22-8.1 Purpose.

The purpose of good subdivision and site design is to create a functional and attractive development, to minimize adverse impacts, and to ensure that a project will be an asset to a community.

This section presents design guidelines and standards which are differentiated as follows: Design guidelines (sub-section 22-8.2) provide a framework for sound planning; de-sign standards set forth specific improvement requirements.

The developer shall only be permitted to build the maximum density, intensity of development, and floor area ratio permitted by the zone district requirements schedule where it is demonstrated that the development adheres to all applicable ordinances, including the design standards and guidelines set forth herein and creates no exceptional adverse impact.

The purpose of the guidelines and standards is to ensure that the design of new development gives appropriate consideration to the scale and character of the existing neighborhood in which a development is to be located. (Ord. #1045, §8.1)

22-8.2 Design Guidelines.

In project design and in reviewing project applications, the following principles of subdivision and site design shall apply:

a. Data Gathering and Site Analysis.

1. Assess site characteristics, such as general site context and surrounding land uses; geology and soil; topography; climate; ecology; existing vegetation, structures, and road networks; visual features; and past and present use of the site.

b. Subdivision and Site Design.

1. Base the design of the development on the site analysis. Locate development to the maximum ex-tent practical to preserve the natural features of the site, to preserve areas of environmental sensitivity, and to minimize negative impacts and alteration of natural features and to create an appropriate design relationship to surrounding uses.

2. New buildings should strengthen particular de-sign features of the area by, for example, framing views, enclosing open space, or continuing particular design features or statements.

3. The height and bulk of new buildings should be compatible with the planned scape of surrounding development. (Ord. #1045, §8.2)

22-8.3 Design Standards-General Site Design.

a. In subdivision and site design, the following areas shall be preserved:

1. Wetlands [as defined in Sec. 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 and delineated on wetlands maps prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and/or N.J.A.C. 7:7A, the New Jersey Freshwater Protection Act Rules, field verified by an on-site inspection];

2. Significant trees, [defined as the largest known individual trees of each species in New Jersey as listed by the New Jersey Department of Environ-mental Protection (NJDEP) Bureau of Forestry; large trees approaching the diameter of the known largest tree; and/or species that are rare to that area or of particular horticultural or landscape value];

3. Lands identified as floodways or "V" Zones on the current Borough Flood Insurance Rate Map;

4. Steep slopes [in excess of fifteen (15%) percent as measured over a ten (10') foot interval unless appropriate engineering measures concerning slope stability, erosion, and resident safety are taken];

5. Habitats of endangered wildlife [as identified on Federal or State lists]; and

6. Historically significant structures and sites [as listed on the Federal or New Jersey list of historic places or the Keansburg Master Plan].

b. Residential lots shall front on local streets.

c. Every lot shall have access to it that is sufficient to afford a reasonable means of ingress and egress for emergency vehicles as well as for all those likely to need or desire access to the property in its intended use.

d. The road system for residential subdivisions shall be designed to serve the needs of the neighborhood and to discourage use by through traffic.

e. To the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization of land, site design shall promote the conservation of energy through the use of planning practices designed to reduce energy consumption and to provide for maximum utilization of renewable energy sources.

f. Every lot shall be suitable for its intended use and shall contain a developable area which shall not be less than eighty (80%) percent of the minimum required lot area of the applicable zone district or five thousand (5,000) square feet whichever is greater. The developable lot area shall be calculated by subtracting from the total lot area those portions of the lot which contain any of the following features: Wetlands, steep slopes with a gradient of fifteen (15%) percent or greater, and easements. (Ord. #1045, §8.3)

22-8.4 Building Design Standards.

a. General. In all developments, the following regulations shall apply:

1. All buildings shall be located with proper consideration of their orientation and relationship to other buildings, both existing and proposed in terms of light, air and usable open space, access to public right-of-way and off-street parking; height and bulk; drainage and existing topography; trees and vegetation; and other natural features and land forms.

2. Groups of related buildings shall be designed to present a harmonious appearance in terms of architectural style and exterior materials.

3. Buildings shall be designed to be attractive from all vantage points, including fences, storage areas and rear entrances.

4. Buildings shall provide an interesting interplay of buildings and open spaces.

5. Accessory buildings should be architecturally treated in the same manner as principal buildings.

6. All exterior storage areas and service yards, loading docks and ramps, electrical and mechanical equipment and enclosures, storage tanks and the like, shall be screened from the public view, within and from the outside of the development, by a fence, wall or mature landscape materials, compatible with the exterior design of building within the development.

