Article IX: Design Requirements

§ 102-88 Bikeways.

A. In all developments subject to § 102-77C or the cluster development provisions of this chapter, the approving authority may, depending on the probable volume of bicycle traffic, the development's location in relation to other populated areas, its location with respect to any overall bike route plans for the Township and county, public safety considerations and overall feasibility and practicality, require paved bikepaths within the seventy-five-foot-wide dedicated land strip along existing streets.

B. Bikepaths should be 6 1/2 feet wide, shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for light traffic parking areas covered in these regulations, shall have the same maximum grade requirements as is applicable to the street paralleled and shall be equipped with suitable regulatory signs, and where bikepaths intersect streets, the curbing shall be ramped for bicycle access to the street grade.

§ 102-89 Blocks.

A. Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required in the zoning district by the zoning provisions of this chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation control and safety of street traffic.

B. In blocks over 1,000 feet long, pedestrian crosswalks between parallel streets may be required in locations deemed necessary by the Planning Board. Such walkway dedications shall be 10 feet wide, shall be straight from street to street and shall contain a hard-surface sidewalk.

C. Block size shall be sufficient to meet all area and yard requirements for such use.

§ 102-90 Buffers.

Along all business and light industrial zone lot lines where said lot lines are within the buffer width required from the zone line for the zone in which the lot is located and/or where the center line of an abutting street is the zone line, buffers are required except as noted in Subsection E below. Buffer requirements for the A-4 Mixed Housing District are covered in § 102-85. Buffer areas shall comply with the following standards:

A. The buffer area shall be located in the district which requires it and shall be measured from the district boundary line or from the near street line where that street center line serves as the district boundary line. The minimum buffer width provided shall be 10 feet.

B. Buffer areas shall be maintained and kept clean of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass by the owner or his or her agents.

C. No structure, activity, storage of materials or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in the buffer area, except for access drives from public streets and directional and safety signs per each direction of traffic per access drive.

D. Buffer widths shall be established in each zoning district. The buffer area shall be planted and maintained with grass or ground cover, massed evergreens and deciduous trees and shrubs of such species and size as will produce, within two growing seasons, a screen at least four feet in height and of such density as will obscure, throughout the full course of the year, all of the glare of automobile headlights emitted from the premises.

(1) Screen planting shall be maintained permanently by the owner or his or her agents, and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced within six months.

(2) The screen planting shall be so placed that at maturity it will be not closer than three feet to any street or property line.

(3) A clear sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and at all points where private accessways intersect public streets. Private accessways shall maintain a sight triangle by having no planting, grading, dirt or structures higher than 2 1/2 feet above the street center line located within the sight triangle.

(4) The screen planting shall be broken only at points of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress.

(5) This landscaping is in addition to any other landscaping required in this chapter. Landscaping plans shall be drawn, signed and sealed by a licensed landscape architect.

E. No screen planting shall be required along streets which form district boundary lines, provided that only the front of any proposed building shall be visible from the adjacent residential districts.

§ 102-91 Cluster development.

[Amended 3-14-2001]

A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide a method of development of residential land in the A-1 District which will preserve desirable open spaces, conservation areas, floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands and park areas for public purposes by permitting the reduction of lot sizes and certain other regulations, hereinafter stated, without increasing the number of lots in the total area to be subdivided.

B. Standards. Cluster developments may be applied in accordance with the provisions of this subsection if the Planning Board finds that the proposed development fulfills each the following criteria and is therefore eligible for the cluster development option. The requisite criteria for the cluster development option are as follows:

(1) The minimum size of a tract or parcel of land proposed for development under the cluster development provisions of this chapter shall be 10 acres.

(2) The maximum number of residential building lots for each cluster development shall first be computed on the basis of a lot yield plan of a standard subdivision in accordance with all provisions of Chapter 102 and which includes delineated wetlands, wetlands buffers and floodplains. The number of conforming approvable lots in the conventional subdivision design shall then be counted and the development may be redesigned using the cluster development regulations so that the same number of lots is created. If there is any question to the suitability of any lot, and hence the number of lots in the cluster development, the final number of lots will be based on an approved preliminary plat using the standard subdivision design.

