All uses must provide an area used for refuse and recyclable disposal collection. All containers, bins, dumpsters and/or storage facilities shall be designed to reduce discernible odors and contain such within the storage facility area. Refuse and recycling areas shall comply with the following provisions:

A. Non-residential uses.

1. All non-residential refuse and recyclable disposal collection areas shall be suitably buffered and screened to minimize the impacts of noise, odors, disposal and collection activities and views of collection bins and dumpsters. Buffering and screening shall minimize such impacts both from within the site itself, as well as from adjacent and nearby properties and public rights-of-way. Buffering shall consist of a minimum four (4) foot wide area surrounding all sides of such facility exposed to view. If such facility is located on a site adjacent to a residential use or zone, such buffering shall consist of a minimum ten (10) foot area surrounding all sides of such facility exposed to view. Screening shall consist of a minimum six (6) foot-high masonry wall, solid wooden fence or accessory building with gates or doors and ramped access to facilitate the movement of bins or dumpsters. The base of such screen shall be planted with a minimum four (4) foot high evergreen hedge along the sides and rear of same.

2. All storage facilities shall be located in proximity to one another or may be combined in a single common facility. Such facilities shall be centrally located and convenient for the users of the site. Designated recyclable storage facilities may be located inside a building. Such facilities shall not be located as to be visual focal points in courtyards or parking lots. Where located in a parking lot, such facilities shall not be permitted to be placed on the paved surface of the parking lot and shall be placed on a curbed area set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the curb edge of such parking lot. No refuse and recycling area may be located within a required principal building setback area.

3. Adequate pedestrian and service vehicle access shall be provided to all storage facilities. Such vehicular access shall accommodate the type of service vehicles used for the collection of solid waste and designated recyclable materials.

4. The size and capacity of all storage facilities shall be based on the size and capacity of containers, bins and/or dumpsters utilized, frequency of pickup and projected generation rates of users of the site.

5.All non-residential uses shall be designed to have a temporary designated refuse and recyclable storage area located within the building occupied by such use. Such storage area may be located anywhere within the interior of a building, including basements, storage closets or attached garages, but shall not be situated in a hallway or corridor necessary for internal circulation or emergency access. Such area shall be designed to accommodate the average accumulated volume of designated recyclables and refuse per occupant per period of collection and any necessary storage equipment.

B. Residential uses.

1.All dwelling units shall be designed to have a temporary designated recyclable and refuse storage area located either within the interior of such unit in the kitchen, laundry room, basement or storage closet or in an attached garage or private rear yard area.

2.Such area shall be designed to accommodate the average accumulated volume of designated recyclables and refuse per dwelling unit per period of collection and any necessary storage equipment. The minimum size of such storage area shall be six (6) square feet.


The following regulations shall apply to residential development:

A. Elevation. No dwelling unit shall be located below grade, whether fully or partially.

B. Single-family development. The following look-a-like provisions/elevation standards shall be used to prepare and review any new single-family residential development. The purpose of this section is to encourage construction in character with the existing residential neighborhood and to encourage construction that is diverse and aesthetically pleasing.

1.No dwelling unit shall hereafter be constructed in any residential zone which shall be like or substantially like any neighboring dwelling as hereinafter defined, in more than two of the following six respects:

(a) height of the main roof ridge above the elevation of the first floor;

(b) length of the main roof ridge;

(c) width between outside walls at the ends of the dwelling under the main roof perpendicular to the length thereof;

(d) relative location with respect to each other of garage, if attached, porch, if any, and the remainder of the dwelling in the front elevation;

(e) relative location of windows in the front elevation;

(f) the materials used in the front elevation.

2.For sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other in any dimension in which the difference between them is not more than six (6) feet .

3.For sub-paragraph (e) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other in any dimension in which the difference between them is not more than three (3) feet.

4. For sub-paragraph (f) above, dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other if the difference between materials used is not more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the facade area.

5. Dwellings between which the only difference in relative location of elements is end to end or side-to-side reversal of elements shall be deemed to be like each other in relative location of such elements.

