(Subsection 22-9.3)

22-9.4 Off-Street Loading.

a. For every building, structure or part thereof having over ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross floor area erected and occupied for any use other than residential, there shall be provided at least one (1) truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than twelve (12') feet in width, thirty-five (35') feet in length and with a minimum vertical clearance of fourteen (14') feet. Buildings that contain in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross floor area shall be required to provide additional off-street loading spaces as determined by the Municipal Agency during site plan review.

b. Access to truck standing, loading and unloading areas shall not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicle.

c. Unless otherwise permitted, fire zones shall not be used as standing, loading or unloading areas.

d. Loading areas, as required under this subsection, shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking spaces.

e. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall conform, as applicable, to all design and locational standards set forth for off-street parking. (Ord. #1045, §9.4)

22-9.5 Water Supply.

a. Water Supply System.

1. All installations shall be properly connected with the Keansburg Municipal Utilities Authority water system, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

2. The water supply system shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow based on complete development.

3. Fire protection shall be furnished for any development connection to the municipal water supply system.

4. Minimum fire flows shall be based on recommendations by the American Insurance Association and the National Board of Fire Underwriters, as indicated in Exhibits 4 and 5.

5. The water system shall be designed to carry peak-hour flows and be capable of delivering the peak hourly demands indicated in Exhibit 5.

6. For developments of one and two (2) family dwellings, not exceeding two (2) stories in height, the short method indicated in Exhibit 6 may be used.

b. System Design and Placement. System design and placement shall comply with the specifications of the Keansburg Municipal Utilities Authority.

c. Fire Hydrants.

1. Hydrants shall be spaced to provide necessary fire flow, and the average area per hydrant typically should not exceed one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) square feet. In addition, hydrants shall be spaced so that each residence shall be within five hundred (500') feet of a hydrant.

2. A hydrant shall be located at all low points and at all high points with adequate means of drainage provided.

3. Hydrants shall be located at the end of lines, and valves of full line size shall be provided after hydrants tees at the ends of all dead lines and lines which may be extended in the future.

4. Size, type, and installation of hydrants shall conform to the specifications as set forth in the construction specifications.


(Subsection 22-9.5)

*GPM = gallons per minute


(Subsection 22-9.5)