7. Colors, materials and finishes shall be coordinated in all exterior elevations of buildings to achieve continuity of expression. All roof and wall projections such as gutters, flues, louvers, utility boxes, vents, grills, downspouts, exposed flashing, overhead doors, shall be painted or installed with an anodized or acrylic finish, in a color to match adjacent surfaces.

8. All openings in the wall of a building such as windows and doors should relate to each other on each elevation, vertically and horizontally, in a clearly defined order; and should take into account orientation to the sun for sun-shading and consideration of the efficiencies of heat loss and gain through such openings.

9. Buildings and parking areas should be designed to relate to existing grade conditions. Exposed basement walls are not acceptable as an architectural treatment. All exposed basement walls must be treated to relate properly to the design of the building.

10. Appurtenances such as, but not limited to, tanks, condenser units and other equipment shall be fully screened from view. Such appurtenances and their screening plus chimneys, cupolas and other items which extend above the roof line shall not exceed fifteen (15%) percent of the horizontal area of the first floor unless the highest such item shall be used to measure building height.

11. All buildings shall be setback at least ten (10') feet from the cartway of a public street. Building design and site arrangements shall allow for public pedestrian access and sidewalks within this area unless sidewalks and pedestrian circulation are provided for within the adjoining right-of-way of the public street. Where the required front yard setback for the zone is greater, the zone regulations shall take precedence.

b. Multi-Family Development. For all multi-family residential developments, the following building design standards shall apply.

1. Buildings shall be designed to avoid long straight, unbroken lines. No principal building when viewed from any elevation shall be greater than one hundred seventy-five (175') feet in length. Buildings shall have no more than two (2) dwelling units in a line without setbacks or breaks in building elevations of at least six (6') feet. Attached single family dwelling units and townhouses shall have not less than four (4) and no more than eight (8) dwelling units in a continuous building.

2. Rear yards, for ground floor units, where provided, shall be screened to provide visual privacy.

3. Easy access to outdoor space and parking from all residential units should be provided.

4. The minimum distance between principal buildings shall be as follows:

(a) Fifteen (15') feet where neither of the facing walls has windows.

(b) Twenty (20') feet where only one (1) of the facing walls has windows.

(c) Thirty-five (35') feet where both of the facing walls have windows.

5. Courtyards. Courtyards bounded on three (3) or more sides by wings of the same building shall have a minimum court width of two (2') feet for each one (1') foot in height of the tallest building or building wing.

6. Garages and/or carports, when not attached to a principal building, shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25') feet to a facing wall of a principal building containing windows, nor closer than fifteen (15') feet to a facing wall of a principal building which does not contain windows.

7. A screened area or areas for storage of refuse and recyclables shall be located and arranged for ease of access and collection.

8. Minimum Gross Floor Area Requirements:

(a) Efficiency Units: 750 square feet.

(b) One Bedroom Units: 900 square feet.

(c) Two Bedroom Units: 1,000 square feet.

(d) Three Bedroom Units: 1,250 square feet.

9. Bedroom Mix. All rooms, exclusive of living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, which contain seventy (70) square feet or more of floor area, shall be considered bedrooms. If a dining room is not directly accessible from and adjacent to both the kitchen and living room, it shall also be considered a bedroom.

Except for residential redevelopments permitted pursuant to subsection 22-6.9, no multi-family dwelling unit shall contain more than three (3) bedrooms. Not more than fifteen (15%) percent of the dwellings in a multi-family development shall be three (3) bedroom units and not more than eighty (80%) percent of the dwelling units shall contain more than one bedroom.

c. Commercial and Industrial Development. For commercial and industrial developments, the following building design standards shall apply:

1. Exterior materials shall include appropriate texture and trim to prevent large undifferential facades of the same material.

2. All roof planes or caps meeting the exterior facade shall have overhangs or appropriate cornice and trim details.

3. All major entrances to buildings shall be properly identified with architectural elements such as recessed entranceways, projected overhangs, and porticos.

4. Flat roof canopies on metal pipe columns shall not be used on commercial buildings.

5. Window and door openings shall include appropriate trim and either recesses or overhangs to promote a harmonious variety of light and shade on the facade of the building.