(3) Land area equal to a minimum of 40% of the gross area of the proposed development shall not be included in lots, but shall be either offered to the Township of Colts Neck for conservation, open space, wetland and/or floodplain areas, for public purposes or set aside as common property and maintained by a homeowners' association as set forth in Part 4. Land utilized for street rights-of-way may be included as part of the above 40%. All streets within the development shall be offered to the Township.

(4) Minimum lot requirements. The minimum lot requirements for a cluster development shall be as follows:

(a) Lot size: 55,000 square feet.

(b) Street frontage: 200 feet, except that a minimum frontage of 150 feet may be allowed on lots where 75% or more of the frontage is on an outside curve having a radius of less than 500 feet, provided that the resulting subdivision conforms to good subdivision design practices.

(c) Lot width: 200 feet; lot depth: 200 feet.

(d) Main building front yard: 75 feet; accessory building or structure front yard: 100 feet. [Amended 10-14-2009]

(e) Main building side yard: 40 feet; accessory building or structure side yard: 40 feet.

(f) Main building rear yard: 50 feet; accessory building or structure rear yard: 40 feet; however, in those cases where the full length of the rear and/or side lot line is contiguous to a Township-owned greenway of at least 50 feet in depth and no portion of said rear or side line is within a perpendicular distance of 150 feet of a Township street right-of-way, an accessory building or structure may be located within 15 feet of the rear and/or side lot line meeting the aforementioned requirements.

(g) If a rear or side line setback of less than 40 feet is utilized, suitable landscaping shall be provided to shield the structure from the rear, and side lot lines direction and drainage shall be controlled so as not to cause flooding or erosion of adjacent property. Under these conditions, the minimum required rear and side line setback requirements of Subsection B in § 102-73, Sight triangle, fences and walls, shall be 15 feet. See § 102-73 for additional restrictions.

(5) Maximum principal building coverage requirements. The maximum principal building coverage requirements for cluster developments are as follows: [Amended 10-30-2002]

(a) One-story: 9%.

(b) Two-story: 6%.

(6) The lands offered to the Township shall meet the following requirements:

(a) The minimum size of each parcel so dedicated shall be four acres. This requirement may be waived if the approving authority determines that by doing so, in particular case, the Township's best interest would be served.

(b) Every parcel of land so dedicated on a subdivision plat of a cluster development shall be titled "greenway" and shall be conveyed to the Township, free of any liens of any nature, at the time final approval is granted by the Township to the final subdivision plat and, each parcel so dedicated shall have the following wording written on the plat "Lands dedicated to the Township of Colts Neck for conservation, open space, wetlands and floodplains under the cluster development provisions of the Chapter 102, Development Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck."

(c) The basic requirement is to have the greenway be contiguous to the rear and, where applicable, side lines of all lots in the cluster subdivision. However, the Board may waive this requirement in part and alternatively require that a maximum of 50% of the lots have rear or applicable side lot lines bounded by a fifty-foot-wide conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easement or landscaping easement which shall be marked, monumented and landscaped in the same manner as dedicated lands, if the Board finds that it may be impracticable or undesirable to have all lots abut a greenway. The lands subject to such an easement for this specific purpose may be used to fulfill the greenway dedication requirement; however, the fact that more lots can be obtained in a tract is not sufficient justification to allow alternative easement dedication. In these cases, setbacks shall be measured from the easement line and such setbacks shall be shown on the plats.

(d) To be acceptable, the lands offered for greenways shall preserve substantial mature wooded areas, areas of steep slopes, drainageways, stream beds and banks, ponds and banks, wetlands and floodplains and/or otherwise shall preserve substantial desired natural features, scenic views or areas of conservation or environmental importance, as well as provide buffers between homes, developments and streets. The developer may be required to plant shrubs and trees or make other similar landscaping improvements in order to provide an all-season buffer for adjacent properties and homes to the extent practicable and to qualify open land for acceptance by the Township.