6.For the purposes of this section, a neighboring dwelling, as stated above is defined as any principal dwelling on any lot which is located as follows in relation to the subject lot:

(a) Any lot which is within one-hundred (100) feet, or three (3) lots, whichever is greater, and along the same side of the street as the subject lot, without regard to intervening street lines.

(b) Any lot, which is directly across said street from the subject lot or from a lot referenced in the above paragraph.

7.The main entrance into all single-family detached residential dwellings shall be located within the front elevation of all residential structures. Side yard main entrances are prohibited. Main entrances of structures on corner lots may be from either elevation facing the street. No utility meters or other utilitarian improvements that detract from the appearance of the front elevation shall be located on the front elevation of a residential structure.

C. Apartment and townhouse development standards. The following standards shall be used to review apartment or townhouse development. For the purpose of this Subsection, assisted living facilities shall not be considered residential development.

1.Dwelling unit size. Minimum dwelling unit floor areas based on multi-family dwelling unit type shall be as follows:


2.Building type mix. In developments of twenty-five (25) or more dwelling units, the mix of building types shall be such that not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of dwelling units shall be located in the same type of building. In developments of fifty (50) or more dwelling units, the mix of building types shall be such that not more than forty percent (40%) of the total number of dwelling units shall be located in the same type of a building. The building type mix for each section or phase of a development plan need not reflect the building type mix prescribed for the entire development. In such cases, the Board shall require, as a condition of final approval on a particular phase or section of a development plan, the provision that future phases or sections shall bring the building type mix into conformance with the above standards.

3. Dwelling unit mix. In developments of twenty-five (25) or more dwelling units, the mix of dwelling units shall be such that not more than seventy-five (75) percent of the total number of dwelling units shall have the same number of bedrooms. The dwelling unit mix for each section or phase of a development plan need not reflect the building type mix and dwelling unit mix prescribed for the entire development. In such cases, the Board shall require, as a condition of final approval on a particular phase or section of a development plan, the provision that future phases or sections shall bring the dwelling unit mix into conformance with the above standards.

4. Number of dwelling units per building. No more than eight (8) dwelling units may be contained in a single Townhouse structure. The number of units in a multifamily building shall be limited by height and bulk requirements.

5. Distance between buildings. Separation of buildings within a multiple-family residential development shall be based on spacing relationships corresponding to a multiplier of the highest single wall height of the buildings involved, as measured from ground level to the height of the top of the cornice or from ground level to the height of the juncture of the wall plane and the roof eaves, as follows:


Building Spacing Formula:

Wall height x Multiplier = Distance of separation between buildings.

NOTE: The minimum spacing standards listed above are generally intended for average two-story buildings and, therefore, may need to be adjusted for buildings of other heights. In addition, this building spacing formula shall only determine the spacing of buildings within the multiple-building development property.

6.Building setbacks. Buildings in a multifamily development shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from all parking areas. Buildings shall be setback at least twenty-five (25) feet from driveways, and private or public streets. No building shall be located within the principal setback area for the applicable zone district.

7.Dwelling unit privacy. Adjacent dwelling units in the same building shall be adjoined in such a manner as to provide maximum soundproofing and privacy between such units.

8. Site layout. The development plan shall locate buildings, parking areas and open space in an arrangement that promotes the enjoyment of dwelling units, other on-site facilities and the community as a whole by residents of the development. Dwelling units and buildings shall be oriented towards the public street and interior open spaces and away from parking lots and garages. Parking lots and garages shall be prohibited from being located in the front yard area of any dwelling unit. Front wall to rear wall building orientations are discouraged.

9. Individuality of dwelling units and buildings. In order to provide attractiveness, identity and individuality to dwelling units, buildings and complexes of buildings within the entire development and to avoid the monotonous repetition of design elements and its undesirable visual effects, the following design standards shall be utilized:

(a) varying dwelling unit widths, staggering dwelling unit setbacks and altering building heights and rooflines;

(b) varying architectural embellishments to roofs between dwelling units, buildings or complexes of buildings including roof elements such as dormers, belvederes, masonry chimneys and similar elements, provided that such are architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building;

(c)varying the front entrance definition and articulation between dwelling units, buildings or complexes of buildings, provided that such are architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building.

