2') feet in height for clear identification from the street or internal driveway.

e. Enforcement.

1. These paragraphs a,8, b,9 and c,6 may be enforced by any member of the West Long Branch Police Department, the Code Enforcement Officer or Zoning Officer. Enforcement may include the removal of the sign or taking it down and returning it to the property owner or anyone residing or doing business at the property.

2. Any person or entity, including the person or business owning or advertising contractor or tradesman services, who places a sign in the districts encompassed herein shall be in violation of these regulations and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1-5. (Ord. #513; Ord. #O-01-12, S 4; Ord. #O-04-2, SS 1-3; Ord. #O-07-16, SS 1-4; Ord. #O-07-17, S 1; Ord. #O-08-7, S XV; Ord. #O-09-10; Ord. #O-11-12, S 2)

18-7.2 Fence Regulations.

a. Fences may be erected, altered or reconstructed in accordance with the following regulations and in accordance with the other provisions of this Chapter.

b. Before a fence shall be erected, a fence permit shall be obtained from the Building Inspector. A request for a fence permit should be accompanied by a site plan which shall show the location of the fence in relation to all other structures and buildings, and in relation to all streets, lot property lines and yards.

c. Fences may be erected, altered or reconstructed to a height not to exceed three (3') feet above ground level when located within the required front yard setback.

d. Fences may be erected, altered or reconstructed to a height not to exceed six (6') feet above ground level when located outside the required front yard setback.

e. The foregoing restrictions shall not be applied so as to prevent the erection of an open wire fence not exceeding eight (8') feet above ground level anywhere within a public park, public playground or school premises.

f. All fences must be erected within the property lines, and no fences shall be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way.

g. All fences shall be maintained in a safe, sound and upright condition. If the Building Inspector or Zoning Officer, upon inspection, determines that any fence, or portion of any fence, is not being maintained in a safe, sound or upright condition, he shall notify the owner of such fence in writing of his findings and state briefly the reasons for such findings and order such fence or portion of such fence repaired or removed within thirty (30) days of the date of the written notice.

h. These restrictions shall not be applied so as to restrict the erection of a wall for the purpose of retaining earth.

1. All supporting members of the fence to be erected, altered or reconstructed shall be on the inside surface, meaning that the supporting members shall face the property constructing the fence, and not the neighboring property. (Ord. #513)

18-7.3 Landscaping Regulations.

Any use required by this Chapter to be screened shall be contained within a fence or wall not less than six (6') feet in height, or a visual screen consisting of evergreen or evergreen type hedges, or shrubs, spaced so as to provide a solid and compact wall of landscape materials, located and maintained in good condition and within ten (10') feet of the property line, provided further that the regulations may be expanded based upon the recommendations of the Borough Engineer. (Ord. #513)

18-7.4 Off-Street Parking, Loading and Unloading Regulations.

a. Off-Street Parking.

1. Off-street parking space shall be provided as further specified in this Chapter, and shall be furnished with necessary passageways and driveways. All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot on which it is situated, and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner. All parking areas, passageways, and driveways (except when provided in connection with one (1) family residences) shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all-weather pavement, clearly marked for car spaces, shall be adequately drained, and shall be adequately buffered, all subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer. Aisle widths and access drives shall not exceed twenty-five (25') feet in width without a specific determination by the Borough Engineer that the excess width is needed to accommodate the proposed use.

2. A site plan shall be filed with zoning permit application where off-street parking facilities are required or permitted under the provisions of this ordinance in connection with the use or uses for which the application is being made.

3. Parking areas may be located in any yard space for commercial use and in any yard but the front yard for other uses, and shall be adequately buffered in accordance with the site plan recommendations of the Borough Engineer and Planning Board.

4. No commercial motor vehicle shall be parked or stored anywhere on public streets or private property in an R-22, R-15, R-10, MF-1, SH-1 or RP District, unhoused or visible from a public street or any neighboring property, except when the vehicle is being used in the transaction of business with the owner or occupant of the property. Commercial motor vehicles shall include all vehicles in excess of seven thousand (7,000) pounds gross vehicle weight, except recreational vehicles as regulated in paragraph 5. following, and all trucks or vans with a pay load or capacity in excess of one (1) ton. No display vehicles for commercial purposes shall remain in any district for longer than a twenty-four (24) hour period.