6. Buildings and structures used for functional purposes, such as warehouses, indoor sports facilities and manufacturing facilities, shall include appropriate landscaping adjacent to facades in the public view. (Ord. #1045, §8.4)

22-8.5 Design Standards - Landscaping.

a. Purpose.

1. Landscaping shall be provided as part of site plan and subdivision design. It shall be conceived in a total pattern throughout the site, integrating the various elements of site design, preserving and enhancing the particular identity of the site and creating a pleasing site character.

2. Landscaping may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, ground cover, perennial, and annuals and other materials such as rocks, water, sculpture, art, walls, fences, and building and paving materials.

b. Landscaping Plan. A landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect shall be submitted with each subdivision or site plan application, unless an exception is granted pursuant to Section 22-3, of this Chapter. The plan shall identify existing and proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover, natural features and other landscaping elements. The plan should show where they are or will be located and planting and/or construction details. When existing natural growth is proposed to remain, applicant shall include in the plans proposed methods to protect existing trees and growth during and after construction.

c. Site Protection and General Planting Requirements.

1. Topsoil Preservation. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all regraded surfaces. At least four (4") inches of even cover to all disturbed areas of the development and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.

2. Removal of Debris. All stumps and other tree parts, litter, brush, weeds, excess or scrap building materials, or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with the law. No tree stumps, portions of tree trunks or limbs shall be buried anywhere in the development. All dead or dying trees, standing or fallen, shall be removed from the site. If trees and limbs are reduced to chips, they may, subject to approval of the Municipal Engineer, be used as mulch in landscaped areas. A developer shall be exempt from these provisions, however, and shall be permitted to dispose of site-generated new construction wastes on-site as long as the conditions set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:26-1.7 are met.

3. Protection of Existing Plantings. Maximum effort should be made to save fine specimens (because of size or relative rarity). No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within four (4') feet of shrubs or ten (10') feet of trees designated to be retained on the preliminary and/or final plat. Protective barriers or tree wells shall be installed around each plant and/or group of plants that are to remain on the site. Barriers shall not be supported by the plants they are protecting, but shall be self-supporting. They shall be a minimum of four (4') feet high and constructed of a durable material that will last until construction is completed. Snow fences and silt fences are examples of acceptable barriers.

4. Slope Plantings. Landscaping of the area of all cuts and fills and/or terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion, and all roadway slopes steeper than one (1') foot vertically to three (3') feet horizontally shall be planted with ground covers appropriate for the purpose and soil conditions, water availability, and environment.

5. Additional Landscaping. In residential developments, besides the screening and street trees required, additional plantings or landscaping elements shall be required throughout the subdivision where necessary for climate control, privacy, or for aesthetic reasons in accordance with a planting plan approved by the Municipal Agency. In nonresidential developments, all areas of the site not occupied by building and required improvements shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover, shrubs, and trees as part of a site plan approved by the Planning Board.

At a minimum, the equivalent of at least two (2) shrubs and one shade or ornamental tree of two and one half (2 1/2") inch caliper or greater shall be provided for each fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of area of a residential development not covered by buildings or improvements and for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of nonresidential development. Existing healthy specimen trees may be included in satisfying these requirements. These plantings shall be in addition to any other landscaping requirements including landscaping of off-street parking areas and buffer areas.

6. Planting Specifications. Deciduous trees shall have at least a two (2") inch caliper at planting. Size of evergreens and shrubs shall be allowed to vary depending on setting and type of shrub. Only nursery-grown plant materials shall be accept-able; and all trees, shrubs, and ground covers shall be planted according to accepted horticultural standards. Dead or dying plants shall be replaced by the developer during the following planting season.

7. Plant Species. The plant species selected should be hardy for the particular climatic zone in which the development is located and appropriate in terms of function and size.

d. Street Trees.

1. Location. Street trees shall be installed on both sides of all streets in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Trees shall either be massed at critical points or spaced evenly along the street, or both.

If a street canopy effect is desired, trees may be planted closer together, following the recommendations of a certified landscape architect. The trees shall be planted so as not to interfere with utilities, roadways, sidewalks, sight easements, or street lights. Tree location, landscaping design, and spacing plan shall be approved by the Planning Board as part of the landscape plan.

2. Tree Type. Tree type may vary depending on overall effect desired, but as a general rule, all trees shall be the same kind on a street except to achieve special effects. Selection of tree type shall be approved by the Planning Board.

