§ 220-81 C-1 Village Commercial District.

A. Within the C-1 Village Commercial District, it is in the interest of the Township to encourage the conversion of existing structures for specialized commercial activity in accordance with specific architectural and landscaping standards. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the erection of a new building or the conversion of an existing building for a permitted use within this district, architectural renderings of the exterior treatment of the building, including complete informations concerning the type and color of materials and/or paints to be utilized, shall be presented to the Planning Board for its approval. The applicant shall also submit for Planning Board approval a detailed landscaping and site development plan indicating the type, size and extent of all shrubs, trees and other plants to be located on the site and the type and location of all paving material to be utilized for sidewalk areas, parking areas and other pedestrian areas, and renderings, pictures or other suitable visual documents that clearly illustrate any fencing, sculpture, poles or other specialized structures or hardware to be located on the site. The architectural renderings and detailed landscaping and site development plans shall be submitted as additional items in conjunction with the required submittals for site plan review as specified in § 220-37 of this chapter. The Planning Board shall review and act on such submittals in accordance with the procedure specified under site plan review in § 220-37 of this chapter.

B. Guiding standards. In reviewing and acting upon proposed developments in the Village Commercial District, the Planning Board shall be guided by the following standards:

(1) New buildings erected in the Village Commercial District shall be of a scale and style consistent with existing development in the district.

(2) Exterior treatment of existing buildings shall result in facades that are harmonious with adjacent structures but do not result in a look-alike building.

(3) The lots of new buildings and converted buildings shall be completely developed and landscaped even though portions of the lot may not be utilized for the permitted use.

(4) Site development plans shall maximize the use of planting areas, sculpture and specialized pavement materials such as brick, cobblestone and state.

(5) Where possible, the site development plans shall include sitting areas with wrought iron, concrete or other suitable decorative benches.

(6) All building facades, signs and paving material shall be in nonglass pastel colors.

(7) All exterior lighting fixtures, fences and other hardware shall be of a decorative quality.

(8) Permitted permanent signs shall only identify the name and type of business or service. The use of descriptive adjectives, illustrations, pictures or similar advertising techniques shall be prohibited.

(9) The design and materials of all permanent signs shall specifically be subject to approval by the Planning Board.

C. In addition to the above standards, the following district regulations shall apply:

(1) Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the C-1 Village Commercial District, provided that said uses do not exceed 50,000 square feet: [Amended 12-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-55]

(a) All retail sales and service establishments, including but not limited to general merchandise stores, food stores, furniture, home furnishings and equipment, restaurants and eating and drinking places, motor vehicle service stations, variety stores, drugstores, florists and other retail trade stores.

(b) Services used as follows:

[1] Finance, insurance and real estate services.

[2] Personal services.

[3] Business services.

[4] Repair services, excluding motor vehicle repairs.

[5] Professional services.

[6] Governmental services.

[7] Educational services, but excluding primary and secondary schools and colleges.

(c) Owner-occupied efficiency and one-bedroom apartments above the ground floor of existing buildings where the ground floor of existing buildings is utilized for another permitted use.

(d) Government buildings, parks and playgrounds.

(e) Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, provided such buildings are removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.

(f) Single-family detached dwellings and accessory structures as existing or approved within the zone at the time of the passage of this subsection. The area, yard and building requirements of the MFD-1 Residential Zone for single-family homes shall be applicable to these existing residential uses. [Added 6-13-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12]

(2) Permitted accessory uses.

(a) All accessory uses permitted in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District under § 220-85B.

(3) Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter and as further set forth herein:

(a) Minimum lot area: 20,000 square feet, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and is located on a lot of less than 20,000 square feet in area, the minimum lot area shall be the existing lot area at the time of passage of this chapter, provided that such existing lot area is a minimum of 10,000 square feet.

(b) Minimum lot width: 100 feet, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and is located on a lot of less than 100 feet in width, the minimum lot width shall be the existing lot width at the time of passage of this chapter, provided that such existing lot width is a minimum of 50 feet.

(c) Minimum lot depth: 150 feet, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and is located on a lot of less than 150 feet in depth, the minimum lot depth shall be the existing lot depth at the time of passage of this chapter, provided that such existing lot depth is a minimum of 75 feet.

(d) Minimum lot frontage: 100 feet, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and is located on a lot of less than 100 feet in frontage, the minimum lot frontage shall be the existing lot frontage at the time of passage of this chapter, provided that such existing lot frontage is a minimum of 50 feet.

(e) Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet, except as follows:

[1] New buildings may be constructed at the average of the front yard setbacks of all existing buildings located within 200 feet of the lot on the same side of the street and within the same block.

[2] Where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and has a front yard setback of less than 25 feet, the minimum front yard setback shall be the existing front yard setback at the time of passage of this chapter.

(f) Minimum side yard setback: 20 feet, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and has a side yard setback of less than 20 feet, the minimum side yard setback shall be the existing side yard setback at the time of passage of this chapter.

(g) Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet for principal buildings and 35 feet for accessory buildings, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and has a rear yard setback of less than 50 feet for a principal building, the minimum rear yard setback for the principal building shall be the existing rear yard setback at the time of passage of this chapter.

(h) Maximum building height: 35 feet for principal buildings and 15 feet for accessory buildings.