5. Recreational vehicles (excepting conventional passenger automobiles) whether self-propelled, towed, truck mounted or licensed as a passenger vehicle, which include but are not limited to all sizes and descriptions of trailers, campers, boats, and buses, shall not be parked outdoors in any zone except that a resident may park such vehicle on said resident's premises for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours for the purpose of loading or unloading such vehicle. Recreational vehicles which are less than nine (9') feet x twenty-two (22') feet, however, shall be permitted to be parked outdoors on a resident's premises provided the vehicle is parked in a side or rear yard area and is set back a minimum of five (5') feet from the side and rear lot line. Upon registration with the Police Department, permission for temporary parking of the above vehicles may be granted for a period not to exceed seven (7) days to nonresidents of the Borough, provided said vehicles are not occupied while parked on the subject premises.

6. Not more than two (2) driveways, of not less than twenty (20') feet or more than thirty (30') feet in width, used as a means of ingress and egress for nonresidential off-street parking areas shall be permitted for each two hundred (200') feet of frontage upon a public street, nor shall any driveway be located closer than fifty (50') feet to the intersection of two (2) public streets.

7. All parking areas and appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation. Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial uses to protect adjacent residential zones from the glare of such illumination.

8. Required Off-Street Parking Space.

(a) Residential uses shall conform with the parking requirements in N.J.A.C. 5:21, Residential Site Improvement Standards.

(b) Motelsone and one-tenth (1 1/10) parking space per sleeping or dwelling unit.

(c) Barber and beauty shopsone and one-half (1 1/2) parking space per beauty chair or barber chair.

(d) Financial institutions, and medical professional officesone (1) parking space for every one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor area or major fraction thereof.

(e) Retail and service stores, except when otherwise specifically covered hereinone (1) parking space for every two hundred (200) square feet of floor area or major fraction thereof.

(f) Stores for the retail sale of furniture or appliancesone (1) parking space for every five hundred (500) square feet of floor area or major fraction thereof.

(g) Supermarkets, self-service food storesone (1) parking space for every one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor area or major fraction thereof.

(h) Houses of worshipone (1) parking space for every three (3) seats.

(i) Motor vehicle sales and serviceone (1) parking space for every two hundred (200) square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.

(j) Restaurants, cafeterias, taverns, bars (indoor service only)one (1) parking space for every two (2) seats for customers, or one (1) parking space for every two (2) persons who may legally be admitted therein at one (1) time under the State Fire Prevention Laws, whichever is greater.

(k) Bowling alleysfive (5) parking spaces for every bowling lane.

(l) Auditoriums, theatres, stadiums, assembly halls, and similar places of public assembly, including all secondary schools and college buildings having fixed seating facilities(1) parking space for every three (3) seats in the main assembly unit.

(m) Mortuaries and funeral homes (1) parking space for every fifty (50) square feet of floor area in the slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms.

(n) Public utility installationsone (1) parking space for each employee and each company vehicle.

(o) Planned commercial shopping centerone (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor space.

(p) Industrial manufacturing establishmentone (1) parking space per eight hundred (800') feet.

(q) Warehousingone (1) parking space per five thousand (5,000) square feet.

(r) Offices, other than medical professionalone (1) parking space per two hundred fifty (250) square feet.

9. Handicapped Parking and Passenger Loading Requirements.

(a) Accessible Parking Spaces. Accessible parking and passenger loading shall be provided in accordance with the New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode. Where required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG), parking lots or parking garages shall have at least the number of accessible parking spaces for the handicapped as set forth below:


(b) Medical care facilities. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces for the handicapped shall be provided in accordance with the table in paragraph (a) above except as follows:

(1) Outpatient units and facilities: Ten (10%) percent of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility;

(2) Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: twenty (20%) percent of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility.

(c) Valet parking. Valet parking facilities shall provide a passenger loading zone in compliance with ADAAG located on an accessible route to the entrance of the facility.

(d) Location. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.

(e) Parking spaces. Accessible parking spaces shall be at least ninety-six (96") inches (2440 mm) wide. Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance and shall comply with ADAAG for an Accessible Route. Two (2) accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle (see ADAAG Figure 9). Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions

(f) Signage. Accessible parking spaces shall be designated as reserved by a sign showing the symbol of accessibility in accordance with ADAAG. Spaces complying with paragraph (a) above shall have an additional sign Van-Accessible mounted below the symbol of accessibility. Such signs shall be located so they cannot be obscured by a vehicle parked in the space.

International Symbol of Accessibility Proportions on a Grid Background

International Symbol of Display Conditions