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[Ord. No. 96-2441] | |||||||
A. Minimum Regulations.
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1. Lot Area: 75 acres.
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2. Lot Frontage: 300 feet.
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a. Front Setback: 350 feet; 100 feet when abutting a regional expressway or freeway.
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b. Rear Setback: 350 feet.
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c. Side Setback: 150 feet; 100 feet when abutting a regional expressway or railroad.
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d. Street Side: 175 feet.
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e. Street Rear: 350 feet.
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4. Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 16-627.R. Parking areas may be located in any required yard space provided:
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a. They are at least 50 feet from any roadways and zone boundaries other than residential.
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b. Where the abutting zone is residential, the parking area setback shall be a minimum of 100 feet; 25 feet when abutting a railroad.
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5. Gross Floor Area:
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a. First floor of multi-story principal buildings: 20,000 square feet minimum.
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6. Distance Between Buildings. Where more than one (1) principal building is located on a lot or tract, the minimum open space between separated buildings shall be one hundred seventy-five (175') feet. Where buildings are to be connected to a covered walkway at grade level, the separation by being reduced to no less than one hundred (100') feet. Where buildings are to be connected by an atrium which is structurally integrated into said buildings and considered part of the gross floor area, this section shall not apply.
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B. Maximum Regulations.
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2. Floor Area Ratio (FAR): 0.25. Section 16-624.A.4, of this Chapter shall not apply for the purposes of calculating the maximum floor area ratio permitted in this section.
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3. Building Height. No building shall exceed five (5) stories, exclusive of basement and/or cellar used exclusively for housing mechanical equipment, storage, and/or parking or seventy-five (75') feet in height, whichever is greater.
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C. Parking Structure.
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1. Parking structures located within the OR-3 Zone shall comply with all provisions of Section 16-619 herein except as follows:
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a. The height and maximum number of stories permitted shall be in accordance with Section 16-938.1.B.3. herein.
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b. Parking structures are permitted to be located between a street frontage and a commercial buildings as long as it is located outside the required front yard setback.
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D. Landscaping. Notwithstanding Section 16-622 herein, required landscaping shall be as follows:
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1. A minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of a site plan shall be reserved for landscaping and/or left in its natural state.
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2. No parking lot shall contain more than twenty (20) spaces in a row without interruption by a landscaped island at least eight (8') feet wide.
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3. All parking areas for twenty (20) or more vehicles shall contain grassed or landscaped areas at least six (6') feet wide.
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E. Other Regulations.
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1. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no case more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any improved public road.
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§16-939 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE PD ZONE. (Block 825, Lots 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69.01, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81)
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[Ord. No. 2009-2979 § 2] | |||||||
A. Minimum Standards.
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1. Minimum Lot Area: 20 acres.
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2. Minimum Building Setbacks:
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a. From arterial or collector roadway: 50 feet except where any jughandle intrudes into property which buildings shall be no less than 20 feet to the ROW jughandle in that instance.
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b. From tract boundary or right-of-way: 35 feet.
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c. From single-family residential zone: 75 feet, except detached single-family homes are permitted with frontage on an extension of Carriage Lane so long as the "standards and regulations" of the R-22 Zone are complied with for each lot and structure.
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d. From internal streets: 12 feet.
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3. Parking Setbacks:
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a. From arterial or collector roadway: 50 feet, except that parking for affordable housing units may be located to within 20 feet from arterial or collector roadways. [Ord. No. 2010-2999 § 4]
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b. From tract boundary or right-of-way (other than internal streets): 50 feet, except for parking for affordable housing units which may be no closer than 20 feet.
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c. From principal buildings: 6 feet, except for driveway parking spaces.
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4. Buffer Requirements:
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a. No structure or paved area associated with a retail use shall be located within 150 feet of a single-family residential zone.
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b. No structure or paved area associated with any office use shall be located within 100 feet of a single-family residential zone.
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c. Structures associated with drainage facilities may be permitted within any required buffer area.
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5. Open Space: 30% (open space includes all area of the tract meeting the definitions of "open space" and/or "open space, unoccupied" in 16-203. It specifically includes all drainage and storm water drainage and recharge basins.)
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B. Maximum Regulations.
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1. Lot Coverage: The overall lot coverage for the gross tract area shall not exceed 50%.
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2. Building Height:
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a. Single-family detached residential uses: 2 1/2 stories, 35 feet.
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