(i) Maximum lot coverage: 30%, except that where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses and has a lot coverage greater than 30%, the maximum lot coverage shall be the existing lot coverage at the time of passage of this chapter.

(j) Minimum open space: 20%.

(k) Minimum gross habitable floor area:

[1] Efficiency apartment: 650 square feet.

[2] One-bedroom apartment: 750 square feet.

(4) Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the conditional use procedure as outlined in Article IV of this chapter.

(a) Public utilities.

(5) Modification of regulations for existing buildings. Where an existing building is to be utilized for a permitted use or uses, the following modification of regulations shall apply:

(a) The required number of off-street parking spaces for permitted uses shall be not less than 1/2 the required number of off-street parking spaces specified in § 220-97F of this chapter.

(b) There shall be provided one off-street parking space for each efficiency and one-bedroom apartment unit.

(6) Other provisions.

(a) The storage of flammable liquids and gases shall not be permitted above ground, except that where such liquids and gases are used as a heating fuel, they may be stored within the building in accordance with the Township's Fire Prevention Code.

(b) All rubbish and garbage and waste materials shall be stored in metal or plastic containers securely fastened with metal or plastic covers. Containers may be stored in a building, in the rear yard or in a side yard if properly screened from view.

(c) Where the property line of a proposed commercial lot abuts a residential zone or use, a buffer area shall be established, which shall include an area of land 30 feet in width as measured from said property line. For the purpose of establishing a building setback line along the buffer area, all side and rear yard lines shall be increased by a depth of 30 feet. The buffer screen shall meet the standards set forth in § 220-100. [Amended 3-16-1989 by Ord. No. 6-89]

(d) All parcels of land shown on the Tax Map of the Township of Marlboro as of the date of the adoption of this chapter within the C-1 Village Commercial Zone shall be deemed to be conforming parcels as to all area and setback regulations; provided, however, the owner shall not be permitted to obtain a building permit until a site plan for the proposed construction shall be submitted to the Planning Board and approved by said Board. The Planning Board shall review any such site plan submitted within the C-1 Village Commercial Zone under the general village commercial concept as provided in this chapter.

§ 220-82 OPT-1 Office Professional Transitional District-1.

[Added 11-29-1990 by Ord. No. 56-90]

The following regulations shall apply in the OPT-1 District:

A. Permitted uses.

(1) Single-family residences as existing at the time of passage of this section.

(2) Professional offices, including:

(a) Attorneys and counselors-at-law.

(b) Accountants and certified public accountants.

(c) Architects.

(d) Chiropodists and chiropractors.

(e) Dentists.

(f) Medical doctors.

(g) Real estate brokers.

(h) Engineers, land surveyors and planners.

(i) Insurance brokers.

(j) Stockbrokers.

(k) Optometrists, oculists and osteopaths.

(l) Psychologists.

(m) Marriage counselors licensed by the State of New Jersey.

(n) Other similar professional offices.

B. Permitted accessory uses.

(1) Customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

C. Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter.

D. Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter.

(1) Public utilities.

E. Signs are regulated as per § 220-99 of this chapter.

F. Fences are subject to the provisions of § 220-95 of this chapter.

G. Parking is regulated as per § 220-97 of this chapter.

H. Buffer requirements.

(1) There shall be provided a ten-foot landscaped buffer to any adjacent existing residential property. Said buffer to be landscaped to the satisfaction of the approving agency.

I. Other provisions.

(1) No outside storage or display of material shall be permitted.

(2) Parking shall be set back 10 feet from the right-of-way. Said 10 feet shall be properly landscaped as required by the approving agency.

§ 220-83 OPT-2 Office Professional Transitional District-2.

[Added 11-29-1990 by Ord. No. 56-90]

The following regulations shall apply in the OPT-2 District:

A. Permitted uses.

(1) Single-family residences as existing at the time of passage of this section.

(2) Professional offices, including:

(a) Attorneys and counselors-at-law.

(b) Accountants and certified public accountants.

(c) Architects.

(d) Chiropodists and chiropractors.

(e) Dentists.

(f) Medical doctors.

(g) Real estate brokers.

(h) Engineers and land surveyors.

(i) Insurance brokers.

(j) Stockbrokers.

(k) Optometrists, oculists and osteopaths.

(l) Psychologists.

(m) Marriage counselors licensed by the State of New Jersey.

(n) Other similar professional offices.

(o) Executive offices, where no product will be displayed for sale.

(3) Limited commercial service facilities:

(a) Hairdresser.

(b) Boutiques.

(c) Art supplies.

B. Customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

C. Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter.

D. Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter.

(1) Pet shops.

(2) Public utilities.

E. Signs are regulated as per § 220-99 of this chapter.

F. Fences are subject to the provisions of § 220-95 of this chapter.

G. Parking is regulated as per § 220-97 of this chapter.

H. Buffer requirements.

(1) There shall be provided a ten-foot landscaped buffer to any adjacent existing residential property. Said buffer to be landscaped to the satisfaction of the approving agency.

I. Other provisions.

(1) No outdoor storage or display of material shall be permitted.

(2) Parking shall be set back 10 feet from the right-of-way. Said 10 feet shall be properly landscaped as required by the approving agency.