3. Planting Specifications. All trees shall have a caliper of two (2") inches and they shall be nursery grown, of substantially uniform size and shape, and have straight trunks. Trees shall be properly planted and staked and provision made by the applicant for regular watering and maintenance until they are established. Dead or dying trees shall be replaced by the applicant during the next planting season.

e. Buffering and Screening.

1. Function and Materials. Buffering shall provide a year-round visual screen in order to minimize adverse impacts from a site on an adjacent property or from adjacent areas. It may consist of fencing, evergreens, berms, rocks, boulders, mounds, or combinations to achieve the stated objectives.

2. When Required. Buffering shall be required when topographical or other barriers do not pro-vide reasonable screening and when the Municipal Agency determines that there is a need to shield the site from adjacent properties and to minimize adverse impacts such as incompatible land uses, noise, glaring light, and traffic. In small-lot developments, when building design and siding do not provide privacy, the Planning Board may require landscaping, fences, or walls to ensure privacy and screen dwelling units.

Where required, buffers shall be measured from side and rear property lines, excluding access driveways.

(a) Where more-intensive land uses abut less-intensive uses, a buffer strip twenty-five (25') feet wide but not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the lot area shall be required. Where a twenty-five (25') foot wide buffer is infeasible because of established development patterns, the board may consider alter-native designs that would create an effective buffer.

(b) In addition to any buffer required, parking areas, garbage collection and utility areas, and loading and unloading areas should be screened around their perimeter by a strip a minimum five (5') feet wide. This screening may be omitted when such areas abut the required buffer strip.

(c) Where residential subdivision about higher-order streets (collectors or arterials), adjacent lots should front on lower-order streets, and a landscaped buffer area provided along the property line abutting the road. The buffer strip shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25') to thirty-five (35') feet, but not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the lot area and wide or wider where necessary for the health and safety of the residents, and include both trees and shrubs.

3. Design. Arrangement of planting in buffers shall provide maximum protection to adjacent properties and avoid damage to existing plant material. Possible arrangements include planting in parallel, serpentine, or broken rows. If planted berms are used, the minimum top width shall be four (4') feet, and the maximum side slope shall be two to one (2:1).

4. Planting Specifications. Plant materials shall be sufficiently large and planted in such a fashion that a screen at least eight (8') feet in height shall be produced within three (3) growing seasons. All plantings shall be installed according to accepted horticultural standards.

5. Maintenance. Plantings shall be watered regularly and in a manner appropriate for the specific plant species through the first growing season, and dead or dying plants shall be replaced by the applicant during the next planting season. No buildings, structures, storage of materials, or parking shall be permitted within the buffer area; buffer areas shall be maintained and kept free of all debris, rubbish, weeds, and tall grass.

f. Parking Lot Landscaping.

1. Amount Required. In parking lots, at least five (5%) percent of the interior parking area shall be landscaped with plantings, and one (1) tree for each ten (10) spaces shall be installed. Parking lot street frontage screening and perimeter screening shall be a minimum of five (5') feet wide. Planting required within the parking lot is exclusive of other planting requirements, such as for street trees.

2. Location. The landscaping should be located in protected areas, such as along walkways, in center islands, at the end of bays, or in diamonds between parking stalls. All landscaping in parking areas and on the street parking lot is exclusive of other planting requirements, such as for street trees.

3. Plant Type. A mixture of hardy flowering and/or decorative evergreen and deciduous trees may be planted; the area between trees shall be planted with shrubs or ground cover or covered with mulch.

g. Paving Materials and Walls and Fences.

1. Paving Materials. Design and choice of paving materials used in pedestrian areas shall consider the following factors; cost, maintenance, use, climate, characteristics of users, appearance, availability with surroundings, decorative quality, and aesthetic appeal. Acceptable materials shall include, but are not limited to, concrete, brick, cement pavers, asphalt and stone.

2. Walls and fences shall be erected where required for privacy, screening, separation, security, or to serve other necessary functions.

(a) Design and materials shall be functional, they shall complement the character of the site and type of building, and they shall be suited to the nature of the project.

(b) No fence or wall shall be so constructed or installed so as to constitute a hazard to traffic or safety.

h. Street Furniture.

1. Street furniture such as, but not limited to, trash receptacles, benches, phone booths, etc., shall be located and sized in accordance with their functional needs.

2. Street furniture elements shall be compatible in form, material, and finish. Style shall be coordinated with that of the existing or proposed site architecture.

3. Selection of street furniture shall consider durability, maintenance, and long-term cost. (Ord. #1045, §8.5)