(e) The greenway dedication shall be subject to acceptance and approval by the Township approving authority. The authority, in its review and evaluation of the suitability of such land, shall be guided by the Master Plan of the Township of Colts Neck and the following criteria:

[1] All greenway dedications shall be immediately adjacent to existing greenway lots or public lands owned by the federal, state, county or local government; or be immediately adjacent to underdeveloped properties that could be further subdivided pursuant to the cluster option and would interconnect the greenway lots.

[2] Greenway dedications should include areas of steep slopes, freshwater wetlands, mature woodlands, floodplains or other natural feature, such as scenic views.

[3] All greenway dedications shall not result in a narrow band of land, less than 50 feet in width, which will have limited utility for screening the development, preserving natural features, and serving as open space or wildlife corridors.

[4] The Board may require the greenway dedications to interconnect existing developments with pedestrian, bicycle or equestrian trails.

(f) The proposed roads within the cluster development shall not interconnect with existing or proposed roads in a manner forming continuous or through roads.

(g) The proposed roads within the cluster development shall be designed to discourage any high-speed traffic, shall have the exclusive function of providing access to properties abutting the road and shall follow the contours of the land to the greatest extent possible.

(h) The lands so dedicated shall be monumented at all intersections with existing and proposed street lines in the same manner as required by the Map Filing Law (N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.12, as amended). Intersection with all side and rear lot lines and at all major deflection points shall be marked with greenway-type monuments consisting of concrete posts or equivalent, as approved by the Planning Board, which are a minimum of five inches square or four inches in diameter, are set a minimum of four feet into the ground and extend above the ground a minimum of four feet and are green in color. Such monuments shall be at a maximum spacing of 600 feet. In addition, all greenway lot line boundaries shall be fenced with a wood, two-rail fence or equivalent as approved by the approving authority. Also, supplemental markers shall be installed along all greenway and aforementioned easement lines internal to the development where construction, grading or construction traffic may encroach on such areas. All of the above are to be installed prior to the issuance of any construction permits or the start of any site preparation, construction or landscaping work and are to be maintained until the maintenance bond is released.

(7) All other provisions of this chapter which are applicable to lands in the A-1 District and which have not been specifically modified in this subsection shall also apply to lands developed under this section. This includes, but is not limited to, all of those standards set forth is § 102-87, Schedule of limitations and requirements applicable to each zone, along with the notes to that schedule contained therein.

§ 102-92 Farm stands, temporary seasonal.

A. Location. Temporary seasonal farm stands must be located on a qualified owner's or operator's commercial farm which is under active, continuous farming operation and upon which 90% or more of the marketed products are raised, and the farm must meet the requirements of the Farmland Assessment Act of 1964, as amended and/or as modified herein. Permitted products from other qualified farms in Colts Neck may be sold at a stand on another qualified farm, both of which are owned or operated by the same farm stand operator.

B. Site requirements.

(1) One farm stand per farm lot is permitted. The minimum farm lot area shall be five acres.

(2) Farm stand and parking areas front setback shall be 75 feet minimum and side and rear setbacks shall be 50 feet minimum.

(3) Adequate on-site parking space shall be provided to handle a maximum customer load. No parking or standing on the street or street shoulder shall be permitted.

(4) Temporary farm stand structures shall be limited to one story and a maximum ground floor area of 600 square feet.

C. Operation interval. A temporary farm stand permit shall cover a maximum interval of nine months per calendar year or the marketing season for the product involved, whichever is shorter. Upon expiration of the permit, the temporary sales structure shall be removed from the site or located so as not to be readily visible from streets. All signs shall be removed during off-season periods.

