Land use restrictions shall be required as applicable when a proposed development includes one or more of the restrictions contained herein. Land use restrictions shall be recorded with the Monmouth County Recording Officer as deeds of easements or shall be placed on final plats for such recording, as appropriate.
A. Drainage easements. Within required drainage easements, no regrading or the installation of structures, fences, trees and shrubs shall be permitted unless otherwise elsewhere modified by this Ordinance.
B. Conservation easements. Conservation easements for wetlands, wetlands transition buffer, flood plain or flood plain buffer shall remain in their natural, undisturbed state within which no regrading or clearing shall be permitted, excepting the removal of minor underbrush or dead trees that are hazardous to people or buildings.
C. Clear sight easements. Areas designated as clear sight triangles shall remain free of visual obstructions between 2-1/2 and 10 feet in height with the exception of street and traffic control signs, traffic control boxes, fire hydrants, lighting poles as approved by the Township Engineer. Field sited street trees may be located within a sight triangle in accordance with §520 Sight Triangle.
D. Utility easements. Easements for public and local utilities shall conform to any requirements of the appropriate company or authority. Structures within utility easements shall be regulated by the appropriate authority.
E. Cross-access easements. Cross-access easements shall permit pedestrians and motorists to travel from adjacent lots to the lot in question without the necessity for traveling on the public right-of-way.
F. Other land use restrictions. Restrictions or easements of other governmental agencies with jurisdiction of the application for development shall conform to any requirements of the appropriate agency or authority.