All uses must provide an area used for refuse and recyclable disposal collection. All containers, bins, dumpsters and/or storage facilities shall be designed to reduce discernible odors and contain such within the storage facility area. Refuse and recycling areas shall comply with the following provisions:
A. Non-residential uses.
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1. All non-residential refuse and recyclable disposal collection areas shall be suitably buffered and screened to minimize the impacts of noise, odors, disposal and collection activities and views of collection bins and dumpsters. Buffering and screening shall minimize such impacts both from within the site itself, as well as from adjacent and nearby properties and public rights-of-way. Buffering shall consist of a minimum four (4) foot wide area surrounding all sides of such facility exposed to view. If such facility is located on a site adjacent to a residential use or zone, such buffering shall consist of a minimum ten (10) foot area surrounding all sides of such facility exposed to view. Screening shall consist of a minimum six (6) foot-high masonry wall, solid wooden fence or accessory building with gates or doors and ramped access to facilitate the movement of bins or dumpsters. The base of such screen shall be planted with a minimum four (4) foot high evergreen hedge along the sides and rear of same.
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2. All storage facilities shall be located in proximity to one another or may be combined in a single common facility. Such facilities shall be centrally located and convenient for the users of the site. Designated recyclable storage facilities may be located inside a building. Such facilities shall not be located as to be visual focal points in courtyards or parking lots. Where located in a parking lot, such facilities shall not be permitted to be placed on the paved surface of the parking lot and shall be placed on a curbed area set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the curb edge of such parking lot. No refuse and recycling area may be located within a required principal building setback area.
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3. Adequate pedestrian and service vehicle access shall be provided to all storage facilities. Such vehicular access shall accommodate the type of service vehicles used for the collection of solid waste and designated recyclable materials.
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4. The size and capacity of all storage facilities shall be based on the size and capacity of containers, bins and/or dumpsters utilized, frequency of pickup and projected generation rates of users of the site.
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5.All non-residential uses shall be designed to have a temporary designated refuse and recyclable storage area located within the building occupied by such use. Such storage area may be located anywhere within the interior of a building, including basements, storage closets or attached garages, but shall not be situated in a hallway or corridor necessary for internal circulation or emergency access. Such area shall be designed to accommodate the average accumulated volume of designated recyclables and refuse per occupant per period of collection and any necessary storage equipment.
B. Residential uses.
1.All dwelling units shall be designed to have a temporary designated recyclable and refuse storage area located either within the interior of such unit in the kitchen, laundry room, basement or storage closet or in an attached garage or private rear yard area.
2.Such area shall be designed to accommodate the average accumulated volume of designated recyclables and refuse per dwelling unit per period of collection and any necessary storage equipment. The minimum size of such storage area shall be six (6) square feet.