D. Sign and traffic control.

(1) A maximum of 64 square feet of nonilluminated sign area is permitted as one double-sided sign or two single-sided signs, and sign(s) shall have a minimum front setback of 10 feet, a minimum side setback of 25 feet and a maximum height of 10 feet. The front setback may be reduced if required to give reasonable public sight distance, if public safety is not unduly impaired, as determined by the Director of Public Safety. Other sign requirements of § 102-106 apply. [Amended 7-9-2008]

(2) Traffic directional signs at the entrance/exit may be provided in addition to the 64 square feet.

(3) No trucks, trailers, wagons or similar structures displaying advertising shall be parked within 100 feet of the front lot line except during active loading/unloading operations.

(4) Seasonal decorations are permitted per § 102-106C.

(5) People in costumes located and utilized so as to attract passing vehicles on streets are considered animated signs and are not permitted.

(6) If determined to be needed for public safety by the Director of Public Safety, the applicant shall provide personnel to control and direct traffic.

(7) Hayrack rides pulled by farm tractors or farm animals may be operated on the farm, covered by the temporary farm stand permit, provided that only nominal fees may be charged and the rides are related to the marketed products at the farm stand. The nominal fees charged, if any, shall not be utilized as a means for profit, but shall be specifically related to the actual cost of operating the rides or a smaller percentage thereof. Haunted and/or rides later than one-half hour after sundown are prohibited. The location of the loading/unloading ride area and the path of the ride shall be a minimum of 100 feet from the street frontage. The objective is to minimize distractions to passing vehicle drivers. This requirement and setback requirement may be reduced if required due to special physical conditions in the immediate area and if the Director of Public Safety determines that public safety is not unduly impaired. [Amended 12-13-2006]

(8) Only one clearly defined and marked thirty-foot-wide combined entrance/exit, as measured at the street lot line, shall be allowed on each temporary farm stand street frontage.

E. Temporary farm stand permit.

(1) The Zoning Officer, after conferring with the Director of Public Safety, the Township Planner and the Construction Official, may issue such a permit. Permits shall be issued or denied within 15 days of receipt of application, unless a time extension is granted by the applicant. [Amended 11-10-1999]

(2) The application shall be completed in full and a fee shall be paid. Required supporting information shall include a plat plan of farm stand location, showing lot and block number; certification that the location is on a qualified commercial farm and that the applicant is the owner or operator of the farm and will be the operator of the farm stand: the location of parking and entrances/exits, including means for physically and clearly defining the parking area, entrances/exits and aisles; a description of the farm stand structure; the number, sizes and locations of signs; the locations of entrances and exits; entrance/exit permits for county road openings; a description and route of any free hayrides or similar use to be provided; a description and source of product(s) to be sold and the market interval and traffic and parking control measures to be provided. As applicable, above information shall be shown on a dimensioned sketch, drawn to scale. Moreover, the applicant is responsible for determining if a permit is required for New Jersey state roads. Based on initial submission, additional information may be required.

§ 102-93 Golf courses.

[Amended 11-10-1999; 9-14-2005; 6-28-2006]

A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards and requirements for golf course development in the A-1 and AG Zones. Where the standards and requirements stated in this section differ from those elsewhere in this chapter, this section shall control as applied to the specific areas of difference. All golf courses shall obtain major site plan approval.

B. Golf course, Type A, large complex.

(1) The minimum lot area shall be 200 contiguous acres.

(2) Traffic access. Direct access to an arterial road as defined in the Colts Neck Master Plan is required. This requirement may be waived in those cases where the golf course traffic would travel equal to or less than 500 feet on a lower classification of road to reach an arterial road, where no dwelling units front on this nonarterial road section and where the approving authority finds that safe and adequate traffic access to the nonarterial and arterial roads are provided.

(3) Accessory uses. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses:

(a) A maximum of three full size tennis courts.

(b) One 3,250 square feet maximum water surface swimming pool and one 325 square feet maximum water surface wading pool.