10. The same building design for multi-family dwellings shall not be utilized on more than two adjacent lots, nor within 200 feet of another building of the same design.

11. Entrance lighting. A minimum of one low-wattage incandescent light fixture shall be provided outside each exterior entrance to a dwelling unit or building.

12. Fire escapes. Buildings containing dwelling units located above the second story and requiring a second means of egress pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code shall not utilize an attached external fire escape as one of the required means of egress.

13. Dwelling unit storage space. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a completely enclosed, covered storage space consisting of a minimum of 350 cubic feet. Such storage area shall be exclusive of normal interior closets and may either be contained within the dwelling unit or building, attached thereto or located separately.

14.Dwelling unit private open space. All dwelling units shall have a private open space area as follows:

(a) Each dwelling unit located on a ground floor level shall be provided with a private rear yard consisting of a minimum area of two-hundred (200) square feet. Such private rear yard shall be enclosed by means of a six (6) foot high wooden fence or screen, brick wall, evergreen hedge or some combination of the same, which shall provide adequate screening from all other neighboring dwelling units and private rear yards, walkways, common recreational facilities, parking lots, driveways and streets. A minimum of one low-wattage incandescent light fixture shall be provided to light such area.

(b) Each dwelling unit located above the ground floor level shall be provided with a private outdoor patio or balcony area consisting of a minimum of sixty-four (64) square feet. The minimum length of any individual dimension of such area shall not be less than six feet. This area shall be located or recessed inside the outer wall plane of the building on which it is located. A minimum of one (1) low wattage incandescent light fixture shall be provided to light such area.

15.Ground floor elevations. The ground floor level of each dwelling unit shall be elevated above grade, except for dwelling units designed for senior citizens or the handicapped. The minimum height of such elevation shall be twenty (20) inches at the front entrance.

16.Common open space. Active and passive recreational areas and other public and/or semipublic open space, such as courtyards, plazas, alleys and pedestrian walkways, shall be designed to promote use and enjoyment by residents of the development. Such areas shall be designed to utilize natural features of the site, including existing vegetation, where possible, and shall be extensively landscaped with a wide variety of plant materials. Where such areas are enclosed by buildings, such as courtyards and plazas, they shall be designed to be architecturally formal and geometrically logical, however, this shall not preclude the use of curvilinear designs for walkways or landscaped areas.

17. Yard area definition. The front and side yards of a dwelling unit or building fronting on a street, driveway or parking lot shall be defined with a three (3) foot high wooden picket type fence, wrought iron fence, brick wall, evergreen hedge or some combination of the above.

18. Type of lighting source. Low-wattage incandescent lamps shall be used along all sidewalks, walkways, courtyards and plazas and on any building or unit. Parking lot lighting shall be incandescent or another light source compatible with the same.

19. Cable television utility. All dwelling units shall be provided with such facilities for potential linkage to the Township's cable television utility.

20. Maintenance equipment storage. An accessory building shall be provided for the storage of maintenance equipment, if such is to be stored on-site. Such accessory building shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the principal buildings.

21. Common entrances. Apartment buildings with common entrances, lobbies, elevators and/or stairwells shall be designed to promote safety and security of residents and visitors using such areas.

22. Window. Windows should be provided at all building facades in order to avoid monotonous, blank walls.


A. Applicability. The Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21 et seq. shall govern any site improvements carried out, or intended or required to be carried out, in connection with any application for residential subdivision, site plan approval, or variance before the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, or in connection with any other residential development approval required or issued by the Township or any agency thereof, except as provided for herein.

B. Special area standards.

1. Parking. Standards set forth by the RSIS at N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.14 relative to the number of required parking spaces shall not apply to the designated Ocean Grove Historic District per N.J.A.C. 5:21-3.5(b)(3)(4). Development in the Ocean Grove Historic District shall conform to the requirements set forth in (§412.17 Parking Requirements).

