§ 220-78 SCPR Stream Corridor Preservation Residential District.
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[Added 9-9-1993 by Ord. No. 44-93] | |||||||
The following regulations shall apply in the SCPR District: | |||||||
A. Permitted uses.
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(1) Single-family dwellings in a cluster development as defined in Subsection A(4) of this section, provided that public water supply and a sanitary sewerage collection system is provided and connected to an existing regional wastewater treatment plant and the affordable housing criteria described in Subsection A(6) are complied with.
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(2) Single-family dwellings in a noncluster development as defined in Subsection A(5) of this section, whether or not the tract of land in question meets the minimum size requirements provided in such subsection.
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(3) Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, provided that such buildings are removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.
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(4) Cluster development shall be in accordance with the following standards and the cluster provisions of § 220-41, where such provisions are consistent with this section:
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(a) The minimum size of a tract or parcel of land proposed for development under the cluster development provisions of this section shall be 25 acres.
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(b) The maximum number of residential building lots for each cluster development shall be computed on the basis of 0.8 lot per gross acre (0.8 x gross acres = number of permitted lots). If this calculation results in a remaining fraction of a lot, the fraction shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
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(c) Land area equal to a minimum of 40% of the gross area of the proposed development shall not be included in lots but shall be either offered to the Township of Marlboro for greenways or open space as part of the municipal zone and to be used in furtherance of the best interests of the Township, which may include outdoor recreation facilities; or be set aside as common property and maintained by a homeowners' association. Land utilized for street rights-of-way shall not be included as part of the above 40%.
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(d) At least 10% or a minimum of 10 acres of the land area set aside as open space or common property shall be suitable for development for active recreation purposes. At least five acres of these lands shall not be linear and shall be contained in a contiguous parcel with minimum dimensions of 400 feet by 400 feet.
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(e) Greenways shall be provided so that no residential lot line lies within 100 feet of the top of the bank of a stream or other body of water or within 100 feet of a freshwater wetland boundary line as approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE) in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7Aj. Wherever possible, such greenways shall be increased to 150 feet in width. Greenway averaging may be utilized when necessary to accommodate irregularities in wetland boundaries so long as the total area in square feet within the greenway is not reduced. The minimum greenway width used in a greenway averaging plan shall be 50 feet. All greenway averaging plans shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The area contained within the above greenway buffers shall be considered to be part of the 40% of the land area preserved. In no case, however, shall there be a greenway less than 100 feet in width between a residential lot line and the top of a perennial stream bank.
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(f) Bermed and landscaped buffers 100 feet in width shall be provided between any residential lot line and any tract boundary with an industrial or commercial zone district or railroad right-of-way.
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(g) The minimum lot requirements for a cluster development shall be:
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[1] Lot size: 25,000 square feet.
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[2] Street frontage: 125 feet for interior lots and 150 feet for corner lots.
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[3] Lot width: 125 feet for interior lots and 150 feet for corner lots.
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[4] Lot depth: 150 feet.
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[5] Principal building front yard: 40 feet.
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