(c) One clubhouse, with a restaurant and lounge having a maximum seating of 300 seats and a maximum restaurant/lounge area open to patrons playing golf at the course on that day and their accompanying guests and members having green fee privileges and their accompanying guests, of 5,000 square feet. The aforementioned gross floor area includes exterior dinning areas such as patios and balconies having seats. The restaurant facility shall be utilized exclusively by patrons playing golf at the course on that day and their accompanying guests, members having full green fee privileges and their accompanying guests or for golf club functions such as golf outings, member family weddings, private member family parties, golf club holiday parties and golf club dances.

(d) A snack bar having a maximum area of 500 square feet open to patrons playing golf at the course, members having green fee privileges and their guests.

(e) Offices for use in conducting business associated with the operation of the golf course, locker rooms, rest rooms, shower rooms, golf training/instructional rooms and a pro shop with a maximum of 1,500 square feet of sales area. [Amended 9-9-2009]

(f) Maintenance and golf cart storage facilities.

(g) Gate houses.

(h) One midcourse refreshment stand with a maximum gross floor area of 300 square feet.

(i) Practice greens, bunkers, chipping areas and driving ranges which are an integral part of the golf course, open only to persons playing the eighteen-hole course, members and guests accompanying members.

(j) No temporary structures, such as tents, are permitted, unless approved under a special use permit.

(k) One driving range building having a maximum gross floor area of 150 square feet.

(l) A maximum of two starter buildings having a maximum gross floor area of 50 square feet each.

(4) Parking.

(a) All patrons' of the golf course, members' and their guests' and/or employees' vehicles must be parked in approved, designated, paved parking spaces, unless otherwise stated herein. Applicants shall grant the Colts Neck Township Police the right to enter the premises and enforce these parking requirements. Off-street parking requirements for the golf course and employees shall be as follows:

[1] Golf course: 170 spaces minimum, 215 maximum; plus

[2] Each tennis court: seven spaces minimum, nine spaces maximum; plus

[3] Pool complex: 17 spaces minimum, 21 spaces maximum; plus

[4] Restaurant, lounge and snack bar: 0.15 space per seat minimum, 0.20 space per seat maximum.

(b) If maximum parking is not provided, plans shall show a reserved location and layout for future expansion to provide the maximum parking allowed.

(5) Lighting and landscaped buffers.

(a) In addition to other landscaping requirements, grading, berms, placement of structures and landscaping shall be used to eliminate or at least minimize the visibility of lighting structures and parking areas from, and noise into, adjacent residential areas and streets, consistent with good design practices.

(b) In addition to other lighting requirements, lighting in and around the pool shall be limited to underwater pool lights with adjacent patio lights, using typical residential lampposts a maximum of eight feet high, with all light focused downward (i.e., no emitted light upward).

(c) Outdoor restaurant patio lighting shall be limited to table lights or residential-type floor lamps with shades or light shields, with all light focused downward.

(d) Golf courses and tennis courts, practice greens, bunkers, chipping areas and driving ranges and other outdoor accessory uses shall not be lighted.

(6) Minimum setbacks of golf course buildings and parking.

(7) Signs. Each golf course may have one double-sided or two single-sided signs located at the entrance drive, with a maximum total sign area of 50 square feet, with a maximum height of six feet and located a minimum of 100 feet from side lot lines. Signs may be part of entranceway structure having a maximum height of six feet. Signs may be externally illuminated until 10:00 p.m. in accordance with the requirements of § 102-123. Upon receipt of a special permit or approval from the Zoning Officer, signs may be illuminated until 12:00 midnight. [Amended 7-9-2008]

(8) Non-golf-related special events. [Amended 9-9-2009]

(a) Notwithstanding § 102-93B(3)(c) above, an operating eighteen-hole golf course may host a maximum of 25 times per year a non-golf-related special event. For the purpose of this section, a non-golf-related special event shall include, but not limited to, charity fund-raisers, banquet/lunches, business meetings or a member-sponsored event that does not meet the immediate family requirement of § 102-93B(3)(c). Conference centers or public restaurants are specifically prohibited as a non-golf-related special event [Amended 9-29-2010]

(b) Whether the event is held indoor or outdoors, there shall be no light, glare, noise, odor or vibrations at the property lines.