2. Sidewalk widths. Standards set forth by the RSIS at N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.5(f) relative to sidewalk widths shall not apply to the designated Ocean Grove Historic District per N.J.A.C. 5:21-3.5(b)(3)(4). Development in the Ocean Grove Historic District shall conform to the requirements set forth in (§507 Historic district streetscape design standards).

C. Compliance. Construction of all residential improvements not regulated by the RSIS and not regulated by §412 Parking Requirements shall conform to the technical requirements of the Township Engineer, and any technical requirements specified in this Chapter.


A. Purpose. Security grilles and doors found to be necessary in certain situations are an important building facade element that should be given thoughtful consideration. Security grilles and doors devoted to any retail sales or service establishment must be installed in a manner that preserves full visual access to a building's unique design elements.

B. Non-residential uses. Security grilles and doors designed in accordance with standards set forth in Subsection C may be installed by non-residential uses only. No security grille or door may be installed in a historic zone district.

C. Design standards. Security grilles and roll-up doors shall be designed according to the following standards (see also Appendix G):

1. Solid "rolling service doors" fabricated of interlocking slats or panels with no openings are extremely detrimental to an attractive streetscape and should be avoided.

2. If a security grille is absolutely necessary, it should be a least 60% non-solid. The standard curtain pattern is a straight lattice design with horizontal rods at 2 inches on center and vertical links at 9 inches on center. For added visual interest, a staggered "brick pattern" with 4-1/2 inch horizontal spacing may be preferable.

3. The security grille coil, whether side- or overhead-mounted, should never be attached to the exterior of the building. When the security grille is in the closed position it should be located on the interior side of the windows so as not to degrade the architectural design features along the streetscape.

4. Where headroom is limited a folding or accordion grille may be installed in lieu of the typical roll-up type. Any sliding type security grille must also be non-solid and situated on the interior side of the windows.

5.An emergency egress feature should always be incorporated into the design and installation of any security grille.


A. Applicability. This subsection shall apply to non-residential development in all portions of the Township except for the HD-B-1 historic zone district. For sidewalk, curb and other streetscape design standards in the HD-B-1 historic zone district, see §507 Historic District Streetscape.

B. Sidewalks. The following section provides standards for sidewalk placement and minimum sidewalk widths. The Board of Jurisdiction may require wider sidewalk widths where anticipated pedestrian traffic volumes would necessitate additional capacity. Calculations of required sidewalk widths that differ from the standards as set forth herein shall be made using the Highway Capacity Manual, latest edition, published by the Transportation Research Board.

1. Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street for all major arterials, minor arterial roads, collector roads and local roads in association with non- residential development.

2. All lots shall have private walkway access to a public sidewalk in the right-of-way. Such access shall be designed for the safety, control, efficient movement, convenience and encouragement of pedestrian traffic into and out of the site and to promote pedestrian circulation generally within the Township.

3.In general, sidewalks shall be placed in the right-of-way, parallel to the street unless an exception has been permitted to preserve topographical or natural features, or to provide visual interest, or unless the applicant shows that an alternative pedestrian system provides equally safe and convenient circulation. Sidewalks may be placed in a public access easement adjoining the right-of-way in order to provide sufficient room for various functions within the right-of-way, as follows:

(a) In commercial areas, the sidewalk area may abut the curb incorporating additional width for street furniture such as bus stops and shelters, planters, signage, benches, street tree planting holes and grates, newspaper vending machines, traffic control devices, light poles and similar items, provided that such items may not be set back more than four (4) from the curbline. A continuous clear pedestrian passageway of seven and one-half (7-1/2) feet in width is to be maintained when such items are utilized.

(b) In addition to required sidewalks along streets, commercial developments shall provide internal sidewalks creating convenient linkages between the commercial development and all surrounding streets, including residential streets. Internal sidewalks shall be provided linking such commercial development to adjoining non-residential developments. Cross-access easements shall be provided for such pedestrian linkages.

4.Walkways shall be located on a site to facilitate pedestrian access between the public sidewalk, buildings, parking lots and other facilities and to provide for pedestrian circulation generally within a site. Where walkways abut the ends of parking spaces and wheel stops are not provided, the minimum width of such walkways shall be a minimum of five feet in order to provide for the front ends of vehicles to overhang onto such walkways with appropriate space remaining for the passage of pedestrians.

5. In commercial or industrial developments, sidewalks shall be provided to link streets, buildings within a complex, and on-site activities such as parking and recreational areas. Such sidewalks shall be linked to public sidewalks within the right-of-way.

6. The location and width of sidewalks shall be consistent with the location and width of existing sidewalks adjacent to or near the site to be developed, but in no case shall be less than the standards set forth below. The following sidewalk widths for office, governmental, educational and health care uses shall be required:

(a) Along non-residential streets separated from the curb by at least 5 feet: 4 feet

(b) Along non-residential streets adjacent to the curb: 6 feet

(c)Between a main entrance and its closest parking: 8 feet

(d) Where vehicles overhang the sidewalk: 6 feet

(e) Within parking areas: 4 feet

(f) Between buildings: 6 feet

7.The following sidewalk widths for retail development shall be required:

(a) Along non-residential streets separated from the curb by at least 5 feet: 6 feet

(b) Along non-residential streets adjacent to the curb: 8 feet

(c) Between a main building entrance and its closest parking: 10 feet*

(d) Where vehicles overhang the sidewalk: 6 feet

(e) Within parking areas: 4 feet

(f) Between buildings: 6 feet

*This width may be reduced to six (6) feet provided an area at least four (4) feet in width is provided at all building foundations for landscaping.

6. Handicapped passage. Sidewalks and walkways less than six (6) feet in width shall provide widened areas at least every 200 lineal feet sufficient to permit the passage of two wheelchairs in opposite directions. The widened area shall be at least six (6) feet wide. In general, this requirement may be met through the intersection of driveway's paved surfaces with sidewalks.

7. Sidewalks and graded areas shall be constructed according to the Engineering Department Standard Details established by the municipality.

8.All sidewalk and drive apron construction shall be in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (1989) and amendments thereto.

9.The concrete to be used for sidewalks and drive aprons shall be Class 'B' 4,000 p.s.i. air entrained. The sidewalks and drive aprons may require a crushed stone foundation for unusual loads or soil conditions if directed by the Municipal Engineer. The following minimum thickness shall apply:

(a) Sidewalks shall be a minimum thickness of four (4) inches

(b) Drive aprons and sidewalks at drive aprons shall have a minimum thickness of six (6) inches and they shall have welded wire fabric reinforcement mat not less than #6 x #6 on a 6 inch by 6 inch grid pattern.

10.Premolded bituminous expansion joint material shall be installed every 20 feet and half depth contraction joints installed every 4 feet.

11.Monolithic curb and drive apron construction shall be prohibited.

B. Bikeways.

1. Separate bicycle lanes and paths shall be required as envisioned by the Township's Master Plan.

2. Bicycle lanes, where required, shall be placed in the outside lane of a roadway, adjacent to the curb or shoulder. When on-street parking is permitted, the bicycle lane shall be between the parking lane and the outer lane of moving vehicles. Lanes shall be delineated with markings, preferably striping. Raised reflectors or curbs shall not be used. Bicycle lanes shall be considered Type A bikeways and all other bikeways Type B.

3.Bikeways shall be constructed in accordance with the bicycle facility design guidelines published by the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

C. Bicycle parking. Bicycle parking areas shall be installed wherever significant attractors are established, including, but not limited to food stores, educational uses, and shopping centers. The number of spaces for bicycles shall equal at least 10% of the total required number of parking spaces for the first 100 spaces and 2% thereafter. Bicycle parking areas shall have a minimum capacity of six (6) bicycles and shall be designed to provide secure anchoring for locking devices. If located in motorized vehicle parking lots, bicycle parking shall be primarily located in the one- third of the parking area closest to the building. If located on sidewalks, the parking should be adjacent to entrances. Bicycle parking shall be located outside of travel ways for motorized vehicles and pedestrians.