(c) At the discretion of the Township Administrator, the golf course may be required to provide qualified traffic control personnel to control traffic and parking and assure that pedestrian and vehicle circulation are handled in a safe and efficient manner.

(d) At a minimum of 14 days prior to hosting a non-golf-related special event, the golf course shall file a notice of the event with the Township Administrator. The notice shall disclose the date, time, place, duration, description of the event as well as the names, addresses and contact information of the event organizers.

(9) Hours of operation. The golf course and permitted accessory uses may operate from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. No patrons of the golf course, visitors, members and/or guests shall be permitted on the premises from 12:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.; employees may be on premises at any time. Swimming pool use shall be limited to daylight hours. Exception: on New Year's Eve the golf course and permitted accessory uses may operate from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. [Amended 9-9-2009]

C. Golf course, Type B, limited complex.

(1) The minimum lot area shall be 130 contiguous acres.

(2) Traffic access. Direct access to a primary collector or higher road classification as defined in the Colts Neck Master Plan is required.

(3) Accessory uses. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses:

(a) One clubhouse with a restaurant and lounge having a maximum seating of 185 seats and a maximum restaurant and lounge area open to patrons playing golf at the course on that day and their accompanying guests, and members having green fee privileges and their accompanying guests of 3,000 square feet. The aforementioned gross floor area includes exterior dining areas such as patios and balconies having seats. The restaurant facility shall be utilized exclusively by patrons playing golf at the course on that day and their accompanying guests, members having green fee privileges and their accompanying guests or for golf club functions such as golf outings, member family weddings, private member family parties, golf club holiday parties and golf club dances.

(b) One snack bar open to patrons playing golf at the course, members having green fee privileges and their guests, having a maximum floor area of 400 square feet.

(c) Offices for use in conducting business associated with the operations of the golf course, locker rooms, rest rooms, shower rooms, golf training and instructional rooms.

(d) One pro shop having a maximum of 1,500 square feet of sales area, either located as part of the clubhouse or as an accessory building near the first tee. [Amended 9-9-2009]

(e) One midcourse refreshment stand, having a maximum gross floor area of 300 square feet.

(f) Maintenance and golf cart storage facilities.

(g) A maximum of two starter buildings having a maximum gross floor area of 50 square feet each.

(h) Practice greens, bunkers and practice ranges which are an integral part of the course, open only to persons playing the eighteen-hole golf course, members and guests accompanying members.

(4) Parking.

(a) All patrons of the golf course, members and their guests and/or employee vehicles shall be parked in approved, designated, paved parking spaces, unless otherwise stated herein. Applicants shall grant the Colts Neck Township Police the right to enter the premises and enforce these parking requirements. Off-street parking requirements shall be as follows:

[1] Golf course and accessory uses: 170 spaces minimum, 215 spaces maximum.

[2] Restaurant, lounge and snack bar: 0.15 space per seat minimum, 0.20 space per seat maximum.

(b) If maximum parking is not provided, plans shall show a reserved location and layout for future expansion to provide the maximum parking allowed.

(5) Lighting and landscaped buffers. In addition to other landscaping and lighting requirements, grading, berms, placement of structures and landscaping shall be used to eliminate or at least minimize the visibility of lighting, structures and parking areas from, and noise into, adjacent residential areas and streets consistent with good design practices. Golf courses and practice greens, bunkers, chipping areas and driving ranges and outdoor accessory uses shall not be lighted.

(6) Minimum setbacks of golf course buildings and parking.

(7) Signs. Each golf course may have one double-sided or two single-sided externally illuminated signs located at the entrance drive, with a maximum total sign area of 50 square feet, with a maximum height of six feet and located a minimum of 100 feet from side lot lines. Signs may be part of an entranceway structure having a maximum height of six feet. [Amended 7-9-2008]

(8) Hours of operation. The golf course and permitted accessory uses may operate from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. No patrons of the golf course, visitors, members and/or guests shall be permitted on the premises from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; employees may be on premises at any time. Exception: on New Year's Eve the golf course and permitted accessory uses may operate from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

(9) Non-golf-related special events. [Added 9-9-2009]

(a) Notwithstanding § 102-93C(3)(a) above, an operating eighteen-hole golf course may host a maximum of 25 times per year a non-golf-related special event. For the purpose of this section, a non-golf-related special event shall include, but is not limited to, charity fund-raisers, banquet/luncheons, business meetings or a member-sponsored event that does not meet the immediate family requirement of § 102-93C(3)(a). Conference centers or public restaurants are specifically prohibited as a non-golf-related special event. [Amended 9-29-2010]

(b) Whether the event is held indoor or outdoors, there shall be no light, glare, noise, odor or vibrations at the property lines.

(c) At the discretion of the Township Administrator, the golf course may be required to provide qualified traffic control personnel to control traffic and parking and assure that pedestrian and vehicle circulation are handled in a safe and efficient manner.

(d) At a minimum of 14 days prior to hosting a non-golf-related special event, the golf course shall file a notice of the event with the Township Administrator. The notice shall disclose the date, time, place, duration, description of the event as well as the names, addresses and contact information of the event organizers.

D. Golf courses, Types A and B, design standards.

(1) The plans for a golf course must be prepared and certified by a member of the American Society of Golf Course Architects. The width of each hole (fairway, rough and hazards) shall be a minimum of 100 yards. No minimum width of one hole shall overlap another. All holes running along the perimeter of the golf course must have their center line a minimum of 100 yards from the edge of the golf course property. The width and center-line standard may be waived by the approving authority if it finds that each fairway has sufficient plantings, berms or angle of play to protect adjacent property owners, drivers on adjacent roads and other players from errant golf balls.

(2) Where a green is located near a road or adjacent lot and players are hitting toward the road or adjacent lot when approaching the green, the closest part of the green shall be at least 30 yards from the road or lot line, and this space must be landscaped with a double row of evergreens or sand bunkers or similar material to block errant shots.

(3) Golfers shall not be required to cross public roads to reach any part of the golf course.

(4) The golf course grading shall be consistent with a stormwater management plan designed to result in all stormwater being collected and retained on site where the ponds can provide stormwater management, flood control, water supply for irrigation purposes to reduce demands on off-tract ground and surface water supplies, aesthetic appearances and/or water hazards for golfers. This shall include off-site drainage arriving at the golf course and any associated residential development and drainage originating from any associated residential development.

(5) The application shall provide a water resource monitoring program, designed to minimize the use of off-tract surface water and groundwater resources while maximizing the use of stormwater retained on site. This plan shall provide for ground and surface water quality monitoring for nutrients, pesticides and other parameters to be determined by the approving authority.

(6) The applicant shall provide a turf management plan which is consistent with the grading and landscaping plans and shall discuss and define the use of drought-tolerant turf and landscaping material, the area to be irrigated, the required capacity of the irrigation system and the need for any water diversion permits. This plan shall also provide a proposed integrated pest management and turf management plan which defines the nature and use of the pesticides and other chemicals and fertilizers involved.

(7) All plans shall be integrated and coordinated in an effort to absorb and filter fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other nonpoint source pollutants to minimize contamination of streams and groundwater supplies. The course shall be required to have a golf course superintendent, certified by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, on staff and an ongoing site management program to monitor water use and weather conditions in conjunction with the application of fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides in order to adhere to the turf management plan and the water resources monitoring program. These plans must be part of a required environmental impact report (EIR) provided as part of the preliminary major site plan application. The EIR must include provisions for monitoring and reporting off-site water usage and the usage of fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. The monitoring and reporting data shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer on a quarterly basis and shall be referred to the Board of Health and Environmental Commission for review and recommendations.